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// ==============================================================
// This file is part of Glest (
// Copyright (C) 2009 James McCulloch <silnarm at gmail>
// You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version
// ==============================================================
// File: annotated_map.h
// Annotated Map, for use in pathfinding.
#include "vec.h"
#include "map.h"
namespace Glest { namespace Game {
using Shared::Platform::int64;
typedef list<Vec2i>::iterator VLIt;
typedef list<Vec2i>::const_iterator VLConIt;
typedef list<Vec2i>::reverse_iterator VLRevIt;
typedef list<Vec2i>::const_reverse_iterator VLConRevIt;
class World;
// =====================================================
// struct CellMetrics
// =====================================================
/** Stores clearance metrics for a cell.
* 3 bits are used per field, allowing for a maximum moveable unit size of 7.
* The left over bit is used for per team 'foggy' maps, the dirty bit is set when
* an obstacle has been placed or removed in an area the team cannot currently see.
* The team's annotated map is thus not updated until that cell becomes visible again.
struct CellMetrics {
CellMetrics() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); }
uint16 get(const Field field) const { /**< get metrics for field */
switch (field) {
case fLand: return field0;
case fAir: return field1;
//case Field::ANY_WATER: return field2;
//case Field::DEEP_WATER: return field3;
//case Field::AMPHIBIOUS: return field4;
default: throw runtime_error("Unknown Field passed to CellMetrics::get()");
void set(const Field field, uint16 val) { /**< set metrics for field */
switch (field) {
case fLand: field0 = val; return;
case fAir: field1 = val; return;
//case Field::ANY_WATER: field2 = val; return;
//case Field::DEEP_WATER: field3 = val; return;
//case Field::AMPHIBIOUS: field4 = val; return;
default: throw runtime_error("Unknown Field passed to CellMetrics::set()");
void setAll(uint16 val) { /**< set clearance of all fields to val */
field0 = field1 = field2 = field3 = field4 = val;
bool operator!=(CellMetrics &that) const { /**< comparison, ignoring dirty bit */
if (field0 == that.field0 && field1 == that.field1
&& field2 == that.field2 && field3 == that.field3 && field4 == that.field4) {
return false;
return true;
bool isDirty() const { return dirty; } /**< is this cell dirty */
void setDirty(const bool val) { dirty = val; } /**< set dirty flag */
uint16 field0 : 3; /**< fLand = land + shallow water */
uint16 field1 : 3; /**< fAir = air */
uint16 field2 : 3; /**< Field::ANY_WATER = shallow + deep water */
uint16 field3 : 3; /**< Field::DEEP_WATER = deep water */
uint16 field4 : 3; /**< Field::AMPHIBIOUS = land + shallow + deep water */
uint16 dirty : 1; /**< used in 'team' maps as a 'dirty bit' (clearances have changed
* but team hasn't seen that change yet). */
// =====================================================
// class MetricMap
// =====================================================
/** A wrapper class for the array of CellMetrics
class MetricMap {
CellMetrics *metrics;
int width,height;
MetricMap() : metrics(NULL), width(0), height(0) { }
~MetricMap() { delete [] metrics; }
void init(int w, int h) {
assert ( w > 0 && h > 0);
width = w;
height = h;
metrics = new CellMetrics[w * h];
void zero() { memset(metrics, 0, sizeof(CellMetrics) * width * height); }
CellMetrics& operator[](const Vec2i &pos) const { return metrics[pos.y * width + pos.x]; }
class PathFinderTextureCallback;
// =====================================================
// class AnnotatedMap
// =====================================================
/** A 'search' map, annotated with clearance data and explored status
* <p>A compact representation of the map with clearance information for each cell.
* The clearance values are stored for each cell & field, and represent the
* clearance to the south and east of the cell. That is, the maximum size unit
* that can be 'positioned' in this cell (with units in Glest always using the
* north-west most cell they occupy as their 'position').</p>
//TODO: pretty pictures for the doco...
class AnnotatedMap {
friend class ClusterMap;
friend class PathFinderTextureCallback;
int width, height;
World *world;
Map *cellMap;
AnnotatedMap(World *world);
int getWidth() { return width; }
int getHeight() { return height; }
/** Maximum clearance allowed by the game. Hence, also maximum moveable unit size supported. */
static const int maxClearanceValue = 7; // don't change me without also changing CellMetrics
int maxClearance[fieldCount]; // maximum clearances needed for this world
void initMapMetrics();
void revealTile(const Vec2i &pos);
void updateMapMetrics(const Vec2i &pos, const int size);
/** Interface to the clearance metrics, can a unit of size occupy a cell(s)
* @param pos position agent wishes to occupy
* @param size size of agent
* @param field field agent moves in
* @return true if position can be occupied, else false
bool canOccupy(const Vec2i &pos, int size, Field field) const {
return metrics[pos].get(field) >= size ? true : false;
bool isDirty(const Vec2i &pos) const { return metrics[pos].isDirty(); }
void setDirty(const Vec2i &pos, const bool val) { metrics[pos].setDirty(val); }
void annotateLocal(const Unit *unit);
void clearLocalAnnotations(const Unit *unit);
// for initMetrics() and updateMapMetrics ()
void computeClearances(const Vec2i &);
uint32 computeClearance(const Vec2i &, Field);
void cascadingUpdate(const Vec2i &pos, const int size, const Field field = fieldCount);
void annotateUnit(const Unit *unit, const Field field);
bool updateCell(const Vec2i &pos, const Field field);
/** the original values of locations that have had local annotations applied */
std::map<Vec2i,uint32> localAnnt;
/** The metrics */
MetricMap metrics;