// Build tool for generating README.md // TODO: Add support for section-specific comments const os = require('os'); const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const YAML = require('yaml'); // A hacky sort of "class" to contain methods for each section const BUILD_SECTION = { // TODO: Make more of these YAML-based functions header: () => readFile('md/_header.md'), index: () => readFile('md/_index.md'), contributing: () => readFile('md/_contributing.md'), browserExtensions: () => readFile('md/_browserExtensions.md'), disclaimer: () => readFile('md/_disclaimer.md'), webBasedProducts: () => generateCategorySection('Web-based products', readYaml()['web based products']), operatingSystems: () => generateCategorySection('Operating systems', readYaml()['operating systems']), desktopApps: () => generateCategorySection('Desktop apps', readYaml()['desktop applications']), mobileApps: () => generateCategorySection('Mobile apps', readYaml()['desktop applications']), hardware: () => generateCategorySection('Hardware', readYaml()['hardware']), useful: () => {}, // TODO: Make these do stuff resources: () => {}, books: () => {}, blogs: () => {}, news: () => {}, lighterSide: () => {}, closingRemarks: () => {} } /** * Main method */ function __main__() { // dgSectionData will be join at the end and represents the full contents of README.md let dgSectionData = []; // Add all the sections dgSectionData.push(BUILD_SECTION.header()); dgSectionData.push(BUILD_SECTION.index()); dgSectionData.push(BUILD_SECTION.contributing()); dgSectionData.push(BUILD_SECTION.browserExtensions()); dgSectionData.push(BUILD_SECTION.disclaimer()); dgSectionData.push(BUILD_SECTION.webBasedProducts()); dgSectionData.push(BUILD_SECTION.operatingSystems()); dgSectionData.push(BUILD_SECTION.desktopApps()); dgSectionData.push(BUILD_SECTION.mobileApps()); dgSectionData.push(BUILD_SECTION.hardware()); dgSectionData.push(BUILD_SECTION.useful()); dgSectionData.push(BUILD_SECTION.resources()); dgSectionData.push(BUILD_SECTION.books()); dgSectionData.push(BUILD_SECTION.blogs()); dgSectionData.push(BUILD_SECTION.news()); dgSectionData.push(BUILD_SECTION.lighterSide()); dgSectionData.push(BUILD_SECTION.closingRemarks()); // Write to the README file fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'README-test.md'), dgSectionData.join(os.EOL + os.EOL)); console.log(os.EOL + 'Done!') } /** * Synchronously reads a file using fs-extra and path.join() * @param {String} filename The file to read */ function readFile(filename) { return fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, filename)).toString(); } /** * Reads degoogle.yml */ function readYaml() { return YAML.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'degoogle.yml')).toString()); } /** * Generates a major section or "category" such as Mobile Apps * @param {String} header Title for section * @param {Object} data Object of data to populate README.md with */ function generateCategorySection(header, data) { if (!data) return ''; // Set the header to HTML
let categorySection = '## ' + header + os.EOL + os.EOL; // Generate service sections for this category Object.keys(data).forEach((key) => categorySection = categorySection.concat(generateServiceSection(data[key]) + os.EOL + os.EOL)); return categorySection; } /** * Generates a service (such as Gmail) section to be placed under a category section * @param {Array} data */ function generateServiceSection(data) { // Start the section with an

header and the start of a Markdown table let serviceSection = `#### ${data[0].title + os.EOL + os.EOL}| Name | Eyes | Description |${os.EOL}| ---- | ---- | ----------- |${os.EOL}`; // Iterate over each alternative service and add it to the table data.forEach(item => { // If the object has length one, it's just the title if (Object.keys(item).length == 1) return; // Build the cells for the table let name = `[${item.name}](${item.url})`; let eyes = item.eyes ? `**${item.eyes}-eyes**` : ''; let text = item.text.trim(); // Build the row let tableItem = `| ${name} | ${eyes} | ${text} |`; // Add the row to the table serviceSection = serviceSection.concat(tableItem + os.EOL) }); return serviceSection; } false ? console.log(YAML.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'degoogle.yml')).toString())['web based products'].search_images) : __main__();