#!/bin/sh # Use this script to synchronize other scripts and installers with the version # in mg-version.sh for a Version Release # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Written by Mark Vejvoda # Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Mark Vejvoda under GNU GPL v3.0+ CURRENTDIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")" cd "$CURRENTDIR" CURRENT_VERSION=`./mg-version.sh --version` OLD_VERSION=`./mg-version.sh --oldversion_binary` VERSION_INFO_FILE="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")/../../source/version.txt" LastCompatibleSaveGameVersion="$(awk -F '=' '/^LastCompatibleSaveGameVersion =/ {print $2}' "$VERSION_INFO_FILE" | awk -F '"' '{print $2}')" CurrYear="$(date +%y)" MapeditorVersion="$CURRENT_VERSION" G3dviewerVersion="$CURRENT_VERSION" modifymore="yes" echo echo '===== Updating Game ======' # const string glestVersionString = "v3.12-dev"; echo 'Game version # before:' grep -E '^const string glestVersionString = "[^"]*";$' ../../source/glest_game/facilities/game_util.cpp sed -i 's/^const string glestVersionString = "[^"]*";$/const string glestVersionString = "v'$CURRENT_VERSION'";/' ../../source/glest_game/facilities/game_util.cpp echo 'Game version # after:' grep -E '^const string glestVersionString = "[^"]*";$' ../../source/glest_game/facilities/game_util.cpp echo echo 'Game Copyright date # before:' grep -E 'Copyright 2010-20[0-9][0-9] The MegaGlest Team' ../../source/glest_game/facilities/game_util.cpp sed -i 's/Copyright 2010-20[0-9][0-9] The MegaGlest Team/Copyright 2010-20'$CurrYear' The MegaGlest Team/' ../../source/glest_game/facilities/game_util.cpp grep -E '© 2001-20[0-9][0-9] The MegaGlest Team' ../../mk/macos/bundle_resources/Info.plist.in sed -i 's/© 2001-20[0-9][0-9] The MegaGlest Team/© 2001-20'$CurrYear' The MegaGlest Team/' ../../mk/macos/bundle_resources/Info.plist.in echo 'Game Copyright date # after:' grep -E 'Copyright 2010-20[0-9][0-9] The MegaGlest Team' ../../source/glest_game/facilities/game_util.cpp grep -E '© 2001-20[0-9][0-9] The MegaGlest Team' ../../mk/macos/bundle_resources/Info.plist.in echo if [ "$modifymore" = "yes" ]; then # const string lastCompatibleSaveGameVersionString = "v3.9.0"; echo 'Compatible Save Game version # before:' grep -E '^const string lastCompatibleSaveGameVersionString = "[^"]*";$' ../../source/glest_game/facilities/game_util.cpp sed -i 's/^const string lastCompatibleSaveGameVersionString = "[^"]*";$/const string lastCompatibleSaveGameVersionString = "v'$LastCompatibleSaveGameVersion'";/' ../../source/glest_game/facilities/game_util.cpp echo 'Compatible Save Game version # after:' grep -E '^const string lastCompatibleSaveGameVersionString = "[^"]*";$' ../../source/glest_game/facilities/game_util.cpp echo fi if [ "$modifymore" = "yes" ] && [ "$(git status >/dev/null 2>&1; echo "$?")" -eq "0" ]; then # const string GIT_RawRev = "$4446.1a8673f$"; GitCommitForRelease="`git rev-list HEAD --count`.`git log -1 --format=%h --abbrev=7`"; echo 'GitCommitForRelease # before:' grep -E '^GitCommitForRelease = "[^"]*";$' "$VERSION_INFO_FILE" grep -E '^ const string GIT_RawRev = "\$[^"$]*\$";$' ../../source/glest_game/facilities/game_util.cpp sed -i 's/^GitCommitForRelease = "[^"]*";$/GitCommitForRelease = "'$GitCommitForRelease'";/' "$VERSION_INFO_FILE" sed -i 's/^ const string GIT_RawRev = "$[^"]*";$/ const string GIT_RawRev = "$'$GitCommitForRelease'$";/' ../../source/glest_game/facilities/game_util.cpp echo 'GitCommitForRelease # after:' grep -E '^GitCommitForRelease = "[^"]*";$' "$VERSION_INFO_FILE" grep -E '^ const string GIT_RawRev = "\$[^"$]*\$";$' ../../source/glest_game/facilities/game_util.cpp fi echo if [ "$modifymore" = "yes" ]; then echo '===== Updating Mapeditor ======' # const string mapeditorVersionString = "v1.6.1"; echo 'Mapeditor version # before:' grep -E '^const string mapeditorVersionString = "[^"]*";$' ../../source/glest_map_editor/main.cpp sed -i 's/^const string mapeditorVersionString = "[^"]*";$/const string mapeditorVersionString = "v'$MapeditorVersion'";/' ../../source/glest_map_editor/main.cpp echo 'Mapeditor version # after:' grep -E '^const string mapeditorVersionString = "[^"]*";$' ../../source/glest_map_editor/main.cpp echo echo 'Mapeditor Copyright date # before:' grep -E 'Copyright 2010-20[0-9][0-9] The MegaGlest Team' ../../source/glest_map_editor/main.cpp sed -i 's/Copyright 2010-20[0-9][0-9] The MegaGlest Team/Copyright 2010-20'$CurrYear' The MegaGlest Team/' ../../source/glest_map_editor/main.cpp echo 'Mapeditor Copyright date # after:' grep -E 'Copyright 2010-20[0-9][0-9] The MegaGlest Team' ../../source/glest_map_editor/main.cpp echo echo '===== Updating G3dviewer ======' # const string g3dviewerVersionString= "v1.3.6"; echo 'G3dviewer version # before:' grep -E '^const string g3dviewerVersionString= "[^"]*";$' ../../source/g3d_viewer/main.cpp sed -i 's/^const string g3dviewerVersionString= "[^"]*";$/const string g3dviewerVersionString= "v'$G3dviewerVersion'";/' ../../source/g3d_viewer/main.cpp echo 'G3dviewer version # after:' grep -E '^const string g3dviewerVersionString= "[^"]*";$' ../../source/g3d_viewer/main.cpp fi echo echo '===== Updating Linux Installer ======' # local GAME_VERSION = "x.x.x"; echo 'Linux Installer version # before:' grep -E '^local GAME_VERSION = "[^"]*";$' tools-for-standalone-client/installer/scripts/config.lua sed -i 's/^local GAME_VERSION = "[^"]*";$/local GAME_VERSION = "'$CURRENT_VERSION'";/' tools-for-standalone-client/installer/scripts/config.lua echo 'Linux Installer version # after:' grep -E '^local GAME_VERSION = "[^"]*";$' tools-for-standalone-client/installer/scripts/config.lua echo echo '===== Updating Windows Installer ======' # !define APVER 3.6.0 echo 'Windows Installer version # before:' grep -E '^\!define APVER [^"]*$' ../windows/Installer/MegaGlestInstaller.nsi sed -i 's/^\!define APVER [^"]*$/\!define APVER '$CURRENT_VERSION'/' ../windows/Installer/MegaGlestInstaller.nsi echo 'Windows Installer version # after:' grep -E '^\!define APVER [^"]*$' ../windows/Installer/MegaGlestInstaller.nsi echo if [ "$modifymore" = "yes" ]; then echo 'Windows Installer version # before:' grep -E '^\!define APVER_OLD [^"]*$' ../windows/Installer/MegaGlestInstaller.nsi sed -i 's/^\!define APVER_OLD [^"]*$/\!define APVER_OLD '$OLD_VERSION'/' ../windows/Installer/MegaGlestInstaller.nsi echo 'Windows Installer version # after:' grep -E '^\!define APVER_OLD [^"]*$' ../windows/Installer/MegaGlestInstaller.nsi echo echo '===== Updating Windows Updater ======' echo 'Windows Updater version # before:' grep -E '^\!define APVER [^"]*$' ../windows/Installer/MegaGlestUpdater.nsi sed -i 's/^\!define APVER [^"]*$/\!define APVER '$CURRENT_VERSION'/' ../windows/Installer/MegaGlestUpdater.nsi echo 'Windows Updater version # after:' grep -E '^\!define APVER [^"]*$' ../windows/Installer/MegaGlestUpdater.nsi echo echo 'Windows Updater version # before:' grep -E '^\!define APVER_OLD [^"]*$' ../windows/Installer/MegaGlestUpdater.nsi sed -i 's/^\!define APVER_OLD [^"]*$/\!define APVER_OLD '$OLD_VERSION'/' ../windows/Installer/MegaGlestUpdater.nsi echo 'Windows Updater version # after:' grep -E '^\!define APVER_OLD [^"]*$' ../windows/Installer/MegaGlestUpdater.nsi echo echo 'Windows Updater version # before:' grep -E '^\!define APVER_UPDATE [^"]*$' ../windows/Installer/MegaGlestUpdater.nsi sed -i 's/^\!define APVER_UPDATE [^"]*$/\!define APVER_UPDATE '$CURRENT_VERSION'/' ../windows/Installer/MegaGlestUpdater.nsi echo 'Windows Updater version # after:' grep -E '^\!define APVER_UPDATE [^"]*$' ../windows/Installer/MegaGlestUpdater.nsi echo fi