diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index ca241c5..e70b8f1 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ A curated list of code and resources for pen plotters and other robots that draw - [WaterColorBot](https://watercolorbot.com) - XY art robot and software to plot with watercolor paints. - [EggBot](https://egg-bot.com) - Pen plotter for egg-shaped and spherical objects. - [HP Pen Plotters](https://www.hpmuseum.net/exhibit.php?class=4&cat=24) - Vintage desktop and floor-standing pen plotters from the creator of the HPGL standard. Model 7475A is very common and can usually be found on eBay. -- [Roland Pen Plotters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_pwzqPk6Gg) (YouTube) - Vintage flatbed HPGL pen plotters. Search eBay for "roland dxy". +- [Roland Pen Plotters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_pwzqPk6Gg) - Vintage flatbed HPGL pen plotters. Search eBay for "roland dxy". - [Polargraph](http://www.polargraph.co.uk) - The original polargraph hardware and software project. - [Makelangelo](http://www.makelangelo.com) - Open source polargraph artbot. @@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ A curated list of code and resources for pen plotters and other robots that draw - [grblShield](https://github.com/synthetos/grblShield) - All the stepper motor control hardware needed to turn an [Arduino](https://www.arduino.cc) into a G-code-based motion controller using the grbl firmware. ([adafruit](https://www.adafruit.com/product/1750)) - [TinyG](https://github.com/synthetos/TinyG) - More featureful and robust 6-axis G-code-based motion control hardware. ([adafruit](https://www.adafruit.com/product/1749)) - [Arduino CNC Shield](https://blog.protoneer.co.nz/arduino-cnc-shield) - Grbl-compatible stepper motor control shield for Arduino, similar to the [grblShield](https://github.com/synthetos/grblShield). -- [Raspberry Pi CNC Hat](https://wiki.protoneer.co.nz/Raspberry_Pi_CNC) - Raspberry Pi add-on board w/ stepper controllers and a microcontroller running grbl. Interfaces with the Pi's serial pins +- [Raspberry Pi CNC Hat](https://wiki.protoneer.co.nz/Raspberry_Pi_CNC) - Raspberry Pi add-on board w/ stepper controllers and a microcontroller running grbl. Interfaces with the Pi's serial pins. ### Accessories - [WiFi232](http://biosrhythm.com/?page_id=1453) - Wifi to RS-232 serial via a DB25 plug. Control your serial plotter wirelessly. -- [Plotter Cable Pinout](http://sites.music.columbia.edu/cmc/chiplotle/plotter_cable.pdf) (PDF) - Schematic for a plotter cable that will work for most HP and Roland plotters. Search eBay or Amazon for `DB9 to DB25 Serial Null Modem Cable` or similar to find them for sale. +- [Plotter Cable Pinout](http://sites.music.columbia.edu/cmc/chiplotle/plotter_cable.pdf) - Schematic for a plotter cable that will work for most HP and Roland plotters. Search eBay or Amazon for `DB9 to DB25 Serial Null Modem Cable` or similar to find them for sale. ### Pens @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ A curated list of code and resources for pen plotters and other robots that draw HPGL is a serial/text-based protocol used by most old pen plotters, and even many new vinyl cutters. -- [Chiplotle](https://github.com/drepetto/chiplotle) ([web site](http://chiplotle.org)) - Python library for generating HPGL and interfacing with serial plotters. +- [Chiplotle](https://github.com/drepetto/chiplotle) - Python library for generating HPGL and interfacing with serial plotters. - [HPGL Reference Guide](https://www.isoplotec.co.jp/HPGL/eHPGL.htm) - HTML-based HPGL Reference. - [HP 7475A Interfacing and Programming Manual](https://archive.org/details/HP7475AInterfacingandProgrammingManual) - Scanned PDF manual that contains a full HPGL reference. - [djipco/hpgl](https://github.com/djipco/hpgl) - A Node.js library to communicate with HPGL-compatible plotters and printers. @@ -160,8 +160,9 @@ Blog posts, articles, tutorials, galleries, videos, et cetera. - [Vera Molnár](https://www.surfacemag.com/articles/vera-molnar-in-thinking-machines-at-moma) - OG plotter artist. - [The Recode Project](http://recodeproject.com) - "The ReCode Project is a community-driven effort to preserve computer art by translating it into a modern programming language". - [Hektor](http://juerglehni.com/works/hektor) - The original cable-based drawbot from 2002. -- [Pen Plotter Art & Algorithms Part I](https://mattdesl.svbtle.com/pen-plotter-1) and [II](https://mattdesl.svbtle.com/pen-plotter-1) - A two-part intro to creating generative graphics for plotting. -- [Surface Projection](https://bitaesthetics.com/posts/surface-projection.html) and [Fractal Generation with L-Systems](https://bitaesthetics.com/posts/fractal-generation-with-l-systems.html) - Some techniques for creating line graphics suitable for plotting. +- [Pen Plotter Art & Algorithms](https://mattdesl.svbtle.com/pen-plotter-1) - A two-part intro to creating generative graphics for plotting. +- [Surface Projection](https://bitaesthetics.com/posts/surface-projection.html) - Some projection techniques for creating line graphics suitable for plotting. +- [Fractal Generation with L-Systems](https://bitaesthetics.com/posts/fractal-generation-with-l-systems.html) - Techniques for creating line-based fractal graphics. - [Pen Plotter Art & Algorithms](https://mattdesl.svbtle.com/pen-plotter-1) - Introduction to plotters, AxiDraw, walkthrough of the `penplot` library. - [Surface Projection](https://bitaesthetics.com/posts/surface-projection.html) - Deep dive into surface projection and hidden line removal using Python and penplot. - [Introduction to TSP art](https://wiki.evilmadscientist.com/TSP_art) - Resources for traveling salesman problem (single path) art.