# You Don't Need GUI
It's for noobs :)

Graphical user interfaces are super friendly to computer users. They were introduced in reaction to the perceived steep learning curve of command-line interfaces (CLIs). ![Xerox Star 8010 workstations](./Xerox_Star_8010_workstations.jpg) However, they often require more resources, are less powerful and hard to automate via scripting. As a computer expert, we want to be more efficient and do our jobs better. We know that command words may not be easily discoverable or mnemonic, so we try to list some common tasks that you might be tempted to do in GUI. ## Quick links 1. [copy a file](#copy-a-file) 1. [duplicate a file](#duplicate-a-file) 1. [copy a folder](#copy-a-folder) 1. [duplicate a folder](#duplicate-a-folder) 1. [move a file](#move-a-file) 1. [rename a file](#rename-a-file) 1. [move a folder](#move-a-folder) 1. [rename a folder](#rename-a-folder) 1. [merge folders](#merge-folders) 1. [create a new file](#create-a-new-file) 1. [create a new folder](#create-a-new-folder) 1. [show file/folder size](#show-filefolder-size) 1. [open a file with the default program](#open-a-file-with-the-default-program) 1. [zip a folder](#zip-a-folder) 1. [unzip a folder](#unzip-a-folder) 1. [remove a file](#remove-a-file) 1. [remove a folder](#remove-a-folder) 1. [list folder contents](#list-folder-contents) 1. [tree view a folder and its subfolders](#tree-view-a-folder-and-its-subfolders) 1. [find a stale file](#find-a-stale-file) 1. [show a calendar](#show-a-calendar) 1. [find a future date](#find-a-future-date) 1. [use a calculator](#use-a-calculator) 1. [force quit a program](#force-quit-a-program) 1. [check server response](#check-server-response) 1. [view content of a file](#view-content-of-a-file) 1. [search for a text](#search-for-a-text) 1. [view an image](#view-an-image) 1. [show disk size](#show-disk-size) 1. [check performance of your computer](#check-performance-of-your-computer) 1. [Quick tips](#quick-tips) 1. [Hotkeys](#hotkeys) ## copy a file **STOP DRAG AND DROPING A FILE, OR CMD/CTRL + C, CMD/CTRL + V A FILE** :-1: Copy `readme.txt` to the `documents` folder ```shell cp readme.txt documents/ ``` ## duplicate a file **STOP RIGHT CLICKING AND DUPLICATE A FILE** :-1: ```shell cp readme.txt readme.bak.txt ``` ## copy a folder **STOP DRAG AND DROPING A FOLDER, OR CMD/CTRL + C, CMD/CTRL + V A FOLDER** :-1: Copy `myMusic` folder to the `myMedia` folder ```shell cp -a myMusic myMedia/ # or cp -a myMusic/ myMedia/myMusic/ ``` ## duplicate a folder **STOP RIGHT CLICKING AND DUPLICATE A FOLDER** :-1: ```shell cp -a myMusic/ myMedia/ # or if `myMedia` folder doesn't exist cp -a myMusic myMedia/ ``` ## move a file **STOP DRAG AND DROPING A FILE, OR CMD/CTRL + X, CMD/CTRL + V A FILE** :-1: ```shell mv readme.txt documents/ ``` **Always** use a trailing slash when moving files, [for this reason](http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/50533). ## rename a file **STOP RIGHT CLICKING AND RENAME A FILE** :-1: ```shell mv readme.txt README.md ``` ## move a folder **STOP DRAG AND DROPING A FOLDER, OR CMD/CTRL + X, CMD/CTRL + V A FOLDER** :-1: ```shell mv myMedia myMusic/ # or mv myMedia/ myMusic/myMedia ``` ## rename a folder **STOP RIGHT CLICKING AND RENAME A FOLDER** :-1: ```shell mv myMedia/ myMusic/ ``` ## merge folders **STOP DRAG AND DROPING TO MERGE FOLDERS** :-1: ```shell rsync -a /images/ /images2/ ``` ## create a new file **STOP RIGHT CLICKING AND CREATE A NEW FILE** :-1: ```shell touch 'new file' # updates the file's access and modification timestamp if it already exists # or > 'new file' # erase the content if it already exists ``` ## create a new folder **STOP RIGHT CLICKING AND CREATE A NEW FOLDER** :-1: ```shell mkdir 'untitled folder' # or mkdir -p 'path/may/not/exist/untitled folder' ``` ## show file/folder size **STOP RIGHT CLICKING AND SHOW FILE/FOLDER INFO** :-1: ```shell stat -x readme.md # or du -sh readme.md ``` ## open a file with the default program **STOP DOUBLE CLICKING ON A FILE** :-1: ```shell xdg-open file # on Linux open file # on MacOS ``` ## zip a folder **STOP RIGHT CLICKING AND COMPRESS FOLDER** :-1: ```shell zip -r archive_name.zip folder_to_compress ``` ## unzip a folder **STOP RIGHT CLICKING AND UNCOMPRESS FOLDER** :-1: ```shell unzip archive_name.zip ``` ## remove a file **STOP RIGHT CLICKING AND DELETE A FILE PERMANENTLY** :-1: ```shell rm my_useless_file ``` IMPORTANT: The rm command deletes my_useless_file permanently, which is equivalent to move my_useless_file to Recycle Bin and hit Empty Recycle Bin. ## remove a folder **STOP RIGHT CLICKING AND DELETE A FOLDER PERMANENTLY** :-1: ```shell rm -r my_useless_folder ``` ## list folder contents **STOP OPENING YOUR FINDER OR FILE EXPLORER** :-1: ```shell ls -la my_folder ``` ## tree view a folder and its subfolders **STOP OPENING YOUR FINDER OR FILE EXPLORER** :-1: ```shell tree # on Linux find . -print | sed -e 's;[^/]*/;|____;g;s;____|; |;g' # on MacOS ``` ## find a stale file **STOP USING YOUR FILE EXPLORER TO FIND A FILE** :-1: Find all files modified more than 5 days ago ```shell find my_folder -mtime +5 ``` ## show a calendar **STOP LOOKING UP WHAT THIS MONTH LOOKS LIKE BY CALENDAR WIDGETS** :-1: Display a text calendar ```shell cal ``` Display selected month and year calendar ```shell cal 11 2018 ``` ## find a future date **STOP USING WEBAPPS TO CALCULATE FUTURE DATES** :-1: What is todays date? ```shell date +%m/%d/%Y ``` What about a week from now? ```shell date -d "+7 days" # on Linux date -j -v+7d # on MacOS ``` ## use a calculator **STOP USING CALCULATOR WIDGET** :-1: ```shell bc ``` ## force quit a program **STOP CTRL + ALT + DELETE and choose the program to kill** :-1: ```shell killall program_name ``` ## check server response **STOP OPENING A BROWSER** :-1: ```shell ping umair.surge.sh ``` ## view content of a file **STOP DOUBLE CLICKING A FILE** :-1: ```shell cat apps/settings.py ``` ## search for a text **STOP CMD/CTRL + F IN A FOLDER** :-1: ```shell grep -ir "Query" file.txt ``` ## view an image **STOP USING PREVIEW** :-1: ```shell imgcat image.png ``` ## show disk size **STOP RIGHT CLICKING DISK ICON OR OPENING DISK UTILITY** :-1: ```shell df -h ``` ## check performance of your computer **STOP OPENING YOUR ACTIVITY MONITOR OR TASK MANAGER** :-1: ```shell top ``` ## Quick tips ![CLI tips](./cli_tips.jpg) ## Hotkeys ``` Ctrl + A Go to the beginning of the line you are currently typing on Ctrl + E Go to the end of the line you are currently typing on Ctrl + L Clears the Screen, similar to the clear command Ctrl + U Clears the line before the cursor position. If you are at the end of the line, clears the entire line. Ctrl + H Same as backspace Ctrl + R Let’s you search through previously used commands Ctrl + C Kill whatever you are running Ctrl + D Exit the current shell Ctrl + Z Puts whatever you are running into a suspended background process. fg restores it. Ctrl + W Delete the word before the cursor Ctrl + K Clear the line after the cursor Ctrl + T Swap the last two characters before the cursor Esc + T Swap the last two words before the cursor Alt + F Move cursor forward one word on the current line Alt + B Move cursor backward one word on the current line Tab Auto-complete files and folder names ``` --- _Remember, you can always google or `man` the commands you are not familiar with._