2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2014-10-12 12:24:52 -07:00
language: Julia
2013-07-03 22:59:13 -07:00
- ["Leah Hanson", "http://leahhanson.us"]
2015-11-01 03:06:03 +05:30
- ["Pranit Bauva", "http://github.com/pranitbauva1997"]
2018-07-28 21:53:14 +08:00
- ["Daniel YC Lin", "http://github.com/dlintw"]
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
filename: learnjulia.jl
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
Julia is a new homoiconic functional language focused on technical computing.
While having the full power of homoiconic macros, first-class functions, and low-level control, Julia is as easy to learn and use as Python.
2018-07-28 21:53:14 +08:00
This is based on Julia 0.6.4
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
2014-09-21 00:07:34 -07:00
# Single line comments start with a hash (pound) symbol.
2014-03-18 14:20:14 -05:00
#= Multiline comments can be written
2015-10-07 23:11:24 -04:00
by putting '#=' before the text and '=#'
2014-03-18 14:27:49 -05:00
after the text. They can also be nested.
2014-03-18 14:20:14 -05:00
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
## 1. Primitive Datatypes and Operators
2015-10-27 15:25:24 +01:00
# Everything in Julia is an expression.
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-09-26 15:38:48 -04:00
# There are several basic types of numbers.
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
3 # => 3 (Int64)
3.2 # => 3.2 (Float64)
2 + 1im # => 2 + 1im (Complex{Int64})
2//3 # => 2//3 (Rational{Int64})
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-09-26 15:38:48 -04:00
# All of the normal infix operators are available.
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
1 + 1 # => 2
8 - 1 # => 7
10 * 2 # => 20
35 / 5 # => 7.0
5 / 2 # => 2.5 # dividing an Int by an Int always results in a Float
div(5, 2) # => 2 # for a truncated result, use div
5 \ 35 # => 7.0
2 ^ 2 # => 4 # power, not bitwise xor
12 % 10 # => 2
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
# Enforce precedence with parentheses
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
(1 + 3) * 2 # => 8
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
# Bitwise Operators
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
~2 # => -3 # bitwise not
3 & 5 # => 1 # bitwise and
2 | 4 # => 6 # bitwise or
2018-07-28 21:53:14 +08:00
xor(2, 4) # => 6 # bitwise xor
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
2 >>> 1 # => 1 # logical shift right
2 >> 1 # => 1 # arithmetic shift right
2 << 1 # => 4 # logical/arithmetic shift left
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
# You can use the bits function to see the binary representation of a number.
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
# => "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011000000111001"
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
# => "0100000011001000000111001000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
2013-07-02 23:15:34 -04:00
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
# Boolean values are primitives
# Boolean operators
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
!true # => false
!false # => true
1 == 1 # => true
2 == 1 # => false
1 != 1 # => false
2 != 1 # => true
1 < 10 # => true
1 > 10 # => false
2 <= 2 # => true
2 >= 2 # => true
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
# Comparisons can be chained
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
1 < 2 < 3 # => true
2 < 3 < 2 # => false
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2015-10-10 14:34:55 -04:00
# Strings are created with "
2018-07-28 21:53:14 +08:00
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
"This is a string."
2018-07-28 21:53:14 +08:00
catch ; end
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2015-10-10 14:34:55 -04:00
# Julia has several types of strings, including ASCIIString and UTF8String.
# More on this in the Types section.
2013-09-26 15:38:48 -04:00
# Character literals are written with '
2018-07-28 21:53:14 +08:00
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2018-07-28 21:53:14 +08:00
catch ; end
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2015-10-10 14:34:55 -04:00
# Some strings can be indexed like an array of characters
2018-07-28 21:53:14 +08:00
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
"This is a string"[1] # => 'T' # Julia indexes from 1
2018-07-28 21:53:14 +08:00
catch ; end
2013-09-26 15:38:48 -04:00
# However, this is will not work well for UTF8 strings,
2013-12-19 16:23:25 +11:00
# so iterating over strings is recommended (map, for loops, etc).
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
# $ can be used for string interpolation:
2018-07-28 21:53:14 +08:00
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
"2 + 2 = $(2 + 2)" # => "2 + 2 = 4"
2018-07-28 21:53:14 +08:00
catch ; end
2015-05-02 22:26:12 -07:00
# You can put any Julia expression inside the parentheses.
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
# Another way to format strings is the printf macro.
2018-07-28 21:53:14 +08:00
@printf "%d is less than %f" 4.5 5.3 # 4 is less than 5.300000
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2014-02-08 13:03:50 -02:00
# Printing is easy
println("I'm Julia. Nice to meet you!")
2015-11-09 10:33:22 +05:30
# String can be compared lexicographically
2015-11-04 22:15:59 +05:30
"good" > "bye" # => true
"good" == "good" # => true
"1 + 2 = 3" == "1 + 2 = $(1+2)" # => true
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
## 2. Variables and Collections
2013-09-26 15:38:48 -04:00
# You don't declare variables before assigning to them.
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
some_var = 5 # => 5
some_var # => 5
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
# Accessing a previously unassigned variable is an error
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
some_other_var # => ERROR: some_other_var not defined
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
catch e
2015-10-16 12:25:19 +11:00
# Variable names start with a letter or underscore.
2013-09-26 15:38:48 -04:00
# After that, you can use letters, digits, underscores, and exclamation points.
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
SomeOtherVar123! = 6 # => 6
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2015-10-16 12:25:19 +11:00
# You can also use certain unicode characters
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
☃ = 8 # => 8
2013-09-26 15:38:48 -04:00
# These are especially handy for mathematical notation
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
2 * π # => 6.283185307179586
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
# A note on naming conventions in Julia:
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
2014-09-21 17:16:05 -07:00
# * Word separation can be indicated by underscores ('_'), but use of
# underscores is discouraged unless the name would be hard to read
# otherwise.
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
# * Names of Types begin with a capital letter and word separation is shown
# with CamelCase instead of underscores.
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
# * Names of functions and macros are in lower case, without underscores.
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
# * Functions that modify their inputs have names that end in !. These
# functions are sometimes called mutating functions or in-place functions.
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-07-02 23:15:34 -04:00
# Arrays store a sequence of values indexed by integers 1 through n:
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
a = Int64[] # => 0-element Int64 Array
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
# 1-dimensional array literals can be written with comma-separated values.
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
b = [4, 5, 6] # => 3-element Int64 Array: [4, 5, 6]
2015-12-28 21:43:09 +05:30
b = [4; 5; 6] # => 3-element Int64 Array: [4, 5, 6]
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
b[1] # => 4
b[end] # => 6
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
2016-02-25 21:45:55 -07:00
# 2-dimensional arrays use space-separated values and semicolon-separated rows.
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
matrix = [1 2; 3 4] # => 2x2 Int64 Array: [1 2; 3 4]
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2015-12-28 21:43:09 +05:30
# Arrays of a particular Type
b = Int8[4, 5, 6] # => 3-element Int8 Array: [4, 5, 6]
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
# Add stuff to the end of a list with push! and append!
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
push!(a,1) # => [1]
push!(a,2) # => [1,2]
push!(a,4) # => [1,2,4]
push!(a,3) # => [1,2,4,3]
append!(a,b) # => [1,2,4,3,4,5,6]
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
# Remove from the end with pop
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
pop!(b) # => 6 and b is now [4,5]
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
# Let's put it back
2013-07-02 23:15:34 -04:00
push!(b,6) # b is now [4,5,6] again.
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
a[1] # => 1 # remember that Julia indexes from 1, not 0!
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
# end is a shorthand for the last index. It can be used in any
# indexing expression
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
a[end] # => 6
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
2013-09-26 15:38:48 -04:00
# we also have shift and unshift
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
shift!(a) # => 1 and a is now [2,4,3,4,5,6]
unshift!(a,7) # => [7,2,4,3,4,5,6]
2013-09-26 15:38:48 -04:00
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
# Function names that end in exclamations points indicate that they modify
# their argument.
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
arr = [5,4,6] # => 3-element Int64 Array: [5,4,6]
sort(arr) # => [4,5,6]; arr is still [5,4,6]
sort!(arr) # => [4,5,6]; arr is now [4,5,6]
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
# Looking out of bounds is a BoundsError
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
a[0] # => ERROR: BoundsError() in getindex at array.jl:270
a[end+1] # => ERROR: BoundsError() in getindex at array.jl:270
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
catch e
# Errors list the line and file they came from, even if it's in the standard
# library. If you built Julia from source, you can look in the folder base
# inside the julia folder to find these files.
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
# You can initialize arrays from ranges
2015-05-02 22:26:12 -07:00
a = [1:5;] # => 5-element Int64 Array: [1,2,3,4,5]
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
# You can look at ranges with slice syntax.
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
a[1:3] # => [1, 2, 3]
a[2:end] # => [2, 3, 4, 5]
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-09-26 15:38:48 -04:00
# Remove elements from an array by index with splice!
2013-07-01 17:39:42 -04:00
arr = [3,4,5]
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
splice!(arr,2) # => 4 ; arr is now [3,5]
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
# Concatenate lists with append!
2013-07-02 23:15:34 -04:00
b = [1,2,3]
2013-09-26 15:38:48 -04:00
append!(a,b) # Now a is [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3]
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-10-21 09:39:45 -05:00
# Check for existence in a list with in
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
in(1, a) # => true
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
# Examine the length with length
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
length(a) # => 8
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-07-01 16:21:56 -04:00
# Tuples are immutable.
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
tup = (1, 2, 3) # => (1,2,3) # an (Int64,Int64,Int64) tuple.
tup[1] # => 1
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
tup[1] = 3 # => ERROR: no method setindex!((Int64,Int64,Int64),Int64,Int64)
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
catch e
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-07-01 16:21:56 -04:00
# Many list functions also work on tuples
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
length(tup) # => 3
tup[1:2] # => (1,2)
in(2, tup) # => true
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
# You can unpack tuples into variables
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
a, b, c = (1, 2, 3) # => (1,2,3) # a is now 1, b is now 2 and c is now 3
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
2013-09-26 15:38:48 -04:00
# Tuples are created even if you leave out the parentheses
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
d, e, f = 4, 5, 6 # => (4,5,6)
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
2013-09-26 15:38:48 -04:00
# A 1-element tuple is distinct from the value it contains
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
(1,) == 1 # => false
(1) == 1 # => true
2013-09-26 15:38:48 -04:00
# Look how easy it is to swap two values
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
e, d = d, e # => (5,4) # d is now 5 and e is now 4
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
# Dictionaries store mappings
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
empty_dict = Dict() # => Dict{Any,Any}()
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
2013-09-26 15:38:48 -04:00
# You can create a dictionary using a literal
2016-07-02 11:02:38 -03:00
filled_dict = Dict("one"=> 1, "two"=> 2, "three"=> 3)
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
# => Dict{ASCIIString,Int64}
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
# Look up values with []
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
filled_dict["one"] # => 1
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-07-01 16:34:39 -04:00
# Get all keys
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
# => KeyIterator{Dict{ASCIIString,Int64}}(["three"=>3,"one"=>1,"two"=>2])
2013-07-02 23:15:34 -04:00
# Note - dictionary keys are not sorted or in the order you inserted them.
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-11-04 19:21:17 -08:00
# Get all values
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
# => ValueIterator{Dict{ASCIIString,Int64}}(["three"=>3,"one"=>1,"two"=>2])
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
# Note - Same as above regarding key ordering.
2013-10-21 09:39:45 -05:00
# Check for existence of keys in a dictionary with in, haskey
2015-10-27 15:25:24 +01:00
in(("one" => 1), filled_dict) # => true
in(("two" => 3), filled_dict) # => false
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
haskey(filled_dict, "one") # => true
haskey(filled_dict, 1) # => false
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2015-05-02 22:26:12 -07:00
# Trying to look up a non-existent key will raise an error
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
filled_dict["four"] # => ERROR: key not found: four in getindex at dict.jl:489
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
catch e
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-09-26 15:38:48 -04:00
# Use the get method to avoid that error by providing a default value
2013-07-01 16:34:39 -04:00
# get(dictionary,key,default_value)
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
get(filled_dict,"one",4) # => 1
get(filled_dict,"four",4) # => 4
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-09-26 15:38:48 -04:00
# Use Sets to represent collections of unordered, unique values
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
empty_set = Set() # => Set{Any}()
2013-10-18 18:33:42 -05:00
# Initialize a set with values
2015-10-27 15:25:24 +01:00
filled_set = Set([1,2,2,3,4]) # => Set{Int64}(1,2,3,4)
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-10-18 18:33:42 -05:00
# Add more values to a set
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
push!(filled_set,5) # => Set{Int64}(5,4,2,3,1)
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-10-18 18:33:42 -05:00
# Check if the values are in the set
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
in(2, filled_set) # => true
in(10, filled_set) # => false
2013-10-18 18:33:42 -05:00
2013-07-01 16:44:47 -04:00
# There are functions for set intersection, union, and difference.
2015-10-27 15:25:24 +01:00
other_set = Set([3, 4, 5, 6]) # => Set{Int64}(6,4,5,3)
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
intersect(filled_set, other_set) # => Set{Int64}(3,4,5)
union(filled_set, other_set) # => Set{Int64}(1,2,3,4,5,6)
2016-07-02 11:02:38 -03:00
setdiff(Set([1,2,3,4]),Set([2,3,5])) # => Set{Int64}(1,4)
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
## 3. Control Flow
2013-07-01 16:59:53 -04:00
# Let's make a variable
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
some_var = 5
2013-10-18 18:33:42 -05:00
# Here is an if statement. Indentation is not meaningful in Julia.
2013-07-01 16:59:53 -04:00
if some_var > 10
println("some_var is totally bigger than 10.")
elseif some_var < 10 # This elseif clause is optional.
println("some_var is smaller than 10.")
2013-07-02 23:15:34 -04:00
else # The else clause is optional too.
2013-07-01 16:59:53 -04:00
println("some_var is indeed 10.")
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
# => prints "some var is smaller than 10"
2013-07-01 16:59:53 -04:00
2013-10-18 18:33:42 -05:00
# For loops iterate over iterables.
2015-10-10 12:10:27 -04:00
# Iterable types include Range, Array, Set, Dict, and AbstractString.
2013-07-01 16:59:53 -04:00
for animal=["dog", "cat", "mouse"]
println("$animal is a mammal")
2013-10-18 18:33:42 -05:00
# You can use $ to interpolate variables or expression into strings
2013-07-01 16:59:53 -04:00
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
# prints:
# dog is a mammal
# cat is a mammal
# mouse is a mammal
2013-07-01 16:59:53 -04:00
2013-10-18 18:33:42 -05:00
# You can use 'in' instead of '='.
2013-07-01 16:59:53 -04:00
for animal in ["dog", "cat", "mouse"]
println("$animal is a mammal")
2013-10-18 18:33:42 -05:00
# prints:
# dog is a mammal
# cat is a mammal
# mouse is a mammal
2013-07-01 16:59:53 -04:00
2016-07-02 11:02:38 -03:00
for a in Dict("dog"=>"mammal","cat"=>"mammal","mouse"=>"mammal")
2013-10-18 18:33:42 -05:00
println("$(a[1]) is a $(a[2])")
2013-07-01 16:59:53 -04:00
2013-10-18 18:33:42 -05:00
# prints:
# dog is a mammal
# cat is a mammal
# mouse is a mammal
2013-07-01 16:59:53 -04:00
2016-07-02 11:02:38 -03:00
for (k,v) in Dict("dog"=>"mammal","cat"=>"mammal","mouse"=>"mammal")
2013-10-18 18:33:42 -05:00
println("$k is a $v")
2013-07-01 18:00:13 -04:00
2013-07-01 16:59:53 -04:00
# prints:
2013-10-18 18:33:42 -05:00
# dog is a mammal
# cat is a mammal
# mouse is a mammal
# While loops loop while a condition is true
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
x = 0
2013-07-01 16:59:53 -04:00
while x < 4
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
x += 1 # Shorthand for x = x + 1
2013-07-01 16:59:53 -04:00
2013-10-18 18:33:42 -05:00
# prints:
# 0
# 1
# 2
# 3
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-12-03 14:40:05 +01:00
# Handle exceptions with a try/catch block
2013-07-01 16:59:53 -04:00
2013-07-01 17:03:05 -04:00
catch e
println("caught it $e")
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
# => caught it ErrorException("help")
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
## 4. Functions
2013-10-18 18:33:42 -05:00
# The keyword 'function' creates new functions
#function name(arglist)
# body...
2013-07-01 17:58:25 -04:00
function add(x, y)
println("x is $x and y is $y")
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
2013-10-18 18:33:42 -05:00
# Functions return the value of their last statement
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
x + y
2013-07-01 17:58:25 -04:00
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
add(5, 6) # => 11 after printing out "x is 5 and y is 6"
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2015-11-04 23:04:42 +05:30
# Compact assignment of functions
f_add(x, y) = x + y # => "f (generic function with 1 method)"
f_add(3, 4) # => 7
2015-11-04 23:05:47 +05:30
# Function can also return multiple values as tuple
2018-07-28 21:53:14 +08:00
fn(x, y) = x + y, x - y
fn(3, 4) # => (7, -1)
2015-11-04 23:05:47 +05:30
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
# You can define functions that take a variable number of
# positional arguments
2013-07-01 17:58:25 -04:00
function varargs(args...)
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
return args
2013-10-18 18:33:42 -05:00
# use the keyword return to return anywhere in the function
2013-07-01 17:58:25 -04:00
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
# => varargs (generic function with 1 method)
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
varargs(1,2,3) # => (1,2,3)
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-07-02 11:49:19 -04:00
# The ... is called a splat.
2013-10-18 18:33:42 -05:00
# We just used it in a function definition.
2016-02-25 21:45:55 -07:00
# It can also be used in a function call,
2013-11-04 19:21:17 -08:00
# where it will splat an Array or Tuple's contents into the argument list.
2015-10-27 15:25:24 +01:00
add([5,6]...) # this is equivalent to add(5,6)
2013-07-02 11:49:19 -04:00
2015-10-27 15:25:24 +01:00
x = (5,6) # => (5,6)
add(x...) # this is equivalent to add(5,6)
2013-07-02 11:49:19 -04:00
2013-07-01 17:58:25 -04:00
# You can define functions with optional positional arguments
function defaults(a,b,x=5,y=6)
2013-07-02 23:15:34 -04:00
return "$a $b and $x $y"
2013-07-01 17:58:25 -04:00
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
defaults('h','g') # => "h g and 5 6"
defaults('h','g','j') # => "h g and j 6"
defaults('h','g','j','k') # => "h g and j k"
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
defaults('h') # => ERROR: no method defaults(Char,)
defaults() # => ERROR: no methods defaults()
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
catch e
2013-12-28 02:22:25 -08:00
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-07-01 17:58:25 -04:00
# You can define functions that take keyword arguments
function keyword_args(;k1=4,name2="hello") # note the ;
2016-07-02 11:02:38 -03:00
return Dict("k1"=>k1,"name2"=>name2)
2013-11-04 19:21:17 -08:00
2013-07-01 17:58:25 -04:00
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
keyword_args(name2="ness") # => ["name2"=>"ness","k1"=>4]
keyword_args(k1="mine") # => ["k1"=>"mine","name2"=>"hello"]
keyword_args() # => ["name2"=>"hello","k1"=>4]
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-10-18 18:33:42 -05:00
# You can combine all kinds of arguments in the same function
2013-07-02 11:49:19 -04:00
function all_the_args(normal_arg, optional_positional_arg=2; keyword_arg="foo")
println("normal arg: $normal_arg")
println("optional arg: $optional_positional_arg")
println("keyword arg: $keyword_arg")
all_the_args(1, 3, keyword_arg=4)
# prints:
# normal arg: 1
# optional arg: 3
# keyword arg: 4
2013-07-02 17:23:10 -04:00
# Julia has first class functions
function create_adder(x)
2013-07-02 23:15:34 -04:00
adder = function (y)
return x + y
return adder
2013-07-02 17:23:10 -04:00
2013-07-02 11:49:19 -04:00
2013-10-18 18:33:42 -05:00
# This is "stabby lambda syntax" for creating anonymous functions
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
(x -> x > 2)(3) # => true
2013-10-18 18:33:42 -05:00
# This function is identical to create_adder implementation above.
2013-07-02 17:23:10 -04:00
function create_adder(x)
y -> x + y
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-10-18 18:33:42 -05:00
# You can also name the internal function, if you want
2013-07-02 17:23:10 -04:00
function create_adder(x)
2013-07-02 23:15:34 -04:00
function adder(y)
x + y
2013-07-02 17:23:10 -04:00
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
add_10 = create_adder(10)
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
add_10(3) # => 13
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
# There are built-in higher order functions
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
map(add_10, [1,2,3]) # => [11, 12, 13]
filter(x -> x > 5, [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) # => [6, 7]
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-10-18 18:33:42 -05:00
# We can use list comprehensions for nicer maps
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
[add_10(i) for i=[1, 2, 3]] # => [11, 12, 13]
[add_10(i) for i in [1, 2, 3]] # => [11, 12, 13]
2013-07-02 17:23:10 -04:00
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
## 5. Types
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
# Julia has a type system.
# Every value has a type; variables do not have types themselves.
# You can use the `typeof` function to get the type of a value.
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
typeof(5) # => Int64
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
# Types are first-class values
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
typeof(Int64) # => DataType
typeof(DataType) # => DataType
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
# DataType is the type that represents types, including itself.
# Types are used for documentation, optimizations, and dispatch.
# They are not statically checked.
# Users can define types
# They are like records or structs in other languages.
2014-06-05 12:20:54 -04:00
# New types are defined using the `type` keyword.
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
# type Name
# field::OptionalType
# ...
# end
2013-07-02 18:00:32 -04:00
type Tiger
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
coatcolor # not including a type annotation is the same as `::Any`
2013-07-02 18:00:32 -04:00
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
# The default constructor's arguments are the properties
2013-12-28 02:22:25 -08:00
# of the type, in the order they are listed in the definition
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
tigger = Tiger(3.5,"orange") # => Tiger(3.5,"orange")
2013-11-04 19:21:17 -08:00
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
# The type doubles as the constructor function for values of that type
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
sherekhan = typeof(tigger)(5.6,"fire") # => Tiger(5.6,"fire")
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
# These struct-style types are called concrete types
# They can be instantiated, but cannot have subtypes.
# The other kind of types is abstract types.
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
# abstract Name
2018-07-28 21:53:14 +08:00
abstract type Cat end # just a name and point in the type hierarchy
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
# Abstract types cannot be instantiated, but can have subtypes.
# For example, Number is an abstract type
2015-10-27 15:25:24 +01:00
subtypes(Number) # => 2-element Array{Any,1}:
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
# Complex{T<:Real}
2013-11-04 19:21:17 -08:00
# Real
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
subtypes(Cat) # => 0-element Array{Any,1}
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
2015-10-10 14:34:55 -04:00
# AbstractString, as the name implies, is also an abstract type
2018-07-28 21:53:14 +08:00
subtypes(AbstractString) # 6-element Array{Union{DataType, UnionAll},1}:
# Base.SubstitutionString
# Base.Test.GenericString
# DirectIndexString
# RevString
# String
# SubString
# Every type has a super type; use the `supertype` function to get it.
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
typeof(5) # => Int64
2018-07-28 21:53:14 +08:00
supertype(Int64) # => Signed
supertype(Signed) # => Integer
supertype(Integer) # => Real
supertype(Real) # => Number
supertype(Number) # => Any
supertype(supertype(Signed)) # => Real
supertype(Any) # => Any
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
# All of these type, except for Int64, are abstract.
2018-07-28 21:53:14 +08:00
typeof("fire") # => String
supertype(String) # => AbstractString
# Likewise here with String
supertype(DirectIndexString) # => AbstractString
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
# <: is the subtyping operator
2013-07-02 18:00:32 -04:00
type Lion <: Cat # Lion is a subtype of Cat
2015-10-10 12:10:27 -04:00
2013-07-02 18:00:32 -04:00
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
# You can define more constructors for your type
# Just define a function of the same name as the type
# and call an existing constructor to get a value of the correct type
2015-10-10 12:10:27 -04:00
Lion(roar::AbstractString) = Lion("green",roar)
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
# This is an outer constructor because it's outside the type definition
2013-07-02 18:00:32 -04:00
type Panther <: Cat # Panther is also a subtype of Cat
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
Panther() = new("green")
# Panthers will only have this constructor, and no default constructor.
2013-07-02 18:00:32 -04:00
2014-01-24 10:59:53 +02:00
# Using inner constructors, like Panther does, gives you control
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
# over how values of the type can be created.
# When possible, you should use outer constructors rather than inner ones.
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
2013-11-04 19:21:17 -08:00
## 6. Multiple-Dispatch
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
2013-07-02 18:55:23 -04:00
# In Julia, all named functions are generic functions
# This means that they are built up from many small methods
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
# Each constructor for Lion is a method of the generic function Lion.
# For a non-constructor example, let's make a function meow:
# Definitions for Lion, Panther, Tiger
2013-12-16 23:33:41 +01:00
function meow(animal::Lion)
animal.roar # access type properties using dot notation
2013-07-02 18:55:23 -04:00
2013-12-16 23:33:41 +01:00
function meow(animal::Panther)
2013-07-02 18:55:23 -04:00
2013-12-16 23:33:41 +01:00
function meow(animal::Tiger)
2013-07-02 18:55:23 -04:00
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
# Testing the meow function
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
meow(tigger) # => "rawwr"
meow(Lion("brown","ROAAR")) # => "ROAAR"
meow(Panther()) # => "grrr"
2013-07-02 18:55:23 -04:00
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
# Review the local type hierarchy
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
issubtype(Tiger,Cat) # => false
issubtype(Lion,Cat) # => true
issubtype(Panther,Cat) # => true
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
# Defining a function that takes Cats
2013-07-02 18:55:23 -04:00
function pet_cat(cat::Cat)
println("The cat says $(meow(cat))")
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
pet_cat(Lion("42")) # => prints "The cat says 42"
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
pet_cat(tigger) # => ERROR: no method pet_cat(Tiger,)
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
catch e
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
# In OO languages, single dispatch is common;
# this means that the method is picked based on the type of the first argument.
# In Julia, all of the argument types contribute to selecting the best method.
# Let's define a function with more arguments, so we can see the difference
function fight(t::Tiger,c::Cat)
println("The $(t.coatcolor) tiger wins!")
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
# => fight (generic function with 1 method)
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
fight(tigger,Panther()) # => prints The orange tiger wins!
fight(tigger,Lion("ROAR")) # => prints The orange tiger wins!
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
# Let's change the behavior when the Cat is specifically a Lion
fight(t::Tiger,l::Lion) = println("The $(l.mane_color)-maned lion wins!")
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
# => fight (generic function with 2 methods)
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
fight(tigger,Panther()) # => prints The orange tiger wins!
fight(tigger,Lion("ROAR")) # => prints The green-maned lion wins!
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
# We don't need a Tiger in order to fight
fight(l::Lion,c::Cat) = println("The victorious cat says $(meow(c))")
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
# => fight (generic function with 3 methods)
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
fight(Lion("balooga!"),Panther()) # => prints The victorious cat says grrr
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
2018-07-28 21:53:14 +08:00
catch e
# => MethodError(fight, (Panther("green"), Lion("green", "RAWR")), 0x000000000000557b)
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
# Also let the cat go first
fight(c::Cat,l::Lion) = println("The cat beats the Lion")
# This warning is because it's unclear which fight will be called in:
2018-07-28 21:53:14 +08:00
fight(Lion("RAR"),Lion("brown","rarrr")) # => prints The victorious cat says rarrr
catch e
# => MethodError(fight, (Lion("green", "RAR"), Lion("brown", "rarrr")), 0x000000000000557c)
2013-10-18 23:48:02 -05:00
# The result may be different in other versions of Julia
fight(l::Lion,l2::Lion) = println("The lions come to a tie")
2014-03-18 13:57:02 -05:00
fight(Lion("RAR"),Lion("brown","rarrr")) # => prints The lions come to a tie
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
2014-01-24 10:59:53 +02:00
# Under the hood
2014-01-24 11:06:41 +02:00
# You can take a look at the llvm and the assembly code generated.
2014-01-24 10:59:53 +02:00
square_area(l) = l * l # square_area (generic function with 1 method)
square_area(5) #25
2014-01-24 11:06:41 +02:00
# What happens when we feed square_area an integer?
2015-10-07 23:11:24 -04:00
code_native(square_area, (Int32,))
2014-01-24 10:59:53 +02:00
# .section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions
# Filename: none
2014-01-24 11:06:41 +02:00
# Source line: 1 # Prologue
2014-01-24 10:59:53 +02:00
# push RBP
# mov RBP, RSP
# Source line: 1
2014-01-24 11:06:41 +02:00
# movsxd RAX, EDI # Fetch l from memory?
# imul RAX, RAX # Square l and store the result in RAX
# pop RBP # Restore old base pointer
# ret # Result will still be in RAX
2014-01-24 10:59:53 +02:00
code_native(square_area, (Float32,))
# .section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions
# Filename: none
# Source line: 1
# push RBP
# mov RBP, RSP
# Source line: 1
2014-01-24 11:06:41 +02:00
# vmulss XMM0, XMM0, XMM0 # Scalar single precision multiply (AVX)
2014-01-24 10:59:53 +02:00
# pop RBP
# ret
code_native(square_area, (Float64,))
# .section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions
# Filename: none
# Source line: 1
# push RBP
# mov RBP, RSP
# Source line: 1
2014-01-24 11:06:41 +02:00
# vmulsd XMM0, XMM0, XMM0 # Scalar double precision multiply (AVX)
2014-01-24 10:59:53 +02:00
# pop RBP
# ret
2015-10-07 23:11:24 -04:00
2014-01-24 11:06:41 +02:00
# Note that julia will use floating point instructions if any of the
2015-11-01 02:54:52 +05:30
# arguments are floats.
2015-10-07 23:11:24 -04:00
# Let's calculate the area of a circle
2014-01-24 10:59:53 +02:00
circle_area(r) = pi * r * r # circle_area (generic function with 1 method)
circle_area(5) # 78.53981633974483
code_native(circle_area, (Int32,))
# .section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions
# Filename: none
# Source line: 1
# push RBP
# mov RBP, RSP
# Source line: 1
2014-01-24 11:06:41 +02:00
# vcvtsi2sd XMM0, XMM0, EDI # Load integer (r) from memory
# movabs RAX, 4593140240 # Load pi
# vmulsd XMM1, XMM0, QWORD PTR [RAX] # pi * r
# vmulsd XMM0, XMM0, XMM1 # (pi * r) * r
2014-01-24 10:59:53 +02:00
# pop RBP
# ret
code_native(circle_area, (Float64,))
# .section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions
# Filename: none
# Source line: 1
# push RBP
# mov RBP, RSP
# movabs RAX, 4593140496
# Source line: 1
# vmulsd XMM1, XMM0, QWORD PTR [RAX]
# vmulsd XMM0, XMM1, XMM0
# pop RBP
# ret
2015-10-07 23:11:24 -04:00
2013-07-02 22:13:30 -07:00
2013-07-01 14:45:59 -04:00
## Further Reading
2017-01-13 22:53:13 +05:30
You can get a lot more detail from [The Julia Manual](http://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/#Manual-1)
2013-07-02 18:55:23 -04:00
2017-02-17 03:28:20 -08:00
The best place to get help with Julia is the (very friendly) [Discourse forum](https://discourse.julialang.org/).