#!/bin/bash # Use this script to build MegaGlest Data Archive for a Version Release # (Data archive for 'snapshots', with embedded content) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Written by Mark Vejvoda # Copyright (c) 2011 Mark Vejvoda under GNU GPL v3.0+ # Consider setting this for small packages if there's plenty of RAM and CPU available: #export XZ_OPT="$XZ_OPT -9e" KERNEL="$(uname -s | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')" if [ "$KERNEL" = "darwin" ]; then CURRENTDIR="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)" else CURRENTDIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")" fi cd "$CURRENTDIR" if [ "$1" != "" ] && [ "$2" != "" ]; then SOURCE_BRANCH="$2"; fi VERSION=`./mg-version.sh --version` REPODIR="$CURRENTDIR/../../" REPO_DATADIR="$REPODIR/data/glest_game" if [ -f "$REPO_DATADIR/.git" ] && [ "$(which git 2>/dev/null)" != "" ]; then cd "$REPO_DATADIR" DATA_BRANCH="$(git branch | grep '^* ' | awk '{print $2}')" # on macos are problems with more advanced using awk ^ DATA_COMMIT_NR="$(git rev-list HEAD --count)" DATA_COMMIT="$(echo "[$DATA_COMMIT_NR.$(git log -1 --format=%h)]")" DATA_HASH=$(git log -1 --format=%H) fi if [ -d "$REPODIR/.git" ] && [ "$(which git 2>/dev/null)" != "" ]; then cd "$REPODIR" if [ "$SOURCE_BRANCH" = "" ]; then SOURCE_BRANCH="$(git branch | grep '^* ' | awk '{print $2}')"; fi # on macos are problems with more advanced using awk ^ SOURCE_COMMIT="$(echo "[$(git rev-list HEAD --count).$(git log -1 --format=%h)]")" if [ "$DATA_HASH" = "" ]; then DATA_HASH=$(git submodule status "$REPO_DATADIR" | awk '{print $1}'); fi fi classic_snapshot_for_tests=0 if [ "$SOURCE_BRANCH" != "" ] && [ "$SOURCE_BRANCH" != "master" ] && [ "$(echo "$VERSION" | grep '\-dev$')" != "" ]; then classic_snapshot_for_tests=1 fi if [ "$classic_snapshot_for_tests" -eq "1" ]; then ARCHIVE_TYPE="7z"; else ARCHIVE_TYPE="tar.xz"; fi SNAPSHOTNAME="mg-data-universal" SN_PACKAGE="$SNAPSHOTNAME-$VERSION-$SOURCE_BRANCH.$ARCHIVE_TYPE" RELEASENAME="megaglest-standalone-data" PACKAGE="$RELEASENAME-$VERSION.$ARCHIVE_TYPE" RELEASEDIR_ROOT="$CURRENTDIR/../../../release" if [ "$classic_snapshot_for_tests" -eq "1" ]; then RELEASENAME="$SNAPSHOTNAME"; PACKAGE="$SN_PACKAGE"; fi RELEASEDIR="${RELEASEDIR_ROOT}/${RELEASENAME-$VERSION}" if [ "$1" = "--show-result-path" ]; then echo "${RELEASEDIR_ROOT}/$PACKAGE"; exit 0 elif [ "$1" = "--show-result-path2" ]; then echo "${RELEASEDIR_ROOT}/$RELEASENAME"; exit 0; fi DATA_HASH_MEMORY="$RELEASEDIR_ROOT/data_memory" DATA_HASH_FILE="$DATA_HASH_MEMORY/$VERSION-$SOURCE_BRANCH.log" if [ ! -d "$DATA_HASH_MEMORY" ]; then mkdir -p "$DATA_HASH_MEMORY"; fi SyncNote() { echo; echo " This situation is allowed for \"git submodule\", but in MG case it usually mean sync to wrong data commit. In case of wrong sync, to fix the situation someone should again commit in the megaglest-source repo the recent data HASH. If sync to older data wasn't a mistake then just ignore this warning."; echo } if [ "$DATA_HASH" != "" ]; then if [ -e "$DATA_HASH_FILE" ]; then CAT_DATA_HASH_FILE="$(cat "$DATA_HASH_FILE" | head -1)" DATA_COMMIT_PREV_NR="$(echo "$CAT_DATA_HASH_FILE" | awk '{print $2}')" DATA_COMMIT_LATEST_NR="$(echo "$CAT_DATA_HASH_FILE" | awk '{print $3}')" else echo "$DATA_HASH $DATA_COMMIT_NR $DATA_COMMIT_NR" > "$DATA_HASH_FILE" fi if [ -e "$DATA_HASH_FILE" ] && [ "$DATA_COMMIT_PREV_NR" != "" ]; then if [ "$DATA_COMMIT_NR" -lt "$DATA_COMMIT_PREV_NR" ]; then echo; echo " warning: Detected older git revision of data than previously, $DATA_COMMIT_NR < $DATA_COMMIT_PREV_NR." SyncNote else if [ "$DATA_COMMIT_LATEST_NR" != "" ] && [ "$DATA_COMMIT_NR" -lt "$DATA_COMMIT_LATEST_NR" ]; then echo; echo " warning: Detected older git revision of data than synced in the past, $DATA_COMMIT_NR < $DATA_COMMIT_LATEST_NR." SyncNote if [ "$DATA_COMMIT_NR" -gt "$DATA_COMMIT_PREV_NR" ]; then DATA_COMMIT_LATEST_NR="$DATA_COMMIT_NR"; fi # ^ first sync commit -gt than the wrong one = warning seen for last time, so situation still may be not fixed, but is most likely improved and we avoid endless warnings fi if [ "$1" != "--installer" ] && [ "$(echo "$CAT_DATA_HASH_FILE" | grep "$DATA_HASH")" != "" ]; then echo; echo " NOTE: The archive wasn't created because for almost sure it would be exactly the same like last time (the same commit) and new creation date would convince many users to download it again."; echo exit 0 fi fi if [ "$DATA_COMMIT_LATEST_NR" = "" ] || [ "$DATA_COMMIT_NR" -gt "$DATA_COMMIT_LATEST_NR" ]; then DATA_COMMIT_LATEST_NR="$DATA_COMMIT_NR" fi echo "$DATA_HASH $DATA_COMMIT_NR $DATA_COMMIT_LATEST_NR" > "$DATA_HASH_FILE" fi fi cd "$CURRENTDIR" if [ "$DATA_BRANCH" != "" ]; then echo "Detected parameters for data repository: branch=[$DATA_BRANCH], commit=$DATA_COMMIT"; fi if [ "$SOURCE_BRANCH" != "" ]; then echo "Detected parameters for source repository: branch=[$SOURCE_BRANCH], commit=$SOURCE_COMMIT"; fi if [ "$1" != "--installer" ]; then echo "Creating data package in $RELEASEDIR"; else echo "Creating data directory $RELEASEDIR"; fi [[ -d "$RELEASEDIR" ]] && rm -rf "$RELEASEDIR" mkdir -p "$RELEASEDIR" # copy data echo "copying data ..." mkdir -p "$RELEASEDIR/data/" cd "$RELEASEDIR/data/" git archive --remote ${REPODIR}/data/glest_game/ HEAD:data | tar x cd "$RELEASEDIR" mkdir -p "$RELEASEDIR/docs/" cd "$RELEASEDIR/docs/" git archive --remote ${REPODIR}/data/glest_game/ HEAD:docs | tar x git archive --remote ${REPODIR} HEAD:docs | tar x cd "$RELEASEDIR" mkdir -p "$RELEASEDIR/maps/" cd "$RELEASEDIR/maps/" git archive --remote ${REPODIR}/data/glest_game/ HEAD:maps | tar x cd "$RELEASEDIR" mkdir -p "$RELEASEDIR/scenarios/" cd "$RELEASEDIR/scenarios/" git archive --remote ${REPODIR}/data/glest_game/ HEAD:scenarios | tar x cd "$RELEASEDIR" mkdir -p "$RELEASEDIR/techs/" cd "$RELEASEDIR/techs/" git archive --remote ${REPODIR}/data/glest_game/ HEAD:techs | tar x cd "$RELEASEDIR" mkdir -p "$RELEASEDIR/tilesets/" cd "$RELEASEDIR/tilesets/" git archive --remote ${REPODIR}/data/glest_game/ HEAD:tilesets | tar x cd "$RELEASEDIR" mkdir -p "$RELEASEDIR/tutorials/" cd "$RELEASEDIR/tutorials/" git archive --remote ${REPODIR}/data/glest_game/ HEAD:tutorials | tar x echo "Removing non required files ..." cd "$CURRENTDIR" # START # END cd "$CURRENTDIR" if [ "$1" != "--installer" ]; then echo "creating data archive: $PACKAGE" [[ -f "${RELEASEDIR_ROOT}/$PACKAGE" ]] && rm "${RELEASEDIR_ROOT}/$PACKAGE" cd $RELEASEDIR if [ "$ARCHIVE_TYPE" = "7z" ] && [ "$(which 7za 2>/dev/null)" != "" ]; then cd .. 7za a "$PACKAGE" "$RELEASEDIR" >/dev/null else tar -cf - * | xz > ../$PACKAGE fi cd $CURRENTDIR ls -la ${RELEASEDIR_ROOT}/$PACKAGE fi if [ "$1" = "-CI" ] && [ -d "$RELEASEDIR" ]; then rm -rf "$RELEASEDIR"; fi