mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 20:29:42 +01:00
Mouse free cam for peds&cars (under FREE_CAM)
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,12 +23,18 @@
#include "SceneEdit.h"
#include "Debug.h"
#include "Camera.h"
#include "DMAudio.h"
const float DefaultFOV = 70.0f; // beta: 80.0f
bool PrintDebugCode = false;
int16 &DebugCamMode = *(int16*)0x95CCF2;
bool bFreeCam = false;
#ifdef FREE_CAM
bool bFreePadCam = false;
bool bFreeMouseCam = false;
int nPreviousMode = -1;
@ -140,7 +146,7 @@ CCam::Process(void)
Process_FollowPedWithMouse(CameraTarget, TargetOrientation, SpeedVar, TargetSpeedVar);
#ifdef FREE_CAM
Process_FollowPed_Rotation(CameraTarget, TargetOrientation, SpeedVar, TargetSpeedVar);
@ -180,7 +186,12 @@ CCam::Process(void)
Process_FlyBy(CameraTarget, TargetOrientation, SpeedVar, TargetSpeedVar);
Process_Cam_On_A_String(CameraTarget, TargetOrientation, SpeedVar, TargetSpeedVar);
#ifdef FREE_CAM
if(bFreeMouseCam || bFreePadCam)
Process_FollowCar_SA(CameraTarget, TargetOrientation, SpeedVar, TargetSpeedVar);
Process_Cam_On_A_String(CameraTarget, TargetOrientation, SpeedVar, TargetSpeedVar);
Process_ReactionCam(CameraTarget, TargetOrientation, SpeedVar, TargetSpeedVar);
@ -192,7 +203,12 @@ CCam::Process(void)
Process_Chris_With_Binding_PlusRotation(CameraTarget, TargetOrientation, SpeedVar, TargetSpeedVar);
Process_BehindBoat(CameraTarget, TargetOrientation, SpeedVar, TargetSpeedVar);
#ifdef FREE_CAM
if (bFreeMouseCam || bFreePadCam)
Process_FollowCar_SA(CameraTarget, TargetOrientation, SpeedVar, TargetSpeedVar);
Process_BehindBoat(CameraTarget, TargetOrientation, SpeedVar, TargetSpeedVar);
Process_Player_Fallen_Water(CameraTarget, TargetOrientation, SpeedVar, TargetSpeedVar);
@ -244,6 +260,9 @@ CCam::Process(void)
Up = CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
#ifdef FREE_CAM
nPreviousMode = Mode;
CVector TargetToCam = Source - m_cvecTargetCoorsForFudgeInter;
float DistOnGround = TargetToCam.Magnitude2D();
m_fTrueBeta = CGeneral::GetATanOfXY(TargetToCam.x, TargetToCam.y);
@ -1530,7 +1549,12 @@ CCam::Process_FollowPedWithMouse(const CVector &CameraTarget, float TargetOrient
TargetCoors.z += fTranslateCamUp;
TargetCoors = DoAverageOnVector(TargetCoors);
// SA code
#ifdef FREE_CAM
if((bFreeMouseCam && Alpha > 0.0f) || (!bFreeMouseCam && Alpha > fBaseDist))
if(Alpha > fBaseDist) // comparing an angle against a distance?
CamDist = fBaseDist + Cos(min(Alpha*fFalloff, HALFPI))*fAngleDist;
CamDist = fBaseDist + Cos(Alpha)*fAngleDist;
@ -4441,7 +4465,7 @@ CCam::Process_FollowPed_Rotation(const CVector &CameraTarget, float TargetOrient
float MouseX = CPad::GetPad(0)->GetMouseX();
float MouseY = CPad::GetPad(0)->GetMouseY();
float LookLeftRight, LookUpDown;
if((MouseX != 0.0f || MouseY != 0.0f) && !CPad::GetPad(0)->ArePlayerControlsDisabled()){
if(bFreeMouseCam && (MouseX != 0.0f || MouseY != 0.0f) && !CPad::GetPad(0)->ArePlayerControlsDisabled()){
UseMouse = true;
LookLeftRight = -2.5f*MouseX;
LookUpDown = 4.0f*MouseY;
@ -4572,6 +4596,645 @@ CCam::Process_FollowPed_Rotation(const CVector &CameraTarget, float TargetOrient
// LCS cam hehe
CCam::Process_FollowCar_SA(const CVector& CameraTarget, float TargetOrientation, float, float)
// Missing things on III CCam
static CVector m_aTargetHistoryPosOne;
static CVector m_aTargetHistoryPosTwo;
static CVector m_aTargetHistoryPosThree;
static int m_nCurrentHistoryPoints = 0;
static float lastBeta = -9999.0f;
static float lastAlpha = -9999.0f;
static float stepsLeftToChangeBetaByMouse;
static float dontCollideWithCars;
static bool alphaCorrected;
static float heightIncreaseMult;
if (!CamTargetEntity->IsVehicle())
CVehicle* car = (CVehicle*)CamTargetEntity;
CVector TargetCoors = CameraTarget;
uint8 camSetArrPos = 0;
// We may need those later
bool isPlane = car->m_modelIndex == MI_DODO;
bool isHeli = false;
bool isBike = false;
bool isCar = car->IsCar() && !isPlane && !isHeli && !isBike;
CPad* pad = CPad::GetPad(0);
// Next direction is non-existent in III
uint8 nextDirectionIsForward = !(pad->GetLookBehindForCar() || pad->GetLookBehindForPed() || pad->GetLookLeft() || pad->GetLookRight()) &&
DirectionWasLooking == LOOKING_FORWARD;
if (car->m_modelIndex == MI_FIRETRUCK) {
camSetArrPos = 7;
} else if (car->m_modelIndex == MI_RCBANDIT) {
camSetArrPos = 5;
} else if (car->IsBoat()) {
camSetArrPos = 4;
} else if (isBike) {
camSetArrPos = 1;
} else if (isPlane) {
camSetArrPos = 3;
} else if (isHeli) {
camSetArrPos = 2;
// LCS one but index 1(firetruck) moved to last
float CARCAM_SET[][15] = {
{1.3f, 1.0f, 0.4f, 10.0f, 15.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.85f, 0.2f, 0.075f, 0.05f, 0.8f, DEGTORAD(45.0f), DEGTORAD(89.0f)}, // cars
{1.1f, 1.0f, 0.1f, 10.0f, 11.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.85f, 0.2f, 0.075f, 0.05f, 0.75f, DEGTORAD(45.0f), DEGTORAD(89.0f)}, // bike
{1.1f, 1.0f, 0.2f, 10.0f, 15.0f, 0.05f, 0.05f, 0.0f, 0.9f, 0.05f, 0.01f, 0.05f, 1.0f, DEGTORAD(10.0f), DEGTORAD(70.0f)}, // heli (SA values)
{1.1f, 3.5f, 0.2f, 10.0f, 25.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.75f, 0.1f, 0.005f, 0.2f, 1.0f, DEGTORAD(89.0f), DEGTORAD(89.0f)}, // plane (SA values)
{0.9f, 1.0f, 0.1f, 10.0f, 15.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.9f, 0.05f, 0.005f, 0.05f, 1.0f, -0.2f, DEGTORAD(70.0f)}, // boat
{1.1f, 1.0f, 0.2f, 10.0f, 5.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.75f, 0.1f, 0.005f, 0.2f, 1.0f, DEGTORAD(45.0f), DEGTORAD(89.0f)}, // rc cars
{1.1f, 1.0f, 0.2f, 10.0f, 5.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.75f, 0.1f, 0.005f, 0.2f, 1.0f, DEGTORAD(20.0f), DEGTORAD(70.0f)}, // rc heli/planes
{1.3f, 1.0f, 0.4f, 10.0f, 15.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.85f, 0.2f, 0.075f, 0.05f, 0.8f, -0.18f, DEGTORAD(40.0f)}, // firetruck...
// RC Heli/planes use same alpha values with heli/planes (LCS firetruck will fallback to 0)
uint8 alphaArrPos = (camSetArrPos > 4 ? (isPlane ? 3 : (isHeli ? 2 : 0)) : camSetArrPos);
float zoomModeAlphaOffset = 0.0f;
static float ZmOneAlphaOffsetLCS[] = { 0.12f, 0.08f, 0.15f, 0.08f, 0.08f };
static float ZmTwoAlphaOffsetLCS[] = { 0.1f, 0.08f, 0.3f, 0.08f, 0.08f };
static float ZmThreeAlphaOffsetLCS[] = { 0.065f, 0.05f, 0.15f, 0.06f, 0.08f };
if (isHeli && car->m_status == STATUS_PLAYER_REMOTE)
zoomModeAlphaOffset = ZmTwoAlphaOffsetLCS[alphaArrPos];
else {
switch ((int)TheCamera.CarZoomIndicator) {
// near
case 1:
zoomModeAlphaOffset = ZmOneAlphaOffsetLCS[alphaArrPos];
// mid
case 2:
zoomModeAlphaOffset = ZmTwoAlphaOffsetLCS[alphaArrPos];
// far
case 3:
zoomModeAlphaOffset = ZmThreeAlphaOffsetLCS[alphaArrPos];
CColModel* carCol = (CColModel*)car->GetColModel();
float colMaxZ = carCol->boundingBox.max.z; // As opposed to LCS and SA, VC does this: carCol->boundingBox.max.z - carCol->boundingBox.min.z;
float approxCarLength = 2.0f * Abs(carCol->boundingBox.min.y); // SA taxi min.y = -2.95, max.z = 0.883502f
float newDistance = TheCamera.CarZoomValueSmooth + CARCAM_SET[camSetArrPos][1] + approxCarLength;
float minDistForThisCar = approxCarLength * CARCAM_SET[camSetArrPos][3];
if (!isHeli || car->m_status == STATUS_PLAYER_REMOTE) {
float radiusToStayOutside = colMaxZ * CARCAM_SET[camSetArrPos][0] - CARCAM_SET[camSetArrPos][2];
if (radiusToStayOutside > 0.0f) {
TargetCoors.z += radiusToStayOutside;
newDistance += radiusToStayOutside;
zoomModeAlphaOffset += 0.3f / newDistance * radiusToStayOutside;
} else {
// 0.6f = fTestShiftHeliCamTarget
TargetCoors.x += 0.6f * car->GetUp().x * colMaxZ;
TargetCoors.y += 0.6f * car->GetUp().y * colMaxZ;
TargetCoors.z += 0.6f * car->GetUp().z * colMaxZ;
float minDistForVehType = CARCAM_SET[camSetArrPos][4];
if ((int)TheCamera.CarZoomIndicator == 1 && (camSetArrPos < 2 || camSetArrPos == 7)) {
minDistForVehType = minDistForVehType * 0.65f;
float nextDistance = max(newDistance, minDistForVehType);
CA_MAX_DISTANCE = newDistance;
if (ResetStatics) {
FOV = DefaultFOV;
// GTA 3 has this in veh. camera
if (TheCamera.m_bIdleOn)
TheCamera.m_uiTimeWeEnteredIdle = CTimer::GetTimeInMilliseconds();
} else {
if (isCar || isBike) {
if (DotProduct(car->GetForward(), car->m_vecMoveSpeed) > 0.4f)
FOV += (DotProduct(car->GetForward(), car->m_vecMoveSpeed) - 0.4f) * CTimer::GetTimeStep();
if (FOV > DefaultFOV)
FOV = pow(0.98f, CTimer::GetTimeStep()) * (FOV - DefaultFOV) + DefaultFOV;
if (FOV <= DefaultFOV + 30.0f) {
if (FOV < DefaultFOV)
FOV = DefaultFOV;
} else
FOV = DefaultFOV + 30.0f;
// WORKAROUND: I still don't know how looking behind works (m_bCamDirectlyInFront is unused in III, they seem to use m_bUseTransitionBeta)
if (pad->GetLookBehindForCar())
if (DirectionWasLooking == LOOKING_FORWARD || !LookingBehind)
TheCamera.m_bCamDirectlyInFront = true;
// Taken from RotCamIfInFrontCar, because we don't call it anymore
if (!(pad->GetLookBehindForCar() || pad->GetLookBehindForPed() || pad->GetLookLeft() || pad->GetLookRight()))
if (DirectionWasLooking != LOOKING_FORWARD)
TheCamera.m_bCamDirectlyBehind = true;
// Called when we just entered the car, just started to look behind or returned back from looking left, right or behind
if (ResetStatics || TheCamera.m_bCamDirectlyBehind || TheCamera.m_bCamDirectlyInFront) {
ResetStatics = false;
Rotating = false;
m_bCollisionChecksOn = true;
// TheCamera.m_bResetOldMatrix = 1;
// Garage exit cam is not working well in III...
// if (!TheCamera.m_bJustCameOutOfGarage) // && !sthForScript)
// {
Alpha = 0.0f;
Beta = car->GetForward().Heading() - HALFPI;
if (TheCamera.m_bCamDirectlyInFront) {
Beta += PI;
// }
BetaSpeed = 0.0;
AlphaSpeed = 0.0;
Distance = 1000.0;
Front.x = -(cos(Beta) * cos(Alpha));
Front.y = -(sin(Beta) * cos(Alpha));
Front.z = sin(Alpha);
m_aTargetHistoryPosOne = TargetCoors - nextDistance * Front;
m_aTargetHistoryPosTwo = TargetCoors - newDistance * Front;
m_nCurrentHistoryPoints = 0;
if (!TheCamera.m_bJustCameOutOfGarage) // && !sthForScript)
Alpha = -zoomModeAlphaOffset;
Front = TargetCoors - m_aTargetHistoryPosOne;
// Code that makes cam rotate around the car
float camRightHeading = Front.Heading() - HALFPI;
if (camRightHeading < -PI)
camRightHeading = camRightHeading + TWOPI;
float velocityRightHeading;
if (car->m_vecMoveSpeed.Magnitude2D() <= 0.02f)
velocityRightHeading = camRightHeading;
velocityRightHeading = car->m_vecMoveSpeed.Heading() - HALFPI;
if (velocityRightHeading < camRightHeading - PI)
velocityRightHeading = velocityRightHeading + TWOPI;
else if (velocityRightHeading > camRightHeading + PI)
velocityRightHeading = velocityRightHeading - TWOPI;
float betaChangeMult1 = CTimer::GetTimeStep() * CARCAM_SET[camSetArrPos][10];
float betaChangeLimit = CTimer::GetTimeStep() * CARCAM_SET[camSetArrPos][11];
float betaChangeMult2 = (car->m_vecMoveSpeed - DotProduct(car->m_vecMoveSpeed, Front) * Front).Magnitude();
float betaChange = min(1.0f, betaChangeMult1 * betaChangeMult2) * (velocityRightHeading - camRightHeading);
if (betaChange <= betaChangeLimit) {
if (betaChange < -betaChangeLimit)
betaChange = -betaChangeLimit;
} else {
betaChange = betaChangeLimit;
float targetBeta = camRightHeading + betaChange;
if (targetBeta < Beta - HALFPI)
targetBeta += TWOPI;
else if (targetBeta > Beta + PI)
targetBeta -= TWOPI;
float carPosChange = (TargetCoors - m_aTargetHistoryPosTwo).Magnitude();
if (carPosChange < newDistance && newDistance > minDistForThisCar) {
newDistance = max(minDistForThisCar, carPosChange);
float maxAlphaAllowed = CARCAM_SET[camSetArrPos][13];
// Originally this is to prevent camera enter into car while we're stopping, but what about moving???
// This is also original LCS and SA bug, or some attempt to fix lag. We'll never know
// if (car->m_vecMoveSpeed.MagnitudeSqr() < sq(0.2f))
if (car->m_modelIndex != MI_FIRETRUCK) {
// if (!isBike || GetMysteriousWheelRelatedThingBike(car) > 3)
// if (!isHeli && (!isPlane || car->GetWheelsOnGround())) {
CVector left = CrossProduct(car->GetForward(), CVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
CVector up = CrossProduct(left, car->GetForward());
float lookingUp = DotProduct(up, Front);
if (lookingUp > 0.0f) {
float v88 = Asin(Abs(Sin(Beta - (car->GetForward().Heading() - HALFPI))));
float v200;
if (v88 <= Atan2(carCol->boundingBox.max.x, -carCol->boundingBox.min.y)) {
v200 = (1.5f - carCol->boundingBox.min.y) / Cos(v88);
} else {
float a6g = 1.2f + carCol->boundingBox.max.x;
v200 = a6g / Cos(max(0.0f, HALFPI - v88));
maxAlphaAllowed = Cos(Beta - (car->GetForward().Heading() - HALFPI)) * Atan2(car->GetForward().z, car->GetForward().Magnitude2D())
+ Atan2(TargetCoors.z - car->GetPosition().z + car->GetHeightAboveRoad(), v200 * 1.2f);
if (isCar && ((CAutomobile*)car)->m_nWheelsOnGround > 1 && Abs(DotProduct(car->m_vecTurnSpeed, car->GetForward())) < 0.05f) {
maxAlphaAllowed += Cos(Beta - (car->GetForward().Heading() - HALFPI) + HALFPI) * Atan2(car->GetRight().z, car->GetRight().Magnitude2D());
float targetAlpha = Asin(clamp(Front.z, -1.0f, 1.0f)) - zoomModeAlphaOffset;
if (targetAlpha <= maxAlphaAllowed) {
if (targetAlpha < -CARCAM_SET[camSetArrPos][14])
targetAlpha = -CARCAM_SET[camSetArrPos][14];
} else {
targetAlpha = maxAlphaAllowed;
float maxAlphaBlendAmount = CTimer::GetTimeStep() * CARCAM_SET[camSetArrPos][6];
float targetAlphaBlendAmount = (1.0f - pow(CARCAM_SET[camSetArrPos][5], CTimer::GetTimeStep())) * (targetAlpha - Alpha);
if (targetAlphaBlendAmount <= maxAlphaBlendAmount) {
if (targetAlphaBlendAmount < -maxAlphaBlendAmount)
targetAlphaBlendAmount = -maxAlphaBlendAmount;
} else {
targetAlphaBlendAmount = maxAlphaBlendAmount;
// Using GetCarGun(LR/UD) will give us same unprocessed RightStick value as SA
float stickX = -(pad->GetCarGunLeftRight());
float stickY = pad->GetCarGunUpDown();
// In SA this checks for m_bUseMouse3rdPerson so num2/num8 do not move camera when Keyboard & Mouse controls are used.
if (CCamera::m_bUseMouse3rdPerson)
stickY = 0.0f;
float xMovement = Abs(stickX) * (FOV / 80.0f * 5.f / 70.f) * stickX * 0.007f * 0.007f;
float yMovement = Abs(stickY) * (FOV / 80.0f * 3.f / 70.f) * stickY * 0.007f * 0.007f;
bool correctAlpha = true;
// if (SA checks if we aren't in work car, why?) {
if (!isCar || car->m_modelIndex != MI_YARDIE) {
correctAlpha = false;
else {
xMovement = 0.0f;
yMovement = 0.0f;
// } else
// yMovement = 0.0;
if (!nextDirectionIsForward) {
yMovement = 0.0;
xMovement = 0.0;
if (camSetArrPos == 0 || camSetArrPos == 7) {
// This is not working on cars as SA
// Because III/VC doesn't have any buttons tied to LeftStick if you're not in Classic Configuration, using Dodo or using GInput/Pad, so :shrug:
if (Abs(pad->GetSteeringUpDown()) > 120.0f) {
if (car->pDriver && car->pDriver->m_objective != OBJECTIVE_LEAVE_VEHICLE) {
yMovement += Abs(pad->GetSteeringUpDown()) * (FOV / 80.0f * 3.f / 70.f) * pad->GetSteeringUpDown() * 0.007f * 0.007f * 0.5;
if (yMovement > 0.0)
yMovement = yMovement * 0.5;
bool mouseChangesBeta = false;
// FIX: Disable mouse movement in drive-by, it's buggy. Original SA bug.
if (bFreeMouseCam && CCamera::m_bUseMouse3rdPerson && !pad->ArePlayerControlsDisabled() && nextDirectionIsForward) {
float mouseY = pad->GetMouseY() * 2.0f;
float mouseX = pad->GetMouseX() * -2.0f;
// If you want an ability to toggle free cam while steering with mouse, you can add an OR after DisableMouseSteering.
// There was a pad->NewState.m_bVehicleMouseLook in SA, which doesn't exists in III.
if ((mouseX != 0.0 || mouseY != 0.0) && (CVehicle::m_bDisableMouseSteering)) {
yMovement = mouseY * FOV / 80.0f * TheCamera.m_fMouseAccelHorzntl; // Same as SA, horizontal sensitivity.
BetaSpeed = 0.0;
AlphaSpeed = 0.0;
xMovement = mouseX * FOV / 80.0f * TheCamera.m_fMouseAccelHorzntl;
targetAlpha = Alpha;
stepsLeftToChangeBetaByMouse = 1.0f * 50.0f;
mouseChangesBeta = true;
} else if (stepsLeftToChangeBetaByMouse > 0.0f) {
// Finish rotation by decreasing speed when we stopped moving mouse
BetaSpeed = 0.0;
AlphaSpeed = 0.0;
yMovement = 0.0;
xMovement = 0.0;
targetAlpha = Alpha;
stepsLeftToChangeBetaByMouse = max(0.0f, stepsLeftToChangeBetaByMouse - CTimer::GetTimeStep());
mouseChangesBeta = true;
if (correctAlpha) {
if (nPreviousMode != MODE_CAM_ON_A_STRING)
alphaCorrected = false;
if (!alphaCorrected && Abs(zoomModeAlphaOffset + Alpha) > 0.05f) {
yMovement = (-zoomModeAlphaOffset - Alpha) * 0.05f;
} else
alphaCorrected = true;
float alphaSpeedFromStickY = yMovement * CARCAM_SET[camSetArrPos][12];
float betaSpeedFromStickX = xMovement * CARCAM_SET[camSetArrPos][12];
float newAngleSpeedMaxBlendAmount = CARCAM_SET[camSetArrPos][9];
float angleChangeStep = pow(CARCAM_SET[camSetArrPos][8], CTimer::GetTimeStep());
float targetBetaWithStickBlendAmount = betaSpeedFromStickX + (targetBeta - Beta) / max(CTimer::GetTimeStep(), 1.0f);
if (targetBetaWithStickBlendAmount < -newAngleSpeedMaxBlendAmount)
targetBetaWithStickBlendAmount = -newAngleSpeedMaxBlendAmount;
else if (targetBetaWithStickBlendAmount > newAngleSpeedMaxBlendAmount)
targetBetaWithStickBlendAmount = newAngleSpeedMaxBlendAmount;
float angleChangeStepLeft = 1.0f - angleChangeStep;
BetaSpeed = targetBetaWithStickBlendAmount * angleChangeStepLeft + angleChangeStep * BetaSpeed;
if (Abs(BetaSpeed) < 0.0001f)
BetaSpeed = 0.0f;
float betaChangePerFrame;
if (mouseChangesBeta)
betaChangePerFrame = betaSpeedFromStickX;
betaChangePerFrame = CTimer::GetTimeStep() * BetaSpeed;
Beta = betaChangePerFrame + Beta;
if (TheCamera.m_bJustCameOutOfGarage) {
float invHeading = Atan2(Front.y, Front.x);
if (invHeading < 0.0f)
invHeading += TWOPI;
Beta = invHeading + PI;
Beta = CGeneral::LimitRadianAngle(Beta);
if (Beta < 0.0f)
Beta += TWOPI;
if ((camSetArrPos <= 1 || camSetArrPos == 7) && targetAlpha < Alpha && carPosChange >= newDistance) {
if (isCar && ((CAutomobile*)car)->m_nWheelsOnGround > 1)
// || isBike && GetMysteriousWheelRelatedThingBike(car) > 1)
alphaSpeedFromStickY += (targetAlpha - Alpha) * 0.075f;
AlphaSpeed = angleChangeStepLeft * alphaSpeedFromStickY + angleChangeStep * AlphaSpeed;
float maxAlphaSpeed = newAngleSpeedMaxBlendAmount;
if (alphaSpeedFromStickY > 0.0f)
maxAlphaSpeed = maxAlphaSpeed * 0.5;
if (AlphaSpeed <= maxAlphaSpeed) {
float minAlphaSpeed = -maxAlphaSpeed;
if (AlphaSpeed < minAlphaSpeed)
AlphaSpeed = minAlphaSpeed;
} else {
AlphaSpeed = maxAlphaSpeed;
if (Abs(AlphaSpeed) < 0.0001f)
AlphaSpeed = 0.0f;
float alphaWithSpeedAccounted;
if (mouseChangesBeta) {
alphaWithSpeedAccounted = alphaSpeedFromStickY + targetAlpha;
Alpha += alphaSpeedFromStickY;
} else {
alphaWithSpeedAccounted = CTimer::GetTimeStep() * AlphaSpeed + targetAlpha;
Alpha += targetAlphaBlendAmount;
if (Alpha <= maxAlphaAllowed) {
float minAlphaAllowed = -CARCAM_SET[camSetArrPos][14];
if (minAlphaAllowed > Alpha) {
Alpha = minAlphaAllowed;
AlphaSpeed = 0.0f;
} else {
Alpha = maxAlphaAllowed;
AlphaSpeed = 0.0f;
// Prevent unsignificant angle changes
if (Abs(lastAlpha - Alpha) < 0.0001f)
Alpha = lastAlpha;
lastAlpha = Alpha;
if (Abs(lastBeta - Beta) < 0.0001f)
Beta = lastBeta;
lastBeta = Beta;
Front.x = -(cos(Beta) * cos(Alpha));
Front.y = -(sin(Beta) * cos(Alpha));
Front.z = sin(Alpha);
TheCamera.m_bCamDirectlyBehind = false;
TheCamera.m_bCamDirectlyInFront = false;
Source = TargetCoors - newDistance * Front;
m_cvecTargetCoorsForFudgeInter = TargetCoors;
m_aTargetHistoryPosThree = m_aTargetHistoryPosOne;
float nextAlpha = alphaWithSpeedAccounted + zoomModeAlphaOffset;
float nextFrontX = -(cos(Beta) * cos(nextAlpha));
float nextFrontY = -(sin(Beta) * cos(nextAlpha));
float nextFrontZ = sin(nextAlpha);
m_aTargetHistoryPosOne.x = TargetCoors.x - nextFrontX * nextDistance;
m_aTargetHistoryPosOne.y = TargetCoors.y - nextFrontY * nextDistance;
m_aTargetHistoryPosOne.z = TargetCoors.z - nextFrontZ * nextDistance;
m_aTargetHistoryPosTwo.x = TargetCoors.x - nextFrontX * newDistance;
m_aTargetHistoryPosTwo.y = TargetCoors.y - nextFrontY * newDistance;
m_aTargetHistoryPosTwo.z = TargetCoors.z - nextFrontZ * newDistance;
// SA calls SetColVarsVehicle in here
if (nextDirectionIsForward) {
// This is new in LCS!
float timestepFactor = Pow(0.99f, CTimer::GetTimeStep());
dontCollideWithCars = (timestepFactor * dontCollideWithCars) + ((1.0f - timestepFactor) * car->m_vecMoveSpeed.Magnitude());
// Move cam if on collision
CColPoint foundCol;
CEntity* foundEnt;
CWorld::pIgnoreEntity = CamTargetEntity;
if (CWorld::ProcessLineOfSight(TargetCoors, Source, foundCol, foundEnt, true, dontCollideWithCars < 0.1f, false, true, false, true, false)) {
float obstacleTargetDist = (TargetCoors - foundCol.point).Magnitude();
float obstacleCamDist = newDistance - obstacleTargetDist;
if (!foundEnt->IsPed() || obstacleCamDist <= 1.0f) {
Source = foundCol.point;
if (obstacleTargetDist < 1.2f) {
RwCameraSetNearClipPlane(Scene.camera, max(0.05f, obstacleTargetDist - 0.3f));
} else {
if (!CWorld::ProcessLineOfSight(foundCol.point, Source, foundCol, foundEnt, true, dontCollideWithCars < 0.1f, false, true, false, true, false)) {
float lessClip = obstacleCamDist - 0.35f;
if (lessClip <= 0.9f)
RwCameraSetNearClipPlane(Scene.camera, lessClip);
RwCameraSetNearClipPlane(Scene.camera, 0.9f);
} else {
obstacleTargetDist = (TargetCoors - foundCol.point).Magnitude();
Source = foundCol.point;
if (obstacleTargetDist < 1.2f) {
float lessClip = obstacleTargetDist - 0.3f;
if (lessClip >= 0.05f)
RwCameraSetNearClipPlane(Scene.camera, lessClip);
RwCameraSetNearClipPlane(Scene.camera, 0.05f);
CWorld::pIgnoreEntity = nil;
float nearClip = RwCameraGetNearClipPlane(Scene.camera);
float radius = Tan(DEGTORAD(FOV * 0.5f)) * CDraw::GetAspectRatio() * 1.1f;
// If we're seeing blue hell due to camera intersects some surface, fix it.
// SA and LCS have this unrolled.
for (int i = 0;
i <= 5 && CWorld::TestSphereAgainstWorld((nearClip * Front) + Source, radius * nearClip, nil, true, true, false, true, false, false);
i++) {
CVector surfaceCamDist = gaTempSphereColPoints->point - Source;
CVector frontButInvertedIfTouchesSurface = DotProduct(surfaceCamDist, Front) * Front;
float newNearClip = (surfaceCamDist - frontButInvertedIfTouchesSurface).Magnitude() / radius;
if (newNearClip > nearClip)
newNearClip = nearClip;
if (newNearClip < 0.1f)
newNearClip = 0.1f;
if (nearClip > newNearClip)
RwCameraSetNearClipPlane(Scene.camera, newNearClip);
if (newNearClip == 0.1f)
Source += (TargetCoors - Source) * 0.3f;
nearClip = RwCameraGetNearClipPlane(Scene.camera);
radius = Tan(DEGTORAD(FOV * 0.5f)) * CDraw::GetAspectRatio() * 1.1f;
TheCamera.m_bCamDirectlyBehind = false;
TheCamera.m_bCamDirectlyInFront = false;
// ------- LCS specific part starts
if (camSetArrPos == 5 && Source.z < 1.0f) // RC Bandit and Baron
Source.z = 1.0f;
// Obviously some specific place in LC
if (Source.x > 11.0f && Source.x < 91.0f) {
if (Source.y > -680.0f && Source.y < -600.0f && Source.z < 24.4f)
Source.z = 24.4f;
// CCam::FixSourceAboveWaterLevel
if (CameraTarget.z >= -2.0f) {
float level = -6000.0;
// +0.5f is needed for III
if (CWaterLevel::GetWaterLevelNoWaves(Source.x, Source.y, Source.z, &level)) {
if (Source.z < level + 0.5f)
Source.z = level + 0.5f;
Front = TargetCoors - Source;
// -------- LCS specific part ends
// SA
// gTargetCoordsForLookingBehind = TargetCoors;
// SA code from CAutomobile::TankControl/FireTruckControl.
if (car->m_modelIndex == MI_RHINO || car->m_modelIndex == MI_FIRETRUCK) {
float &carGunLR = ((CAutomobile*)car)->m_fCarGunLR;
CVector hi = Multiply3x3(Front, car->GetMatrix());
// III/VC's firetruck turret angle is reversed
float angleToFace = (car->m_modelIndex == MI_FIRETRUCK ? -hi.Heading() : hi.Heading());
if (angleToFace <= carGunLR + PI) {
if (angleToFace < carGunLR - PI)
angleToFace = angleToFace + TWOPI;
} else {
angleToFace = angleToFace - TWOPI;
float neededTurn = angleToFace - carGunLR;
float turnPerFrame = CTimer::GetTimeStep() * (car->m_modelIndex == MI_FIRETRUCK ? 0.05f : 0.015f);
if (neededTurn <= turnPerFrame) {
if (neededTurn < -turnPerFrame)
angleToFace = carGunLR - turnPerFrame;
} else {
angleToFace = turnPerFrame + carGunLR;
if (car->m_modelIndex == MI_RHINO && carGunLR != angleToFace) {
DMAudio.PlayOneShot(car->m_audioEntityId, SOUND_CAR_TANK_TURRET_ROTATE, Abs(angleToFace - carGunLR));
carGunLR = angleToFace;
if (carGunLR < -PI) {
carGunLR += TWOPI;
} else if (carGunLR > PI) {
carGunLR -= TWOPI;
// Because firetruk turret also has Y movement
if (car->m_modelIndex == MI_FIRETRUCK) {
float &carGunUD = ((CAutomobile*)car)->m_fCarGunUD;
float alphaToFace = Atan2(hi.z, hi.Magnitude2D()) + DEGTORAD(15.0f);
float neededAlphaTurn = alphaToFace - carGunUD;
float alphaTurnPerFrame = CTimer::GetTimeStep() * 0.02f;
if (neededAlphaTurn > alphaTurnPerFrame) {
neededTurn = alphaTurnPerFrame;
carGunUD = neededTurn + carGunUD;
} else {
if (neededAlphaTurn >= -alphaTurnPerFrame) {
carGunUD = alphaToFace;
} else {
carGunUD = carGunUD - alphaTurnPerFrame;
float turretMinY = -DEGTORAD(20.0f);
float turretMaxY = DEGTORAD(20.0f);
if (turretMinY <= carGunUD) {
if (carGunUD > turretMaxY)
carGunUD = turretMaxY;
} else {
carGunUD = turretMinY;
@ -224,6 +224,7 @@ struct CCam
// custom stuff
void Process_FollowPed_Rotation(const CVector &CameraTarget, float TargetOrientation, float, float);
void Process_FollowCar_SA(const CVector &CameraTarget, float TargetOrientation, float, float);
static_assert(sizeof(CCam) == 0x1A4, "CCam: wrong size");
static_assert(offsetof(CCam, Alpha) == 0xA8, "CCam: error");
@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ bool &CMenuManager::m_bShutDownFrontEndRequested = *(bool*)0x95CD6A;
int8 &CMenuManager::m_PrefsUseWideScreen = *(int8*)0x95CD23;
int8 &CMenuManager::m_PrefsRadioStation = *(int8*)0x95CDA4;
int8 &CMenuManager::m_bDisableMouseSteering = *(int8*)0x60252C; // 1
int32 &CMenuManager::m_PrefsBrightness = *(int32*)0x5F2E50; // 256
float &CMenuManager::m_PrefsLOD = *(float*)0x8F42C4;
int8 &CMenuManager::m_bFrontEnd_ReloadObrTxtGxt = *(int8*)0x628CFC;
@ -968,7 +967,7 @@ void CMenuManager::Draw()
rightText = TheText.Get(m_PrefsDMA ? "FEM_ON" : "FEM_OFF");
rightText = TheText.Get(m_bDisableMouseSteering ? "FEM_OFF" : "FEM_ON");
rightText = TheText.Get(CVehicle::m_bDisableMouseSteering ? "FEM_OFF" : "FEM_ON");
@ -3141,7 +3140,7 @@ CMenuManager::ProcessButtonPresses(void)
CMenuManager::m_ControlMethod = CONTROL_STANDART;
MousePointerStateHelper.bInvertVertically = false;
TheCamera.m_fMouseAccelHorzntl = 0.0025f;
m_bDisableMouseSteering = true;
CVehicle::m_bDisableMouseSteering = true;
TheCamera.m_bHeadBob = false;
@ -3460,7 +3459,7 @@ void CMenuManager::ProcessOnOffMenuOptions()
m_bDisableMouseSteering = !m_bDisableMouseSteering;
CVehicle::m_bDisableMouseSteering = !CVehicle::m_bDisableMouseSteering;
@ -473,7 +473,6 @@ public:
static int32 &m_ControlMethod;
static int8 &m_PrefsDMA;
static int32 &m_PrefsLanguage;
static int8 &m_bDisableMouseSteering;
static int32 &m_PrefsBrightness;
static float &m_PrefsLOD;
static int8 &m_bFrontEnd_ReloadObrTxtGxt;
@ -373,8 +373,10 @@ DebugMenuPopulate(void)
extern bool PrintDebugCode;
extern int16 &DebugCamMode;
#ifdef FREE_CAM
extern bool bFreeCam;
DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Cam", "Free Cam", (int8*)&bFreeCam, nil);
extern bool bFreePadCam;
extern bool bFreeMouseCam;
DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Cam", "Free Gamepad Cam", (int8*)&bFreePadCam, nil);
DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Cam", "Free Mouse Cam", (int8*)&bFreeMouseCam, nil);
DebugMenuAddVarBool8("Cam", "Print Debug Code", (int8*)&PrintDebugCode, nil);
DebugMenuAddVar("Cam", "Cam Mode", &DebugCamMode, nil, 1, 0, CCam::MODE_EDITOR, nil);
@ -59,6 +59,10 @@
#ifdef FREE_CAM
extern bool bFreeMouseCam;
CPed *gapTempPedList[50];
uint16 gnNumTempPedList;
@ -807,6 +811,10 @@ CPed::IsPedInControl(void)
#ifdef FREE_CAM
if (bFreeMouseCam)
return false;
return m_nPedState == PED_NONE || m_nPedState == PED_IDLE || m_nPedState == PED_FLEE_POS || m_nPedState == PED_FLEE_ENTITY ||
m_nPedState == PED_ATTACK || m_nPedState == PED_FIGHT || m_nPedState == PED_AIM_GUN || m_nPedState == PED_JUMP;
@ -6984,7 +6992,11 @@ CPed::FinishLaunchCB(CAnimBlendAssociation *animAssoc, void *arg)
) {
#ifdef FREE_CAM
if (TheCamera.Cams[0].Using3rdPersonMouseCam() && !bFreeMouseCam) {
if (TheCamera.Cams[0].Using3rdPersonMouseCam()) {
float fpsAngle = ped->WorkOutHeadingForMovingFirstPerson(ped->m_fRotationCur);
ped->m_vecMoveSpeed.x = -velocityFromAnim * Sin(fpsAngle);
ped->m_vecMoveSpeed.y = velocityFromAnim * Cos(fpsAngle);
@ -18,6 +18,10 @@
#ifdef FREE_CAM
extern bool bFreeMouseCam;
delete m_pWanted;
@ -65,7 +69,7 @@ void CPlayerPed::ClearWeaponTarget()
@ -688,7 +692,14 @@ CPlayerPed::PlayerControl1stPersonRunAround(CPad *padUsed)
float padMove = CVector2D(leftRight, upDown).Magnitude();
float padMoveInGameUnit = padMove / PAD_MOVE_TO_GAME_WORLD_MOVE;
if (padMoveInGameUnit > 0.0f) {
#ifdef FREE_CAM
if (!bFreeMouseCam)
m_fRotationDest = CGeneral::LimitRadianAngle(TheCamera.Orientation);
m_fRotationDest = CGeneral::GetRadianAngleBetweenPoints(0.0f, 0.0f, -leftRight, upDown) - TheCamera.Orientation;
m_fRotationDest = CGeneral::LimitRadianAngle(TheCamera.Orientation);
m_fMoveSpeed = min(padMoveInGameUnit, 0.07f * CTimer::GetTimeStep() + m_fMoveSpeed);
} else {
m_fMoveSpeed = 0.0f;
@ -981,6 +992,12 @@ CPlayerPed::ProcessPlayerWeapon(CPad *padUsed)
if (padUsed->TargetJustDown()) {
m_nPedState = PED_SNIPER_MODE;
#ifdef FREE_CAM
if (bFreeMouseCam && TheCamera.Cams[0].Using3rdPersonMouseCam()) {
m_fRotationCur = CGeneral::LimitRadianAngle(-TheCamera.Orientation);
if (GetWeapon()->m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_ROCKETLAUNCHER)
TheCamera.SetNewPlayerWeaponMode(CCam::MODE_ROCKETLAUNCHER, 0, 0);
else if (GetWeapon()->m_eWeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_SNIPERRIFLE)
@ -1000,7 +1017,12 @@ CPlayerPed::ProcessPlayerWeapon(CPad *padUsed)
if (padUsed->GetWeapon() && m_nMoveState != PEDMOVE_SPRINT) {
if (m_nSelectedWepSlot == m_currentWeapon) {
if (m_pPointGunAt) {
#ifdef FREE_CAM
if (bFreeMouseCam && weaponInfo->m_eWeaponFire == WEAPON_FIRE_MELEE && m_fMoveSpeed < 1.0f)
} else if (m_currentWeapon != WEAPONTYPE_UNARMED) {
if (m_nPedState == PED_ATTACK) {
if (padUsed->WeaponJustDown()) {
@ -1027,11 +1049,65 @@ CPlayerPed::ProcessPlayerWeapon(CPad *padUsed)
bIsAttacking = false;
#ifdef FREE_CAM
// Rotate player/arm when shooting. We don't have auto-rotation anymore
if (CCamera::m_bUseMouse3rdPerson && bFreeMouseCam &&
m_nSelectedWepSlot == m_currentWeapon && m_nMoveState != PEDMOVE_SPRINT) {
// Weapons except throwable and melee ones
if (weaponInfo->m_bCanAim || weaponInfo->m_b1stPerson || weaponInfo->m_bExpands) {
if ((padUsed->GetTarget() && weaponInfo->m_bCanAimWithArm) || padUsed->GetWeapon()) {
float limitedCam = CGeneral::LimitRadianAngle(-TheCamera.Orientation);
// On this one we can rotate arm.
if (weaponInfo->m_bCanAimWithArm) {
if (!padUsed->GetWeapon()) { // making this State != ATTACK still stops it after attack. Re-start it immediately!
bIsPointingGunAt = false; // to not stop after attack
SetLookFlag(limitedCam, true);
SetLookTimer(INT_MAX); // removing this makes head move for real, but I experinced some bugs.
} else {
m_fRotationDest = limitedCam;
m_headingRate = 50.0f;
// Anim. fix for shotgun, ak47 and m16 (we must finish rot. it quickly)
if (weaponInfo->m_bCanAim && padUsed->WeaponJustDown()) {
m_fRotationCur = CGeneral::LimitRadianAngle(m_fRotationCur);
float limitedRotDest = m_fRotationDest;
if (m_fRotationCur - PI > m_fRotationDest) {
limitedRotDest += 2 * PI;
} else if (PI + m_fRotationCur < m_fRotationDest) {
limitedRotDest -= 2 * PI;
m_fRotationCur += (limitedRotDest - m_fRotationCur) / 2;
} else if (weaponInfo->m_bCanAimWithArm)
if (padUsed->GetTarget() && m_nSelectedWepSlot == m_currentWeapon && m_nMoveState != PEDMOVE_SPRINT) {
if (m_pPointGunAt) {
// what??
if (!m_pPointGunAt
|| CCamera::m_bUseMouse3rdPerson || m_pPointGunAt->IsPed() && ((CPed*)m_pPointGunAt)->bInVehicle) {
#ifdef FREE_CAM
|| (!bFreeMouseCam && CCamera::m_bUseMouse3rdPerson)
|| CCamera::m_bUseMouse3rdPerson
|| m_pPointGunAt->IsPed() && ((CPed*)m_pPointGunAt)->bInVehicle) {
@ -1047,7 +1123,12 @@ CPlayerPed::ProcessPlayerWeapon(CPad *padUsed)
TheCamera.SetNewPlayerWeaponMode(CCam::MODE_SYPHON, 0, 0);
} else if (weaponInfo->m_bCanAim && !CCamera::m_bUseMouse3rdPerson) {
#ifdef FREE_CAM
else if ((bFreeMouseCam && weaponInfo->m_eWeaponFire == WEAPON_FIRE_MELEE) || (weaponInfo->m_bCanAim && !CCamera::m_bUseMouse3rdPerson)) {
else if (weaponInfo->m_bCanAim && !CCamera::m_bUseMouse3rdPerson) {
if (padUsed->TargetJustDown())
@ -2339,10 +2339,17 @@ CAutomobile::FireTruckControl(void)
if(this == FindPlayerVehicle()){
m_fCarGunLR += CPad::GetPad(0)->GetCarGunLeftRight()*0.00025f*CTimer::GetTimeStep();
m_fCarGunUD += CPad::GetPad(0)->GetCarGunUpDown()*0.0001f*CTimer::GetTimeStep();
#ifdef FREE_CAM
extern bool bFreeMouseCam;
if (!bFreeMouseCam)
m_fCarGunLR += CPad::GetPad(0)->GetCarGunLeftRight() * 0.00025f * CTimer::GetTimeStep();
m_fCarGunUD += CPad::GetPad(0)->GetCarGunUpDown() * 0.0001f * CTimer::GetTimeStep();
m_fCarGunUD = clamp(m_fCarGunUD, 0.05f, 0.3f);
CVector cannonPos(0.0f, 1.5f, 1.9f);
cannonPos = GetMatrix() * cannonPos;
CVector cannonDir(
@ -2408,7 +2415,12 @@ CAutomobile::TankControl(void)
// Rotate turret
float prevAngle = m_fCarGunLR;
m_fCarGunLR -= CPad::GetPad(0)->GetCarGunLeftRight() * 0.00015f * CTimer::GetTimeStep();
#ifdef FREE_CAM
extern bool bFreeMouseCam;
m_fCarGunLR -= CPad::GetPad(0)->GetCarGunLeftRight() * 0.00015f * CTimer::GetTimeStep();
if(m_fCarGunLR < 0.0f)
m_fCarGunLR += TWOPI;
if(m_fCarGunLR > TWOPI)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user