Brian Boucheron 0aa0318118
Merge pull request #3 from mafm/master
more links from mafm
2018-06-08 04:51:54 -04:00
2018-06-07 10:12:49 -04:00
2018-06-07 07:24:44 -04:00
2018-06-07 06:52:17 -04:00
2018-06-07 06:52:17 -04:00
2018-06-07 06:52:17 -04:00
2018-06-08 04:50:32 -04:00

Awesome Plotters Awesome Build Status

A curated list of code and resources for pen plotters and other robots that draw.


Contributions are very welcome. Please see CONTRIBUTING and CODE-OF-CONDUCT for details.




Motor Controllers

  • grblShield all the stepper motor control hardware needed to turn an Arduino into a G-code-based motion controller using the grbl firmware (adafruit)
  • TinyG more featureful and robust 6-axis G-code-based motion control hardware (adafruit)
  • Arduino CNC Shield grbl-compatible stepper motor control shield for Arduino, similar to the grblShield
  • Raspberry Pi CNC Hat Raspberry Pi add-on board w/ stepper controllers and a microcontroller running grbl. Interfaces with the Pi's serial pins


  • WiFi232 wifi to RS-232 serial via a DB25 plug. Control your serial plotter wirelessly
  • Plotter Cable Pinout (PDF) schematic for a plotter cable that will work for most HP and Roland plotters. Search eBay or Amazon for DB9 to DB25 Serial Null Modem Cable or similar to find them for sale




HPGL is a serial/text-based protocol used by most old pen plotters, and even many new vinyl cutters.


G-code is a text-based standard for controlling CNC machines. Though it was designed for industrial machines, its use in many hobbyist 3d printer firmwares has made it ubiquitous in small-scale DIY projects as well.

  • grbl a high-performance G-code interpreting firmware for the Atmega 328 microcontroller and Arduino
  • cncjs a web-based interface controlling CNC machines running grbl, TinyG, or other G-code-based firmware
  • node-gcode Node.js-based G-code interpreter and similator
  • svg2gcode Node.js-based command line utility for converting SVG to G-code
  • svg2gcode Python-based utility for fast SVG to G-code conversion
  • Universal-G-Code-Sender Java-based grbl-compatible cross-platform G-code sender
  • ChiliPeppr Hardware Fiddle modular web-based workspaces to visualize G-code and control hardware


Software that is specific to a particular plotter or controller.

Vector Creation

Tools to create vector artwork from scratch or by conversion from other formats.

  • Inkscape popular cross-platform open source vector graphics editor
  • p5.js "javascript library that makes coding accessible for artists, designers, educators, and beginners"
  • Paper.js "The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting"
  • ln vector-based 3D renderer written in Go
  • autotrace converts bitmap images to vector graphics
  • stipplegen creates intereting stippled drawings from bitmap images (blog post)
  • SquiggleDraw "SquiggleDraw will create a SVG file from an image, using the brightness to change the amplitude of sine waves"
  • svgurt web-based PNG to SVG creative noodler
  • maptrace - produce watertight polygonal vector maps by tracing raster images
  • venation - modeling and visualisation of leaf venation patterns
  • Drawbot_image_to_gcode_v2 - creates G-code for use on drawbots
  • blackstripes - turns a PNG image into a SVG line drawing
  • Ribbon - ribbon diagrams of proteins in #golang
  • penplot a development environment for plotter art in JavaScript
  • penkit a Python library for creating line-based SVG graphics

Vector Utilities

Tools to manipulate and optimize vector-based file formats.

  • svgsort path planning for plotting SVG files, reduces time spent moving with the pen up
  • svgo Node.js-based tool for optimizing SVG files
  • Polargraph Optimizer - optimize drawing plan for a polargraph
  • penkit-optimize an SVG optimizer that uses a vehicle routing solver to minimize plot time.


Single-line vector fonts or "engraving fonts".

  • Hershey Vector Font .fnt format of vector fonts from the 60s. Includes a good overview of the original data format of the fonts
  • hershey-fonts C library and original font data for the Hershey fonts
  • commercial site with some single-line fonts available for purchase

Inspiration and Instruction

Blog posts, articles, tutorials, galleries, videos, et cetera.


Where to find other plotter and drawbot friends.

Other Awesomes

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