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// game.h:
// This file is part of ZetaGlest <https://github.com/ZetaGlest>
// Copyright (C) 2018 The ZetaGlest team
// ZetaGlest is a fork of MegaGlest <https://megaglest.org>
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
# define _GLEST_GAME_GAME_H_
# ifdef WIN32
# include <winsock2.h>
# include <winsock.h>
# endif
# ifdef DEBUG
# define PRINT_DEBUG printf("[DEBUG] "); printf
# endif
# include <vector>
# include "gui.h"
# include "game_camera.h"
# include "world.h"
# include "ai_interface.h"
# include "program.h"
# include "chat_manager.h"
# include "script_manager.h"
# include "game_settings.h"
# include "network_interface.h"
# include "data_types.h"
# include "selection.h"
# include "leak_dumper.h"
using std::vector;
using namespace Shared::Platform;
using namespace Shared::PlatformCommon;
namespace Shared
namespace Graphics
class VideoPlayer;
namespace Glest
namespace Game
class GraphicMessageBox;
class ServerInterface;
enum LoadGameItem
lgt_FactionPreview = 0x01,
lgt_TileSet = 0x02,
lgt_TechTree = 0x04,
lgt_Map = 0x08,
lgt_Scenario = 0x10,
lgt_All =
(lgt_FactionPreview | lgt_TileSet | lgt_TechTree | lgt_Map |
// =====================================================
// class Game
// Main game class
// =====================================================
class Game:
public CustomInputCallbackInterface, public ClientLagCallbackInterface
static const float highlightTime;
typedef vector < Ai * > Ais;
typedef vector < AiInterface * > AiInterfaces;
//main data
World world;
AiInterfaces aiInterfaces;
Gui gui;
GameCamera gameCamera;
Commander commander;
Console console;
ChatManager chatManager;
ScriptManager scriptManager;
Checksum checksum;
string loadingText;
int mouse2d;
int mouseX;
int mouseY; //coords win32Api
Vec2i mouseCellPos;
int updateFps, lastUpdateFps, avgUpdateFps;
int framesToCatchUpAsClient;
int framesToSlowDownAsClient;
int receivedTooEarlyInFrames[GameConstants::networkSmoothInterval];
renderFps, lastRenderFps, avgRenderFps, currentAvgRenderFpsTotal;
uint64 tickCount;
bool paused;
bool pauseRequestSent;
bool resumeRequestSent;
bool pauseStateChanged;
bool pausedForJoinGame;
bool pausedBeforeJoinGame;
bool gameOver;
bool renderNetworkStatus;
bool renderInGamePerformance;
bool showFullConsole;
bool setMarker;
bool cameraDragAllowed;
bool mouseMoved;
float scrollSpeed;
bool camLeftButtonDown;
bool camRightButtonDown;
bool camUpButtonDown;
bool camDownButtonDown;
int speed;
GraphicMessageBox mainMessageBox;
GraphicMessageBox errorMessageBox;
//misc ptr
ParticleSystem *weatherParticleSystem;
GameSettings gameSettings;
Vec2i lastMousePos;
time_t lastRenderLog2d;
DisplayMessageFunction originalDisplayMsgCallback;
bool isFirstRender;
bool quitTriggeredIndicator;
bool quitPendingIndicator;
int original_updateFps;
int original_cameraFps;
bool captureAvgTestStatus;
int updateFpsAvgTest;
int renderFpsAvgTest;
int renderExtraTeamColor;
static const int renderTeamColorCircleBit = 1;
static const int renderTeamColorPlaneBit = 2;
bool photoModeEnabled;
int healthbarMode;
bool visibleHUD;
bool timeDisplay;
bool withRainEffect;
Program *program;
bool gameStarted;
time_t lastMaxUnitCalcTime;
PopupMenu popupMenu;
PopupMenu popupMenuSwitchTeams;
PopupMenu popupMenuDisconnectPlayer;
std::map < int, int > switchTeamIndexMap;
GraphicMessageBox switchTeamConfirmMessageBox;
std::map < int, int > disconnectPlayerIndexMap;
int playerIndexDisconnect;
GraphicMessageBox disconnectPlayerConfirmMessageBox;
int exitGamePopupMenuIndex;
int joinTeamPopupMenuIndex;
int pauseGamePopupMenuIndex;
int saveGamePopupMenuIndex;
int loadGamePopupMenuIndex;
//int markCellPopupMenuIndex;
//int unmarkCellPopupMenuIndex;
int keyboardSetupPopupMenuIndex;
int disconnectPlayerPopupMenuIndex;
//GLuint statelist3dMenu;
ProgramState *currentUIState;
bool isMarkCellEnabled;
Vec2i cellMarkedPos;
MarkedCell cellMarkedData;
bool isMarkCellTextEnabled;
Texture2D *markCellTexture;
bool isUnMarkCellEnabled;
Texture2D *unmarkCellTexture;
std::map < Vec2i, MarkedCell > mapMarkedCellList;
Texture2D *highlightCellTexture;
std::vector < MarkedCell > highlightedCells;
bool masterserverMode;
StrSound *currentAmbientSound;
time_t lastNetworkPlayerConnectionCheck;
time_t lastMasterServerGameStatsDump;
XmlNode *loadGameNode;
int lastworldFrameCountForReplay;
std::vector < std::pair < int, NetworkCommand > > replayCommandList;
std::vector < string > streamingVideos;
::Shared::Graphics::VideoPlayer * videoPlayer;
bool playingStaticVideo;
Unit *currentCameraFollowUnit;
std::map < int, HighlightSpecialUnitInfo > unitHighlightList;
MasterSlaveThreadController masterController;
bool inJoinGameLoading;
bool initialResumeSpeedLoops;
bool quitGameCalled;
bool disableSpeedChange;
std::map < int, FowAlphaCellsLookupItem > teamFowAlphaCellsLookupItem;
std::map < string, int64 > gamePerformanceCounts;
bool networkPauseGameForLaggedClientsRequested;
bool networkResumeGameForLaggedClientsRequested;
Game ();
Game (Program * program, const GameSettings * gameSettings,
bool masterserverMode);
~Game ();
void reInitGUI ();
bool isFlagType1BitEnabled (FlagTypes1 type) const;
bool isMarkCellMode ()const
return isMarkCellEnabled;
const Texture2D *getMarkCellTexture () const
return markCellTexture;
bool isUnMarkCellMode () const
return isUnMarkCellEnabled;
const Texture2D *getUnMarkCellTexture () const
return unmarkCellTexture;
std::map < Vec2i, MarkedCell > getMapMarkedCellList () const
return mapMarkedCellList;
const Texture2D *getHighlightCellTexture () const
return highlightCellTexture;
const std::vector < MarkedCell > *getHighlightedCells () const
return &highlightedCells;
void addOrReplaceInHighlightedCells (MarkedCell mc);
bool isMasterserverMode ()const
return masterserverMode;
GameSettings *getGameSettings ()
return &gameSettings;
void setGameSettings (GameSettings * settings)
gameSettings = *settings;
const GameSettings *getReadOnlyGameSettings () const
return &gameSettings;
void setQuitPendingIndicator ()
quitPendingIndicator = true;
const GameCamera *getGameCamera () const
return &gameCamera;
GameCamera *getGameCameraPtr ()
return &gameCamera;
const Commander *getCommander () const
return &commander;
Gui *getGuiPtr ()
return &gui;
const Gui *getGui () const
return &gui;
Commander *getCommander ()
return &commander;
Console *getConsole ()
return &console;
ScriptManager *getScriptManager ()
return &scriptManager;
World *getWorld ()
return &world;
const World *getWorld () const
return &world;
Program *getProgram ()
return program;
Vec2i getMouseCellPos ()const
return mouseCellPos;
bool isValidMouseCellPos () const;
void removeUnitFromSelection (const Unit * unit);
bool addUnitToSelection (Unit * unit);
void addUnitToGroupSelection (Unit * unit, int groupIndex);
void removeUnitFromGroupSelection (int unitId, int groupIndex);
void recallGroupSelection (int groupIndex);
Uint64 getTickCount ()
return tickCount;
bool getPaused ();
setPaused (bool value, bool forceAllowPauseStateChange,
bool clearCaches, bool joinNetworkGame);
void tryPauseToggle (bool pause);
void setupRenderForVideo ();
void saveGame ();
const int getTotalRenderFps () const
return totalRenderFps;
void toggleTeamColorMarker ();
void resetMembers ();
virtual void load (int loadTypes);
virtual void load ();
virtual void init ();
virtual void init (bool initForPreviewOnly);
virtual void update ();
virtual void updateCamera ();
virtual void render ();
virtual void tick ();
//event managing
virtual bool textInput (std::string text);
virtual bool sdlKeyDown (SDL_KeyboardEvent key);
virtual void keyDown (SDL_KeyboardEvent key);
virtual void keyUp (SDL_KeyboardEvent key);
virtual void keyPress (SDL_KeyboardEvent c);
virtual void mouseDownLeft (int x, int y);
virtual void mouseDownRight (int x, int y);
virtual void mouseUpCenter (int x, int y);
virtual void mouseUpLeft (int x, int y);
virtual void mouseDoubleClickLeft (int x, int y);
virtual void eventMouseWheel (int x, int y, int zDelta);
virtual void mouseMove (int x, int y, const MouseState * mouseState);
virtual bool isInSpecialKeyCaptureEvent ()
return chatManager.getEditEnabled ();
virtual bool quitTriggered ();
virtual Stats quitAndToggleState ();
Stats quitGame ();
static void exitGameState (Program * program, Stats & endStats);
void startPerformanceTimer ();
void endPerformanceTimer ();
Vec2i getPerformanceTimerResults ();
//static Texture2D * findFactionLogoTexture(const GameSettings *settings, Logger *logger=NULL,string factionLogoFilter=GameConstants::LOADING_SCREEN_FILE_FILTER, bool useTechDefaultIfFilterNotFound=true);
static string
findFactionLogoFile (const GameSettings * settings, Logger * logger =
NULL, const string & factionLogoFilter =
static string
extractScenarioLogoFile (const GameSettings * settings,
string & result, bool & loadingImageUsed,
Logger * logger =
NULL, string factionLogoFilter =
static string extractFactionLogoFile (bool & loadingImageUsed,
const string & factionName,
string scenarioDir,
const string & techName,
Logger * logger =
NULL, string factionLogoFilter =
static string extractTechLogoFile (string scenarioDir,
const string & techName,
bool & loadingImageUsed,
Logger * logger =
const string & factionLogoFilter =
void loadHudTexture (const GameSettings * settings);
bool getGameOver ()
return gameOver;
bool hasGameStarted ()
return gameStarted;
virtual vector < Texture2D * >processTech (string techName);
virtual void consoleAddLine (string line);
void endGame ();
void playStaticVideo (const string & playVideo);
void playStreamingVideo (const string & playVideo);
void stopStreamingVideo (const string & playVideo);
void stopAllVideo ();
string saveGame (string name, const string & path = "saved/");
static void
loadGame (string name, Program * programPtr, bool isMasterserverMode,
const GameSettings * joinGameSettings = NULL);
addNetworkCommandToReplayList (NetworkCommand * networkCommand,
int worldFrameCount);
bool factionLostGame (int factionIndex);
void addCellMarker (Vec2i cellPos, MarkedCell cellData);
void removeCellMarker (Vec2i surfaceCellPos, const Faction * faction);
void showMarker (Vec2i cellPos, MarkedCell cellData);
highlightUnit (int unitId, float radius, float thickness,
Vec4f color);
void unhighlightUnit (int unitId);
bool showTranslatedTechTree ()const;
void DumpCRCWorldLogIfRequired (string fileSuffix = "");
bool getDisableSpeedChange ()const
return disableSpeedChange;
void setDisableSpeedChange (bool value)
disableSpeedChange = value;
string getGamePerformanceCounts (bool displayWarnings) const;
virtual void addPerformanceCount (string key, int64 value);
bool getRenderInGamePerformance ()const
return renderInGamePerformance;
void render3d ();
void render2d ();
void checkWinner ();
void checkWinnerStandard ();
void checkWinnerScripted ();
void setEndGameTeamWinnersAndLosers ();
//bool hasBuilding(const Faction *faction);
bool factionLostGame (const Faction * faction);
void incSpeed ();
void decSpeed ();
int getUpdateLoops ();
void showLoseMessageBox ();
void showWinMessageBox ();
showMessageBox (const string & text, const string & header,
bool toggle);
showErrorMessageBox (const string & text, const string & header,
bool toggle);
void renderWorker ();
static int ErrorDisplayMessage (const char *msg, bool exitApp);
ReplaceDisconnectedNetworkPlayersWithAI (bool isNetworkGame,
NetworkRole role);
void calcCameraMoveX ();
void calcCameraMoveZ ();
int getFirstUnusedTeamNumber ();
void updateWorldStats ();
void setupPopupMenus (bool checkClientAdminOverrideOnly);
string getDebugStats (std::map < int, string > &factionDebugInfo);
void renderVideoPlayer ();
void updateNetworkMarkedCells ();
void updateNetworkUnMarkedCells ();
void updateNetworkHighligtedCells ();
virtual void processInputText (string text, bool cancelled);
void startMarkCell ();
void startCameraFollowUnit ();
switchSetupForSlots (ServerInterface * &serverInterface,
int startIndex, int endIndex,
bool onlyNetworkUnassigned);
void processNetworkSynchChecksIfRequired ();
Stats getEndGameStats ();
void checkWinnerStandardHeadlessOrObserver ();
void checkWinnerStandardPlayer ();
std::map < int, int > getTeamsAlive ();
void initCamera (Map * map);
virtual bool
clientLagHandler (int slotIndex,
bool networkPauseGameForLaggedClients);
}} //end namespace