module.exports = { "June 2020": [ "Added automatic CI/CD via Github actions" ], "January 2020": [ "Added reset buttons to all graphics", "Updated to preface to correctly describe the on-page maths", "Fixed the Catmull-Rom section because it had glaring maths errors" ], "August 2019": [ "Added a section on (plain) rational Bezier curves", "Improved the Graphic component to allow for sliders" ], "December 2018": [ "Added a section on curvature and calculating kappa.", "Added a Patreon page! Head on over to to help support this site!" ], "August 2018": [ "Added a section on finding a curve's y, if all you have is the x coordinate." ], "July 2018": [ "Rewrote the 3D normals section, implementing and explaining Rotation Minimising Frames.", "Updated the section on curve order raising/lowering, showing how to get a least-squares optimized lower order curve.", "(Finally) updated 'npm test' so that it automatically rebuilds when files are changed while the dev server is running." ], "June 2018": [ "Added a section on direct curve fitting.", "Added source links for all graphics.", "Added this \"What's new?\" section." ], "April 2017": [ "Added a section on 3d normals.", "Added live-updating for the social link buttons, so they always link to the specific section you're reading." ], "February 2017": [ "Finished rewriting the entire codebase for localization." ], "January 2016": [ "Added a section to explain the Bezier interval." ], "December 2015": [ "Set up the split repository between BezierInfo-2 as development repository, and bezierinfo as live page.", "Removed the need for client-side LaTeX parsing entirely, so the site doesn't take a full minute or more to load all the graphics." ], "May 2015": [ "Switched over to pure JS rather than Processing-through-Processing.js", "Added Cardano's algorithm for finding the roots of a cubic polynomial." ], "April 2015": [ "Added a section on arc length approximations." ], "February 2015": [ "Added a section on the canonical cubic Bezier form." ], "November 2014": [ "Switched to HTTPS." ], "July 2014": [ "Added the section on arc approximation." ], "April 2014": [ "Added the section on Catmull-Rom fitting." ], "November 2013": [ "Added the section on Catmull-Rom / Bezier conversion.", "Added the section on Bezier cuves as matrices" ], "April 2013": [ "Added a section on poly-Beziers.", "Added a section on boolean shape operations." ], "March 2013": [ "First drastic rewrite", "Added sections on circle approximations.", "Added a section on projecting a point onto a curve.", "Added a section on tangents and normals.", "Added Legendre-Gauss numerical data tables." ], "October 2011": [ "First commit for the site, based on the pre-Primer webpage that covered the basics of Bezier curves in HTML with Processing.js examples." ] };