mirror of https://github.com/adambard/learnxinyminutes-docs.git synced 2025-01-16 13:09:45 +01:00

Update internal links

This commit is contained in:
Boris Verkhovskiy 2024-12-09 04:21:58 -07:00
parent d9225142d0
commit adda1dcfa7
68 changed files with 71 additions and 76 deletions

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@ -40,6 +40,6 @@ Anything not covered by the above -- basically, this README -- you can use as
you wish, I guess.
[1]: http://learnxinyminutes.com
[1]: https://learnxinyminutes.com
[3]: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ filename: learnpython-ar.py
لقد أُنشئت لغة البايثون بواسطة جايدو ڤان روسم في بداية التسعينات. هي الأن أحد أشهر اللغات الموجودة.
لقد أحببت لغة البايثون بسبب وضوحها. هي في الأساس عبارة عن سودوكود قابل للتنفيذ.
ملحوظة: هذا المقال يُطبق على بايثون 3 فقط. راجع المقال [هنا](http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/pythonlegacy/) إذا أردت تعلم لغة البايثون نسخة 2.7 الأقدم
ملحوظة: هذا المقال يُطبق على بايثون 3 فقط. راجع المقال [هنا](../pythonlegacy/) إذا أردت تعلم لغة البايثون نسخة 2.7 الأقدم
# تعليق من سطر واحد يبدأ برمز الرقم.

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ filename: learnassemblyscript.ts
__AssemblyScript__ compiles a variant of __TypeScript__ (basically JavaScript with types) to __WebAssembly__ using __Binaryen__. It generates lean and mean WebAssembly modules while being just an `npm install` away.
This article will focus only on AssemblyScript extra syntax, as opposed to [TypeScript](/docs/typescript) and [JavaScript](/docs/javascript).
This article will focus only on AssemblyScript extra syntax, as opposed to [TypeScript](../typescript/) and [JavaScript](../javascript/).
To test AssemblyScript's compiler, head to the
[Playground](https://www.assemblyscript.org/editor.html#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) where you will be able

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Use a macro only when you need control over when or if the arguments to a form w
be evaluated.
You'll want to be familiar with Clojure. Make sure you understand everything in
[Clojure in Y Minutes](/docs/clojure/).
[Clojure in Y Minutes](../clojure/).
;; Define a macro using defmacro. Your macro should output a list that can

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ které známe ze staticky typovaných jazyků.
Níže jsou popsané pouze vlastnosti jazyka Hack. Detaily ohledně jazyka PHP a jeho
syntaxe pak najdete na těchto stránkách v samostatném
[článku o PHP](http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/php/).
[článku o PHP](/php/).

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ filename: learnpython-cz.py
Python byl vytvořen Guidem Van Rossum v raných 90. letech. Nyní je jedním z nejpopulárnějších jazyků.
Zamiloval jsem si Python pro jeho syntaktickou čistotu - je to vlastně spustitelný pseudokód.
Poznámka: Tento článek je zaměřen na Python 3. Zde se můžete [naučit starší Python 2.7](http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/pythonlegacy/).
Poznámka: Tento článek je zaměřen na Python 3. Zde se můžete [naučit starší Python 2.7](/pythonlegacy/).
# Jednořádkový komentář začíná křížkem

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Sei aber vorsichtig, es wird als schlechter Stil angesehen, wenn du
ein Macro schreibst, obwohl eine Funktion genauso gut funktionieren würde.
Verwende nur dann ein Macro, wenn du Kontrolle darüber brauchst, wann oder ob Argumente in einer Form evaluiert werden.
Wenn du mit Clojure vertraut sein möchtest, stelle sicher, dass du alles in [Clojure in Y Minutes](/docs/clojure/) verstehst.
Wenn du mit Clojure vertraut sein möchtest, stelle sicher, dass du alles in [Clojure in Y Minutes](../clojure/) verstehst.
;; Definiere ein Macro mit defmacro. Dein Macro sollte eine Liste zurückgeben,

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Typisierung der Sprache, die eine wesentlich höhere Performance erlaubt.
Hier werden nur Hack-spezifische Eigenschaften beschrieben. Details über PHP's
Syntax findet man im [PHP Artikel](http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/php/) dieser
Syntax findet man im [PHP Artikel](/php/) dieser

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ translators:
[Paren](https://bitbucket.org/ktg/paren) ist ein Dialekt von Lisp.
Es ist als eingebettete Sprache konzipiert.
Manche Beispiele sind von <http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/racket/>.
Manche Beispiele sind von [Racket](/racket/).
;;; Kommentare

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ filename: learnpython-de.py
Anmerkungen des ursprünglichen Autors:
Python wurde in den frühen Neunzigern von Guido van Rossum entworfen. Es ist heute eine der beliebtesten Sprachen. Ich habe mich in Python wegen seiner syntaktischen Übersichtlichkeit verliebt. Eigentlich ist es ausführbarer Pseudocode.
Hinweis: Dieser Beitrag bezieht sich implizit auf Python 3. Falls du lieber Python 2.7 lernen möchtest, schau [hier](http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/pythonlegacy/) weiter. Beachte hierbei,
Hinweis: Dieser Beitrag bezieht sich implizit auf Python 3. Falls du lieber Python 2.7 lernen möchtest, schau [hier](/pythonlegacy/) weiter. Beachte hierbei,
dass Python 2 als veraltet gilt und für neue Projekte nicht mehr verwendet werden sollte.

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ translators:
die auf verschiedenen Hard- und Softwareplattformen mit wenig oder keinen Veränderungen im Code läuft.
Dabei besitzt man die Power und Geschwindigkeit von nativen Anwendungen.
Obwohl **Qt** ursprünglich in *C++* geschrieben wurde,
gibt es verschiedene Ports für andere Sprachen: *[PyQt](https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/pyqt/)*, *QtRuby*, *PHP-Qt*, etc.
gibt es verschiedene Ports für andere Sprachen: *[PyQt](../pyqt/)*, *QtRuby*, *PHP-Qt*, etc.
**Qt** eignet sich hervorragend zum Erstellen von Anwendungen mit grafischer Benutzeroberfläche (GUI).
Dieses Tutorial zeigt, wie man das in *C++* macht.

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ filename: learnpython-gr.py
δημοφιλείς γλώσσες. Ερωτευεται κανείς την python για τη συντακτική της απλότητα.
Βασικά είναι εκτελέσιμος ψευδοκώδικας.
Σημείωση: Το παρόν άρθρο ασχολείται μόνο με την Python 3. Δείτε [εδώ](http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/pythonlegacy/) αν θέλετε να μάθετε την παλιά Python 2.7
Σημείωση: Το παρόν άρθρο ασχολείται μόνο με την Python 3. Δείτε [εδώ](/pythonlegacy/) αν θέλετε να μάθετε την παλιά Python 2.7
# Τα σχόλια μίας γραμμής ξεκινούν με #

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ filename: learnhack-es.hh
Hack es un superconjunto de PHP que se ejecuta en una máquina virtual llamada HHVM. Hack es casi totalmente compatible con código PHP ya existente y añade varias características típicas de los lenguajes de programación estáticamente tipados.
En este artículo sólo se cubren las características específicas de Hack. Los detalles sobre la sintaxis de PHP están en el [artículo sobre PHP](http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/php/) de esta misma web.
En este artículo sólo se cubren las características específicas de Hack. Los detalles sobre la sintaxis de PHP están en el [artículo sobre PHP](../php/) de esta misma web.

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ filename: jquery-es.js
jQuery es una librería de JavaScript que le ayuda a "hacer más y escribir menos". Esto hace que muchas de las tareas comunes de JavaScript sean más fáciles de escribir. jQuery es utilizado por muchas de las grandes empresas y desarrolladores de todo el mundo. Hace que AJAX, la gestión de eventos, la manipulación de documentos, y mucho más, sea más fácil y rápido.
Debido a que jQuery es una librería de JavaScript debes [aprender JavaScript primero](https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/es-es/javascript-es/)
Debido a que jQuery es una librería de JavaScript debes [aprender JavaScript primero](../javascript/)

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@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ require(plyr)
# "pets.csv" es un archivo en internet
# (pero puede ser tan fácil como tener el archivo en tu computadora)
pets <- read.csv("http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/pets.csv")
pets <- read.csv("https://learnxinyminutes.com/pets.csv")
head(pets, 2) # primeras dos filas
tail(pets, 1) # última fila

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ TypeScript es un lenguaje cuyo objetivo es facilitar el desarrollo de aplicacion
TypeScript añade conceptos comunes como clases, módulos, interfaces, genéricos y (opcionalmente) tipeo estático a JavaScript.
Es un superset de JavaScript: todo el código JavaScript es código válido en TypeScript de manera que se puede integrar fácilmente a cualquier proyecto . El compilador TypeScript emite JavaScript.
Este artículo se enfocará solo en la sintáxis extra de TypeScript, y no en [JavaScript](../javascript-es/).
Este artículo se enfocará solo en la sintáxis extra de TypeScript, y no en [JavaScript](../javascript/).
Para probar el compilador de TypeScript, diríjase al [Área de Pruebas](https://www.typescriptlang.org/Playground) donde podrá tipear código, y ver como se auto-completa al tiempo que ve el código emitido JavaScript.

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ filename: jquery-fr.js
jQuery est une bibliothèque JavaScript dont le but est de permettre de "faire plus en écrivant moins" (do more, write less). Elle facilite l'écriture de nombreuses fonctions, notamment au niveau d'AJAX, de la gestion d'événements, ou encore de la manipulation de documents.
C'est pourquoi aujourd'hui, jQuery est utilisée par de nombreuses grandes entreprises et par des développeurs du monde entier.
Étant donné que jQuery est une bibliothèque JavaScript, vous devriez d'abord [apprendre le JavaScript](https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/fr-fr/javascript-fr/)
Étant donné que jQuery est une bibliothèque JavaScript, vous devriez d'abord [apprendre le JavaScript](./javascript/)

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Python a été créé par Guido Van Rossum au début des années 90. C'est maint
langages les plus populaires. Je suis tombé amoureux de Python pour la clarté de sa syntaxe.
C'est tout simplement du pseudo-code exécutable.
Note : Cet article s'applique spécifiquement à Python 3. Jettez un coup d'oeil [ici](http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/fr-fr/python-fr/) pour apprendre le vieux Python 2.7
Note : Cet article s'applique spécifiquement à Python 3. Jettez un coup d'oeil [ici](../pythonlegacy/) pour apprendre le vieux Python 2.7
# Un commentaire d'une ligne commence par un dièse

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ translators:
Python a été créé par Guido Van Rossum au début des années 90. C'est maintenant un des langages de programmation les plus populaires.
Je suis tombé amoureux de Python de par la clarté de sa syntaxe. C'est pratiquement du pseudo-code exécutable.
N.B. : Cet article s'applique spécifiquement à Python 2.7, mais devrait s'appliquer pour toute version Python 2.x. Python 2.7 est en fin de vie et ne sera plus maintenu à partir de 2020, il est donc recommandé d'apprendre Python avec Python 3. Pour Python 3.x, il existe un autre [tutoriel pour Python 3](http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/fr-fr/python3-fr/).
N.B. : Cet article s'applique spécifiquement à Python 2.7, mais devrait s'appliquer pour toute version Python 2.x. Python 2.7 est en fin de vie et ne sera plus maintenu à partir de 2020, il est donc recommandé d'apprendre Python avec Python 3. Pour Python 3.x, il existe un autre [tutoriel pour Python 3](../python/).
# Une ligne simple de commentaire commence par un dièse

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@ -688,7 +688,7 @@ require(plyr)
# "pets.csv" est un fichier sur internet
# (mais il pourrait être tout aussi facilement sur votre ordinateur)
pets <- read.csv("http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/pets.csv")
pets <- read.csv("https://learnxinyminutes.com/pets.csv")
head(pets, 2) # first two rows
tail(pets, 1) # last row

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ TypeScript est un langage visant à faciliter le développement d'applications l
TypeScript ajoute des concepts classiques comme les classes, les modules, les interfaces, les génériques et le typage statique (optionnel) à JavaScript.
C'est une surcouche de JavaScript : tout le code JavaScript est valide en TypeScript ce qui permet de l'ajouter de façon transparente à n'importe quel projet. Le code TypeScript est transcompilé en JavaScript par le compilateur.
Cet article se concentrera seulement sur la syntaxe supplémentaire de TypeScript, plutôt que celle de [JavaScript](../javascript-fr/).
Cet article se concentrera seulement sur la syntaxe supplémentaire de TypeScript, plutôt que celle de [JavaScript](../javascript/).
Pour tester le compilateur de TypeScript, rendez-vous au [Playground](https://www.typescriptlang.org/Playground) où vous pourrez coder, profiter d'une autocomplétion et accéder directement au rendu JavaScript.

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ contributors:
- ["MrTeferi", "https://github.com/MrTeferi"]
Hjson is an attempt to make [JSON](https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/json/) more human readable.
Hjson is an attempt to make [JSON](../json/) more human readable.
Hjson is a syntax extension to JSON.
It's NOT a proposal to replace JSON or to incorporate it into the JSON spec itself.

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ bele. Tulajdonképpen futtatható pszeudokód.
Figyelem: ez a leírás a Python 2.7 verziójára vonatkozik, illetve
általánosságban a 2.x verziókra. A Python 2.7 azonban már csak 2020-ig lesz
támogatva, ezért kezdőknek ajánlott, hogy a Python 3-mal kezdjék az
ismerkedést. A Python 3.x verzióihoz a [Python 3 bemutató](http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/python/)
ismerkedést. A Python 3.x verzióihoz a [Python 3 bemutató](/python/)
Lehetséges olyan Python kódot írni, ami egyszerre kompatibilis a 2.7 és a 3.x

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ translators:
jQuery è una libreria JavaScript che ti aiuta a "fare di più, scrivendo meno". Rende molte attività comuni di JavaScript più facili da scrivere. jQuery è utilizzato da molte grandi aziende e sviluppatori in tutto il mondo. Rende AJAX, gestione degli eventi, manipolazione dei documenti e molto altro, più facile e veloce.
Visto che jQuery è una libreria JavaScript dovresti prima [imparare JavaScript](https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/javascript/)
Visto che jQuery è una libreria JavaScript dovresti prima [imparare JavaScript](../javascript/)

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ translators:
Python è stato creato da Guido Van Rossum agli inizi degli anni 90. Oggi è uno dei più popolari linguaggi esistenti. Mi sono innamorato di Python per la sua chiarezza sintattica. E' sostanzialmente pseudocodice eseguibile.
Nota: Questo articolo è riferito a Python 3 in modo specifico. Se volete avete la necessità di utilizzare Python 2.7 potete consultarla [qui](https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/it-it/python-it/)
Nota: Questo articolo è riferito a Python 3 in modo specifico. Se volete avete la necessità di utilizzare Python 2.7 potete consultarla [qui](../pythonlegacy/)
# I commenti su una sola linea iniziano con un cancelletto

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ pseudocodice eseguibile.
Nota: questo articolo è riferito a Python 2.7 in modo specifico, ma dovrebbe andar
bene anche per Python 2.x. Python 2.7 sta raggiungendo il "fine vita", ovvero non sarà
più supportato nel 2020. Quindi è consigliato imparare Python utilizzando Python 3.
Per maggiori informazioni su Python 3.x, dai un'occhiata al [tutorial di Python 3](http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/python/).
Per maggiori informazioni su Python 3.x, dai un'occhiata al [tutorial di Python 3](../python/).
E' possibile anche scrivere codice compatibile sia con Python 2.7 che con Python 3.x,
utilizzando [il modulo `__future__`](https://docs.python.org/2/library/__future__.html) di Python.

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ translators:
- ["Ale46", "https://gihub.com/ale46"]
**Qt** è un framework ampiamente conosciuto per lo sviluppo di software multipiattaforma che può essere eseguito su varie piattaforme software e hardware con modifiche minime o nulle nel codice, pur avendo la potenza e la velocità delle applicazioni native. Sebbene **Qt** sia stato originariamente scritto in *C++*, ci sono diversi porting in altri linguaggi: *[PyQt](https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/pyqt/)*, *QtRuby*, *PHP-Qt*, etc.
**Qt** è un framework ampiamente conosciuto per lo sviluppo di software multipiattaforma che può essere eseguito su varie piattaforme software e hardware con modifiche minime o nulle nel codice, pur avendo la potenza e la velocità delle applicazioni native. Sebbene **Qt** sia stato originariamente scritto in *C++*, ci sono diversi porting in altri linguaggi: *[PyQt](../pyqt/)*, *QtRuby*, *PHP-Qt*, etc.
**Qt** è ottimo per la creazione di applicazioni con interfaccia utente grafica (GUI). Questo tutorial descrive come farlo in *C++*.

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ filename: learnpython-jp.py
Note: この記事はPython 3に内容を絞っています。もし古いPython 2.7を学習したいなら、 [こちら](http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/pythonlegacy/) をご確認下さい。
Note: この記事はPython 3に内容を絞っています。もし古いPython 2.7を学習したいなら、 [こちら](/pythonlegacy/) をご確認下さい。
# 1行のコメントは番号記号(#)から始まります。

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@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ require(plyr)
# "pets.csv"は、インターネット上に置いてあるファイルです
# (しかし、自分のPCにあるのと同じぐらい簡単に扱う事ができます)
pets <- read.csv("http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/pets.csv")
pets <- read.csv("https://learnxinyminutes.com/pets.csv")
head(pets, 2) # 最初の2行
tail(pets, 1) # 最後の行

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ filename: jquery.js
jQuery is a JavaScript library that helps you "do more, write less". It makes many common JavaScript tasks and makes them easier to write. jQuery is used by many big companies and developers everywhere. It makes AJAX, event handling, document manipulation, and much more, easier and faster.
Because jQuery is a JavaScript library you should [learn JavaScript first](https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/javascript/)
Because jQuery is a JavaScript library you should [learn JavaScript first](../javascript/)
**NOTE**: jQuery has fallen out of the limelight in recent years, since you can achieve the same thing with the vanilla DOM (Document Object Model) API. So the only thing it is used for is a couple of handy features, such as the [jQuery date picker](https://api.jqueryui.com/datepicker) (which actually has a standard, unlike the `<input type="date">` HTML element), and the obvious decrease in the code length.

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ translators:
주의하시기 바랍니다. 함수로도 충분히 해결할 수 있는 문제를 매크로로 작성하게 된다면, 좋은 코드라고 할 수 없습니다.
인자가 평가되는 시점을 제어해야 할 때만 매크로를 사용하는게 좋습니다.
Clojure랑 친해지면 쉽게 따라갈 수 있습니다. [Clojure in Y Minutes](/docs/ko-kr/clojure-kr/)를 한번 읽어보세요.
Clojure랑 친해지면 쉽게 따라갈 수 있습니다. [Clojure in Y Minutes](../clojure/)를 한번 읽어보세요.
;; defmacro로 매크로를 정의합니다.

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@ -269,8 +269,8 @@ package hyperref into preamble with the command:
There exists two main types of links: visible URL \\
\url{https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/latex/}, or
\href{https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/latex/}{shadowed by text}
\url{https://learnxinyminutes.com/latex/}, or
\href{https://learnxinyminutes.com/latex/}{shadowed by text}
% You can not add extra-spaces or special symbols into shadowing text since it
% will cause mistakes during the compilation

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Jaga-jaga. Penggunaan macro boleh dikatakan tidak elok jika digunakan secara ber
Gunakan macro hanya apabila anda mahu lebih kawalan terhadap sesuatu form.
Biasakan diri dengan Clojure terlebih dahulu. Pastikan anda memahami semuanya di
[Clojure in Y Minutes](/docs/ms-my/clojure-my/).
[Clojure in Y Minutes](../clojure/).
;; Define macro menggunakan defmacro. Macro anda akan output list yang boleh

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ generieken en statische typen toe aan JavaScript.
TypeScript is een superset van JavaScript: alle JavaScript code is geldige
TypeScript code waardoor de overgang van JavaScript naar TypeScript wordt versoepeld.
Dit artikel focust zich alleen op de extra's van TypeScript tegenover [JavaScript](../javascript-nl/).
Dit artikel focust zich alleen op de extra's van TypeScript tegenover [JavaScript](../javascript/).
Om de compiler van TypeScript te kunnen proberen kun je naar de [Playground](https://www.typescriptlang.org/Playground) gaan.
Hier kun je automatisch aangevulde code typen in TypeScript en de JavaScript variant bekijken.

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ filename: p5.js
p5.js is a JavaScript library that starts with the original goal of [Processing](https://processing.org), to make coding accessible for artists, designers, educators, and beginners, and reinterprets this for today's web.
Since p5 is a JavaScript library, you should learn [JavaScript](https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/javascript/) first.
Since p5 is a JavaScript library, you should learn [JavaScript](../javascript/) first.
To run p5.js code, you can go to [the online editor](https://editor.p5js.org/).

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ contributors:
[Paren](https://bitbucket.org/ktg/paren) is a dialect of Lisp. It is designed to be an embedded language.
Some examples are from <http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/racket/>.
Some examples are from [Racket](../racket/).
;;; Comments

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Pórem, tenha cuidado. É considerado má pratica escrever uma macro quando uma
quando você precisar de controle sobre quando ou se os argumentos de um formulário serão avaliados.
Você vai querer estar familiarizado com Clojure. Certifique-se de entender tudo em
[Aprenda Clojure em Y Minutos](/docs/clojure/).
[Aprenda Clojure em Y Minutos](/clojure/).
;; Defina uma macro utilizando defmacro. Sua macro deve ter como saída uma lista que possa

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ alguns recursos úteis de linguagens estaticamente tipadas.
Somente recursos específicos da linguagem Hack serão abordados aqui. Detalhes
sobre a sintaxe do PHP estão disponíveis no
[artigo PHP](http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/php/) neste site.
[artigo PHP](../php/) neste site.

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ filename: jquery-pt.js
jQuery é uma biblioteca JavaScript que te ajuda a "fazer mais, escrevendo menos". Ela faz com que muitas tarefas comuns em JavaScript sejam mais simples de escrever. jQuery é usado por grandes empresas e desenvolvedores do mundo todo. Ela torna o AJAX, manipulação de eventos, manipulação do DOM, entre outros, mais fácil e rápido.
Pelo jQuery ser uma biblioteca JavaScript você deve [aprende-lo primeiro](https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/pt-br/javascript-pt/)
Pelo jQuery ser uma biblioteca JavaScript você deve [aprende-lo primeiro](../javascript/)

View File

@ -272,8 +272,8 @@ o pacote hyperref no preâmbulo com o comando:
Existem dois tipos principais de links: URL visíveis \\
\url{https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/latex/}, ou
\href{https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/latex/}{um texto alternativo}
\url{https://learnxinyminutes.com/latex/}, ou
\href{https://learnxinyminutes.com/latex/}{um texto alternativo}
% Você não pode adicionar espaços extras ou símbolos especiais no texto
% alternativo, pois isso causará problemas na compilação.

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ translators:
p5.js é biblioteca JavaScript que carrega o princípio original do [Processing](https://processing.org), tornar a programação acessível à artistas, designers, professores e alunos e traz esse lema para os dias atuais.
Como o p5.js é uma biblioteca JavaScript, você precisa aprender [JavaScript](https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/pt-br/javascript-pt/) primeiro.
Como o p5.js é uma biblioteca JavaScript, você precisa aprender [JavaScript](../javascript/) primeiro.
Para rodar códigos com p5.js online, você pode acessar o [editor online](https://editor.p5js.org/).

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ translators:
[Paren](https://bitbucket.org/ktg/paren) é um dialeto do Lisp. É projetado para ser uma linguagem embutida.
Alguns exemplos foram retirados de <http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/racket/>.
Alguns exemplos foram retirados de [Racket](/racket/).
;;; Comentários

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ das linguagens mais populares existentes. Eu me apaixonei por
Python por sua clareza sintática. É praticamente pseudocódigo executável.
Observação: Este artigo trata de Python 3 especificamente. Verifique
[aqui](http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/pt-br/python-pt/) se você pretende
[aqui](../pythonlegacy/) se você pretende
aprender o velho Python 2.7.

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ software multi-plataforma que pode rodar em vários outras plataformas de
softwares e hardwares com pouca ou nenhuma alteração no código, enquanto mantém
o poder e a velocidade de uma aplicação nativa. Embora o **Qt** tenha sido
originalmente escrito em *C++*, é possível utilizá-lo em outras linguagens:
*[PyQt](https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/pyqt/)*, *QtRuby*, *PHP-Qt*, etc.
*[PyQt](../pyqt/)*, *QtRuby*, *PHP-Qt*, etc.
**Qt** é ótimo para criar aplicações com interface gráfica (GUI). Esse tutorial
será feito em *C++*.

View File

@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ require(plyr)
# "pets.csv" é um arquivo hospedado na internet
# (mas também poderia tranquilamente ser um arquivo no seu computador)
pets <- read.csv(textConnection(getURL("https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/pets.csv")))
pets <- read.csv(textConnection(getURL("https://learnxinyminutes.com/pets.csv")))
head(pets, 2) # primeiras duas linhas
tail(pets, 1) # última linha

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Typescript é uma linguagem que visa facilitar o desenvolvimento de aplicações
Typescript acrescenta conceitos comuns como classes, módulos, interfaces, genéricos e (opcional) tipagem estática para JavaScript.
É um super conjunto de JavaScript: todo o código JavaScript é TypeScript válido então ele pode ser adicionado diretamente a qualquer projeto. O compilador emite TypeScript JavaScript.
Este artigo irá se concentrar apenas na sintaxe extra do TypeScript, ao contrário de [JavaScript](../javascript-pt/).
Este artigo irá se concentrar apenas na sintaxe extra do TypeScript, ao contrário de [JavaScript](../javascript/).
Para testar o compilador TypeScript, vá para o [Playground](https://www.typescriptlang.org/Playground), onde você vai ser capaz de escrever código, ter auto conclusão e ver diretamente o JavaScript emitido.

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ syntactic clarity. It's basically executable pseudocode.
Note: This article applies to Python 2.7 specifically, but should be applicable
to Python 2.x. Python 2.7 is reaching end of life and will stop being
maintained in 2020, it is though recommended to start learning Python with
Python 3. For Python 3.x, take a look at the [Python 3 tutorial](http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/python/).
Python 3. For Python 3.x, take a look at the [Python 3 tutorial](../python/).
It is also possible to write Python code which is compatible with Python 2.7
and 3.x at the same time, using Python [`__future__` imports](https://docs.python.org/2/library/__future__.html). `__future__` imports

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ contributors:
**Qt** is a widely-known framework for developing cross-platform software that can be run on various software and hardware platforms with little or no change in the code, while having the power and speed of native applications. Though **Qt** was originally written in *C++*, there are its ports to other languages: *[PyQt](https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/pyqt/)*, *QtRuby*, *PHP-Qt*, etc.
**Qt** is a widely-known framework for developing cross-platform software that can be run on various software and hardware platforms with little or no change in the code, while having the power and speed of native applications. Though **Qt** was originally written in *C++*, there are its ports to other languages: *[PyQt](../pyqt/)*, *QtRuby*, *PHP-Qt*, etc.
**Qt** is great for creating applications with graphical user interface (GUI). This tutorial is how to do it in *C++*.

View File

@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ require(plyr)
# "pets.csv" is a file on the internet
# (but it could just as easily be a file on your own computer)
pets <- read.csv(textConnection(getURL("https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/pets.csv")))
pets <- read.csv(textConnection(getURL("https://learnxinyminutes.com/pets.csv")))
head(pets, 2) # first two rows
tail(pets, 1) # last row

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ filename: jquery-ru.js
jQuery — это библиотека JavaScript, которая помогает "делать больше, писать меньше". Она выполняет множество типичных JavaScript-задач, упрощая написание кода. jQuery используется крупными компаниями и разработчиками со всего мира. Она упрощает и ускоряет работу с AJAX, с событиями, с DOM и со многим другим.
Поскольку jQuery является библиотекой JavaScript, вам следует начать с [изучения JavaScript](https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/ru-ru/javascript-ru/).
Поскольку jQuery является библиотекой JavaScript, вам следует начать с [изучения JavaScript](../javascript/).

View File

@ -8,8 +8,6 @@ translators:
[Paren](https://bitbucket.org/ktg/paren) - это диалект языка Лисп. Он спроектирован как встроенный язык.
Примеры взяты <http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/racket/>.
;;; Комментарии
# комментарии

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@ -12,9 +12,6 @@ filename: learnpython-ru.py
самых популярных языков. Я влюбился в Python за понятный и доходчивый синтаксис — это
почти что исполняемый псевдокод.
Замечание: Эта статья относится только к Python 3.
Если вы хотите изучить Python 2.7, обратитесь к [другой статье](/docs/ru-ru/pythonlegacy-ru/).
# Однострочные комментарии начинаются с символа решётки.

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ TypeScript добавляет в JavaScript общие концепции, та
Это надмножество языка JavaScript: весь JavaScript-код является валидным TypeScript-кодом, следовательно, может быть добавлен бесшовно в любой проект.
Компилятор TypeScript генерирует JavaScript-код.
Эта статья концентрируется только на синтаксисе TypeScript, в противовес статье о [JavaScript](../javascript-ru/).
Эта статья концентрируется только на синтаксисе TypeScript, в противовес статье о [JavaScript](../javascript/).
Для тестирования компилятора TypeScript пройдите по ссылке в [песочницу](https://www.typescriptlang.org/Playground).
Там вы можете написать код (с поддержкой автодополнения) и сразу же увидеть сгенерированный JavaScript код.

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ filename: learntypescript-th.ts
TypeScript เป็นภาษาที่มีเป้าหมายเพื่อทำให้การพัฒนาซอฟต์แวร์ขนาดใหญ่ด้วย JavaScript ทำได้ง่ายขึ้น โดยที่ TypeScript ได้เพิ่มแนวคิดที่พบทั่วไป อาทิ classes, modules, interfaces, generics และ static typing (ไม่บังคับ) เข้าไปในภาษา JavaScript ดังนั้น TypeScript ก็เลยเป็น Super Set ของ JavaScript อีกที โค้ด JavaScript ทุกส่วน ก็คือโค้ดที่ทำงานได้ถูกต้องใน TypeScript ทำให้เราเพิ่ม TypeScript เข้าไปใช้ในโปรเจคการพัฒนาของเราได้ไม่ยากเลย เพราะ TypeScript คอมไพล์ผลลัพธ์ออกมาเป็น JavaScript ในท้ายสุดอยู่ดี
บทความนี้จะเน้นเฉพาะ syntax ส่วนขยายของ TypeScript ซึ่งจะไม่รวมกับที่มีใน [JavaScript](/docs/javascript)
บทความนี้จะเน้นเฉพาะ syntax ส่วนขยายของ TypeScript ซึ่งจะไม่รวมกับที่มีใน [JavaScript](/javascript/)
การทดสอบเขียน TypeScript เริ่มได้ง่าย ๆ โดยเข้าไปที่
[Playground](https://www.typescriptlang.org/Playground) ซึ่งคุณจะเขียนโค้ดพร้อม autocomplete และเห็นเลยว่ามันจะแปลงมาเป็นผลลัพธ์แบบ JavaScript อย่างไร

View File

@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ laminat
;; EDN (Genişletilebilir Veri Notasyonu), # sembolü ile genişletilebilir.
#benimuygulamam/bağlantı {:içerik "Y dakikada EDN Öğren" :url "https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/tr-tr/edn-tr" :tıhlama-aksiyonu yırrttılll!}
#benimuygulamam/bağlantı {:içerik "Y dakikada EDN Öğren" :url "https://learnxinyminutes.com/tr/edn" :tıhlama-aksiyonu yırrttılll!}
;; Ve bu yapıyı yorumlayacak bir de yapı gerekiyor.
(defn ->bağlantı [props]
@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ laminat
{:readers {'benimuygulamam/bağlantı ->bağlantı}}
"#benimuygulamam/bağlantı {:içerik \"Y dakikada EDN Öğren\" :url \"https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/tr-tr/edn-tr\" :tıhlama-aksiyonu yırrttılll!}")
;=> "<a href='https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/tr-tr/edn-tr'>Y dakikada EDN Öğren</a>"
"#benimuygulamam/bağlantı {:içerik \"Y dakikada EDN Öğren\" :url \"https://learnxinyminutes.com/tr/edn\" :tıhlama-aksiyonu yırrttılll!}")
;=> "<a href='https://learnxinyminutes.com/tr/edn'>Y dakikada EDN Öğren</a>"
;; |--------------------------------|
; |--- Ön Tanımlı Genişletmeler ---|

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@ -329,5 +329,5 @@ Diğer tüm manipülasyon fonksiyonları için resmi siteyi kontrol ediniz.
[jquery-official-website]: https://jquery.com
[ajax-wikipedia-page]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajax_(programming)
[javascript-learnxinyminutes-page]: https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/javascript/
[javascript-learnxinyminutes-page]: https://learnxinyminutes.com/javascript/
[lower-camel-case-notasyonu]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camel_case#Programming_and_coding

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ filename: learnpython-tr.py
Python,90ların başlarında Guido Van Rossum tarafından oluşturulmuştur. En popüler olan dillerden biridir. Beni Python'a aşık eden sebep onun syntax beraklığı. Çok basit bir çalıştırılabilir söz koddur.
Not: Bu makale Python 3 içindir. Eğer Python 2.7 öğrenmek istiyorsanız [burayı](http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/pythonlegacy/) kontrol edebilirsiniz.
Not: Bu makale Python 3 içindir. Eğer Python 2.7 öğrenmek istiyorsanız [burayı](../pythonlegacy/) kontrol edebilirsiniz.
# Tek satırlık yorum satırı kare(#) işareti ile başlamaktadır.

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ TypeScript code so it can be added seamlessly to any project. The TypeScript
compiler emits JavaScript.
This article will focus only on TypeScript extra syntax, as opposed to
To test TypeScript's compiler, head to the
[Playground](https://www.typescriptlang.org/play) where you will be able

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Python được tạo ra bởi Guido van Rossum vào đầu những năm 90s. Ng
nhất còn tồn tại. Tôi thích Python vì sự rõ ràng, trong sáng về mặt cú pháp. Về cơ bản, Python có thể coi
như một loại mã giả (pseudocode) có thể thực thi được.
Lưu ý: Bài viết này áp dụng riêng cho Python 3. Truy cập [vào đây](http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/pythonlegacy/) nếu bạn muốn học phiên bản cũ Python 2.7
Lưu ý: Bài viết này áp dụng riêng cho Python 3. Truy cập [vào đây](/pythonlegacy/) nếu bạn muốn học phiên bản cũ Python 2.7
# Dòng bình luận (comment) bắt đầu bằng dấu thăng (#)

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ translators:
;; 使用defmacro定义宏。宏应该输出一个可以作为clojure代码演算的列表。

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ filename: jquery-cn.js

View File

@ -244,8 +244,8 @@ figures, equations, sections, etc.
有两种主要的超链接方式 \\
\href{https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/latex/}{shadowed by text}
\href{https://learnxinyminutes.com/latex/}{shadowed by text}
% 你不可以增加特殊空格和符号,因为这将会造成编译错误

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ filename: learnpython-cn.py
Python 是由吉多·范罗苏姆(Guido Van Rossum)在 90 年代早期设计。
注意:这篇教程是基于 Python 3 写的。如果你想学旧版 Python 2我们特别有[另一篇教程](http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/pythonlegacy/)。
注意:这篇教程是基于 Python 3 写的。如果你想学旧版 Python 2我们特别有[另一篇教程](../pythonlegacy/)。
# 用井字符开头的是单行注释

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ translators:
**Qt** Qt是一个广为人知的框架用于开发跨平台软件该软件可以在各种软件和硬件平台上运行代码几乎没有变化同时具有本机应用程序的能力和速度。虽然**Qt**最初是用*C*++,但也有其他语言的端口: *[PyQt](https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/pyqt/)*, *QtRuby*, *PHP-Qt*, 等等.
**Qt** Qt是一个广为人知的框架用于开发跨平台软件该软件可以在各种软件和硬件平台上运行代码几乎没有变化同时具有本机应用程序的能力和速度。虽然**Qt**最初是用*C*++,但也有其他语言的端口: *[PyQt](../pyqt/)*, *QtRuby*, *PHP-Qt*, 等等.
**Qt** 非常适合使用图形用户界面 GUI 创建应用程序。本教程是关于如何用*C++*去实现。

View File

@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ require(plyr)
# "pets.csv" 是网上的一个文本
pets <- read.csv("http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/pets.csv")
pets <- read.csv("https://learnxinyminutes.com/pets.csv")
head(pets, 2) # 前两行
tail(pets, 1) # 最后一行

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ filename: learntypescript-cn.ts
TypeScript 是一门为开发大型 JavaScript 应用而设计的语言。TypeScript 在 JavaScript 的基础上增加了类、模块、接口、泛型和静态类型(可选)等常见的概念。它是 JavaScript 的超集:所有 JavaScript 代码都是有效的 TypeScript 代码,因此任何 JavaScript 项目都可以无缝引入 TypeScriptTypeScript 编译器最终会把 TypeScript 代码编译成 JavaScript 代码。
本文只关注 TypeScript 额外增加的区别于 [JavaScript](../javascript-cn/) 的语法,.
本文只关注 TypeScript 额外增加的区别于 [JavaScript](../javascript/) 的语法,.
如需测试 TypeScript 编译器,你可以到 [Playground](https://www.typescriptlang.org/play/) 编写代码,它会自动将你编写的 TypeScript 代码编译成 JavaScript 代码后,在右侧即时展示出来。

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ filename: learnpythonlegacy-tw.py
Python是在1990年代早期由Guido Van Rossum創建的。它是現在最流行的程式語言之一。我愛上Python是因為他極為清晰的語法甚至可以說它就是可執行的虛擬碼。
註: 本篇文章適用的版本為Python 2.7但大部分的Python 2.X版本應該都適用。 Python 2.7將會在2020年停止維護因此建議您可以從Python 3開始學Python。
Python 3.X可以看這篇[Python 3 教學 (英文)](http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/python/).
Python 3.X可以看這篇[Python 3 教學 (英文)](/python/).
讓程式碼同時支援Python 2.7和3.X是可以做到的只要引入
[`__future__` imports](https://docs.python.org/2/library/__future__.html) 模組.

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ filename: learntypescript-zh-tw.ts
TypeScript 是為開發大型 JavaScript 應用程式而設計的語言。它為 JavaScript 導入某些程式語言常見的一些概念諸如類別class、模組module、介面interface、泛型generic type和靜態型別static type。TypeScript 是 JavaScript 的「超集」superset意即建立在 JavaScript 的基礎上,所有 JavaScript 語法皆可在 TypeScript 中使用。因此TypeScript 可以無縫導入到任何 JavaScript 專案中。TypeScript 編譯器最終會編譯成 JavaScript 程式碼。
本文將只專注於 TypeScript 的額外語法,其他請參考 [JavaScript 的指南](/docs/javascript-tw)
本文將只專注於 TypeScript 的額外語法,其他請參考 [JavaScript 的指南](../javascript/)
要測試 TypeScript 的編譯器,請前往 [Playground](https://www.typescriptlang.org/play)在那裡你可以輸入程式碼獲得自動完成autocomplete功能並查看編譯過的 JavaScript 程式碼。