mirror of https://github.com/Pomax/BezierInfo-2.git synced 2025-02-24 09:33:19 +01:00
2018-06-24 17:27:09 -07:00

222 lines
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* This script is a locale aggregator and JSX generator, yielding
* locale-specific node modules that contain the section content
* keyed on section dir names.
* 1. find out which sections exist
* 2. find out how many different locales exist
* 3. for each locale:
* 1. for each section:
* 1. grab the associated locale
* 2. chunk the data for "should be preserved" vs.
* "should be processed as markdown".
* 3. join the chunks back up after converting the
* still acknowledged as markdown bits.
* 4. aggregate with a function wrapper to allow for
* JS bindings to a handler object.
* 2. dump the aggregated locale data as a content.js file
* 3. generate a locale-specific index.html
var fs = require("fs-extra");
var path = require("path");
var marked = require("marked");
var chunk = require("./lib/chunk");
var jsxshim = require("./lib/jsx-shim");
var findLocales = require("./find-locales");
// make sure we know what our base location is
const BASEDIR = path.join(__dirname,"..");
// bundle all content in a specific locale for use by the app
const defaultLocale = "en-GB";
var locale = defaultLocale;
var lpos = process.argv.indexOf('--locale');
if (lpos !== -1) { locale = process.argv[lpos+1]; }
* turn locale markdown into locale javascript data
function processLocation(loc, section, number) {
var processed = { data: '', title: `Unknown title (${section})` };
try {
data = fs.readFileSync(loc).toString();
data = chunk(data);
data = data.map(block => {
// preserve is simple
if (!block.convert) {
var chunkData = block.data;
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Inject the automation props into the <Graphic> components
// -----------------------------------------------------------
if (block.type === "gfx" || block.type === "div.figure") {
chunkData = chunkData
// Extend graphic elements with a knowledge of which section they are in.
.replace(/<Graphic/g,`<Graphic handler={this.props.handler} section="${section}"`)
// extend any setup definitions with the name of the function used
.replace(/ setup=\{\s*this\.([\w\d]+)\s*\}/g,' setup={this.$1} sname="$1"')
// extend any draw definitions with the name of the function used
.replace(/ draw=\{\s*this\.([\w\d]+)\s*\}/g,' draw={this.$1} dname="$1"');
return chunkData;
// markdown conversion is a little more work
let d = marked(block.data.trim());
// seriously, can we fucking not, please?
d = d.replace('<p></div></p>', '</div>')
.replace(/&amp;/g, '&')
.replace(/&#39;/g, "'")
.replace(/&quot;/g, '"')
// ``` conversion does odd things with <code> tags inside <pre> tags.
d = d.replace(/<pre>(\r?\n)*<code>/g,'<pre>')
// And then title extraction/rewriting
d = d.replace(/<h1[^>]+>([^<]+)<\/h1>/,function(_,t) {
processed.title = t;
return `<SectionHeader name="${section}" title="` + t + `"${ number ? ' number="'+number+'"': ''}/>`;
return d;
processed.data = data;
} catch (e) {
// console.warn(e);
return processed;
* Form the content.js file content as a single string for file-writing.
function formContentBundle(locale, content) {
var bcode = JSON.stringify(content, false, 2);
// general replacements to make content actually usable javascript:
bcode = bcode.replace(/"<section([^>]*)>/g, "function(handler) { return <section$1>")
.replace(/this\.(\w)/g, "handler.$1")
.replace(/<\/section>"(,?)/g, "</section>; }$1\n")
.replace(/\\\\/g, '\\');
// all the components we want sections to be able to make use of:
var components = [
// and finally, our bundle "code":
var bundle = [
`var React = require('react');`
components.map(v => `var ${v} = require("../../components/${v}.jsx");`)
`module.exports = ${bcode};`,
return bundle;
* Process the locale switcher component.
function processLocaleSwitcher(locale, content) {
// We also need to localize the "LocaleSwitcher"
var localeCode = locale;
var loc = `./components/localized/LocaleSwitcher/content.${localeCode}.md`;
if (!fs.existsSync(loc)) {
localeCode = defaultLocale;
loc = `./components/localized/LocaleSwitcher/content.${localeCode}.md`;
var key = "locale-switcher";
var processed = processLocation(loc, key);
content[key] = {
locale: localeCode,
title: key,
getContent: "<section>" + processed.data + "</section>"
* Write a content.js bundle to the filesystem
function writeContentBundle(locale, content) {
var bundle = formContentBundle(locale, content);
// write the content.js file for bundling purposes
var dir = `./locales/${locale}`;
fs.writeFileSync(`${dir}/content.js`, bundle);
// Write the actual locale directory and generate a locale-specific index.html
var html = fs.readFileSync('./index.template.html').toString();
var preface = content.preface.getContent.replace(/<SectionHeader name="preface" title="([^"]+)"\/>/, "<h2>$1</h2>");
html = html.replace("{{ PREFACE }}", preface);
html = html.replace("{{ locale }}", locale);
fs.writeFileSync(`./${locale}/index.html`, html);
* Process a single locale, with `en-GB` fallback for missing files.
function processLocale(locale) {
// Get the section map. This will try to load .jsx code, which will fail,
// but the above shim makes a failure simply return an empty object instead.
// This is good: we only care about the keys, not the content.
var index = require(path.join(BASEDIR, "components/sections"));
var sections = Object.keys(index);
var content = { locale };
var processSection = (key, number) => {
// Grab locale file, or defaultLocale file if the chosen locale has
// has no translated content (yet)...
var localeCode = locale;
var loc = path.join(BASEDIR, `./components/sections/${key}/content.${localeCode}.md`);
if (!fs.existsSync(loc)) {
localeCode = defaultLocale;
loc = path.join(BASEDIR, `./components/sections/${key}/content.${localeCode}.md`);
// Read in the content.{lang}.md file
var processed = processLocation(loc, key, number);
content[key] = {
locale: localeCode,
title: processed.title,
getContent: `<section className="${key}">` + processed.data + "</section>"
processLocaleSwitcher(locale, content);
writeContentBundle(locale, content);
// run all the things!
findLocales(locales => locales.forEach(processLocale));