# Contributing 1. Fork the repository. 2. Add your section - make sure you follow the [styling](#styling) guide. 3. Commit changes. 4. Push your commit. 5. Create a Pull Request. ## Styling - Use `###` headers for your sections. - Also use `###` for categories (these should group together relevant sections) and `####` for subcategories. - Add a link to your section/category to the contents section (use relative links). - Make sure to include examples wherever possible (preferably GIFs). - For command-line examples, wrap your commands in a `bash` code block. Ask [@rafalchmiel](https://github.com/rafalchmiel) or [@tiimgreen](https://github.com/tiimgreen) to take a screenshot (so that it is consistent with the rest) of the output if it has color, etc. - At the end of your section, add a `Read more about...` link. This should directly link to [Git's](http://git-scm.com/docs) or [GitHub's](https://help.github.com/) documentation. - If your contribution is a translation, add a (relative) link to the README above the [Table of Contents](README.md#table-of-contents).