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synced 2025-01-17 21:49:22 +01:00
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/adambard/learnxinyminutes-docs into master-cn
This commit is contained in:
Visual Basic
Normal file
Visual Basic
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
language: Visual Basic Console Application
- ["Brian Martin", "http://brianmartin.biz"]
filename: learnvisualbasic.vb
Module Module1
Sub Main()
'A Quick Overview of Visual Basic Console Applications before we dive in to the deep end.
'Apostrophe starts comments.
'To Navigate this tutorial within the Visual Basic Complier, I've put together a navigation system.
'This navigation system is explained however as we go deeper into this tutorial, you'll understand what it all means.
Console.Title = ("Learn X in Y Minutes")
Console.WriteLine("NAVIGATION") 'Display
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green
Console.WriteLine("1. Hello World Output")
Console.WriteLine("2. Hello World Input")
Console.WriteLine("3. Calculating Whole Numbers")
Console.WriteLine("4. Calculating Decimal Numbers")
Console.WriteLine("5. Working Calculator")
Console.WriteLine("6. Using Do While Loops")
Console.WriteLine("7. Using For While Loops")
Console.WriteLine("8. Conditional Statements")
Console.WriteLine("9. Select A Drink")
Console.WriteLine("50. About")
Console.WriteLine("Please Choose A Number From The Above List")
Dim selection As String = Console.ReadLine
Select Case selection
Case "1" 'HelloWorld Output
Console.Clear() 'Clears the application and opens the private sub
HelloWorldOutput() 'Name Private Sub, Opens Private Sub
Case "2" 'Hello Input
Case "3" 'Calculating Whole Numbers
Case "4" 'Calculting Decimal Numbers
Case "5" 'Working Calcculator
Case "6" 'Using Do While Loops
Case "7" 'Using For While Loops
Case "8" 'Conditional Statements
Case "9" 'If/Else Statement
IfElseStatement() 'Select a drink
Case "50" 'About msg box
Console.Title = ("Learn X in Y Minutes :: About")
MsgBox("Learn X in Y Minutes is a creation of Adam Bard (@adambard) This particular program tutorial is by Brian Martin (@BrianMartinn")
End Select
End Sub
'One - I'm using numbers to help with the above navigation when I come back later to build it.
Private Sub HelloWorldOutput() 'We use private subs to seperate different sections of the program.
Console.Title = "Hello World Ouput | Learn X in Y Minutes" 'Title of Console Application
'Use Console.Write("") or Console.WriteLine("") to print outputs.
'Followed by Console.Read() alternatively Console.Readline()
'Console.ReadLine() prints the output to the console.
Console.WriteLine("Hello World")
End Sub
Private Sub HelloWorldInput() 'We use private subs to seperate different sections of the program.
Console.Title = "Hello World YourName | Learn X in Y Minutes" 'Title of Console Application
'Data entered by a user needs to be stored.
'Variables also start with a Dim and end with an As VariableType.
Dim username As String 'In this tutorial, we want to know what your name, and make the program respond to what is said.
'We use string as string is a text based variable.
Console.WriteLine("Hello, What is your name? ") 'Ask the user their name.
username = Console.ReadLine() 'Stores the users name.
Console.WriteLine("Hello " + username) 'Output is Hello 'Their name'
Console.ReadLine() 'Outsputs the above.
'The above will ask you a question followed by printing your answer.
'Other variables include Integer and we use Integer for whole numbers.
End Sub
Private Sub CalculatingWholeNumbers() 'We use private subs to seperate different sections of the program.
Console.Title = "Calculating Whole Numbers | Learn X in Y Minutes" 'Title of Console Application
Console.Write("First number: ") 'Enter a whole number, 1, 2, 50, 104 ect
Dim a As Integer = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Second number: ") 'Enter second whole number.
Dim b As Integer = Console.ReadLine()
Dim c As Integer = a + b
'The above is a simple calculator
End Sub
Private Sub CalculatingDecimalNumbers()
Console.Title = "Calculating with Double | Learn X in Y Minutes" 'Title of Console Application
'Of course we would like to be able to add up decimals.
'Therefore we could change the above from Integer to Double.
Console.Write("First number: ") 'Enter a whole number, 1.2, 2.4, 50.1, 104.9 ect
Dim a As Double = Console.ReadLine
Console.Write("Second number: ") 'Enter second whole number.
Dim b As Double = Console.ReadLine
Dim c As Double = a + b
'Therefore the above program can add up 1.1 - 2.2
End Sub
Private Sub WorkingCalculator()
Console.Title = "The Working Calculator| Learn X in Y Minutes" 'Title of Console Application
'However if you'd like the calculator to subtract, divide, multiple and add up.
'Copy and paste the above again.
Console.Write("First number: ") 'Enter a whole number, 1.2, 2.4, 50.1, 104.9 ect
Dim a As Double = Console.ReadLine
Console.Write("Second number: ") 'Enter second whole number.
Dim b As Integer = Console.ReadLine
Dim c As Integer = a + b
Dim d As Integer = a * b
Dim e As Integer = a - b
Dim f As Integer = a / b
'By adding the below lines we are able to calculate the subtract, multply as well as divide the a and b values
Console.Write(a.ToString() + " + " + b.ToString())
Console.WriteLine(" = " + c.ToString.PadLeft(3)) 'We want to pad the answers to the left by 3 spaces.
Console.Write(a.ToString() + " * " + b.ToString())
Console.WriteLine(" = " + d.ToString.PadLeft(3)) 'We want to pad the answers to the left by 3 spaces.
Console.Write(a.ToString() + " - " + b.ToString())
Console.WriteLine(" = " + e.ToString.PadLeft(3)) 'We want to pad the answers to the left by 3 spaces.
Console.Write(a.ToString() + " / " + b.ToString())
Console.WriteLine(" = " + e.ToString.PadLeft(3)) 'We want to pad the answers to the left by 3 spaces.
End Sub
Private Sub UsingDoWhileLoops()
'Just as the previous private sub
'This Time We Ask If The User Wishes To Continue (Yes or No?)
'We're using Do While Loop as we're unsure if the user wants to use the program more than once.
Console.Title = "UsingDoWhileLoops | Learn X in Y Minutes"
Dim answer As String 'We use the variable "String" as the answer is text
Do 'We start the program with
Console.Write("First number: ")
Dim a As Double = Console.ReadLine
Console.Write("Second number: ")
Dim b As Integer = Console.ReadLine
Dim c As Integer = a + b
Dim d As Integer = a * b
Dim e As Integer = a - b
Dim f As Integer = a / b
Console.Write(a.ToString() + " + " + b.ToString())
Console.WriteLine(" = " + c.ToString.PadLeft(3))
Console.Write(a.ToString() + " * " + b.ToString())
Console.WriteLine(" = " + d.ToString.PadLeft(3))
Console.Write(a.ToString() + " - " + b.ToString())
Console.WriteLine(" = " + e.ToString.PadLeft(3))
Console.Write(a.ToString() + " / " + b.ToString())
Console.WriteLine(" = " + e.ToString.PadLeft(3))
'Ask the question, does the user wish to continue? Unfortunately it is case sensitive.
Console.Write("Would you like to continue? (yes / no)")
answer = Console.ReadLine 'The program grabs the variable and prints and starts again.
Loop While answer = "yes" 'The command for the variable to work would be in this case "yes"
End Sub
Private Sub UsingForLoops()
'Sometimes the program only needs to run once.
'In this program we'll be counting down from 10.
Console.Title = "Using For Loops | Learn X in Y Minutes"
For i As Integer = 10 To 0 Step -1 'Declare Vairable and what number it should count down in Step -1, Step -2, Step -3 ect.
Console.WriteLine(i.ToString) 'Print the value of the counter variable
Next i 'Calculate new value
Console.WriteLine("Start") 'Lets start the program baby!!
Console.ReadLine() 'POW!! - Perhaps I got a little excited then :)
End Sub
Private Sub ConditionalStatement()
Console.Title = "Conditional Statements | Learn X in Y Minutes"
Dim userName As String = Console.ReadLine
Console.WriteLine("Hello, What is your name? ") 'Ask the user their name.
userName = Console.ReadLine() 'Stores the users name.
If userName = "Adam" Then 'Hey, if Adam uses this program, kudos where kudos is due, right?
Console.WriteLine("Hello Adam")
Console.WriteLine("Thanks for creating the useful tutorial site www.learnxinyminutes.com!")
Console.WriteLine("Hello " + userName) 'prints the username of the user
Console.WriteLine("Hope all is well have you checked out www.learnxinyminutes.com") 'Prints a message to the user
Console.ReadLine() 'Ends and prints the above statement.
End If
End Sub
Private Sub IfElseStatement()
Console.Title = "If / Else Statement | Learn X in Y Minutes"
'Sometimes its important to consider more than two alternatives. Sometimes there are a good few others.
'When this is the case, more than one if statement would be required.
'An if statement is great for vending machines. Where the user enters a code.
'A1, A2, A3, ect to select an item.
'All choices can be combined into a single if statement.
Dim selection As String = Console.ReadLine 'Value for selection
Console.WriteLine("A1. for 7Up")
Console.WriteLine("A2. for Fanta")
Console.WriteLine("A3. for Dr. Pepper")
Console.WriteLine("A4. for Diet Coke")
If selection = "A1" Then
ElseIf selection = "A2" Then
ElseIf selection = "A3" Then
Console.WriteLine("dr. pepper")
ElseIf selection = "A4" Then
Console.WriteLine("diet coke")
Console.WriteLine("Please select a product")
End If
End Sub
End Module
## References
I learnt Visual Basic in the console application. It allowed me to understand the principles of computer programming to go on to learn other programming languages easily.
I created a more indepth <a href="http://www.vbbootcamp.co.uk/" Title="Visual Basic Tutorial">Visual Basic tutorial</a> for those who would like to learn more.
The entire syntax is valid. Copy the and paste in to the Visual Basic complier and run (F5) the program.
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
name: c
category: language
language: c
filename: learnc.c
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
language: coffeescript
- ["Tenor Biel", "http://github.com/L8D"]
filename: coffeescript.coffee
``` coffeescript
# CoffeeScript is a hipster language.
# It goes with the trends of many modern languages.
# So comments are like Ruby and Python, they use hashes.
Block comments are like these, and they translate directly to '/ *'s and '* /'s
for the resulting JavaScript code.
You should understand most of JavaScript semantices
before continuing.
# Assignment:
number = 42 #=> var number = 42;
opposite = true #=> var opposite = true;
# Conditions:
number = -42 if opposite #=> if(opposite) { number = -42; }
# Functions:
square = (x) -> x * x #=> var square = function(x) { return x * x; }
# Ranges:
list = [1..5] #=> var list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
# Objects:
math =
root: Math.sqrt
square: square
cube: (x) -> x * square x
#=> var math = {
# "root": Math.sqrt,
# "square": square,
# "cube": function(x) { return x * square(x); }
# Splats:
race = (winner, runners...) ->
print winner, runners
# Existence:
alert "I knew it!" if elvis?
#=> if(typeof elvis !== "undefined" && elvis !== null) { alert("I knew it!"); }
# Array comprehensions:
cubes = (math.cube num for num in list) #=> ...
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ filename: learnphp.php
This document describes PHP 5+.
<?php // PHP code must be enclosed with <?php ? > tags
<?php // PHP code must be enclosed with <?php ?> tags
// If your php file only contains PHP code, it is best practise
// to omit the php closing tag.
@ -100,6 +100,21 @@ END;
echo 'This string ' . 'is concatenated';
* Constants
// A constant is defined by using define()
// and can never be changed during runtime!
// a valid constant name starts with a letter or underscore,
// followed by any number of letters, numbers, or underscores.
define("FOO", "something");
// access to a constant is possible by direct using the choosen name
echo 'This outputs '.FOO;
* Arrays
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ filename: learnruby.rb
- ["David Underwood", "http://theflyingdeveloper.com"]
- ["Joel Walden", "http://joelwalden.net"]
- ["Luke Holder", "http://twitter.com/lukeholder"]
@ -30,6 +31,11 @@ You shouldn't either
10 * 2 #=> 20
35 / 5 #=> 7
# Arithmetic is just syntactic sugar
# for calling a method on an object
1.+(3) #=> 4
10.* 5 #=> 50
# Special values are objects
nil # Nothing to see here
true # truth
@ -121,6 +127,12 @@ array = [1, "hello", false] #=> => [1, "hello", false]
array[0] #=> 1
array[12] #=> nil
# Like arithmetic, [var] access
# is just syntactic sugar
# for calling a method [] on an object
array.[] 0 #=> 1
array.[] 12 #=> nil
# From the end
array[-1] #=> 5
@ -312,4 +324,5 @@ dwight.name #=> "Dwight K. Schrute"
# Call the class method
Human.say("Hi") #=> "Hi"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
language: Visual Basic
- ["Brian Martin", "http://brianmartin.biz"]
filename: learnvisualbasic.vb
Module Module1
Sub Main()
' A Quick Overview of Visual Basic Console Applications before we dive
' in to the deep end.
' Apostrophe starts comments.
' To Navigate this tutorial within the Visual Basic Complier, I've put
' together a navigation system.
' This navigation system is explained however as we go deeper into this
' tutorial, you'll understand what it all means.
Console.Title = ("Learn X in Y Minutes")
Console.WriteLine("NAVIGATION") 'Display
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green
Console.WriteLine("1. Hello World Output")
Console.WriteLine("2. Hello World Input")
Console.WriteLine("3. Calculating Whole Numbers")
Console.WriteLine("4. Calculating Decimal Numbers")
Console.WriteLine("5. Working Calculator")
Console.WriteLine("6. Using Do While Loops")
Console.WriteLine("7. Using For While Loops")
Console.WriteLine("8. Conditional Statements")
Console.WriteLine("9. Select A Drink")
Console.WriteLine("50. About")
Console.WriteLine("Please Choose A Number From The Above List")
Dim selection As String = Console.ReadLine
Select Case selection
Case "1" 'HelloWorld Output
Console.Clear() 'Clears the application and opens the private sub
HelloWorldOutput() 'Name Private Sub, Opens Private Sub
Case "2" 'Hello Input
Case "3" 'Calculating Whole Numbers
Case "4" 'Calculting Decimal Numbers
Case "5" 'Working Calcculator
Case "6" 'Using Do While Loops
Case "7" 'Using For While Loops
Case "8" 'Conditional Statements
Case "9" 'If/Else Statement
IfElseStatement() 'Select a drink
Case "50" 'About msg box
Console.Title = ("Learn X in Y Minutes :: About")
MsgBox("This tutorial is by Brian Martin (@BrianMartinn")
End Select
End Sub
'One - I'm using numbers to help with the above navigation when I come back
'later to build it.
'We use private subs to seperate different sections of the program.
Private Sub HelloWorldOutput()
'Title of Console Application
Console.Title = "Hello World Ouput | Learn X in Y Minutes"
'Use Console.Write("") or Console.WriteLine("") to print outputs.
'Followed by Console.Read() alternatively Console.Readline()
'Console.ReadLine() prints the output to the console.
Console.WriteLine("Hello World")
End Sub
Private Sub HelloWorldInput()
Console.Title = "Hello World YourName | Learn X in Y Minutes"
' Variables
' Data entered by a user needs to be stored.
' Variables also start with a Dim and end with an As VariableType.
' In this tutorial, we want to know what your name, and make the program
' respond to what is said.
Dim username As String
'We use string as string is a text based variable.
Console.WriteLine("Hello, What is your name? ") 'Ask the user their name.
username = Console.ReadLine() 'Stores the users name.
Console.WriteLine("Hello " + username) 'Output is Hello 'Their name'
Console.ReadLine() 'Outsputs the above.
'The above will ask you a question followed by printing your answer.
'Other variables include Integer and we use Integer for whole numbers.
End Sub
Private Sub CalculatingWholeNumbers()
Console.Title = "Calculating Whole Numbers | Learn X in Y Minutes"
Console.Write("First number: ") 'Enter a whole number, 1, 2, 50, 104 ect
Dim a As Integer = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Second number: ") 'Enter second whole number.
Dim b As Integer = Console.ReadLine()
Dim c As Integer = a + b
'The above is a simple calculator
End Sub
Private Sub CalculatingDecimalNumbers()
Console.Title = "Calculating with Double | Learn X in Y Minutes"
'Of course we would like to be able to add up decimals.
'Therefore we could change the above from Integer to Double.
'Enter a whole number, 1.2, 2.4, 50.1, 104.9 ect
Console.Write("First number: ")
Dim a As Double = Console.ReadLine
Console.Write("Second number: ") 'Enter second whole number.
Dim b As Double = Console.ReadLine
Dim c As Double = a + b
'Therefore the above program can add up 1.1 - 2.2
End Sub
Private Sub WorkingCalculator()
Console.Title = "The Working Calculator| Learn X in Y Minutes"
'However if you'd like the calculator to subtract, divide, multiple and
'add up.
'Copy and paste the above again.
Console.Write("First number: ")
Dim a As Double = Console.ReadLine
Console.Write("Second number: ") 'Enter second whole number.
Dim b As Integer = Console.ReadLine
Dim c As Integer = a + b
Dim d As Integer = a * b
Dim e As Integer = a - b
Dim f As Integer = a / b
'By adding the below lines we are able to calculate the subtract,
'multply as well as divide the a and b values
Console.Write(a.ToString() + " + " + b.ToString())
'We want to pad the answers to the left by 3 spaces.
Console.WriteLine(" = " + c.ToString.PadLeft(3))
Console.Write(a.ToString() + " * " + b.ToString())
Console.WriteLine(" = " + d.ToString.PadLeft(3))
Console.Write(a.ToString() + " - " + b.ToString())
Console.WriteLine(" = " + e.ToString.PadLeft(3))
Console.Write(a.ToString() + " / " + b.ToString())
Console.WriteLine(" = " + e.ToString.PadLeft(3))
End Sub
Private Sub UsingDoWhileLoops()
'Just as the previous private sub
'This Time We Ask If The User Wishes To Continue (Yes or No?)
'We're using Do While Loop as we're unsure if the user wants to use the
'program more than once.
Console.Title = "UsingDoWhileLoops | Learn X in Y Minutes"
Dim answer As String 'We use the variable "String" as the answer is text
Do 'We start the program with
Console.Write("First number: ")
Dim a As Double = Console.ReadLine
Console.Write("Second number: ")
Dim b As Integer = Console.ReadLine
Dim c As Integer = a + b
Dim d As Integer = a * b
Dim e As Integer = a - b
Dim f As Integer = a / b
Console.Write(a.ToString() + " + " + b.ToString())
Console.WriteLine(" = " + c.ToString.PadLeft(3))
Console.Write(a.ToString() + " * " + b.ToString())
Console.WriteLine(" = " + d.ToString.PadLeft(3))
Console.Write(a.ToString() + " - " + b.ToString())
Console.WriteLine(" = " + e.ToString.PadLeft(3))
Console.Write(a.ToString() + " / " + b.ToString())
Console.WriteLine(" = " + e.ToString.PadLeft(3))
'Ask the question, does the user wish to continue? Unfortunately it
'is case sensitive.
Console.Write("Would you like to continue? (yes / no)")
'The program grabs the variable and prints and starts again.
answer = Console.ReadLine
'The command for the variable to work would be in this case "yes"
Loop While answer = "yes"
End Sub
Private Sub UsingForLoops()
'Sometimes the program only needs to run once.
'In this program we'll be counting down from 10.
Console.Title = "Using For Loops | Learn X in Y Minutes"
'Declare Variable and what number it should count down in Step -1,
'Step -2, Step -3 ect.
For i As Integer = 10 To 0 Step -1
Console.WriteLine(i.ToString) 'Print the value of the counter
Next i 'Calculate new value
Console.WriteLine("Start") 'Lets start the program baby!!
Console.ReadLine() 'POW!! - Perhaps I got a little excited then :)
End Sub
Private Sub ConditionalStatement()
Console.Title = "Conditional Statements | Learn X in Y Minutes"
Dim userName As String = Console.ReadLine
Console.WriteLine("Hello, What is your name? ") 'Ask the user their name.
userName = Console.ReadLine() 'Stores the users name.
If userName = "Adam" Then
Console.WriteLine("Hello Adam")
Console.WriteLine("Thanks for creating this useful site")
Console.WriteLine("Hello " + userName)
Console.WriteLine("Have you checked out www.learnxinyminutes.com")
Console.ReadLine() 'Ends and prints the above statement.
End If
End Sub
Private Sub IfElseStatement()
Console.Title = "If / Else Statement | Learn X in Y Minutes"
'Sometimes its important to consider more than two alternatives.
'Sometimes there are a good few others.
'When this is the case, more than one if statement would be required.
'An if statement is great for vending machines. Where the user enters a code.
'A1, A2, A3, ect to select an item.
'All choices can be combined into a single if statement.
Dim selection As String = Console.ReadLine 'Value for selection
Console.WriteLine("A1. for 7Up")
Console.WriteLine("A2. for Fanta")
Console.WriteLine("A3. for Dr. Pepper")
Console.WriteLine("A4. for Diet Coke")
If selection = "A1" Then
ElseIf selection = "A2" Then
ElseIf selection = "A3" Then
Console.WriteLine("dr. pepper")
ElseIf selection = "A4" Then
Console.WriteLine("diet coke")
Console.WriteLine("Please select a product")
End If
End Sub
End Module
## References
I learnt Visual Basic in the console application. It allowed me to understand the principles of computer programming to go on to learn other programming languages easily.
I created a more indepth <a href="http://www.vbbootcamp.co.uk/" Title="Visual Basic Tutorial">Visual Basic tutorial</a> for those who would like to learn more.
The entire syntax is valid. Copy the and paste in to the Visual Basic compiler and run (F5) the program.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
language: whip
- ["Tenor Biel", "http://github.com/L8D"]
author: Tenor Biel
author_url: http://github.com/L8D
filename: whip.lisp
Whip is a LISP-dialect made for scripting and simplified concepts.
It has also borrowed a lot of functions and syntax from Haskell(a non-related language).
These docs were written by the creator of the language himself. So is this line.
; Comments are like LISP. Semi-colons...
; Majority of first-level statements are inside "forms"
; which are just things inside parens separated by whitespace
; 1. Numbers, Strings, and Operators
; Whip has one number type (which is a 64-bit IEEE 754 double, from JavaScript).
3 ; => 3
1.5 ; => 1.5
; Functions are called if they are the first element in a form
(called_function args)
; Majority of operations are done with functions
; All the basic arihmetic is pretty straight forward
(+ 1 1) ; => 2
(- 2 1) ; => 1
(* 1 2) ; => 2
(/ 2 1) ; => 2
; even modulo
(% 9 4) ; => 1
; JavaScript-style uneven division.
(/ 5 2) ; => 2.5
; Nesting forms works as you expect.
(* 2 (+ 1 3)) ; => 8
; There's a boolean type.
; String are created with ".
"Hello, world"
; Single chars are created with '.
; Negation uses the 'not' function.
(not true) ; => false
(not false) ; => true
; But the majority of non-haskell functions have shortcuts
; not's shortcut is a '!'.
(! (! true)) ; => true
; Equality is `equal` or `=`.
(= 1 1) ; => true
(equal 2 1) ; => false
; For example, inequality would be combinding the not and equal functions.
(! (= 2 1)) ; => true
; More comparisons
(< 1 10) ; => true
(> 1 10) ; => false
; and their word counterpart.
(lesser 1 10) ; => true
(greater 1 10) ; => false
; Strings can be concatenated with +.
(+ "Hello " "world!") ; => "Hello world!"
; You can use JavaScript's comparative abilities.
(< 'a' 'b') ; => true
; ...and type coercion
(= '5' 5)
; The `at` or @ function will access characters in strings, starting at 0.
(at 0 'a') ; => 'a'
(@ 3 "foobar") ; => 'b'
; There is also the `null` and `undefined` variables.
null ; used to indicate a deliberate non-value
undefined ; user to indicate a value that hasn't been set
; 2. Vairbles, Lists, and Dicts
; Variables are declared with the `def` or `let` functions.
; Variab;es that haven't been set will be `undefined`.
(def some_var 5)
; `def` will keep the variable in the global context.
; `let` will only have the variable inside it's context, and has a wierder syntax.
(let ((a_var 5)) (+ a_var 5)) ; => 10
(+ a_var 5) ; = undefined + 5 => undefined
; Lists are arrays of values of any type.
; They basically are just forms without functions at the beginning.
(1 2 3) ; => [1, 2, 3] (JavaScript syntax)
; Dictionaries are Whip's equivalent to JavaScript 'objects' or Python 'dicts'
; or Ruby 'hashes': an unordered collection of key-value pairs.
{"key1":"value1" "key2":2 3:3}
; Keys are just values, either identifier, number, or string.
(def my_dict {my_key:"my_value" "my other key":4})
; But in Whip, dictionaries get parsed like: value, colon, value;
; with whitespace between each. So that means
{"key": "value"
"another key"
: 1234
; is evaluated to the same as
{"key":"value" "another key":1234}
; Dictionary definitions can be accessed used the `at` function
; (like strings and lists.)
(@ "my other key" my_dict) ; => 4
; 3. Logic and Control sequences
; The `if` function is pretty simple, though different than most imperitave langs.
(if true "returned if first arg is true" "returned if first arg is false")
; => "returned if first arg is true"
; And for the sake of ternary operator legacy
; `?` is if's unused shortcut.
(? false true false) ; => false
; `both` is a logical 'and' statement, and `either` is a logical 'or'.
(both true true) ; => true
(both true false) ; => false
(either true false) ; => true
(either false false) ; => false
; And their shortcuts are
; & => both
; ^ => either
(& true true) ; => true
(^ false true) ; => true
; Lambdas
; Lambdas in Whip are declared with the `lambda` or `->` function.
; And functions are really just lambdas with names.
(def my_function (-> (x y) (+ (x y) 10)))
; | | | |
; | | | returned value(with scope containing argument vars)
; | | arguments
; | lambda declaration function
; |
; name of the to-be-decalred lambda
(my_function 10 10) ; = (+ (+ 10 10) 10) => 30
; Obiously, all lambdas by definition are anonymous and
; technically always used anonymouesly. Redundancy.
((lambda (x) x) 10) ; => 10
; Comprehensions
; `range` or `..` generates a list of numbers for
; each number between it's two args.
(range 1 5) ; => (1 2 3 4 5)
(.. 0 2) ; => (0 1 2)
; `map` applies it's first arg(which should be a lambda/function)
; to each item in the following arg(which should be a list)
(map (-> (x) (+ x 1)) (1 2 3)) ; => (2 3 4)
; Reduce
(reduce + (.. 1 5))
; equivalent to
((+ (+ (+ 1 2) 3) 4) 5)
; Note: map and reduce don't have shortcuts
; `slice` or `\` is just like JavaScript's .slice()
; But do note, it takes the list as the first argument, not the last.
(slice (.. 1 5) 2) ; => (3 4 5)
(\ (.. 0 100) -5) ; => (96 97 98 99 100)
; `append` or `<<` is self expanatory
(append 4 (1 2 3)) ; => (1 2 3 4)
(<< "bar" ("foo")) ; => ("foo" "bar")
; Length is self explanatory.
(length (1 2 3)) ; => 3
(_ "foobar") ; => 6
; Haskell fluff
; First item in list
(head (1 2 3)) ; => 1
; List from second to last elements in list
(tail (1 2 3)) ; => (2 3)
; Last item in list
(last (1 2 3)) ; => 3
; Reverse of `tail`
(init (1 2 3)) ; => (1 2)
; List from first to specified elements in list
(take 1 (1 2 3 4)) ; (1 2)
; Reverse of `take`
(drop 1 (1 2 3 4)) ; (3 4)
; Lowest value in list
(min (1 2 3 4)) ; 1
; Highest value in list
(max (1 2 3 4)) ; 4
; If value is in list or object
(elem 1 (1 2 3)) ; true
(elem "foo" {"foo":"bar"}) ; true
(elem "bar" {"foo":"bar"}) ; false
; Reverse list order
(reverse (1 2 3 4)) ; => (4 3 2 1)
; If value is even or odd
(even 1) ; => false
(odd 1) ; => true
; Split string into list of strings by whitespace
(words "foobar nachos cheese") ; => ("foobar" "nachos" "cheese")
; Join list of strings together.
(unwords ("foo" "bar")) ; => "foobar"
(pred 21) ; => 20
(succ 20) ; => 21
For more info, check out the [repo](http://github.com/L8D/whip)
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ filename: learnc.c
- ["Adam Bard", "http://adambard.com/"]
- ["Chenbo Li", "http://binarythink.net/"]
- ["Chenbo Li", "http://binarythink.net/"]
lang: zh-cn
@ -3,12 +3,15 @@ language: elisp
- ["Bastien Guerry", "http://bzg.fr"]
- ["Chenbo Li", "http://binarythink.net"]
- ["Chenbo Li", "http://binarythink.net"]
filename: learn-emacs-lisp.el
lang: zh-cn
;; 15分钟学会Emacs Lisp (v0.2a) (作者:bzg,https://github.com/bzg 译者:lichenbo,http://douban.com/people/lichenbo)
;; 15分钟学会Emacs Lisp (v0.2a)
;; 译者:lichenbo,http://douban.com/people/lichenbo)
;; 请先阅读Peter Norvig的一篇好文:
;; http://norvig.com/21-days.html
@ -301,7 +304,8 @@ filename: learn-emacs-lisp.el
(list 'face 'bold)))
(other-window 1))
;; 这个函数使用了 `re-search-forward': 和查找一个字符串不同,你用这个命令可以查找一个模式,即正则表达式
;; 这个函数使用了 `re-search-forward':
;; 和查找一个字符串不同,你用这个命令可以查找一个模式,即正则表达式
;; 正则表达式 "Bonjour \\(.+\\)!" 的意思是:
;; 字符串 "Bonjour ", 之后跟着
@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
name: java
category: language
language: java
lang: zh-cn
filename: LearnJava.java
- ["Jake Prather", "http://github.com/JakeHP"]
- ["Chenbo Li", "http://binarythink.net"]
filename: LearnJava.java
- ["Chenbo Li", "http://binarythink.net"]
Java是一个通用的程序语言, 包含并发, 基于类的面向对象等特性
@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
language: javascript
author: Adam Brenecki
author_url: http://adam.brenecki.id.au
translator: Chenbo Li
translator_url: http://binarythink.net
category: language
name: javascript
- ["Adam Brenecki", "http://adam.brenecki.id.au"]
- ["Chenbo Li", "http://binarythink.net"]
lang: zh-cn
Javascript于1995年由网景公司的Brendan Eich发明。
@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ contributors:
- ["Malcolm Fell", "http://emarref.net/"]
- ["Trismegiste", "https://github.com/Trismegiste"]
- ["Chenbo Li", "http://binarythink.net"]
- ["Chenbo Li", "http://binarythink.net"]
filename: learnphp.php
lang: zh-cn
这份教程所使用的版本是 PHP 5+.
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