A curated list of awesome Game Boy Development resources, tools, docs, related projects and open-source ROMs. Inspired by the [awesome](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome) list thing.
Here you can find everything to get started and master the development of unofficial software for the original 1989 Game Boy.
- [gbdev.gg8.se](http://gbdev.gg8.se) This is basically the home of the gbdev scene. The [wiki](http://gbdev.gg8.se/wiki/articles/Main_Page) has a lot of articles from previous sites, tutorials and other documents about a lot of topics.
- [devrs.com/gb](devrs.com/gb) Jeff Frohwein’s page, this the main reference for everything. Almost everything is archived here: code examples and working programs(ASM and C), complete documentation and various tools.
- [GameBoy Programming Manual](http://www.romhacking.net/documents/544/) **Official Game Boy** hardware manual by Nintendo. Pretty much everything in the console is covered and explained in this manual. This should be your first and main resource to start understanding what game boy is.
- [gbdev FAQs](http://www.devrs.com/gb/files/faqs.html) must read by Jeff Frohwein
- [GameBoy CPU InstructionSet Sheet (GCISheet)](http://www.devrs.com/gb/files/GBCPU_Instr.html)</span>
- [GameBoy CPU Manual](http://marc.rawer.de/Gameboy/Docs/GBCPUman.pdf) Assembly Language Commands, Timings and Opcodes
- [Assembly Language Programming Course](http://cratel.wichita.edu/cratel/ECE238Spr08) Machine and assembly language programming concepts that illustrate basic principles and techniques. Application through study of the Z80 chip and Gameboy programming assignments (Center for Research in Arts, Technology, Education, and Learning CRATEL at Withicha State Universiy).
- [Building a GameBoy emulator in JavaScript](http://imrannazar.com/GameBoy-Emulation-in-JavaScript) by _Imran Nazar_
- [rgbds](https://github.com/bentley/rgbds) The main gb devkit. Assembler and linker package, currently updated. This is your main tool to write code in **ASM**.
- [The GameBoy Developer's Kit (GBDK)](http://gbdk.sourceforge.net/) A set of tools that enable to develop programs for the Nintendo GameBoy system, either in **C** or in assembly. GBDK includes a set of libraries for the most common requirements and generates image files for use with a real GameBoy.
- [BGB](http://bgb.bircd.org/) Powerful GameBoy **emulator** and **debugger**. Provides an accurate hardware emulation.
- [Gameboy Tile Data Generator](http://www.chrisantonellis.com/gameboy/gbtdg/)** HTML5 / JS web application that will **convert bitmap images to hexidecimal data** appropriate for use in tile based graphical applications, specifically GB.
- [rgbds_textmate](https://github.com/Bananattack/rgbds_textmate) Some syntax highlighting rules for coding in Z80 assembly as a Textmate language plugin. Works in Sublime Text 2 and 3\. The syntax is particularly designed for [RGBDS](http://www.otakunozoku.com/rednex-gameboy-development-system/) and Gameboy-specific Z80 instructions.
- [Harry Mulder's GB Development](http://www.devrs.com/gb/hmgd/intro.html)* Some sources and home of GameBoy Tile Designer and GameBoy Map Builder tools
- [Gambatte](http://sourceforge.net/projects/gambatte/) Open-source, cross-platform and accurate **emulator** for gb/gbc