diff --git a/degoogle.yml b/degoogle.yml
index 0586530..ebf8ada 100644
--- a/degoogle.yml
+++ b/degoogle.yml
@@ -1194,6 +1194,14 @@ mobile applications:
       eyes: null
       text: |
         Jitsi is an open-source secure video conferencing platform. No account is needed to use it, simply enter a Room Name to join or host a meeting. The host is able to kick rogue users from the call. Works directly in your browser, with apps available for iOS and Android. It is not necessary to self-host, but self-hosting is an option for those who wish to. Very low latency and easy to set up. A free public server is available at (https://meet.jit.si) (**5-eyes** server)
+  duo:
+    - title: Duo (video calls)
+    - name: Jitsi Meet (F-Droid)
+      url: https://meet.jit.si/
+      fdroid: org.jitsi.meet
+      eyes: null
+      text: |
+        Jitsi is an open-source secure video conferencing platform. No account is needed to use it, simply enter a Room Name to join or host a meeting. The host is able to kick rogue users from the call. Works directly in your browser, with apps available for iOS and Android. It is not necessary to self-host, but self-hosting is an option for those who wish to. Very low latency and easy to set up. A free public server is available at (https://meet.jit.si) (**5-eyes** server)
     - title: Assistant
     - name: Mycroft Android