// ============================================================== // This file is part of Glest (www.glest.org) // // Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Marti�o Figueroa // // You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published // by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version // ============================================================== #ifndef _GLEST_GAME_NETWORKMESSAGE_H_ #define _GLEST_GAME_NETWORKMESSAGE_H_ #include "socket.h" #include "game_constants.h" #include "network_types.h" #include "leak_dumper.h" using Shared::Platform::Socket; using Shared::Platform::int8; using Shared::Platform::uint8; using Shared::Platform::int16; namespace Glest{ namespace Game{ class GameSettings; enum NetworkMessageType { nmtInvalid, nmtIntro, nmtPing, nmtReady, nmtLaunch, nmtCommandList, nmtText, nmtQuit, nmtSynchNetworkGameData, nmtSynchNetworkGameDataStatus, nmtSynchNetworkGameDataFileCRCCheck, nmtSynchNetworkGameDataFileGet, nmtBroadCastSetup, nmtSwitchSetupRequest, nmtPlayerIndexMessage, nmtCount }; enum NetworkGameStateType { nmgstInvalid, nmgstOk, nmgstNoSlots, nmgstCount }; // ===================================================== // class NetworkMessage // ===================================================== class NetworkMessage { public: virtual ~NetworkMessage(){} virtual bool receive(Socket* socket)= 0; virtual void send(Socket* socket) const = 0; protected: bool peek(Socket* socket, void* data, int dataSize); bool receive(Socket* socket, void* data, int dataSize); void send(Socket* socket, const void* data, int dataSize) const; }; // ===================================================== // class NetworkMessageIntro // // Message sent from the server to the client // when the client connects and vice versa // ===================================================== #pragma pack(push, 1) class NetworkMessageIntro: public NetworkMessage{ private: static const int maxVersionStringSize= 128; static const int maxNameSize= 32; private: struct Data{ int8 messageType; int32 sessionId; NetworkString versionString; NetworkString name; int16 playerIndex; int8 gameState; }; private: Data data; public: NetworkMessageIntro(); NetworkMessageIntro(int32 sessionId, const string &versionString, const string &name, int playerIndex, NetworkGameStateType gameState); int32 getSessionId() const { return data.sessionId;} string getVersionString() const { return data.versionString.getString(); } string getName() const { return data.name.getString(); } int getPlayerIndex() const { return data.playerIndex; } NetworkGameStateType getGameState() const { return static_cast(data.gameState); } virtual bool receive(Socket* socket); virtual void send(Socket* socket) const; }; #pragma pack(pop) // ===================================================== // class NetworkMessagePing // // Message sent at any time // ===================================================== #pragma pack(push, 1) class NetworkMessagePing: public NetworkMessage{ private: struct Data{ int8 messageType; int32 pingFrequency; int64 pingTime; }; private: Data data; int64 pingReceivedLocalTime; public: NetworkMessagePing(); NetworkMessagePing(int32 pingFrequency, int64 pingTime); int32 getPingFrequency() const {return data.pingFrequency;} int64 getPingTime() const {return data.pingTime;} int64 getPingReceivedLocalTime() const { return pingReceivedLocalTime; } virtual bool receive(Socket* socket); virtual void send(Socket* socket) const; }; #pragma pack(pop) // ===================================================== // class NetworkMessageReady // // Message sent at the beginning of the game // ===================================================== #pragma pack(push, 1) class NetworkMessageReady: public NetworkMessage{ private: struct Data{ int8 messageType; int32 checksum; }; private: Data data; public: NetworkMessageReady(); NetworkMessageReady(int32 checksum); int32 getChecksum() const {return data.checksum;} virtual bool receive(Socket* socket); virtual void send(Socket* socket) const; }; #pragma pack(pop) // ===================================================== // class NetworkMessageLaunch // // Message sent from the server to the client // to launch the game // ===================================================== #pragma pack(push, 1) class NetworkMessageLaunch: public NetworkMessage{ private: static const int maxStringSize= 256; static const int maxSmallStringSize= 60; private: struct Data{ int8 messageType; NetworkString description; NetworkString map; NetworkString tileset; NetworkString tech; NetworkString factionTypeNames[GameConstants::maxPlayers]; //faction names NetworkString networkPlayerNames[GameConstants::maxPlayers]; //networkPlayerNames int8 factionControls[GameConstants::maxPlayers]; int8 resourceMultiplier[GameConstants::maxPlayers]; int8 thisFactionIndex; int8 factionCount; int8 teams[GameConstants::maxPlayers]; int8 startLocationIndex[GameConstants::maxPlayers]; int8 defaultResources; int8 defaultUnits; int8 defaultVictoryConditions; int8 fogOfWar; int8 allowObservers; int8 enableObserverModeAtEndGame; int8 enableServerControlledAI; uint8 networkFramePeriod; // allowed values 0 - 255 int8 networkPauseGameForLaggedClients; int8 pathFinderType; }; private: Data data; public: NetworkMessageLaunch(); NetworkMessageLaunch(const GameSettings *gameSettings,int8 messageType); void buildGameSettings(GameSettings *gameSettings) const; int getMessageType() const { return data.messageType; } virtual bool receive(Socket* socket); virtual void send(Socket* socket) const; }; #pragma pack(pop) // ===================================================== // class CommandList // // Message to order a commands to several units // ===================================================== //const int32 commandListHeaderSize = 6; #pragma pack(push, 1) class NetworkMessageCommandList: public NetworkMessage{ private: //static const int maxCommandCount= 16*4; //static const int maxCommandCount = (16 * 4) * 2; static const int maxCommandCount = 2048; // can be as large as 65535 private: struct DataHeader { int8 messageType; uint16 commandCount; //int8 commandCount; int32 frameCount; }; static const int32 commandListHeaderSize = sizeof(DataHeader); struct Data { DataHeader header; NetworkCommand commands[maxCommandCount]; }; private: Data data; public: NetworkMessageCommandList(int32 frameCount= -1); bool addCommand(const NetworkCommand* networkCommand); void clear() {data.header.commandCount= 0;} int getCommandCount() const {return data.header.commandCount;} int getFrameCount() const {return data.header.frameCount;} const NetworkCommand* getCommand(int i) const {return &data.commands[i];} virtual bool receive(Socket* socket); virtual void send(Socket* socket) const; }; #pragma pack(pop) // ===================================================== // class NetworkMessageText // // Chat text message // ===================================================== #pragma pack(push, 1) class NetworkMessageText: public NetworkMessage { private: static const int maxTextStringSize= 340; //static const int maxSenderStringSize= 60; private: struct Data{ int8 messageType; NetworkString text; //NetworkString sender; int8 teamIndex; int8 playerIndex; }; private: Data data; public: NetworkMessageText(){} //NetworkMessageText(const string &text, const string &sender, int teamIndex, int playerIndex); NetworkMessageText(const string &text, int teamIndex, int playerIndex); string getText() const {return data.text.getString();} //string getSender() const {return data.sender.getString();} int getTeamIndex() const {return data.teamIndex;} int getPlayerIndex() const {return data.playerIndex;} virtual bool receive(Socket* socket); virtual void send(Socket* socket) const; }; #pragma pack(pop) // ===================================================== // class NetworkMessageQuit // // Message sent at the beggining of the game // ===================================================== #pragma pack(push, 1) class NetworkMessageQuit: public NetworkMessage{ private: struct Data{ int8 messageType; }; private: Data data; public: NetworkMessageQuit(); virtual bool receive(Socket* socket); virtual void send(Socket* socket) const; }; #pragma pack(pop) // ===================================================== // class NetworkMessageSynchNetworkGameData // // Message sent at the beggining of a network game // ===================================================== #pragma pack(push, 1) class NetworkMessageSynchNetworkGameData: public NetworkMessage{ private: static const int maxStringSize= 255; static const int maxFileCRCCount= 1500; static const int maxFileCRCPacketCount= 25; private: struct DataHeader { int8 messageType; NetworkString map; NetworkString tileset; NetworkString tech; int32 mapCRC; int32 tilesetCRC; int32 techCRC; int32 techCRCFileCount; }; static const int32 HeaderSize = sizeof(DataHeader); struct DataDetail { NetworkString techCRCFileList[maxFileCRCCount]; int32 techCRCFileCRCList[maxFileCRCCount]; }; static const int32 DetailSize1 = sizeof(NetworkString); static const int32 DetailSize2 = sizeof(int32); struct Data { DataHeader header; DataDetail detail; }; private: Data data; public: NetworkMessageSynchNetworkGameData() {}; NetworkMessageSynchNetworkGameData(const GameSettings *gameSettings); virtual bool receive(Socket* socket); virtual void send(Socket* socket) const; string getMap() const {return data.header.map.getString();} string getTileset() const {return data.header.tileset.getString();} string getTech() const {return data.header.tech.getString();} int32 getMapCRC() const {return data.header.mapCRC;} int32 getTilesetCRC() const {return data.header.tilesetCRC;} int32 getTechCRC() const {return data.header.techCRC;} int32 getTechCRCFileCount() const {return data.header.techCRCFileCount;} const NetworkString * getTechCRCFileList() const {return &data.detail.techCRCFileList[0];} const int32 * getTechCRCFileCRCList() const {return data.detail.techCRCFileCRCList;} string getTechCRCFileMismatchReport(vector > &vctFileList); }; #pragma pack(pop) // ===================================================== // class NetworkMessageSynchNetworkGameDataStatus // // Message sent at the beggining of a network game // ===================================================== #pragma pack(push, 1) class NetworkMessageSynchNetworkGameDataStatus: public NetworkMessage{ private: static const int maxStringSize= 255; static const int maxFileCRCCount= 1500; static const int maxFileCRCPacketCount= 25; private: struct DataHeader { int8 messageType; int32 mapCRC; int32 tilesetCRC; int32 techCRC; int32 techCRCFileCount; }; static const int32 HeaderSize = sizeof(DataHeader); struct DataDetail { NetworkString techCRCFileList[maxFileCRCCount]; int32 techCRCFileCRCList[maxFileCRCCount]; }; static const int32 DetailSize1 = sizeof(NetworkString); static const int32 DetailSize2 = sizeof(int32); struct Data { DataHeader header; DataDetail detail; }; private: Data data; public: NetworkMessageSynchNetworkGameDataStatus() {}; NetworkMessageSynchNetworkGameDataStatus(int32 mapCRC, int32 tilesetCRC, int32 techCRC, vector > &vctFileList); virtual bool receive(Socket* socket); virtual void send(Socket* socket) const; int32 getMapCRC() const {return data.header.mapCRC;} int32 getTilesetCRC() const {return data.header.tilesetCRC;} int32 getTechCRC() const {return data.header.techCRC;} int32 getTechCRCFileCount() const {return data.header.techCRCFileCount;} const NetworkString * getTechCRCFileList() const {return &data.detail.techCRCFileList[0];} const int32 * getTechCRCFileCRCList() const {return data.detail.techCRCFileCRCList;} string getTechCRCFileMismatchReport(string techtree, vector > &vctFileList); }; #pragma pack(pop) // ===================================================== // class NetworkMessageSynchNetworkGameDataFileCRCCheck // // Message sent at the beggining of a network game // ===================================================== #pragma pack(push, 1) class NetworkMessageSynchNetworkGameDataFileCRCCheck: public NetworkMessage{ private: static const int maxStringSize= 256; private: struct Data{ int8 messageType; int32 totalFileCount; int32 fileIndex; int32 fileCRC; NetworkString fileName; }; private: Data data; public: NetworkMessageSynchNetworkGameDataFileCRCCheck() {}; NetworkMessageSynchNetworkGameDataFileCRCCheck(int32 totalFileCount, int32 fileIndex, int32 fileCRC, const string fileName); virtual bool receive(Socket* socket); virtual void send(Socket* socket) const; int32 getTotalFileCount() const {return data.totalFileCount;} int32 getFileIndex() const {return data.fileIndex;} int32 getFileCRC() const {return data.fileCRC;} string getFileName() const {return data.fileName.getString();} }; #pragma pack(pop) // ===================================================== // class NetworkMessageSynchNetworkGameDataFileGet // // Message sent at the beggining of a network game // ===================================================== #pragma pack(push, 1) class NetworkMessageSynchNetworkGameDataFileGet: public NetworkMessage{ private: static const int maxStringSize= 256; private: struct Data{ int8 messageType; NetworkString fileName; }; private: Data data; public: NetworkMessageSynchNetworkGameDataFileGet() {}; NetworkMessageSynchNetworkGameDataFileGet(const string fileName); virtual bool receive(Socket* socket); virtual void send(Socket* socket) const; string getFileName() const {return data.fileName.getString();} }; #pragma pack(pop) // ===================================================== // class SwitchSetupRequest // // Message sent from the client to the server // to switch its settings // ===================================================== // Each bit represents which item in the packet has a changed value enum SwitchSetupRequestFlagType { ssrft_None = 0x00, ssrft_SelectedFactionName = 0x01, ssrft_CurrentFactionIndex = 0x02, ssrft_ToFactionIndex = 0x04, ssrft_ToTeam = 0x08, ssrft_NetworkPlayerName = 0x10 }; #pragma pack(push, 1) class SwitchSetupRequest: public NetworkMessage{ private: static const int maxStringSize= 256; static const int maxPlayernameStringSize= 80; private: struct Data{ int8 messageType; NetworkString selectedFactionName; //wanted faction name int8 currentFactionIndex; int8 toFactionIndex; int8 toTeam; NetworkString networkPlayerName; int8 switchFlags; }; private: Data data; public: SwitchSetupRequest(); SwitchSetupRequest( string selectedFactionName, int8 currentFactionIndex, int8 toFactionIndex,int8 toTeam,string networkPlayerName, int8 flags); string getSelectedFactionName() const {return data.selectedFactionName.getString();} int getCurrentFactionIndex() const {return data.currentFactionIndex;} int getToFactionIndex() const {return data.toFactionIndex;} int getToTeam() const {return data.toTeam;} string getNetworkPlayerName() const {return data.networkPlayerName.getString(); } int getSwitchFlags() const {return data.switchFlags;} int addSwitchFlag(SwitchSetupRequestFlagType flag) { data.switchFlags |= flag;} int clearSwitchFlag(SwitchSetupRequestFlagType flag) { data.switchFlags &= ~flag;} virtual bool receive(Socket* socket); virtual void send(Socket* socket) const; }; #pragma pack(pop) // ===================================================== // class PlayerIndexMessage // // Message sent from the server to the clients // to tell them about a slot change ( caused by another client ) // ===================================================== #pragma pack(push, 1) class PlayerIndexMessage: public NetworkMessage{ private: struct Data{ int8 messageType; int16 playerIndex; }; private: Data data; public: PlayerIndexMessage( int16 playerIndex); int16 getPlayerIndex() const {return data.playerIndex;} virtual bool receive(Socket* socket); virtual void send(Socket* socket) const; }; #pragma pack(pop) }}//end namespace #endif