// ============================================================== // This file is part of Glest (www.glest.org) // // Copyright (C) 2001-2008 MartiƱo Figueroa // // You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published // by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version // ============================================================== #ifndef _GLEST_GAME_PATHFINDER_H_ #define _GLEST_GAME_PATHFINDER_H_ #ifdef WIN32 #include #include #endif #include "vec.h" #include #include #include "game_constants.h" #include "skill_type.h" #include "map.h" #include "unit.h" #include "leak_dumper.h" using std::vector; using Shared::Graphics::Vec2i; namespace Glest { namespace Game { // ===================================================== // class PathFinder // /// Finds paths for units using a modification of the A* algorithm // ===================================================== class PathFinder { public: class BadUnitNodeList { public: BadUnitNodeList() { unitSize = -1; field = fLand; } int unitSize; Field field; std::map > badPosList; inline bool isPosBad(const Vec2i &pos1,const Vec2i &pos2) { bool result = false; std::map >::iterator iterFind = badPosList.find(pos1); if(iterFind != badPosList.end()) { std::map::iterator iterFind2 = iterFind->second.find(pos2); if(iterFind2 != iterFind->second.end()) { result = true; } } return result; } }; class Node { public: Node() { clear(); } void clear() { pos.x = 0; pos.y = 0; next=NULL; prev=NULL; heuristic=0.0; exploredCell=false; } Vec2i pos; Node *next; Node *prev; float heuristic; bool exploredCell; }; typedef vector Nodes; class FactionState { protected: Mutex *factionMutexPrecache; public: FactionState() : //factionMutexPrecache(new Mutex) { factionMutexPrecache(NULL) { openPosList.clear(); openNodesList.clear(); closedNodesList.clear(); nodePool.clear(); nodePoolCount = 0; useMaxNodeCount = 0; precachedTravelState.clear(); precachedPath.clear(); } ~FactionState() { delete factionMutexPrecache; factionMutexPrecache = NULL; } Mutex * getMutexPreCache() { return factionMutexPrecache; } std::map openPosList; std::map openNodesList; std::map closedNodesList; std::vector nodePool; int nodePoolCount; RandomGen random; int useMaxNodeCount; std::map precachedTravelState; std::map > precachedPath; }; class FactionStateManager { protected: typedef vector FactionStateList; FactionStateList factions; void init() { for(int index = 0; index < GameConstants::maxPlayers; ++index) { factions.push_back(new FactionState()); } } public: FactionStateManager() { init(); } ~FactionStateManager() { clear(); } FactionState & getFactionState(int index) { FactionState *faction = factions[index]; return *faction; } void clear() { for(unsigned int index = 0; index < (unsigned int)factions.size(); ++index) { delete factions[index]; } factions.clear(); } int size() { return (int)factions.size(); } }; public: static const int maxFreeSearchRadius; static const int pathFindBailoutRadius; static const int pathFindExtendRefreshForNodeCount; static const int pathFindExtendRefreshNodeCountMin; static const int pathFindExtendRefreshNodeCountMax; private: static int pathFindNodesMax; static int pathFindNodesAbsoluteMax; FactionStateManager factions; const Map *map; bool minorDebugPathfinder; public: PathFinder(); PathFinder(const Map *map); ~PathFinder(); PathFinder(const PathFinder& obj) { init(); throw megaglest_runtime_error("class PathFinder is NOT safe to copy!"); } PathFinder & operator=(const PathFinder& obj) { init(); throw megaglest_runtime_error("class PathFinder is NOT safe to assign!"); } void init(const Map *map); TravelState findPath(Unit *unit, const Vec2i &finalPos, bool *wasStuck=NULL,int frameIndex=-1); void clearUnitPrecache(Unit *unit); void removeUnitPrecache(Unit *unit); void clearCaches(); bool unitCannotMove(Unit *unit); int findNodeIndex(Node *node, Nodes &nodeList); int findNodeIndex(Node *node, std::vector &nodeList); void saveGame(XmlNode *rootNode); void loadGame(const XmlNode *rootNode); private: void init(); TravelState aStar(Unit *unit, const Vec2i &finalPos, bool inBailout, int frameIndex, int maxNodeCount=-1,uint32 *searched_node_count=NULL); inline static Node *newNode(FactionState &faction, int maxNodeCount) { if( faction.nodePoolCount < (int)faction.nodePool.size() && faction.nodePoolCount < maxNodeCount) { Node *node= &(faction.nodePool[faction.nodePoolCount]); node->clear(); faction.nodePoolCount++; return node; } return NULL; } Vec2i computeNearestFreePos(const Unit *unit, const Vec2i &targetPos); inline static float heuristic(const Vec2i &pos, const Vec2i &finalPos) { return pos.dist(finalPos); } inline static bool openPos(const Vec2i &sucPos, FactionState &faction) { if(faction.openPosList.find(sucPos) == faction.openPosList.end()) { return false; } return true; } inline static Node * minHeuristicFastLookup(FactionState &faction) { if(faction.openNodesList.empty() == true) { throw megaglest_runtime_error("openNodesList.empty() == true"); } Node *result = faction.openNodesList.begin()->second[0]; faction.openNodesList.begin()->second.erase(faction.openNodesList.begin()->second.begin()); if(faction.openNodesList.begin()->second.size() == 0) { faction.openNodesList.erase(faction.openNodesList.begin()); } return result; } inline bool processNode(Unit *unit, Node *node,const Vec2i finalPos, int i, int j, bool &nodeLimitReached,int maxNodeCount) { bool result = false; Vec2i sucPos= node->pos + Vec2i(i, j); int unitFactionIndex = unit->getFactionIndex(); FactionState &faction = factions.getFactionState(unitFactionIndex); if(openPos(sucPos, faction) == false && canUnitMoveSoon(unit, node->pos, sucPos) == true) { //if node is not open and canMove then generate another node Node *sucNode= newNode(faction,maxNodeCount); if(sucNode != NULL) { sucNode->pos= sucPos; sucNode->heuristic= heuristic(sucNode->pos, finalPos); sucNode->prev= node; sucNode->next= NULL; sucNode->exploredCell = map->getSurfaceCell( Map::toSurfCoords(sucPos))->isExplored(unit->getTeam()); if(faction.openNodesList.find(sucNode->heuristic) == faction.openNodesList.end()) { faction.openNodesList[sucNode->heuristic].clear(); } faction.openNodesList[sucNode->heuristic].push_back(sucNode); faction.openPosList[sucNode->pos] = true; result = true; } else { nodeLimitReached= true; } } return result; } void processNearestFreePos(const Vec2i &finalPos, int i, int j, int size, Field field, int teamIndex,Vec2i unitPos, Vec2i &nearestPos, float &nearestDist); int getPathFindExtendRefreshNodeCount(FactionState &faction); inline bool canUnitMoveSoon(const Unit *unit, const Vec2i &pos1, const Vec2i &pos2) { bool result = map->aproxCanMoveSoon(unit, pos1, pos2); return result; } inline void doAStarPathSearch(bool & nodeLimitReached, int & whileLoopCount, int & unitFactionIndex, bool & pathFound, Node *& node, const Vec2i & finalPos, std::map closedNodes, std::map cameFrom, std::map , bool> canAddNode, Unit *& unit, int & maxNodeCount, int curFrameIndex) { FactionState &faction = factions.getFactionState(unitFactionIndex); while(nodeLimitReached == false) { whileLoopCount++; if(faction.openNodesList.empty() == true) { pathFound = false; break; } node = minHeuristicFastLookup(faction); if(node->pos == finalPos || node->exploredCell == false) { pathFound = true; break; } if(faction.closedNodesList.find(node->heuristic) == faction.closedNodesList.end()) { faction.closedNodesList[node->heuristic].clear(); } faction.closedNodesList[node->heuristic].push_back(node); faction.openPosList[node->pos] = true; int failureCount = 0; int cellCount = 0; int tryDirection = faction.random.randRange(0, 3); if(tryDirection == 3) { for(int i = 1;i >= -1 && nodeLimitReached == false;--i) { for(int j = -1;j <= 1 && nodeLimitReached == false;++j) { if(processNode(unit, node, finalPos, i, j, nodeLimitReached, maxNodeCount) == false) { failureCount++; } cellCount++; } } } else if(tryDirection == 2) { for(int i = -1;i <= 1 && nodeLimitReached == false;++i) { for(int j = 1;j >= -1 && nodeLimitReached == false;--j) { if(processNode(unit, node, finalPos, i, j, nodeLimitReached, maxNodeCount) == false) { failureCount++; } cellCount++; } } } else if(tryDirection == 1) { for(int i = -1;i <= 1 && nodeLimitReached == false;++i) { for(int j = -1;j <= 1 && nodeLimitReached == false;++j) { if(processNode(unit, node, finalPos, i, j, nodeLimitReached, maxNodeCount) == false) { failureCount++; } cellCount++; } } } else { for(int i = 1;i >= -1 && nodeLimitReached == false;--i) { for(int j = 1;j >= -1 && nodeLimitReached == false;--j) { if(processNode(unit, node, finalPos, i, j, nodeLimitReached, maxNodeCount) == false) { failureCount++; } cellCount++; } } } } } }; }}//end namespace #endif