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Name: 'G3D Fileformat Im/Exporter'
Blender: 237
Group: 'Wizards'
Tooltip: 'Imports and Exports the Glest fileformat V3/V4 (.g3d)'
# Glest Model / Texture / UV / Animation Importer and Exporter
# for the Game Glest that u can find http://www.glest.org
# copyright 2005 By Andreas Becker (seltsamuel@yahoo.de)
# Updated Jan 2011 by Mark Vejvoda (SoftCoder) to properly import animations
# from G3D into Blender
# Started Date: 07 June 2005 Put Public 20 June 2005
# Ver: 0.01 Beta Exporter ripped off because work in Progress
# Distributed under the GNU PUBLIC LICENSE for www.megaglest.org and glest.org
# Copy this Script AND g3d_logo.png into .Blender\scripts
# directory then start inside blender Scripts window
# "Update Menus" after that this Script here is accesible
# as 'Wizards' G3d Fileformat Im/Exporter
#Exporter Bughunt he will be rejoined next release
#Maybe Integrate UV Painter to Generate UVMaps from Blender Material and procedural Textures
#will be nice to paint wireframe too, so that one can easyly load into Paintprogram and see where to paint
#(Already possible through Blender functions so at the end of the list :-) )
Here an explanation of the V4 Format found at www.glest.org
G3D files use the following data types:
uint8: 8 bit unsigned integer
uint16: 16 bit unsigned integer
uint32: 32 bit unsigned integer
float32: 32 bit floating point
- File header
- Model header
- Mesh header
- Texture names
- Mesh data
struct FileHeader{
uint8 id[3];
uint8 version;
This header is shared among all the versions of G3D, it identifies this file as a G3D model and provides information of the version.
id: must be "G3D"
version: must be 4, in binary (not '4')
struct ModelHeader{
uint16 meshCount;
uint8 type;
meshCount: number of meshes in this model
type: must be 0
There is a mesh header for each mesh, there must be "meshCount" headers in a file but they are not consecutive, texture names and mesh data are stored in between.
struct MeshHeader{
uint8 name[64];
uint32 frameCount;
uint32 vertexCount;
uint32 indexCount;
float32 diffuseColor[3];
float32 specularColor[3];
float32 specularPower;
float32 opacity;
uint32 properties;
uint32 textures;
name: name of the mesh
frameCount: number of keyframes in this mesh
vertexCount: number of vertices in each frame
indexCount: number of indices in this mesh (the number of triangles is indexCount/3)
diffuseColor: RGB diffuse color
specularColor: RGB specular color (currently unused)
specularPower: specular power (currently unused)
properties: property flags
enum MeshPropertyFlag{
mpfTwoSided= 1,
mpfCustomColor= 2,
mpfTwoSided: meshes in this mesh are rendered by both sides, if this flag is not present only "counter clockwise" faces are rendered
mpfCustomColor: alpha in this model is replaced by a custom color, usually the player color
textures: texture flags, only 0x1 is currently used, indicating that there is a diffuse texture in this mesh.
A list of uint8[64] texture name values. One for each texture in the mesh. If there are no textures in the mesh no texture names are present. In practice since Glest only uses 1 texture for each mesh the number of texture names should be 0 or 1.
After each mesh header and texture names the mesh data is placed.
vertices: frameCount * vertexCount * 3, float32 values representing the x, y, z vertex coords for all frames
normals: frameCount * vertexCount * 3, float32 values representing the x, y, z normal coords for all frames
texture coords: vertexCount * 2, float32 values representing the s, t tex coords for all frames (only present if the mesh has 1 texture at least)
indices: indexCount, uint32 values representing the indices
# Importing Structures needed (must later verify if i need them really all)
import Blender
from Blender import NMesh, Object, Scene
from Blender.BGL import *
from Blender.Draw import *
from Blender.Window import *
from Blender.Image import *
import sys, struct, string, types
from types import *
import os
from os import path
from os.path import dirname
# Variables that are better Global to handle
imported = [] #List of all imported Objects
toexport = [] #List of Objects to export (actually only meshes)
sceneID = None #Points to the active Blender Scene
# Declaring Structures of G3D Format
class G3DHeader: #Read first 4 Bytes of file should be G3D + Versionnumber
binary_format = "<3cB"
def __init__(self, fileID):
temp = fileID.read(struct.calcsize(self.binary_format))
data = struct.unpack(self.binary_format,temp)
self.id = "".join(data[0:3])
self.version = data[3]
class G3DModelHeaderv3: #Read Modelheader in V3 there is only the number of Meshes in file
binary_format = "<I"
def __init__(self, fileID):
temp = fileID.read(struct.calcsize(self.binary_format))
data = struct.unpack(self.binary_format,temp)
self.meshcount = data[0]
class G3DModelHeaderv4: #Read Modelheader: Number of Meshes and Meshtype (must be 0)
binary_format = "<HB"
def __init__(self, fileID):
temp = fileID.read(struct.calcsize(self.binary_format))
data = struct.unpack(self.binary_format,temp)
self.meshcount = data[0]
self.mtype = data[1]
class G3DMeshHeaderv3: #Read Meshheader
binary_format = "<7I64c"
def __init__(self,fileID):
temp = fileID.read(struct.calcsize(self.binary_format))
data = struct.unpack(self.binary_format,temp)
self.framecount = data[0] #Framecount = Number of Animationsteps
self.normalframecount= data[1] #Number of Normal Frames actualli equal to Framecount
self.texturecoordframecount= data[2]#Number of Frames of Texturecoordinates seems everytime to be 1
self.colorframecount= data[3] #Number of Frames of Colors seems everytime to be 1
self.vertexcount= data[4] #Number of Vertices in each Frame
self.indexcount= data[5] #Number of Indices in Mesh (Triangles = Indexcount/3)
self.properties= data[6] #Property flags
if self.properties & 1: #PropertyBit is Mesh Textured ?
self.hastexture = False
self.texturefilename = None
self.texturefilename = "".join([x for x in data[7:-1] if x in string.printable])
self.hastexture = True
if self.properties & 2: #PropertyBit is Mesh TwoSided ?
self.istwosided = True
self.istwosided = False
if self.properties & 4: #PropertyBit is Mesh Alpha Channel custom Color in Game ?
self.customalpha = True
self.customalpha = False
class G3DMeshHeaderv4: #Read Meshheader
binary_format = "<64c3I8f2I"
texname_format = "<64c"
def __init__(self,fileID):
temp = fileID.read(struct.calcsize(self.binary_format))
data = struct.unpack(self.binary_format,temp)
self.meshname = "".join([x for x in data[0:64] if x in string.printable]) #Name of Mesh every Char is a String on his own
self.framecount = data[64] #Framecount = Number of Animationsteps
self.vertexcount = data[65] #Number of Vertices in each Frame
self.indexcount = data[66] #Number of Indices in Mesh (Triangles = Indexcount/3)
self.diffusecolor = data[67:70] #RGB diffuse color
self.specularcolor = data[70:73] #RGB specular color (unused)
self.specularpower = data[73] #Specular power (unused)
self.opacity = data[74] #Opacity
self.properties= data[75] #Property flags
self.textures = data[76] #Texture flag
if self.properties & 1: #PropertyBit is Mesh TwoSided ?
self.istwosided = True
self.istwosided = False
if self.properties & 2: #PropertyBit is Mesh Alpha Channel custom Color in Game ?
self.customalpha = True
self.customalpha = False
if self.textures & 1: #PropertyBit is Mesh Textured ?
temp = fileID.read(struct.calcsize(self.texname_format))
data = struct.unpack(self.texname_format,temp)
self.texturefilename = "".join([x for x in data[0:-1] if x in string.printable])
self.hastexture = True
self.hastexture = False
self.texturefilename = None
class G3DMeshdataV3: #Calculate and read the Mesh Datapack
def __init__(self,fileID,header):
#Calculation of the Meshdatasize to load because its variable
#Animationframes * Vertices per Animation * 3 (Each Point are 3 Float X Y Z Coordinates)
vertex_format = "<%if" % int(header.framecount * header.vertexcount * 3)
#The same for Normals
normals_format = "<%if" % int(header.normalframecount * header.vertexcount * 3)
#Same here but Textures are 2D so only 2 Floats needed for Position inside Texture Bitmap
texturecoords_format = "<%if" % int(header.texturecoordframecount * header.vertexcount * 2)
#Colors in format RGBA
colors_format = "<%if" % int(header.colorframecount * 4)
indices_format = "<%iI" % int(header.indexcount)
#Load the Meshdata as calculated above
self.vertices = struct.unpack(vertex_format,fileID.read(struct.calcsize(vertex_format)))
self.normals = struct.unpack(normals_format,fileID.read(struct.calcsize(normals_format)))
self.texturecoords = struct.unpack(texturecoords_format,fileID.read(struct.calcsize(texturecoords_format)))
self.colors = struct.unpack(colors_format,fileID.read(struct.calcsize(colors_format)))
self.indices = struct.unpack(indices_format ,fileID.read(struct.calcsize(indices_format)))
class G3DMeshdataV4: #Calculate and read the Mesh Datapack
def __init__(self,fileID,header):
#Calculation of the Meshdatasize to load because its variable
#Animationframes * Points (Vertex) per Animation * 3 (Each Point are 3 Float X Y Z Coordinates)
vertex_format = "<%if" % int(header.framecount * header.vertexcount * 3)
#The same for Normals
normals_format = "<%if" % int(header.framecount * header.vertexcount * 3)
#Same here but Textures are 2D so only 2 Floats needed for Position inside Texture Bitmap
texturecoords_format = "<%if" % int(header.vertexcount * 2)
indices_format = "<%iI" % int(header.indexcount)
#Load the Meshdata as calculated above
self.vertices = struct.unpack(vertex_format,fileID.read(struct.calcsize(vertex_format)))
self.normals = struct.unpack(normals_format,fileID.read(struct.calcsize(normals_format)))
if header.hastexture:
self.texturecoords = struct.unpack(texturecoords_format,fileID.read(struct.calcsize(texturecoords_format)))
self.indices = struct.unpack(indices_format ,fileID.read(struct.calcsize(indices_format)))
def createMesh(filename,header,data): #Create a Mesh inside Blender
mesh = NMesh.New() #New Mesh
meshobj = Object.New("Mesh",header.meshname) #New Object for the new Mesh
meshobj.link(mesh) #Link the Mesh to the Object
sceneID.link (meshobj) #Link the Object to the actual Scene
uvcoords = []
if header.hastexture: #Load Texture when assigned
texturefile = dirname(filename)+os.sep+header.texturefilename
texture = Load(texturefile)
mesh.hasFaceUV(1) #Because has Texture must have UV Coordinates
mesh.hasVertexUV(1) #UV for each Vertex not only for Face
for x in xrange(0,len(data.texturecoords),2): #Prepare the UVs
else: #Has no Texture
texture = None
if header.isv4:
if header.istwosided:
mesh.setMode("TwoSided","AutoSmooth") #Added Autosmooth because i think it does no harm
else: #I wonder why TwoSided here takes no effect on Faces ??
mesh.setMode("AutoSmooth") #Same here
for x in xrange(0,header.vertexcount*3,3): #Get the Vertices and Normals into empty Mesh
vertex=NMesh.Vert() #and load UV coords when needed per Vertex
vertex.co[0] = data.vertices[x]
vertex.co[1] = data.vertices[x+1]
vertex.co[2] = data.vertices[x+2]
vertex.no[0] = data.normals[x]
vertex.no[1] = data.normals[x+1]
vertex.no[2] = data.normals[x+2]
if header.hastexture: ###Have to Check this per Vertex UV### may not be needed
vertex.uvco[0] = data.texturecoords[y] ###but seems to do no harm :-)###
vertex.uvco[1] = data.texturecoords[y+1]
y= y+2
for i in xrange(0,len(data.indices),3): #Build Faces into Mesh
face = NMesh.Face()
face.smooth = 1
if header.hastexture: #Put UV in Faces too and assign Texture when textured
face.image = texture
if header.istwosided: #Finaly found out how it works :-)
face.mode |= NMesh.FaceModes['TWOSIDE'] #Really Bad documented this works to set all modes
mesh.update() #Update changes to Mesh
objdata = meshobj.getData() #Access Data of the Meshobject only the Obj has Key/IPOData
imported.append(meshobj) #Add to Imported Objects
for x in xrange(header.framecount): #Put in Vertex Positions for Keyanimation
for i in xrange(0,header.vertexcount*3,3):
objdata.verts[i/3].co[0]= data.vertices[x*header.vertexcount*3 + i]
objdata.verts[i/3].co[1]= data.vertices[x*header.vertexcount*3 + i +1]
objdata.verts[i/3].co[2]= data.vertices[x*header.vertexcount*3 + i +2 ]
# Make the keys animate in the 3d view.
key = mesh.key
key.relative = False
# Add an IPO to teh Key
ipo = Blender.Ipo.New('Key', 'md2')
key.ipo = ipo
# Add a curve to the IPO
curve = ipo.addCurve('Basis')
# Add 2 points to cycle through the frames.
curve.append((1, 0))
curve.append((header.framecount, (header.framecount-1)/10.0))
curve.interpolation = Blender.IpoCurve.InterpTypes.LINEAR
# Import
def G3DLoader(filename): #Main Import Routine
global imported, sceneID
print "\nNow Importing File : " + filename
fileID = open(filename,"rb")
header = G3DHeader(fileID)
print "\nHeader ID : " + header.id
print "Version : " + str(header.version)
if header.id != "G3D":
print "This is Not a G3D Model File"
if header.version not in (3, 4):
print "The Version of this G3D File is not Supported"
in_editmode = Blender.Window.EditMode() #Must leave Editmode when active
if in_editmode: Blender.Window.EditMode(0)
sceneID=Scene.getCurrent() #Get active Scene
scenecontext=sceneID.getRenderingContext() #To Access the Start/Endframe its so hidden i searched till i got angry :-)
basename=str(Blender.sys.makename(filename,"",1)) #Generate the Base Filename without Path + extension
imported = []
if header.version == 3:
modelheader = G3DModelHeaderv3(fileID)
print "Number of Meshes : " + str(modelheader.meshcount)
for x in xrange(modelheader.meshcount):
meshheader = G3DMeshHeaderv3(fileID)
meshheader.isv4 = False
print "\nMesh Number : " + str(x+1)
print "framecount : " + str(meshheader.framecount)
print "normalframecount : " + str(meshheader.normalframecount)
print "texturecoordframecount: " + str(meshheader.texturecoordframecount)
print "colorframecount : " + str(meshheader.colorframecount)
print "pointcount : " + str(meshheader.vertexcount)
print "indexcount : " + str(meshheader.indexcount)
print "texturename : " + str(meshheader.texturefilename)
print "hastexture : " + str(meshheader.hastexture)
print "istwosided : " + str(meshheader.istwosided)
print "customalpha : " + str(meshheader.customalpha)
meshheader.meshname = basename+str(x+1) #Generate Meshname because V3 has none
if meshheader.framecount > maxframe: maxframe = meshheader.framecount #Evaluate the maximal animationsteps
meshdata = G3DMeshdataV3(fileID,meshheader)
print "Imported Objects: ",imported
scenecontext.startFrame(1) #Yeah finally found this Options :-)
scenecontext.endFrame(maxframe) #Set it correctly to the last Animationstep :-))))
Blender.Set("curframe",1) #Why the Heck are the above Options not here accessible ????
anchor = Object.New("Empty",basename) #Build an "empty" to Parent all meshes to it for easy handling
sceneID.link(anchor) #Link it to current Scene
anchor.makeParent(imported) #Make it Parent for all imported Meshes
anchor.sel = 1 #Select it
if in_editmode: Blender.Window.EditMode(1) # Be nice and restore Editmode when was active
if header.version == 4:
modelheader = G3DModelHeaderv4(fileID)
print "Number of Meshes : " + str(modelheader.meshcount)
for x in xrange(modelheader.meshcount):
meshheader = G3DMeshHeaderv4(fileID)
meshheader.isv4 = False
print "\nMesh Number : " + str(x+1)
print "meshname : " + str(meshheader.meshname)
print "framecount : " + str(meshheader.framecount)
print "vertexcount : " + str(meshheader.vertexcount)
print "indexcount : " + str(meshheader.indexcount)
print "diffusecolor : %1.6f %1.6f %1.6f" %meshheader.diffusecolor
print "specularcolor : %1.6f %1.6f %1.6f" %meshheader.specularcolor
print "specularpower : %1.6f" %meshheader.specularpower
print "opacity : %1.6f" %meshheader.opacity
print "properties : " + str(meshheader.properties)
print "textures : " + str(meshheader.textures)
print "texturename : " + str(meshheader.texturefilename)
if len(meshheader.meshname) ==0: #When no Meshname in File Generate one
meshheader.meshname = basename+str(x+1)
if meshheader.framecount > maxframe: maxframe = meshheader.framecount #Evaluate the maximal animationsteps
meshdata = G3DMeshdataV4(fileID,meshheader)
scenecontext.startFrame(1) #Yeah finally found this Options :-)
scenecontext.endFrame(maxframe) #Set it correctly to the last Animationstep :-))))
Blender.Set("curframe",1) #Why the Heck are the above Options not here accessible ????
anchor = Object.New("Empty",basename) #Build an "empty" to Parent all meshes to it for easy handling
sceneID.link(anchor) #Link it to current Scene
anchor.makeParent(imported) #Make it Parent for all imported Meshes
anchor.sel = 1 #Select it
if in_editmode: Blender.Window.EditMode(1) # Be nice and restore Editmode when was active
print "Created a empty Object as 'Grip' where all imported Objects are parented to"
print "To move the complete Meshes only select this empty Object and move it"
print "All Done, have a good Day :-)\n\n"
# Export (Ripped out its work in Progress will be added soon
def G3DSaverV3(filename):
def G3DSaverV4(filename):
# Complete GUI Part of The Wizard
# Events that can occure by pressing the Buttons
# GUI eventhandler
def event(evt, val):
if evt == Blender.Draw.ESCKEY and not val: Blender.Draw.Exit()
def button_event(evt):
if evt == EVENT_EXIT: Exit()
if evt == EVENT_LOADG3D:
defaultname = os.sep + ".g3d"
#I use this defaultnames only for development to have short ways to models
#if u want make a path to your models here and comment the above defaultname out.
#Be careful to not move the start of the Line because it matters in python
# defaultname="I:/glest/glest_game/techs/magitech/factions/magic/units/magic_armor/models/magic_armor_walking.g3d"
# defaultname="I:/glest/glest_game/techs/magitech/factions/.g3d"
# defaultname="I:/entwicklung/blenderexport/test/swordman_sample/swordman.g3d"
FileSelector(G3DLoader, "G3D to load", defaultname)
if evt==EVENT_SAVEG3DV3:
defaultname = Blender.sys.makename(Blender.Get("filename"),".g3d",1)
FileSelector(G3DSaverV3, "G3D V3 to save", defaultname)
if evt==EVENT_SAVEG3DV4:
defaultname = Blender.sys.makename(Blender.Get("filename"),".g3d",1)
FileSelector(G3DSaverV4, "G3D V4 to save", defaultname)
# GUI Screenmask as a nice looking feature i Center the Mask
def gui():
xmiddle= GetScreenSize()[0] / 2 #calculate horizontal middle of the screen
#Clearing the Screen all here needs imported BGL + DRAW
glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0,1)
# logo
homedir = Blender.Get("homedir")
Logo = Load(homedir+ os.sep + "scripts" + os.sep + "g3d_logo.png") # Load Logo file
tbuffer= "G3D Import Wizard supporting V3 / V4 models"
xpos = xmiddle - (GetStringWidth(tbuffer) /2)
glColor3f(1, 0, 0)
glRasterPos2d(xpos, 70)
tbuffer= "Please view any Errors / Info in the Blender Console"
xpos = xmiddle - (GetStringWidth(tbuffer) /2)
glColor3f(1, 1, 0)
glRasterPos2d(xpos, 55)
Button("Load G3D",EVENT_LOADG3D , xmiddle-140, 10, 100, 40)
#Button("Save G3D V3",EVENT_SAVEG3DV3 , xmiddle-100, 10, 100, 40)
#Button("Save G3D V4",EVENT_SAVEG3DV4 , xmiddle, 10, 100, 40)
Button("Exit",EVENT_EXIT , xmiddle+40, 10, 100, 40)
# Registering GUI events (Activating GUI) THE END
Register(gui, event, button_event)