112 lines
3.9 KiB
Raw Blame History

// ==============================================================
// This file is part of Glest (www.glest.org)
// Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Marti<74>o Figueroa
// You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version
// ==============================================================
#include <string>
#include "game_constants.h"
#include "faction.h"
#include "faction_type.h"
#include "vec.h"
using std::string;
using namespace Shared::Graphics;
namespace Glest{ namespace Game{
class PlayerStats {
PlayerStats() {
control = ctClosed;
factionTypeName = "";
personalityType = fpt_Normal;
teamIndex = 0;
victory = false;
kills = 0;
deaths = 0;
unitsProduced = 0;
resourcesHarvested = 0;
playerName = "";
playerColor = Vec3f(0,0,0);
ControlType control;
string factionTypeName;
FactionPersonalityType personalityType;
int teamIndex;
bool victory;
int kills;
int deaths;
int unitsProduced;
int resourcesHarvested;
string playerName;
Vec3f playerColor;
// =====================================================
// class Stats
/// Player statistics that are shown after the game ends
// =====================================================
class Stats {
PlayerStats playerStats[GameConstants::maxPlayers];
string description;
int factionCount;
int thisFactionIndex;
Stats() {
description = "";
factionCount = 0;
thisFactionIndex = 0;
void init(int factionCount, int thisFactionIndex, const string &description);
string getDescription() const {return description;}
int getThisFactionIndex() const {return thisFactionIndex;}
int getFactionCount() const {return factionCount;}
const string &getFactionTypeName(int factionIndex) const {return playerStats[factionIndex].factionTypeName;}
FactionPersonalityType getPersonalityType(int factionIndex) const { return playerStats[factionIndex].personalityType;}
ControlType getControl(int factionIndex) const {return playerStats[factionIndex].control;}
bool getVictory(int factionIndex) const {return playerStats[factionIndex].victory;}
int getTeam(int factionIndex) const {return playerStats[factionIndex].teamIndex;}
int getKills(int factionIndex) const {return playerStats[factionIndex].kills;}
int getDeaths(int factionIndex) const {return playerStats[factionIndex].deaths;}
int getUnitsProduced(int factionIndex) const {return playerStats[factionIndex].unitsProduced;}
int getResourcesHarvested(int factionIndex) const {return playerStats[factionIndex].resourcesHarvested;}
string getPlayerName(int factionIndex) const {return playerStats[factionIndex].playerName;}
Vec3f getPlayerColor(int factionIndex) const { return playerStats[factionIndex].playerColor;}
void setDescription(const string& description) {this->description = description;}
void setFactionTypeName(int playerIndex, const string& factionTypeName) {playerStats[playerIndex].factionTypeName= factionTypeName;}
void setPersonalityType(int playerIndex, FactionPersonalityType value) { playerStats[playerIndex].personalityType = value;}
void setControl(int playerIndex, ControlType control) {playerStats[playerIndex].control= control;}
void setTeam(int playerIndex, int teamIndex) {playerStats[playerIndex].teamIndex= teamIndex;}
void setVictorious(int playerIndex);
void kill(int killerFactionIndex, int killedFactionIndex);
void die(int diedFactionIndex);
void produce(int producerFactionIndex);
void harvest(int harvesterFactionIndex, int amount);
void setPlayerName(int playerIndex, string value) {playerStats[playerIndex].playerName = value; }
void setPlayerColor(int playerIndex, Vec3f value) {playerStats[playerIndex].playerColor = value; }
}}//end namespace