diff --git a/awesome-php.md b/awesome-php.md index 96ae5862..130331fb 100644 --- a/awesome-php.md +++ b/awesome-php.md @@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ A list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries that you should be using: * [Faker](https://github.com/fzaninotto/Faker) - A fake data generator library. * [Spork](https://github.com/kriswallsmith/spork) - A process forking library. * [HTML Purifier](https://github.com/ezyang/htmlpurifier) - A standards compliant HTML filter. -* [PHP CS Fixer](https://github.com/fabpot/PHP-CS-Fixer) - A coding standard fixer library. * [React](https://github.com/react-php/react) - An event driven non-blocking I/O library. * [Événement](https://github.com/igorw/evenement) - An event dispatcher library. * [Sami](https://github.com/fabpot/Sami) - An API documentation generator. @@ -74,6 +73,7 @@ A list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries that you should be using: * [HomeBrew PHP](https://github.com/josegonzalez/homebrew-php) - A PHP tap for HomeBrew. * [PHP Env](https://github.com/CHH/phpenv) - A PHP version manager. * [PHP Build](https://github.com/CHH/php-build) - A PHP version installer. +* [PHP CS Fixer](https://github.com/fabpot/PHP-CS-Fixer) - A coding standard fixer library. * [PHP Parser](https://github.com/nikic/PHP-Parser) - A PHP parser written in PHP. # Resources