## Linux .* *~ # Gimp *.xcf # Vim Session.vim # KDevelop *.kdev4 # Meld *.orig # Emacs \#*\# ## macOS *.DS_Store Icon ## Windows *.old # Windows image file caches [tT]humbs.db ehthumbs*.db # Folder config file Desktop.ini # Recycle Bin used on file shares $RECYCLE.BIN/ # Dump file *.stackdump # Visual studio *.suo *.ncb *.user *.db-shm *.db-wal ## Temp files *.tmp *.swp *.bak *.backup *.save *.autosav *.autosave ## Packages # it's better to unpack these files and commit the raw source git has its own built in compression methods *.7z *.deb *.rpm *.dmg *.gz *.tgz *.iso *.jar *.rar *.tar *.zip *.bz2 *.tbz2 *.tar.xz *.txz ## Logs and databases *.log *.sql *.sqlite ## Git !.git !.gitignore !.gitattributes !.gitmodules ## Repo !/.travis.yml !/.travis-before_install.sh !/.editorconfig *.blend *.blend1 /[bB]uild*/ /[rR]elease*/ /[dD]ebug*/ /dbg*/ # breakpad symlink / directory /google-breakpad /google-breakpad/ # Windows_build *.dll *.exe *.msi *.pdb *.aps unsuccessfulbuild /mk/windows/dependencies/openssl /mk/windows/dependencies/src /mk/windows/bin /data # add build directories # Makefile and cmake files are generated when the project is built and # should be ignored by git. # # The ZetaGlest project recommends using a separate build directory. # build local-build install-build