2024-12-26 11:36:13 +02:00

933 lines
29 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "vqcompress.h"
#include "pixel.h"
#include "stb_image.h"
#include "stb_image_resize.h"
#include "pvr_texture.h"
#include "pvr_texture_encoder.h"
#include "mycommon.h"
#include "tddither.h"
Returns the pixel format for a given mipmap level
YUV can change depending on level and if the texture is twiddled, this function
returns the correct format.
Passing 1 for miplevel will can be used to get the format for any level that
isn't the 1x1 level
unsigned pteGetConvertFormat(PvrTexEncoder *pte, int miplevel) {
unsigned format = pte->pixel_format;
if (format == PTE_YUV) {
if (miplevel == 0 && pteHasMips(pte))
return PTE_RGB565;
if (pte->raw_is_twiddled)
return PTE_YUV_TWID;
return format;
void pteInit(PvrTexEncoder *pte) {
memset(pte, 0, sizeof(*pte));
pte->mip_cnt = 0;
pte->rgb_gamma = 1.0;
pte->alpha_gamma = 1.0;
pte->codebook_size = 0;
pte->resize = PTE_FIX_NONE;
pte->mipresize = PTE_FIX_MIP_NONE;
pte->pixel_format = PTE_AUTO;
pte->auto_small_vq = false;
pte->edge_method = 0;
pte->mip_shift_correction = true;
void pteFree(PvrTexEncoder *pte) {
for(int i = 0; i < PVR_MAX_MIPMAPS; i++) {
void pteLoadFromFiles(PvrTexEncoder *pte, const char **fnames, unsigned filecnt) {
assert(filecnt < PVR_MAX_MIPMAPS);
unsigned maxw = 0, maxh = 0;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < filecnt ; i++) {
pteImage *img = pte->src_imgs + i;
img->w = img->h = 0;
img->channels = 4;
img->pixels = (void*)stbi_load(fnames[i], &img->w, &img->h, &img->channels, 4);
ErrorExitOn(img->pixels == NULL,
"Could not load image \"%s\", exiting\n", fnames[i]);
if (filecnt > 1) {
ErrorExitOn(!IsPow2(img->w) || !IsPow2(img->h),
"When using custom mipmaps, the size of all levels must be a power of two"
" (resize is not supported). %s has a size of %ux%u\n", fnames[i],
img->w, img->h);
ErrorExitOn(img->w != img->h,
"When using custom mipmaps, all levels must be square"
" (resize is not supported). %s has a size of %ux%u\n", fnames[i],
img->w, img->h);
maxw = MAX(maxw, img->w);
maxh = MAX(maxh, img->h);
pte->src_img_cnt = filecnt;
pte->w = maxw;
pte->h = maxh;
void pteMakeSquare(PvrTexEncoder *pte) {
unsigned smaller = MIN(pte->h, pte->w);
unsigned larger = MAX(pte->h, pte->w);
switch(pte->mipresize) {
pte->h = pte->w = MAX(pte->h, pte->w);
pte->h = pte->w = MIN(pte->h, pte->w);
pte->w = pte->h = MIN(smaller*2, larger);
pte->w = pte->h = MIN(smaller*4, larger);
//Clamp width and height to PVR limits
pte->w = CLAMP(8, pte->w, 1024);
pte->h = CLAMP(8, pte->h, 1024);
int pteSetSize(PvrTexEncoder *pte) {
switch(pte->resize) {
//Fail if width or height aren't valid
if (pte->w > 1024 || pte->w < 8 || pte->h > 1024 || pte->h < 8)
ErrorExit("Width and height must be between 8 and 1024, and no resize is set. Dimensions are %ix%i\n", pte->w, pte->h);
if (!pteIsStrided(pte)) {
if (!IsPow2(pte->w) || !IsPow2(pte->h))
ErrorExit("Width and height must be a power of two for non-stride textures. Dimensions are %ix%i\n", pte->w, pte->h);
} else {
if (!IsValidStrideWidth(pte->w))
ErrorExit("Width must be either 8, 16, or a multiple of 32 for stride textures. Width is %i\n", pte->w);
//~ if (!pteIsPartial(pte))
//~ assert(IsPow2(pte->h));
return 0;
case PTE_FIX_UP:
if (!pteIsStrided(pte)) {
//Round width and height up to next higher power of two
pte->w = RoundUpPow2(pte->w);
} else {
if (pte->w > 16)
pte->w = (pte->w + 31) & ~0x1f;
else if (pte->w > 8)
pte->w = 16;
pte->w = 8;
pte->h = RoundUpPow2(pte->h);
if (!pteIsStrided(pte)) {
//Round width and height down to next higher power of two
pte->w = RoundDownPow2(pte->w);
} else {
if (pte->w >= 32)
pte->w = pte->w & ~0x1f;
else if (pte->w >= 16)
pte->w = 16;
pte->w = 8;
pte->h = RoundDownPow2(pte->h);
if (!pteIsStrided(pte)) {
//Round width to nearest power of two
pte->w = SelectNearest(RoundDownPow2(pte->w), pte->w, RoundUpPow2(pte->w));
} else {
if (pte->w >= 24)
pte->w = RoundNearest(pte->w, 32);
else if (pte->w >= 12)
pte->w = 16;
pte->w = 8;
//Round height to nearest power of two
pte->h = SelectNearest(RoundDownPow2(pte->h), pte->h, RoundUpPow2(pte->h));
} break;
//Clamp width and height to PVR limits
pte->w = CLAMP(8, pte->w, 1024);
pte->h = CLAMP(8, pte->h, 1024);
assert((pte->w % 4) == 0);
pteLog(LOG_INFO, "Texture size: %ix%i\n", pte->w, pte->h);
return 0;
void pteSetCompressed(PvrTexEncoder *pte, int codebook_size) {
pte->codebook_size = codebook_size;
void pteConvertRawToTwiddled(PvrTexEncoder *pte) {
assert(pte->stride == false);
assert(pte->mip_cnt > 0);
assert(pte->mip_cnt <= PVR_MAX_MIPMAPS);
FOR_EACH_MIP(pte, i) {
MakeTwiddled32(pte->raw_mips[i], mw, mh);
pte->raw_is_twiddled = true;
void pteCombineABGRData(PvrTexEncoder *pte) {
assert(pte->mip_cnt > 0);
assert(pte->mip_cnt <= PVR_MAX_MIPMAPS);
SMART_ALLOC(&pte->pvr_tex32, CalcTextureSize(pte->w, pte->h, PTE_RGB565, pteHasMips(pte), 0, 0) * 2);
if (!pteIsCompressed(pte))
SMART_ALLOC(&pte->pvr_tex, CalcTextureSize(pte->w, pte->h, PTE_RGB565, pteHasMips(pte), 0, 0));
if (pteHasMips(pte)) {
assert(pte->w == pte->h);
FOR_EACH_MIP(pte, i) {
assert(pte->raw_mips[i] != NULL);
if (i == 0) {
//For 1x1 mip, fill padding with pixel
memcpy(pte->pvr_tex32 + 0, pte->raw_mips[i], mw * mh * sizeof(pxlABGR8888));
memcpy(pte->pvr_tex32 + 1, pte->raw_mips[i], mw * mh * sizeof(pxlABGR8888));
memcpy(pte->pvr_tex32 + 2, pte->raw_mips[i], mw * mh * sizeof(pxlABGR8888));
memcpy(pte->pvr_tex32 + 3, pte->raw_mips[i], mw * mh * sizeof(pxlABGR8888));
} else {
memcpy(pte->pvr_tex32 + MipMapOffset(PT_PIXEL_OFFSET, 0, i), pte->raw_mips[i], mw * mh * sizeof(pxlABGR8888));
} else {
assert(pte->raw_mips[0] != NULL);
memcpy(pte->pvr_tex32, pte->raw_mips[0], pte->w * pte->h * sizeof(pxlABGR8888));
void pteGenerateUncompressed(PvrTexEncoder *pte) {
assert(pte->mip_cnt > 0);
assert(pte->mip_cnt <= PVR_MAX_MIPMAPS);
//Handle first 4 pixels seperately in case we have mipped YUV. pteGetConvertFormat will figure out the correct format from pte
ptConvertToTargetFormat(pte->pvr_tex32, 2, 2, pte->palette, pte->palette_size, pte->pvr_tex, pteGetConvertFormat(pte, 0));
//Convert the rest
ptConvertToTargetFormat(pte->pvr_tex32+4, CalcTextureSize(pte->w, pte->h, PT_PIXEL_OFFSET, pteHasMips(pte), 0, 0) - 4, 1,
pte->palette, pte->palette_size, pte->pvr_tex+(int)(4*BytesPerPixel(pte->pixel_format)), pteGetConvertFormat(pte, 1));
void pteDitherRaws(PvrTexEncoder *pte, float dither_amt) {
assert(pte->mip_cnt > 0);
assert(pte->mip_cnt <= PVR_MAX_MIPMAPS);
FOR_EACH_MIP(pte, i) {
assert(pte->raw_mips[i] != NULL);
pteDither((void*)pte->raw_mips[i], mw, mh, 4, dither_amt, pteGetFindNearest(pte->pixel_format), pte->palette, pte->palette_size, pte->raw_mips[i], PTE_ABGR8888);
void pteGeneratePalette(PvrTexEncoder *pte) {
assert(pte->mip_cnt > 0);
assert(pte->mip_cnt <= PVR_MAX_MIPMAPS);
assert(pte->palette == NULL);
assert(pte->palette_size > 0);
assert(pte->palette_size <= 256);
VQCompressor vqc;
vqcInit(&vqc, VQC_UINT8, 4, 1, pte->palette_size, pte->auto_small_vq);
vqcSetRGBAGamma(&vqc, pte->rgb_gamma, pte->alpha_gamma);
//Add mipmaps to compressor input
FOR_EACH_MIP(pte, i) {
uint32_t pixelcnt = mw * mh;
vqcAddPoints(&vqc, pte->raw_mips[i], pixelcnt);
//Do compression and save resulting palette
vqcResults result = vqcCompress(&vqc, 8);
pte->palette = result.codebook;
//~ for(unsigned i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
//~ printf("(%i, %i, %i) ", pte->palette[i].r, pte->palette[i].g, pte->palette[i].b, pte->palette[i].a);
//~ }
typedef uint64_t CBVector;
typedef pxlABGR8888 PerfCodebook[PVR_FULL_CODEBOOK][16];
//If vec is in cb, returns idx, otherwise adds to cb and returns cb_used
static unsigned AddFindVector(PvrTexEncoder *pte, CBVector *cb, pxlABGR8888 *vec, unsigned vectorarea, unsigned cb_used, unsigned offset, unsigned format) {
unsigned match = 0;
CBVector vecconv = 0;
assert(offset < vectorarea);
ptConvertToTargetFormat(vec, vectorarea , 1, pte->palette, pte->palette_size, &vecconv, format);
//~ printf("AddFindVector %016lx \n", vecconv);
CBVector compare_mask = (CBVector)-1ll;
unsigned bits_per_pixel = BytesPerPixel(format) * 8;
compare_mask <<= offset * bits_per_pixel;
CBVector compvec = vecconv;
for(match = 0; match < cb_used; match++) {
//Look for a matching entry in the perfect codebook
//~ printf("Comp %016lx to %016lx (%016lx)\n", compvec, cb[match], compare_mask);
if ((compvec & compare_mask) == (cb[match] & compare_mask))
assert(match < PVR_FULL_CODEBOOK); //Don't overflow perfect CB
if (match == cb_used) {
//~ printf("Added %016lx at %u\n", vecconv, match);
cb[match] = vecconv;
return match;
void pteCompress(PvrTexEncoder *pte) {
assert(pte->mip_cnt > 0);
assert(pte->mip_cnt <= PVR_MAX_MIPMAPS);
assert(pte->codebook_size > 0);
assert(pte->pvr_tex32 != NULL);
if (!pteIsStrided(pte)) {
unsigned cbsize = pte->codebook_size;
const unsigned vectorarea = VectorArea(pte->pixel_format);
pteLog(LOG_DEBUG, "Codebook size is %i\n", cbsize);
//Calculate codebook size after taking out perfect mip codes
unsigned gen_perfect_mip_vectors = 0;
CBVector perfect_cb[PVR_FULL_CODEBOOK];
assert(vectorarea <= 16);
if (pteHasMips(pte)) {
if ((pte->pixel_format == PTE_PALETTE_4B || pte->pixel_format == PTE_PALETTE_8B) && pte->perfect_mips < 2) {
pteLog(LOG_DEBUG, "Need some perfect mips, so adding some\n");
pte->perfect_mips = 2;
} if (pte->pixel_format == PTE_YUV && pte->perfect_mips < 1) {
pteLog(LOG_DEBUG, "Need some perfect mips, so adding some\n");
pte->perfect_mips = 1;
} else {
if (pte->perfect_mips != 0) {
pteLog(LOG_WARNING, "Got --perfect-mips option, but not using any mipmaps.");
pte->perfect_mips = 0;
//Number of pixels we generate perfect mips for
const unsigned perf_mip_size_pix = TotalMipSize(PT_PIXEL_OFFSET, 0, pte->perfect_mips);
//Number of vectors we need to create. Round up for 4bpp mips
const unsigned perfect_mip_idx = (perf_mip_size_pix + vectorarea - 1) / vectorarea;
//Go through every perfect mip level and add each vector to a perfect codebook
//We do not want to add duplicate vectors
//Start at the highest level and work down, this way any incomplete levels, like the
//1x1 mip level, can potentially reuse any vectors from higher mip levels if they are the same
//If we start with the 1x1 mip and have junk in the unused part, it's unlikely we will
//find a match in the higher levels
for(int i = (perfect_mip_idx-1)*vectorarea; i >= 0; i -= vectorarea) {
pxlABGR8888 *src = pte->pvr_tex32 + i;
unsigned offset = 0;
if (pteHasMips(pte) && i == 0) {
//The start of the texture contains the smallest mip(s), which does not use the entire vector
//offset is always 3 pixels
offset = 3;
unsigned match = AddFindVector(pte, perfect_cb, src, vectorarea, gen_perfect_mip_vectors, offset, pteGetConvertFormat(pte, i));
if (match >= gen_perfect_mip_vectors) {
pteLog(LOG_DEBUG, "Made %u perfect vectors\n", gen_perfect_mip_vectors);
assert(gen_perfect_mip_vectors < pte->codebook_size);
cbsize -= gen_perfect_mip_vectors;
assert(cbsize <= PVR_FULL_CODEBOOK);
assert(cbsize > 0);
VQCompressor vqc;
vqcInit(&vqc, VQC_UINT8, 4, vectorarea, cbsize, pte->auto_small_vq);
vqcSetRGBAGamma(&vqc, pte->rgb_gamma, pte->alpha_gamma);
//Add uncompressed data
const unsigned perfect_mip_pixels = perfect_mip_idx * vectorarea;
const unsigned pxlcnt = CalcTextureSize(pte->w, pte->h, PT_PIXEL_OFFSET, pteHasMips(pte), 0, 0) - perfect_mip_pixels;
const unsigned inperfveccnt = (pxlcnt+vectorarea-1) / vectorarea;
if (pxlcnt % vectorarea) {
//Because of the way compressed mipmapped 4bpp works, the bottom right index
//is only partially used (2x4 is used out of 4x4), and the number of pixels
//in the texture is not a multiple of the vector size.
//~ printf("Have incomplete vector\n");
assert(pteHasMips(pte) && pte->pixel_format == PTE_PALETTE_4B);
unsigned npxlcnt = pxlcnt - pxlcnt % vectorarea; //Round down to whole vector
vqcAddPoints(&vqc, pte->pvr_tex32 + perfect_mip_pixels, npxlcnt);
//~ inperfveccnt = npxlcnt+vectorarea-1) / vectorarea;
//Expand the last 4x2 area into 4x4 by duplicating the 4x2 area
pxlABGR8888 last[4*4];
pxlABGR8888 *src = pte->pvr_tex32 + MipMapOffset(pte->pixel_format, 0, pteTopMipLvl(pte)) + pte->w*pte->h - 8;
memcpy(last, src, 8 * sizeof(pxlABGR8888));
memcpy(last+8, src, 8 * sizeof(pxlABGR8888));
vqcAddPoints(&vqc, last, 16);
} else {
//We can go ahead and add everything
//~ printf("No incomplete vectors\n");
assert(!(pteHasMips(pte) && pte->pixel_format == PTE_PALETTE_4B));
vqcAddPoints(&vqc, pte->pvr_tex32 + perfect_mip_pixels, pxlcnt);
//Re-add some points to increase their weight
//TODO We don't handle partial vectors which are required for 4BPP mipped, so turn off perfect mips for 4bpp mipped
if (pte->high_weight_mips && pteHasMips(pte) && pte->pixel_format == PTE_PALETTE_4B) {
pteLog(LOG_WARNING, "***Compressed mipmapped 4BPP does not currently support high weight mips***\nCreating texture without high weight mips\n");
pte->high_weight_mips = 0;
const unsigned highlvl = pte->mip_cnt - pte->high_weight_mips;
if (highlvl > 0 && highlvl < pte->mip_cnt) {
unsigned high_start = perfect_mip_pixels;
unsigned high_end = MipMapOffset(PT_PIXEL_OFFSET, 0, highlvl);
pteLog(LOG_DEBUG, "High weight up and including to %u\n", 1u<<(highlvl-1));
pteLog(LOG_DEBUG, "Re-adding bytes from %u to %u\n", high_start, high_end);
if (high_end > high_start && high_end < pxlcnt)
vqcAddPoints(&vqc, pte->pvr_tex32 + high_start, high_end - high_start);
pteLog(LOG_DEBUG, "Can't add high weight mips (start %u, end %u, pxlcnt %u)\n", high_start, high_end, pxlcnt);
//Do compression and save results
pteLog(LOG_DEBUG, "Doing compression %u...\n", vqc.point_cnt); fflush(stdout);
vqcResults result = vqcCompress(&vqc, 200);
pteLog(LOG_DEBUG, "Done!\n"); fflush(stdout);
//Create PVR codebook
ptConvertToTargetFormat(result.codebook, cbsize, vectorarea, pte->palette, pte->palette_size,
pte->pvr_codebook + pte->pvr_idx_offset*8, pteGetConvertFormat(pte, 1));
//Add any perfect CB vectors to end of generated CB
unsigned perfectcbofs = pte->pvr_idx_offset + pte->codebook_size - gen_perfect_mip_vectors;
void *cbend = pte->pvr_codebook + perfectcbofs * 8;
memcpy(cbend, perfect_cb, gen_perfect_mip_vectors * 8);
//Build up indices for texture
SMART_ALLOC(&pte->pvr_tex, CalcTextureSize(pte->w, pte->h, pte->pixel_format, pteHasMips(pte), 1, PVR_CODEBOOK_SIZE_BYTES));
uint8_t *texdst = pte->pvr_tex;
//Add any perfect mips
for(int i = 0; i < perfect_mip_idx; i++) {
//Go though each vector and find the matching codebook entry
pxlABGR8888 *src = pte->pvr_tex32 + i*vectorarea;
unsigned offset = 0;
if (pteHasMips(pte) && i == 0) {
//The start of the texture contains the smallest mip(s), which does not use the entire vector
//offset is always 3 pixels
offset = 3;
unsigned format = pteGetConvertFormat(pte, i);
unsigned match = AddFindVector(pte, perfect_cb, src, vectorarea, gen_perfect_mip_vectors, offset, format);
assert(match < gen_perfect_mip_vectors); //We should always find a match
texdst[i] = match + perfectcbofs;
//Convert data from VQCompressor (int32 to uint8)
for(int d = perfect_mip_idx, s = 0; s < inperfveccnt; d++, s++) {
texdst[d] = result.indices[s] + pte->pvr_idx_offset;
static pteImage * pteHighestSrcMip(PvrTexEncoder *pte) {
unsigned highest = 0;
unsigned highestw = pte->src_imgs[0].w;
for(unsigned i = 1; i < pte->src_img_cnt; i++) {
if (pte->src_imgs[i].w > highestw) {
highestw = pte->src_imgs[i].w;
highest = i;
return pte->src_imgs + highest;
//w is the width in pixels of the mip level to generate an image for
static pteImage pteGetShrinkLevel(PvrTexEncoder *pte, int w) {
assert(pte->src_img_cnt > 0);
unsigned level = MipLevels(w);
if (pte->want_mips == PTE_MIP_QUALITY)
level += 2;
int desired_width = 1 << (level);
//Default to first src_img, since it's known good
pteImage best = pte->src_imgs[0];
//If the desired width is for a level small enough that we have already created it,
//use the existing level
if (desired_width <= pte->w) {
pteLog(LOG_DEBUG, "using existing mip %i (%i)\n", desired_width, level);
best.w = best.h = desired_width;
best.pixels = pte->raw_mips[level];
//Check rest of src_imgs for an exact match with w, this overrides everything
for(unsigned i = 0; i < pte->src_img_cnt; i++) {
pteImage *cur = pte->src_imgs + i;
if (cur->w == w && cur->h == w) {
//Have exact match
pteLog(LOG_DEBUG, "Match\n");
best = *cur;
return best;
void pteGenerateMips(PvrTexEncoder *pte) {
assert(!pte->raw_is_twiddled); //can't generate if already twiddled, twiddle afterwards
assert(pte->mip_cnt == 0); //have no mips
//Fix size if resizing is enabled
ErrorExitOn(pteIsStrided(pte), "Mipmapped textures must be twiddled, but have stride parameter\n");
ErrorExitOn(pte->w != pte->h, "Image must be square, but dimensions are (%ux%u)\n", pte->w, pte->h);
ErrorExitOn(!IsPow2(pte->w) || !IsPow2(pte->h), "Height and width must be a power of two, but dimensions are (%ux%u)\n", pte->w, pte->h);
assert(pte->w == pte->h); //have square
assert(pte->w >= 8);
pte->mip_cnt = MipLevels(pte->w);
assert(pte->mip_cnt > 0);
assert(pte->mip_cnt <= 11);
FOR_EACH_MIP_REV(pte, i) {
//Allocate space for mip level
unsigned pixelcnt = mw * mh;
assert(pte->raw_mips[i] == NULL); //Should have no raws yet
SMART_ALLOC(&pte->raw_mips[i], pixelcnt * sizeof(pxlABGR8888));
pteImage src = pteGetShrinkLevel(pte, mw);
pteLog(LOG_INFO, "Making %ux%u mip from %ux%u image\n", mw, mh, src.w, src.h);
if (src.w == mw && src.h == mh) {
memcpy(pte->raw_mips[i], src.pixels, mw * mh * sizeof(pxlABGR8888));
} else {
float shift = 0;
if (pte->mip_shift_correction)
shift = -0.5 + (float)mw / pte->w / 2;
stbir_resize_subpixel(src.pixels, src.w, src.h, 0,
pte->raw_mips[i], mw, mh, 0,
STBIR_TYPE_UINT8, //format
4, //channels
3, //alpha
0, //alpha flags (use default handling)
pte->edge_method, pte->edge_method,
NULL, //alloc
(float)mw / src.w, (float)mw / src.h, //xscale, yscale,
shift, shift //xoffset, yoffset
int pteGenerateRawFromSource(PvrTexEncoder *pte) {
assert(pte->src_img_cnt >= 1);
assert(pte->w >= 8);
assert(pte->h >= 8);
assert(pte->w <= 1024);
assert(pte->h <= 1024);
size_t tex_raw_size = pte->w * pte->h * sizeof(pxlABGR8888);
SMART_ALLOC(&pte->raw_mips[0], tex_raw_size);
//If no input mips, set raw_mips to one level, with one image from source data
pteImage *h = pteHighestSrcMip(pte);
if (h->w == pte->w && h->h == pte->h) {
//If src size is equal to texture size, just copy the data over
pteLog(LOG_INFO, "Source size matches texture size\n");
memcpy(pte->raw_mips[0], h->pixels, tex_raw_size);
pte->mip_cnt = 1;
} else {
//If src size is different to texture size, resize source to fit texture
pteLog(LOG_INFO, "Source is getting resized from %ux%u to %ux%u\n", h->w, h->h, pte->w, pte->h);
pte->mip_cnt = 1;
stbir_resize(h->pixels, h->w, h->h, 0,
pte->raw_mips[0], pte->w, pte->h, 0,
STBIR_TYPE_UINT8, //format
4, //channels
3, //alpha
0, //alpha flags (use default handling)
pte->edge_method, pte->edge_method,
NULL //alloc
return 0;
void pteGeneratePreviews(PvrTexEncoder *pte) {
unsigned size_pixels = CalcTextureSize(pte->w, pte->h, PT_PIXEL_OFFSET, pteHasMips(pte), 0, 0);
void *src = pte->pvr_tex;
if (pteIsCompressed(pte)) {
//For compressed mipmapped 4bpp textures, the number of indices is not
//a multiple of the texture size. Round up the index count, and allocate
//room for an extra vector worth of pixels
src = malloc(size_pixels * 2 + 16);
unsigned vecarea = VectorArea(pte->pixel_format);
unsigned idxs = (size_pixels+vecarea-1) / vecarea;
DecompressVQ(pte->pvr_tex, idxs, pte->pvr_codebook, 0, src, pte->auto_small_vq, pte->codebook_size);
FOR_EACH_MIP(pte, i) {
unsigned format = pteGetConvertFormat(pte, i);
unsigned w = mw;
//For 1x1 4bpp, we need to convert two pixels in a byte, so up the size
if (format == PTE_PALETTE_4B && mw == 1)
w = 2;
//Allocate buffer for unconverted mip level
pxlABGR8888 *prev = malloc(w * mh * sizeof(pxlABGR8888));
//Get pixel data for current mip level
void *pixels = src;
if (pteHasMips(pte)) {
//We already decompressed the image, so we always pass 0 for compression here
unsigned ofs = MipMapOffset(pte->pixel_format, 0, i);
pixels += ofs;
//Convert image from pixels, storing in prev
ConvertFromFormatToBGRA8888(pixels, format, pte->palette, w, mh, prev);
//For 4bpp, the pixel we need is stored as the second pixel of the two from the byte we converted
if (format == PTE_PALETTE_4B && mw == 0)
prev[0] = prev[1];
//Detwiddle if using twiddled format
if (pte->raw_is_twiddled)
MakeDetwiddled32(prev, mw, mh);
//Save deconverted image to pte
pte->preview_mips[i] = prev;
if (pteHasMips(pte)) {
//Create preview image with combined mips
assert(pte->final_preview == NULL);
unsigned mp_w = pte->w * 1.5;
pte->final_preview_w = mp_w;
SMART_ALLOC(&pte->final_preview, pte->h * mp_w * sizeof(pxlABGR8888));
pxlABGR8888 *mp = pte->final_preview;
unsigned mipy = pte->h - 1;
if (1) {
//Create preview with all mips
FOR_EACH_MIP(pte, i) {
//The highest mip level goes to the top left, the rest are on the right
//For the non-top levels, we start at the bottom then go up
unsigned mipx = pte->w;
mipy -= mh;
if (i == pteTopMipLvl(pte)) {
mipy = 0;
mipx = 0;
//Copy rows from preview_mips to final_preview
for(unsigned y = 0; y < mh; y++) {
memcpy(mp + (y + mipy)*mp_w + mipx, pte->preview_mips[i] + y*mw, mw * sizeof(pxlABGR8888));
} else {
//Create preview of top mip level
int i = pteTopMipLvl(pte);
for(unsigned y = 0; y < pte->h; y++) {
memcpy(mp + y*mp_w, pte->preview_mips[i] + y*pte->w, pte->w * sizeof(pxlABGR8888));
} else {
//Create preview image without mips
pte->final_preview_w = pte->w;
SMART_ALLOC(&pte->final_preview, pte->h * pte->w * sizeof(pxlABGR8888));
memcpy(pte->final_preview, pte->preview_mips[0], pte->w * pte->h * sizeof(pxlABGR8888));
if (pteIsCompressed(pte)) {
void pteConvertRawHeightToNormals(PvrTexEncoder *pte) {
FOR_EACH_MIP(pte, i) {
v3f *norms = malloc(mw * mw * sizeof(*norms));
const pxlABGR8888 *src = pte->raw_mips[i];
//Calculate normals from height map
for(int y = 0; y < mh; y++) {
for(int x = 0; x < mw; x++) {
//TODO change this so that it copies the image to a larger temp buffer with the correct
//edges, to avoid these per pixel checks and get STBIR_EDGE_ZERO working
//Wrap around offsets
unsigned l, r, u, d;
if (pte->edge_method == STBIR_EDGE_WRAP) {
l = x == 0 ? mw-1 : x-1;
r = x == (mw-1) ? 0 : x+1;
u = y == 0 ? mh-1 : y-1;
d = y == (mh-1) ? 0 : y+1;
} else if (pte->edge_method == STBIR_EDGE_CLAMP) {
l = x == 0 ? x : x-1;
r = x == (mw-1) ? x : x+1;
u = y == 0 ? y : y-1;
d = y == (mh-1) ? y : y+1;
} else if (pte->edge_method == STBIR_EDGE_REFLECT) {
l = x == 0 ? x+1 : x-1;
r = x == (mw-1) ? x-1 : x+1;
u = y == 0 ? y+1 : y-1;
d = y == (mh-1) ? y-1 : y+1;
} else {
ErrorExit("Zero edge method not supported for height maps");
unsigned ofs = y*mw+x;
norms[ofs].x = pxlU8toF(src[y*mw + l].r) - pxlU8toF(src[y*mw + r].r);
norms[ofs].y = pxlU8toF(src[d*mw + x].r) - pxlU8toF(src[u*mw + x].r);
norms[ofs].z = sqrtf(1 - norms[ofs].x*norms[ofs].x + norms[ofs].y*norms[ofs].y);
//Gotten some weirdness on some heightmaps if we normalize here, so it's disabled for now
//~ norms[ofs] = v3NormalizeS(norms[ofs]);
//Replace raw_mips with normals
for(int y = 0; y < mh; y++) {
for(int x = 0; x < mw; x++) {
unsigned ofs = y*mw+x;
pte->raw_mips[i][ofs].r = pxlFtoU8B(norms[ofs].x);
pte->raw_mips[i][ofs].g = pxlFtoU8B(norms[ofs].y);
pte->raw_mips[i][ofs].b = pxlFtoU8B(norms[ofs].z);
pte->raw_mips[i][ofs].a = 255;
void pteAutoSelectPixelFormat(PvrTexEncoder *pte) {
unsigned clearpix = 0, halfpix = 0, opaquepix = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < pte->src_img_cnt; j++) {
pteImage *img = pte->src_imgs + j;
for(int i = 0; i < img->w * img->h; i++) {
int a = img->pixels[i].a;
if (a == 0)
else if (a == 0xff)
if (halfpix > 0)
pte->pixel_format = PTE_ARGB4444;
else if (clearpix > 0)
pte->pixel_format = PTE_ARGB1555;
pte->pixel_format = pte->pixel_format == PTE_AUTO_YUV ? PTE_YUV : PTE_RGB565;
pteLog(LOG_INFO, "Selected pixel format %s\n", ptGetPixelFormatString(pte->pixel_format));
void pteEncodeTexture(PvrTexEncoder *pte) {
//Generate resized ABGR data from source image
if (pte->want_mips) {
pteLog(LOG_PROGRESS, "Generating mipmaps...\n");
} else if (pte->src_img_cnt == 1) {
} else {
ErrorExit("Multiple source images have been specified, but mipmaps have not been requested\n");
//If the source image is a height map, convert it to a normal map
if (pte->pixel_format == PTE_BUMP) {
pte->pixel_format = PTE_NORMAL;
//Generate palette
if (pte->pixel_format == PTE_PALETTE_4B || pte->pixel_format == PTE_PALETTE_8B) {
if (pte->pixel_format == PTE_PALETTE_8B) {
if (pte->palette_size == 0) {
pte->palette_size = 256;
} else if (pte->palette_size > 256) {
ErrorExit("palette size must be 256 or less for 8bpp textures\n");
} else if (pte->pixel_format == PTE_PALETTE_4B) {
if (pte->palette_size == 0) {
pte->palette_size = 16;
} else if (pte->palette_size > 16) {
ErrorExit("palette size must be 16 or less for 4bpp textures\n");
pteLog(LOG_PROGRESS, "Generating palette...\n");
//Do dithering
if (pte->dither && pte->pixel_format != PTE_YUV) {
pteLog(LOG_PROGRESS, "Dithering...\n");
pteDitherRaws(pte, pte->dither);
//Twiddle if texture is not strided
if (!pte->stride) {
pteLog(LOG_PROGRESS, "Twiddling...\n");
} else {
//Stride textures cannot be these formats
//Normal maps kill PVR if bilinear is used, and strided palettes can't be set
if (pte->pixel_format == PTE_NORMAL || pte->pixel_format == PTE_PALETTE_4B || pte->pixel_format == PTE_PALETTE_8B)
ErrorExit("Stride textures cannot be normal maps or palettized textures\n");
//Convert from internal ABGR8888 to final output format
if (pteIsCompressed(pte)) {
pteLog(LOG_PROGRESS, "Compressing...\n");
pteLog(LOG_PROGRESS, "Compressed...\n");
float uncompsize = CalcTextureSize(pte->w, pte->h, PTE_RGB565, pteHasMips(pte), 0, 0);
float compsize = CalcTextureSize(pte->w, pte->h, pte->pixel_format, pteHasMips(pte), 1, pte->codebook_size*8);
pteLog(LOG_INFO, "Compression ratio: %f\n", uncompsize / compsize);
} else {
pteLog(LOG_PROGRESS, "Converting as uncompressed...\n");