
286 lines
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// ==============================================================
// This file is part of Glest (
// Copyright (C) 2009 James McCulloch <silnarm at gmail>
// You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version
// ==============================================================
// search_engine.h
#include "math_util.h"
#include "game_constants.h"
/** Home of the templated A* algorithm and some of the bits that plug into it.*/
namespace Glest { namespace Game {
using Shared::Graphics::Vec2i;
static const float SQRT2 = Shared::Graphics::sqrt2;
enum OrdinalDir {
odNorth, odNorthEast, odEast, odSouthEast, odSouth, odSouthWest, odWest, odNorthWest, odCount
const Vec2i OrdinalOffsets[odCount] = {
Vec2i( 0, -1), // n
Vec2i( 1, -1), // ne
Vec2i( 1, 0), // e
Vec2i( 1, 1), // se
Vec2i( 0, 1), // s
Vec2i(-1, 1), // sw
Vec2i(-1, 0), // w
Vec2i(-1, -1) // nw
// NodeStorage template interface
class NodeStorage {
void reset();
void setMaxNode( int limit );
bool isOpen( const Vec2i &pos );
bool isClosed( const Vec2i &pos );
bool setOpen( const Vec2i &pos, const Vec2i &prev, float h, float d );
void updateOpen( const Vec2i &pos, const Vec2i &prev, const float cost );
Vec2i getBestCandidate();
Vec2i getBestSeen();
float getHeuristicAt( const Vec2i &pos );
float getCostTo( const Vec2i &pos );
float getEstimateFor( const Vec2i &pos );
Vec2i getBestTo( const Vec2i &pos );
enum SearchSpace { ssCellMap, ssTileMap };
/** Neighbour function for 'octile grid map' as search domain */
class GridNeighbours {
int x, y;
int width, height;
const int cellWidth, cellHeight;
GridNeighbours(int cellWidth, int cellHeight)
: x(0), y(0)
, width(cellWidth)
, height(cellHeight)
, cellWidth(cellWidth)
, cellHeight(cellHeight) {
assert(cellWidth % GameConstants::cellScale == 0);
assert(cellHeight % GameConstants::cellScale == 0);
void operator()(Vec2i &pos, vector<Vec2i> &neighbours) const {
for (int i = 0; i < odCount; ++i) {
Vec2i nPos = pos + OrdinalOffsets[i];
if (nPos.x >= x && nPos.x < x + width && nPos.y >= y && nPos.y < y + height) {
/** Kludge to search on Cellmap or Tilemap... templated search domain should deprecate this */
void setSearchSpace(SearchSpace s) {
if (s == ssCellMap) {
x = y = 0;
width = cellWidth;
height = cellHeight;
} else if (s == ssTileMap) {
x = y = 0;
width = cellWidth / GameConstants::cellScale;
height= cellHeight / GameConstants::cellScale;
/** more kludgy search restriction stuff... */
void setSearchCluster(Vec2i cluster) {
x = cluster.x * GameConstants::clusterSize - 1;
if (x < 0) x = 0;
y = cluster.y * GameConstants::clusterSize - 1;
if (y < 0) y = 0;
width = GameConstants::clusterSize + 1;
height = GameConstants::clusterSize + 1;
enum AStarResult {
asrFailed, asrComplete, asrNodeLimit, asrTimeLimit
// ========================================================
// class SearchEngine
// ========================================================
/** Generic (template) A*
* @param NodeStorage NodeStorage class to use, must conform to implicit interface, see elsewhere
* @param NeighbourFunc the function to generate neighbours for a search domain
* @param DomainKey the key type of the search domain
template< typename NodeStorage, typename NeighbourFunc = GridNeighbours, typename DomainKey = Vec2i >
class SearchEngine {
NodeStorage *nodeStorage;/**< NodeStorage for this SearchEngine */
DomainKey goalPos; /**< The goal pos (the 'result') from the last A* search */
DomainKey invalidKey; /**< The DomainKey value indicating an invalid 'position' */
int expandLimit, /**< limit on number of nodes to expand */
nodeLimit, /**< limit on number of nodes to use */
expanded; /**< number of nodes expanded this/last run */
bool ownStore; /**< wether or not this SearchEngine 'owns' its storage */
NeighbourFunc neighbourFunc;
/** construct & initialise NodeStorage
* @param store NodeStorage to use
* @param own wether the SearchEngine should own the storage
SearchEngine(NeighbourFunc neighbourFunc, NodeStorage *store = 0, bool own=false)
: nodeStorage(store)
, expandLimit(-1)
, nodeLimit(-1)
, expanded(0)
, ownStore(own)
, neighbourFunc(neighbourFunc) {
/** Detruct, will delete storage if ownStore was set true */
~SearchEngine() {
if (ownStore) {
delete nodeStorage;
/** Attach NodeStorage
* @param store NodeStorage to use
* @param own wether the SearchEngine should own the storage
void setStorage(NodeStorage *store, bool own=false) {
nodeStorage = store;
ownStore = own;
/** Set the DomainKey value indicating an invalid position, this must be set before use!
* @param key the invalid DomainKey value
void setInvalidKey(DomainKey key) { invalidKey = key; }
/** @return a pointer to this engine's node storage */
NodeStorage* getStorage() { return nodeStorage; }
NeighbourFunc& getNeighbourFunc() { return neighbourFunc; }
/** Reset the node storage */
void reset() { nodeStorage->reset(); nodeStorage->setMaxNodes(nodeLimit > 0 ? nodeLimit : -1); }
/** Add a position to the open set with 'd' cost to here and invalid prev (a start position)
* @param pos position to set as open
* @param h heuristc, estimate to goal from pos
* @param d distance or cost to node (optional, defaults to 0)
void setOpen(DomainKey pos, float h, float d = 0.f) {
nodeStorage->setOpen(pos, invalidKey, h, d);
/** Reset the node storage and add pos to open
* @param pos position to set as open
* @param h heuristc, estimate to goal from pos
* @param d distance or cost to node (optional, defaults to 0)
void setStart(DomainKey pos, float h, float d = 0.f) {
if ( nodeLimit > 0 ) {
nodeStorage->setOpen(pos, invalidKey, h, d);
/** Retrieve the goal of last search, position of last goal reached */
DomainKey getGoalPos() { return goalPos; }
/** Best path to pos is from */
DomainKey getPreviousPos(const DomainKey &pos) { return nodeStorage->getBestTo(pos); }
/** limit search to use at most limit nodes */
void setNodeLimit(int limit) { nodeLimit = limit > 0 ? limit : -1; }
/** set an 'expanded nodes' limit, for a resumable search */
void setTimeLimit(int limit) { expandLimit = limit > 0 ? limit : -1; }
/** How many nodes were expanded last search */
int getExpandedLastRun() { return expanded; }
/** Retrieves cost to the node at pos (known to be visited) */
float getCostTo(const DomainKey &pos) {
assert(nodeStorage->isOpen(pos) || nodeStorage->isClosed(pos));
return nodeStorage->getCostTo(pos);
/** A* Algorithm (Just the loop, does not do any setup or post-processing)
* @param GoalFunc <b>template parameter</b> Goal function class
* @param CostFunc <b>template parameter</b> Cost function class
* @param Heuristic <b>template parameter</b> Heuristic function class
* @param goalFunc goal function object
* @param costFunc cost function object
* @param heuristic heuristic function object
template< typename GoalFunc, typename CostFunc, typename Heuristic >
AStarResult aStar(GoalFunc &goalFunc, CostFunc &costFunc, Heuristic &heuristic) {
expanded = 0;
DomainKey minPos(invalidKey);
vector<DomainKey> neighbours;
while (true) {
// get best open
minPos = nodeStorage->getBestCandidate();
if (minPos == invalidKey) { // failure
goalPos = invalidKey;
return asrFailed;
if (goalFunc(minPos, nodeStorage->getCostTo(minPos))) { // success
goalPos = minPos;
return asrComplete;
// expand it...
neighbourFunc(minPos, neighbours);
while (!neighbours.empty()) {
DomainKey nPos = neighbours.back();
if (nodeStorage->isClosed(nPos)) {
float cost = costFunc(minPos, nPos);
if (cost == -1.f) {
if (nodeStorage->isOpen(nPos)) {
nodeStorage->updateOpen(nPos, minPos, cost);
} else {
const float &costToMin = nodeStorage->getCostTo(minPos);
if (!nodeStorage->setOpen(nPos, minPos, heuristic(nPos), costToMin + cost)) {
goalPos = nodeStorage->getBestSeen();
return asrNodeLimit;
if (expanded == expandLimit) { // run limit
goalPos = invalidKey;
return asrTimeLimit;
return asrFailed; // impossible... just keeping the compiler from complaining