mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 12:43:06 +01:00
- added a new experiemntal feature called 'follow unit'. select 1 unit then press f4 and when the unit moves the camera tries to look from the units perspective. To turn this off select no unit and press f4.
559 lines
19 KiB
559 lines
19 KiB
// ==============================================================
// This file is part of Glest (www.glest.org)
// Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Martiño Figueroa
// You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version
// ==============================================================
#ifndef _GLEST_GAME_MAP_H_
#define _GLEST_GAME_MAP_H_
#ifdef WIN32
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#include "vec.h"
#include "math_util.h"
#include "command_type.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "game_constants.h"
#include "selection.h"
#include <cassert>
#include "unit_type.h"
#include "command.h"
#include "checksum.h"
#include "leak_dumper.h"
namespace Glest{ namespace Game{
using Shared::Graphics::Vec4f;
using Shared::Graphics::Quad2i;
using Shared::Graphics::Rect2i;
using Shared::Graphics::Vec4f;
using Shared::Graphics::Vec2f;
using Shared::Graphics::Vec2i;
using Shared::Graphics::Texture2D;
class Tileset;
class Unit;
class Resource;
class TechTree;
class GameSettings;
class World;
// =====================================================
// class Cell
/// A map cell that holds info about units present on it
// =====================================================
class Cell {
Unit *units[fieldCount]; //units on this cell
Unit *unitsWithEmptyCellMap[fieldCount]; //units with an empty cellmap on this cell
float height;
void operator=(Cell&);
inline Unit *getUnit(int field) const { if(field >= fieldCount) { throw megaglest_runtime_error("Invalid field value" + intToStr(field));} return units[field];}
inline Unit *getUnitWithEmptyCellMap(int field) const { if(field >= fieldCount) { throw megaglest_runtime_error("Invalid field value" + intToStr(field));} return unitsWithEmptyCellMap[field];}
inline float getHeight() const {return height;}
inline void setUnit(int field, Unit *unit) { if(field >= fieldCount) { throw megaglest_runtime_error("Invalid field value" + intToStr(field));} units[field]= unit;}
inline void setUnitWithEmptyCellMap(int field, Unit *unit) { if(field >= fieldCount) { throw megaglest_runtime_error("Invalid field value" + intToStr(field));} unitsWithEmptyCellMap[field]= unit;}
inline void setHeight(float height) {this->height= height;}
inline bool isFree(Field field) const {
bool result = getUnit(field) == NULL || getUnit(field)->isPutrefacting();
if(result == false) {
//printf("[%s] Line: %d returning false, unit id = %d [%s]\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,getUnit(field)->getId(),getUnit(field)->getType()->getName().c_str());
return result;
inline bool isFreeOrMightBeFreeSoon(Vec2i originPos, Vec2i cellPos, Field field) const {
bool result = getUnit(field) == NULL || getUnit(field)->isPutrefacting();
if(result == false) {
if(originPos.dist(cellPos) > 5 && getUnit(field)->getType()->isMobile() == true) {
result = true;
//printf("[%s] Line: %d returning false, unit id = %d [%s]\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,getUnit(field)->getId(),getUnit(field)->getType()->getName().c_str());
return result;
void saveGame(XmlNode *rootNode,int index) const;
void loadGame(const XmlNode *rootNode, int index, World *world);
// =====================================================
// class SurfaceCell
// A heightmap cell, each surface cell is composed by more than one Cell
// =====================================================
class SurfaceCell {
Vec3f vertex;
Vec3f normal;
Vec3f color;
//tex coords
Vec2f fowTexCoord; //tex coords for TEXTURE1 when multitexturing and fogOfWar
Vec2f surfTexCoord; //tex coords for TEXTURE0
int surfaceType;
const Texture2D *surfaceTexture;
//object & resource
Object *object;
bool visible[GameConstants::maxPlayers + GameConstants::specialFactions];
bool explored[GameConstants::maxPlayers + GameConstants::specialFactions];
bool nearSubmerged;
bool cellChangedFromOriginalMapLoad;
void end(); //to kill particles
inline const Vec3f &getVertex() const {return vertex;}
inline float getHeight() const {return vertex.y;}
inline const Vec3f &getColor() const {return color;}
inline const Vec3f &getNormal() const {return normal;}
inline int getSurfaceType() const {return surfaceType;}
inline const Texture2D *getSurfaceTexture() const {return surfaceTexture;}
inline Object *getObject() const {return object;}
inline Resource *getResource() const {return object==NULL? NULL: object->getResource();}
inline const Vec2f &getFowTexCoord() const {return fowTexCoord;}
inline const Vec2f &getSurfTexCoord() const {return surfTexCoord;}
inline bool getNearSubmerged() const {return nearSubmerged;}
inline bool isVisible(int teamIndex) const {return visible[teamIndex];}
inline bool isExplored(int teamIndex) const {return explored[teamIndex];}
inline void setVertex(const Vec3f &vertex) {this->vertex= vertex;}
inline void setHeight(float height, bool cellChangedFromOriginalMapLoadValue=false);
inline void setNormal(const Vec3f &normal) {this->normal= normal;}
inline void setColor(const Vec3f &color) {this->color= color;}
inline void setSurfaceType(int surfaceType) {this->surfaceType= surfaceType;}
inline void setSurfaceTexture(const Texture2D *st) {this->surfaceTexture= st;}
inline void setObject(Object *object) {this->object= object;}
inline void setFowTexCoord(const Vec2f &ftc) {this->fowTexCoord= ftc;}
inline void setSurfTexCoord(const Vec2f &stc) {this->surfTexCoord= stc;}
void setExplored(int teamIndex, bool explored);
void setVisible(int teamIndex, bool visible);
inline void setNearSubmerged(bool nearSubmerged) {this->nearSubmerged= nearSubmerged;}
void deleteResource();
bool decAmount(int value);
inline bool isFree() const {
bool result = object==NULL || object->getWalkable();
if(result == false) {
//printf("[%s] Line: %d returning false\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
return result;
bool getCellChangedFromOriginalMapLoad() const { return cellChangedFromOriginalMapLoad; }
void saveGame(XmlNode *rootNode,int index) const;
void loadGame(const XmlNode *rootNode, int index, World *world);
// =====================================================
// class Map
/// Represents the game map (and loads it from a gbm file)
// =====================================================
class FastAINodeCache {
FastAINodeCache(Unit *unit) {
this->unit = unit;
Unit *unit;
std::map<Vec2i,std::map<Vec2i,bool> > cachedCanMoveSoonList;
class Map {
static const int cellScale; //number of cells per surfaceCell
static const int mapScale; //horizontal scale of surface
string title;
float waterLevel;
float heightFactor;
float cliffLevel;
int cameraHeight;
int w;
int h;
int surfaceW;
int surfaceH;
int surfaceSize;
int maxPlayers;
Cell *cells;
SurfaceCell *surfaceCells;
Vec2i *startLocations;
Checksum checksumValue;
float maxMapHeight;
string mapFile;
void operator=(Map&);
void end(); //to kill particles
Checksum * getChecksumValue() { return &checksumValue; }
void init(Tileset *tileset);
Checksum load(const string &path, TechTree *techTree, Tileset *tileset);
inline Cell *getCell(int x, int y, bool errorOnInvalid=true) const {
int arrayIndex = y * w + x;
if(arrayIndex < 0 || arrayIndex >= getCellArraySize()) {
if(errorOnInvalid == false) {
return NULL;
throw megaglest_runtime_error("arrayIndex >= getCellArraySize(), arrayIndex = " + intToStr(arrayIndex) + " w = " + intToStr(w) + " h = " + intToStr(h));
else if(cells == NULL) {
if(errorOnInvalid == false) {
return NULL;
throw megaglest_runtime_error("cells == NULL");
return &cells[arrayIndex];
inline Cell *getCell(const Vec2i &pos) const {
return getCell(pos.x, pos.y);
inline int getCellArraySize() const {
return (w * h);
inline int getSurfaceCellArraySize() const {
//return (surfaceW * surfaceH);
return surfaceSize;
inline SurfaceCell *getSurfaceCell(int sx, int sy) const {
int arrayIndex = sy * surfaceW + sx;
if(arrayIndex < 0 || arrayIndex >= getSurfaceCellArraySize()) {
throw megaglest_runtime_error("arrayIndex >= getSurfaceCellArraySize(), arrayIndex = " + intToStr(arrayIndex) +
" surfaceW = " + intToStr(surfaceW) + " surfaceH = " + intToStr(surfaceH) +
" sx: " + intToStr(sx) + " sy: " + intToStr(sy));
else if(surfaceCells == NULL) {
throw megaglest_runtime_error("surfaceCells == NULL");
return &surfaceCells[arrayIndex];
inline SurfaceCell *getSurfaceCell(const Vec2i &sPos) const {
return getSurfaceCell(sPos.x, sPos.y);
inline int getW() const {return w;}
inline int getH() const {return h;}
inline int getSurfaceW() const {return surfaceW;}
inline int getSurfaceH() const {return surfaceH;}
inline int getMaxPlayers() const {return maxPlayers;}
inline float getHeightFactor() const {return heightFactor;}
inline float getWaterLevel() const {return waterLevel;}
inline float getCliffLevel() const {return cliffLevel;}
inline int getCameraHeight() const {return cameraHeight;}
inline float getMaxMapHeight() const {return maxMapHeight;}
Vec2i getStartLocation(int locationIndex) const;
inline bool getSubmerged(const SurfaceCell *sc) const {return sc->getHeight()<waterLevel;}
inline bool getSubmerged(const Cell *c) const {return c->getHeight()<waterLevel;}
inline bool getDeepSubmerged(const SurfaceCell *sc) const {return sc->getHeight()<waterLevel-(1.5f/heightFactor);}
inline bool getDeepSubmerged(const Cell *c) const {return c->getHeight()<waterLevel-(1.5f/heightFactor);}
//float getSurfaceHeight(const Vec2i &pos) const;
inline bool isInside(int x, int y) const {
return x>=0 && y>=0 && x<w && y<h;
inline bool isInside(const Vec2i &pos) const {
return isInside(pos.x, pos.y);
inline bool isInsideSurface(int sx, int sy) const {
return sx>=0 && sy>=0 && sx<surfaceW && sy<surfaceH;
inline bool isInsideSurface(const Vec2i &sPos) const {
return isInsideSurface(sPos.x, sPos.y);
bool isResourceNear(const Vec2i &pos, const ResourceType *rt, Vec2i &resourcePos, int size, Unit *unit=NULL,bool fallbackToPeersHarvestingSameResource=false,Vec2i *resourceClickPos=NULL) const;
//free cells
bool isFreeCell(const Vec2i &pos, Field field) const;
bool isFreeCellOrHasUnit(const Vec2i &pos, Field field, const Unit *unit) const;
bool isAproxFreeCell(const Vec2i &pos, Field field, int teamIndex) const;
bool isFreeCells(const Vec2i &pos, int size, Field field) const;
bool isFreeCellsOrHasUnit(const Vec2i &pos, int size, Field field, const Unit *unit, const UnitType *munit) const;
bool isAproxFreeCells(const Vec2i &pos, int size, Field field, int teamIndex) const;
bool canOccupy(const Vec2i &pos, Field field, const UnitType *ut, CardinalDir facing);
//unit placement
bool aproxCanMove(const Unit *unit, const Vec2i &pos1, const Vec2i &pos2, std::map<Vec2i, std::map<Vec2i, std::map<int, std::map<int, std::map<Field,bool> > > > > *lookupCache=NULL) const;
bool canMove(const Unit *unit, const Vec2i &pos1, const Vec2i &pos2,std::map<Vec2i, std::map<Vec2i, std::map<int, std::map<Field,bool> > > > *lookupCache=NULL) const;
void putUnitCells(Unit *unit, const Vec2i &pos,bool ignoreSkill = false);
void clearUnitCells(Unit *unit, const Vec2i &pos,bool ignoreSkill = false);
Vec2i computeRefPos(const Selection *selection) const;
Vec2i computeDestPos( const Vec2i &refUnitPos, const Vec2i &unitPos,
const Vec2i &commandPos) const;
const Unit * findClosestUnitToPos(const Selection *selection, Vec2i originalBuildPos,
const UnitType *ut) const;
bool isInUnitTypeCells(const UnitType *ut, const Vec2i &pos,const Vec2i &testPos) const;
bool isNextToUnitTypeCells(const UnitType *ut, const Vec2i &pos,const Vec2i &testPos) const;
Vec2i findBestBuildApproach(const Unit *unit, Vec2i originalBuildPos,const UnitType *ut) const;
std::pair<float,Vec2i> getUnitDistanceToPos(const Unit *unit,Vec2i pos,const UnitType *ut);
bool isNextTo(const Vec2i &pos, const Unit *unit) const;
bool isNextTo(const Vec2i &pos, const Vec2i &nextToPos) const;
bool isNextTo(const Unit *unit1, const Unit *unit2) const;
void clampPos(Vec2i &pos) const;
void prepareTerrain(const Unit *unit);
void flatternTerrain(const Unit *unit);
void computeNormals();
void computeInterpolatedHeights();
inline static Vec2i toSurfCoords(const Vec2i &unitPos) {return unitPos / cellScale;}
inline static Vec2i toUnitCoords(const Vec2i &surfPos) {return surfPos * cellScale;}
static string getMapPath(const string &mapName, string scenarioDir="", bool errorOnNotFound=true);
inline bool isFreeCellOrMightBeFreeSoon(Vec2i originPos, const Vec2i &pos, Field field) const {
isInside(pos) &&
isInsideSurface(toSurfCoords(pos)) &&
getCell(pos)->isFreeOrMightBeFreeSoon(originPos,pos,field) &&
(field==fAir || getSurfaceCell(toSurfCoords(pos))->isFree()) &&
(field!=fLand || getDeepSubmerged(getCell(pos)) == false);
inline bool isAproxFreeCellOrMightBeFreeSoon(Vec2i originPos,const Vec2i &pos, Field field, int teamIndex) const {
if(isInside(pos) && isInsideSurface(toSurfCoords(pos))) {
const SurfaceCell *sc= getSurfaceCell(toSurfCoords(pos));
if(sc->isVisible(teamIndex)) {
return isFreeCellOrMightBeFreeSoon(originPos, pos, field);
else if(sc->isExplored(teamIndex)) {
return field==fLand? sc->isFree() && !getDeepSubmerged(getCell(pos)): true;
else {
return true;
//printf("[%s] Line: %d returning false\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
return false;
//checks if a unit can move from between 2 cells using only visible cells (for pathfinding)
inline bool aproxCanMoveSoon(const Unit *unit, const Vec2i &pos1, const Vec2i &pos2) const {
if(isInside(pos1) == false || isInsideSurface(toSurfCoords(pos1)) == false ||
isInside(pos2) == false || isInsideSurface(toSurfCoords(pos2)) == false) {
//printf("[%s] Line: %d returning false\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
return false;
int size= unit->getType()->getSize();
int teamIndex= unit->getTeam();
Field field= unit->getCurrField();
const bool *cachedResult = unit->getFaction()->aproxCanMoveSoonCached(size,field,pos1,pos2);
if(cachedResult != NULL) {
return *cachedResult;
//single cell units
if(size == 1) {
if(isAproxFreeCellOrMightBeFreeSoon(unit->getPos(),pos2, field, teamIndex) == false) {
//printf("[%s] Line: %d returning false\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
unit->getFaction()->addAproxCanMoveSoonCached(size,field, pos1, pos2, false);
return false;
if(pos1.x != pos2.x && pos1.y != pos2.y) {
if(isAproxFreeCellOrMightBeFreeSoon(unit->getPos(),Vec2i(pos1.x, pos2.y), field, teamIndex) == false) {
//Unit *cellUnit = getCell(Vec2i(pos1.x, pos2.y))->getUnit(field);
//Object * obj = getSurfaceCell(toSurfCoords(Vec2i(pos1.x, pos2.y)))->getObject();
//printf("[%s] Line: %d returning false cell [%s] free [%d] cell unitid = %d object class = %d\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,Vec2i(pos1.x, pos2.y).getString().c_str(),this->isFreeCell(Vec2i(pos1.x, pos2.y),field),(cellUnit != NULL ? cellUnit->getId() : -1),(obj != NULL ? obj->getType()->getClass() : -1));
//printf("[%s] Line: %d returning false\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
unit->getFaction()->addAproxCanMoveSoonCached(size,field, pos1, pos2, false);
return false;
if(isAproxFreeCellOrMightBeFreeSoon(unit->getPos(),Vec2i(pos2.x, pos1.y), field, teamIndex) == false) {
//printf("[%s] Line: %d returning false\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
unit->getFaction()->addAproxCanMoveSoonCached(size,field, pos1, pos2, false);
return false;
bool isBadHarvestPos = false;
if(unit != NULL) {
Command *command= unit->getCurrCommand();
if(command != NULL) {
const HarvestCommandType *hct = dynamic_cast<const HarvestCommandType*>(command->getCommandType());
if(hct != NULL && unit->isBadHarvestPos(pos2) == true) {
isBadHarvestPos = true;
if(unit == NULL || isBadHarvestPos == true) {
//printf("[%s] Line: %d returning false\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
unit->getFaction()->addAproxCanMoveSoonCached(size,field, pos1, pos2, false);
return false;
unit->getFaction()->addAproxCanMoveSoonCached(size,field, pos1, pos2, true);
return true;
//multi cell units
else {
for(int i = pos2.x; i < pos2.x + size; ++i) {
for(int j = pos2.y; j < pos2.y + size; ++j) {
Vec2i cellPos = Vec2i(i,j);
if(isInside(cellPos) && isInsideSurface(toSurfCoords(cellPos))) {
if(getCell(cellPos)->getUnit(unit->getCurrField()) != unit) {
if(isAproxFreeCellOrMightBeFreeSoon(unit->getPos(),cellPos, field, teamIndex) == false) {
//printf("[%s] Line: %d returning false\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
unit->getFaction()->addAproxCanMoveSoonCached(size,field, pos1, pos2, false);
return false;
else {
//printf("[%s] Line: %d returning false\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
unit->getFaction()->addAproxCanMoveSoonCached(size,field, pos1, pos2, false);
return false;
bool isBadHarvestPos = false;
if(unit != NULL) {
Command *command= unit->getCurrCommand();
if(command != NULL) {
const HarvestCommandType *hct = dynamic_cast<const HarvestCommandType*>(command->getCommandType());
if(hct != NULL && unit->isBadHarvestPos(pos2) == true) {
isBadHarvestPos = true;
if(unit == NULL || isBadHarvestPos == true) {
//printf("[%s] Line: %d returning false\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
unit->getFaction()->addAproxCanMoveSoonCached(size,field, pos1, pos2, false);
return false;
unit->getFaction()->addAproxCanMoveSoonCached(size,field, pos1, pos2, true);
return true;
string getMapFile() const { return mapFile; }
void saveGame(XmlNode *rootNode) const;
void loadGame(const XmlNode *rootNode,World *world);
void smoothSurface(Tileset *tileset);
void computeNearSubmerged();
void computeCellColors();
void putUnitCellsPrivate(Unit *unit, const Vec2i &pos, const UnitType *ut, bool isMorph);
// ===============================
// class PosCircularIterator
// ===============================
class PosCircularIterator{
Vec2i center;
int radius;
const Map *map;
Vec2i pos;
PosCircularIterator(const Map *map, const Vec2i ¢er, int radius);
bool next();
const Vec2i &getPos();
// ===============================
// class PosQuadIterator
// ===============================
class PosQuadIterator {
Quad2i quad;
Rect2i boundingRect;
Vec2i pos;
int step;
const Map *map;
PosQuadIterator(const Map *map,const Quad2i &quad, int step=1);
bool next();
void skipX();
const Vec2i &getPos();
} } //end namespace