var React = require('react'); var interpolate = require("../lib/spline"); var BSplineGraphic = React.createClass({ componentWillMount() { // lots of instance binding, because we want instance binding, not proto/class binding. this.cvs = undefined; this.ctx = undefined; this.key = undefined; this.keyCode = undefined; this.mouseX = undefined; this.mouseY = undefined; this.isMouseDown = undefined; this.width = 0; this.height = 0; this.activeDistance = 9; this.points = []; this.knots = []; this.weights = []; this.nodes = []; this.cp = undefined; this.dx = undefined; this.dy = undefined; // and sketch value binding. var sketch = this.props.sketch; Object.keys(sketch).forEach(fn => { this[fn] = sketch[fn]; // rebind "this" if we're dealing with a function if (typeof this[fn] === "function") { this[fn] = this[fn].bind(this); } }); }, render: function() { return ; }, keydownlisten(e) { this.setKeyboardValues(e); this.keyDown(); }, keyuplisten(e) { this.setKeyboardValues(e); this.keyUp(); }, keypresslisten(e) { this.setKeyboardValues(e); this.keyPressed(); }, mousedownlisten(e) { this.setMouseValues(e); this.mouseDown(); }, mouseuplisten(e) { this.setMouseValues(e); this.mouseUp(); }, mousemovelisten(e) { this.setMouseValues(e); this.mouseMove(); if(this.isMouseDown && this.mouseDrag) { this.mouseDrag(); }}, wheellissten(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.scrolled(e.deltaY < 0 ? 1 : -1); }, componentDidMount() { var cvs = this.cvs = this.refs.sketch; // Keyboard event handling cvs.addEventListener("keydown", this.keydownlisten); cvs.addEventListener("keyup", this.keyuplisten); cvs.addEventListener("keypress", this.keypresslisten); // Mouse event handling cvs.addEventListener("mousedown", this.mousedownlisten); cvs.addEventListener("mouseup", this.mouseuplisten); cvs.addEventListener("mousemove", this.mousemovelisten); // Scroll event handling if (this.props.scrolling) { cvs.addEventListener("wheel", this.wheellissten); } // Boom let's go this.setup(); }, componentWillUnmount() { var cvs = this.cvs = this.refs.sketch; cvs.removeEventListener("keydown", this.keydownlisten); cvs.removeEventListener("keyup", this.keyuplisten); cvs.removeEventListener("keypress", this.keypresslisten); cvs.removeEventListener("mousedown", this.mousedownlisten); cvs.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.mouseuplisten); cvs.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.mousemovelisten); if (this.props.scrolling) { cvs.removeEventListener("wheel", this.wheellissten); } }, // base API drawCurve(points) { points = points || this.points; var ctx = this.ctx; var weights = this.weights.length>0 ? this.weights : false; ctx.beginPath(); var p = interpolate(0,, points, this.knots, weights); ctx.moveTo(p[0], p[1]); for(let t=0.01; t<1; t+=0.01) { p = interpolate(t,, points, this.knots, weights); ctx.lineTo(p[0], p[1]); } p = interpolate(1,, points, this.knots, weights); ctx.lineTo(p[0], p[1]); ctx.stroke(); ctx.closePath(); }, drawKnots(points) { var knots = this.knots; var weights = this.weights.length>0 ? this.weights : false; knots.forEach((knot,i) => { if (i < return; if (i > knots.length - 1 - return; var p = interpolate(knot,, points, knots, weights, false, true);[0], p[1], 3); }); }, // FIXME: TODO: these do not seem correct using uniform knots drawNodes(points) { var i = 0, p; this.stroke(150); this.nodes.forEach((node,i) => { try { p = interpolate(node,, points, this.knots, false, false, true); this.line(p[0],p[1], points[i][0], points[i++][1]); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }); }, // FIXME: this doesn't work with a degree change formKnots(points, open) { open = (open===true) ? true: false; if(!open) return this.formUniformKnots(points); var l = points.length, knots = [], m = l -, i; // form the open-uniform knot vector for (i=1; i < l -; i++) { knots.push(i +; } // add [degree] zeroes at the front for (i=0; i <=; i++) { knots = [].concat(knots); } // add [degree] max-values to the back for (i=0; i <=; i++) { knots.push(m +; } return knots; }, formUniformKnots(points) { var knots = []; for(var i = this.points.length +; i >= 0; i--) { knots.push(i); } return knots.reverse(); }, formNodes(knots, points) { var domain = [, knots.length - 1 - ]; var nodes = [], node, k, offset; for (k=0; k < this.points.length; k++) { node = 0; for (offset=1; offset <=; offset++) { node += knots[k+offset]; } node /=; if (node < knots[domain[0]]) continue; if (node > knots[domain[1]]) continue; nodes.push(node); } return nodes; }, formWeights(points) { var weights = []; points.forEach(p => weights.push(1)); return weights; }, setDegree(d) { += d; this.knots = this.formKnots(this.points); this.nodes = this.formNodes(this.knots, this.points); }, near(p, x, y) { var dx = p.x-x, dy = p.y-y, d = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); return d < this.activeDistance; }, getCurrentPoint(x,y) { for(let i=0; i < this.points.length; i++) { if (this.near(this.points[i],x,y)) { return this.points[i]; } } }, // Interaction stuffs keyDown() { console.log(this.key, this.keyCode); if (this.key === 'ArrowUp') { this.setDegree(1); } if (this.key === 'ArrowDown') { if(>1) { this.setDegree(-1); } } this.redraw(); }, keyUp() { // ... do nothing? }, keyPressed() { // ... do nothing? }, mouseDown() { this.isMouseDown = true; this.cp = this.getCurrentPoint(this.mouseX, this.mouseY); if (!this.cp) { this.points.push({ x: this.mouseX, y: this.mouseY}); this.knots = this.formKnots(this.points); this.nodes = this.formNodes(this.knots, this.points); } this.redraw(); }, mouseUp() { this.isMouseDown = false; this.cp = false; this.redraw(); }, mouseDrag() { if (this.cp) { this.cp.x = this.mouseX; this.cp.y = this.mouseY; this.redraw(); } }, mouseMove() { // ... do nothing? }, scrolled(direction) { this.cp = this.getCurrentPoint(this.mouseX, this.mouseY); if (!this.cp) return; // base case var pos = this.points.indexOf(this.cp); if (this.weights.length>pos) { this.weights[pos] += direction * 0.1; if (this.weights[pos] < 0) { this.weights[pos] = 0; } } // possible multiplicity due to "closed" curves pos = this.points.indexOf(this.cp, pos+1); if (pos!==-1 && this.weights.length>pos) { this.weights[pos] += direction * 0.1; if (this.weights[pos] < 0) { this.weights[pos] = 0; } } this.redraw(); }, // keyboard events setKeyboardValues(e) { if (!e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey && !e.altKey) { e.preventDefault(); } this.key = e.key; this.keyCode = e.code; }, // mouse events setMouseValues(e) { var brect = this.cvs.getBoundingClientRect(); this.mouseX = e.clientX - brect.left; this.mouseY = e.clientY -; }, // API stuffs size(w,h) { this.width = w|0; this.height = (h||w)|0; this.cvs.width = this.width; this.cvs.height = this.height; this.ctx = this.cvs.getContext("2d"); }, redraw() { this.draw(); }, clear() { this.ctx.clearRect(0,0,this.width,this.height); }, grid(spacing) { spacing = ((spacing || 10)|0) + 0.5; this.stroke(200,200,220); for(let x=spacing; x