Fixed the mistake about integers that yuhui brought up. Deleted the confusing suggestion about command-enter (doesn't work for all GUIs or on Windows). Added some more information about vectors. Added some information about conditional clauses. Included some information at the very end on where to get R and R GUIs
Learn X in Y minutes
Whirlwind tours of (several, hopefully many someday) popular and ought-to-be-more-popular programming languages, presented as valid, commented code and explained as they go.
We need YOU!...
... to write more inline code tutorials. Just grab an existing file from this repo and copy the formatting (don't worry, it's all very simple). Make a new file, send a pull request, and if it passes muster I'll get it up pronto. Remember to fill in the author and author_url fields so you get credited properly!
The most requested languages are:
- Scala
- Python
- Javascript
... but there are many more requests to do "every language", so don't let that stop you.
Contributors retain copyright to their work, and can request removal at any time. By uploading a doc here, you agree to publish your work under the default Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported licensing included on each doc page.
Anything not covered by the above -- basically, this README -- you can use as you wish, I guess.