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// ==============================================================
// This file is part of Glest (www.glest.org)
// Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Marti<74>o Figueroa
// You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version
// ==============================================================
#include "game_camera.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include "config.h"
#include "game_constants.h"
#include "xml_parser.h"
#include "conversion.h"
#include "leak_dumper.h"
using namespace Shared::Graphics;
using Shared::Xml::XmlNode;
using namespace Shared::Util;
namespace Glest { namespace Game {
// =====================================================
// class GameCamera
// =====================================================
static std::map<float, std::map<float, std::map<Vec3f, Quad2i> > > cacheVisibleQuad;
// ================== PUBLIC =====================
const float GameCamera::startingVAng= -60.f;
const float GameCamera::startingHAng= 0.f;
const float GameCamera::vTransitionMult= 0.125f;
const float GameCamera::hTransitionMult= 0.125f;
const float GameCamera::defaultHeight= 20.f;
const float GameCamera::centerOffsetZ= 8.0f;
// ================= Constructor =================
GameCamera::GameCamera() : pos(0.f, defaultHeight, 0.f),
destPos(0.f, defaultHeight, 0.f), destAng(startingVAng, startingHAng) {
Config &config = Config::getInstance();
state= sGame;
MaxVisibleQuadItemCache = config.getInt("MaxVisibleQuadItemCache",intToStr(-1).c_str());
if(Config::getInstance().getBool("DisableCaching","false") == true) {
MaxVisibleQuadItemCache = 0;
speed= 15.f / GameConstants::cameraFps;
clampBounds= !Config::getInstance().getBool("PhotoMode");
vAng= startingVAng;
hAng= startingHAng;
move= Vec3f(0.f);
//maxRenderDistance = Config::getInstance().getFloat("RenderDistanceMax","64");
maxHeight = Config::getInstance().getFloat("CameraMaxDistance","20");
minHeight = Config::getInstance().getFloat("CameraMinDistance","7");
//maxCameraDist = maxHeight;
//minCameraDist = minHeight;
minVAng = -Config::getInstance().getFloat("CameraMaxYaw","77.5");
maxVAng = -Config::getInstance().getFloat("CameraMinYaw","20");
fov = Config::getInstance().getFloat("CameraFov","45");
GameCamera::~GameCamera() {
void GameCamera::setMaxHeight(float value) {
if(value < 0) {
maxHeight = Config::getInstance().getFloat("CameraMaxDistance","20");
else {
maxHeight = value;
void GameCamera::setCalculatedDefault(float calculatedDefault){
this->calculatedDefault= calculatedDefault;
if(maxHeight>0 && maxHeight<calculatedDefault){
void GameCamera::init(int limitX, int limitY){
this->limitX= limitX;
this->limitY= limitY;
// ==================== Misc =====================
void GameCamera::setPos(Vec2f pos){
this->pos= Vec3f(pos.x, this->pos.y, pos.y);
clampPosXZ(0.0f, (float)limitX, 0.0f, (float)limitY);
destPos.x = pos.x;
destPos.z = pos.y;
void GameCamera::update(){
//move XZ
moveForwardH(speed * move.z, 0.9f);
moveSideH(speed * move.x, 0.9f);
//free state
if(fabs(rotate) == 1){
rotateHV(speed*5*rotate, 0);
moveUp(speed * move.y);
if(clampBounds && pos.y<maxHeight){
rotateHV(0.f, -speed * 1.7f * move.y);
moveUp(speed * move.y);
if(clampBounds && pos.y>minHeight){
rotateHV(0.f, -speed * 1.7f * move.y);
//game state
if(abs(destAng.x - vAng) > 0.01f) {
vAng+= (destAng.x - vAng) * hTransitionMult;
if(abs(destAng.y - hAng) > 0.01f) {
if(abs(destAng.y - hAng) > 180) {
if(destAng.y > hAng) {
hAng+= (destAng.y - hAng - 360) * vTransitionMult;
} else {
hAng+= (destAng.y - hAng + 360) * vTransitionMult;
} else {
hAng+= (destAng.y - hAng) * vTransitionMult;
if(abs(destPos.x - pos.x) > 0.01f) {
pos.x += (destPos.x - pos.x) / 32.0f;
if(abs(destPos.y - pos.y) > 0.01f) {
pos.y += (destPos.y - pos.y) / 32.0f;
if(abs(destPos.z - pos.z) > 0.01f) {
pos.z += (destPos.z - pos.z) / 32.0f;
clampPosXYZ(0.0f, (float)limitX, minHeight, maxHeight, 0.0f, (float)limitY);
Quad2i GameCamera::computeVisibleQuad() const {
if(MaxVisibleQuadItemCache != 0) {
std::map<float, std::map<float, std::map<Vec3f, Quad2i> > >::const_iterator iterFind = cacheVisibleQuad.find(fov);
if(iterFind != cacheVisibleQuad.end()) {
std::map<float, std::map<Vec3f, Quad2i> >::const_iterator iterFind2 = iterFind->second.find(hAng);
if(iterFind2 != iterFind->second.end()) {
std::map<Vec3f, Quad2i>::const_iterator iterFind3 = iterFind2->second.find(pos);
if(iterFind3 != iterFind2->second.end()) {
return iterFind3->second;
float nearDist = 20.f;
float dist = pos.y > 20.f ? pos.y * 1.2f : 20.f;
float farDist = 90.f * (pos.y > 20.f ? pos.y / 15.f : 1.f);
Vec2f v(streflop::sinf(degToRad(180 - hAng)), streflop::cosf(degToRad(180 - hAng)));
Vec2f v1(streflop::sinf(degToRad(180 - hAng - fov)), streflop::cosf(degToRad(180 - hAng - fov)));
Vec2f v2(streflop::sinf(degToRad(180 - hAng + fov)), streflop::cosf(degToRad(180 - hAng + fov)));
Vec2f v(sinf(degToRad(180 - hAng)), cosf(degToRad(180 - hAng)));
Vec2f v1(sinf(degToRad(180 - hAng - fov)), cosf(degToRad(180 - hAng - fov)));
Vec2f v2(sinf(degToRad(180 - hAng + fov)), cosf(degToRad(180 - hAng + fov)));
Vec2f p = Vec2f(pos.x, pos.z) - v * dist;
Vec2i p1(static_cast<int>(p.x + v1.x * nearDist), static_cast<int>(p.y + v1.y * nearDist));
Vec2i p2(static_cast<int>(p.x + v1.x * farDist), static_cast<int>(p.y + v1.y * farDist));
Vec2i p3(static_cast<int>(p.x + v2.x * nearDist), static_cast<int>(p.y + v2.y * nearDist));
Vec2i p4(static_cast<int>(p.x + v2.x * farDist), static_cast<int>(p.y + v2.y * farDist));
if (hAng >= 135 && hAng <= 225) {
if(MaxVisibleQuadItemCache != 0 &&
(MaxVisibleQuadItemCache < 0 || cacheVisibleQuad[fov][hAng].size() <= MaxVisibleQuadItemCache)) {
cacheVisibleQuad[fov][hAng][pos] = Quad2i(p1, p2, p3, p4);
return Quad2i(p1, p2, p3, p4);
if (hAng >= 45 && hAng <= 135) {
if(MaxVisibleQuadItemCache != 0 &&
(MaxVisibleQuadItemCache < 0 || cacheVisibleQuad[fov][hAng].size() <= MaxVisibleQuadItemCache)) {
cacheVisibleQuad[fov][hAng][pos] = Quad2i(p3, p1, p4, p2);
return Quad2i(p3, p1, p4, p2);
if (hAng >= 225 && hAng <= 315) {
if(MaxVisibleQuadItemCache != 0 &&
(MaxVisibleQuadItemCache < 0 || cacheVisibleQuad[fov][hAng].size() <= MaxVisibleQuadItemCache)) {
cacheVisibleQuad[fov][hAng][pos] = Quad2i(p2, p4, p1, p3);
return Quad2i(p2, p4, p1, p3);
if(MaxVisibleQuadItemCache != 0 &&
(MaxVisibleQuadItemCache < 0 || cacheVisibleQuad[fov][hAng].size() <= MaxVisibleQuadItemCache)) {
cacheVisibleQuad[fov][hAng][pos] = Quad2i(p4, p3, p2, p1);
return Quad2i(p4, p3, p2, p1);
void GameCamera::switchState(){
state= sFree;
state= sGame;
destAng.x = startingVAng;
destAng.y = startingHAng;
destPos.y = calculatedDefault;
void GameCamera::resetPosition(){
state= sGame;
destAng.x = startingVAng;
destAng.y = startingHAng;
destPos.y = calculatedDefault;
void GameCamera::centerXZ(float x, float z){
destPos.x = pos.x= x;
destPos.z = pos.z= z+centerOffsetZ;
void GameCamera::transitionXYZ(float x, float y, float z) {
destPos.x += x;
destPos.y += y;
destPos.z += z;
clampPosXYZ(0.0f, (float)limitX, minHeight, maxHeight, 0.0f, (float)limitY);
void GameCamera::transitionVH(float v, float h) {
destAng.x -= v;
//destPos.y -= v * destPos.y / 100.f;
destAng.y -= h;
void GameCamera::zoom(float dist) {
float flatDist = dist * streflop::cosf(degToRad(vAng));
Vec3f offset(flatDist * streflop::sinf(degToRad(hAng)), dist * streflop::sinf(degToRad(vAng)), flatDist * -streflop::cosf(degToRad(hAng)));
float flatDist = dist * cosf(degToRad(vAng));
Vec3f offset(flatDist * sinf(degToRad(hAng)), dist * sinf(degToRad(vAng)), flatDist * -cosf(degToRad(hAng)));
destPos += offset;
void GameCamera::load(const XmlNode *node) {
//destPos = node->getChildVec3fValue("pos");
//destAng = node->getChildVec2fValue("angle");
void GameCamera::save(XmlNode *node) const {
//node->addChild("pos", pos);
//node->addChild("angle", Vec2f(vAng, hAng));
// ==================== PRIVATE ====================
void GameCamera::clampPosXZ(float x1, float x2, float z1, float z2){
if(pos.x < x1) pos.x = x1;
if(destPos.x < x1) destPos.x = x1;
if(pos.z < z1) pos.z = z1;
if(destPos.z < z1) destPos.z = z1;
if(pos.x > x2) pos.x = x2;
if(destPos.x > x2) destPos.x = x2;
if(pos.z > z2) pos.z = z2;
if(destPos.z > z2) destPos.z = z2;
void GameCamera::clampPosXYZ(float x1, float x2, float y1, float y2, float z1, float z2){
if(pos.x < x1) pos.x = x1;
if(destPos.x < x1) destPos.x = x1;
if(pos.y < y1) pos.y = y1;
if(destPos.y < y1) destPos.y = y1;
if(pos.z < z1) pos.z = z1;
if(destPos.z < z1) destPos.z = z1;
if(pos.x > x2) pos.x = x2;
if(destPos.x > x2) destPos.x = x2;
if(pos.y > y2) pos.y = y2;
if(destPos.y > y2) destPos.y = y2;
if(pos.z > z2) pos.z = z2;
if(destPos.z > z2) destPos.z = z2;
void GameCamera::rotateHV(float h, float v){
destAng.x = vAng += v;
destAng.y = hAng += h;
void GameCamera::clampAng() {
if(vAng > maxVAng) vAng = maxVAng;
if(destAng.x > maxVAng) destAng.x = maxVAng;
if(vAng < minVAng) vAng = minVAng;
if(destAng.x < minVAng) destAng.x = minVAng;
if(hAng > 360.f) hAng -= 360.f;
if(destAng.y > 360.f) destAng.y -= 360.f;
if(hAng < 0.f) hAng += 360.f;
if(destAng.y < 0.f) destAng.y = 360.f;
//move camera forwad but never change heightFactor
void GameCamera::moveForwardH(float d, float response) {
Vec3f offset(streflop::sinf(degToRad(hAng)) * d, 0.f, -streflop::cosf(degToRad(hAng)) * d);
Vec3f offset(sinf(degToRad(hAng)) * d, 0.f, -cosf(degToRad(hAng)) * d);
destPos += offset;
pos.x += offset.x * response;
pos.z += offset.z * response;
//move camera to a side but never change heightFactor
void GameCamera::moveSideH(float d, float response){
Vec3f offset(streflop::sinf(degToRad(hAng+90)) * d, 0.f, -streflop::cosf(degToRad(hAng+90)) * d);
Vec3f offset(sinf(degToRad(hAng+90)) * d, 0.f, -cosf(degToRad(hAng+90)) * d);
destPos += offset;
pos.x += (destPos.x - pos.x) * response;
pos.z += (destPos.z - pos.z) * response;
void GameCamera::moveUp(float d){
// pos.y+= d;
destPos.y += d;
}}//end namespace