andy5995 31d91e8544
observers don't use a slot on maps [wip #13]
* This reverts part of 42541caab7d457d0c73f63ec6dc1e8816ceff704
* This fixes the bug from 42541caab7d457d0c73f63ec6dc1e8816ceff704
where if there 4 slots being used on a 4 player map, the game will crash
if an observer is in the 5th slot.
* The menu needs to be altered to accomodate the extra lines of text.
* There needs to be checks put in place so people in the extra slots can
only choose "observer" mode. If they choose a different faction, the
game will crash.
2018-01-24 02:40:44 -06:00

368 lines
12 KiB

// world.h:
// This file is part of ZetaGlest <>
// Copyright (C) 2018 The ZetaGlest team
// ZetaGlest is a fork of MegaGlest <>
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#include "vec.h"
#include "math_util.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "tech_tree.h"
#include "tileset.h"
#include "console.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "scenario.h"
#include "minimap.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "stats.h"
#include "time_flow.h"
#include "upgrade.h"
#include "water_effects.h"
#include "faction.h"
#include "unit_updater.h"
#include "randomgen.h"
#include "game_constants.h"
#include "leak_dumper.h"
namespace Glest{ namespace Game{
using Shared::Graphics::Quad2i;
using Shared::Graphics::Rect2i;
using Shared::Util::RandomGen;
class Faction;
class Unit;
class Config;
class Game;
class GameSettings;
class ScriptManager;
namespace Shared{ namespace Sound{
class StaticSound;
class StrSound;
// =====================================================
// class World
/// The game world: Map + Tileset + TechTree
// =====================================================
class ExploredCellsLookupKey {
Vec2i pos;
int sightRange;
int teamIndex;
class World {
typedef vector<Faction *> Factions;
std::map<Vec2i, std::map<int, ExploredCellsLookupItem > > ExploredCellsLookupItemCache;
std::map<int,ExploredCellsLookupKey> ExploredCellsLookupItemCacheTimer;
int ExploredCellsLookupItemCacheTimerCount;
static const int generationArea= 100;
static const int indirectSightRange= 5;
Map map;
Tileset tileset;
TechTree *techTree;
TimeFlow timeFlow;
Scenario scenario;
UnitUpdater unitUpdater;
WaterEffects waterEffects;
WaterEffects attackEffects; // onMiniMap
Minimap minimap;
Stats stats; //BattleEnd will delete this object
Factions factions;
RandomGen random;
ScriptManager* scriptManager;
int thisFactionIndex;
int thisTeamIndex;
int frameCount;
Mutex *mutexFactionNextUnitId;
std::map<int,int> mapFactionNextUnitId;
bool fogOfWarOverride;
bool fogOfWar;
int fogOfWarSmoothingFrameSkip;
bool fogOfWarSmoothing;
int fogOfWarSkillTypeValue;
Game *game;
Chrono chronoPerfTimer;
bool perfTimerEnabled;
bool unitParticlesEnabled;
std::map<string,::Shared::Sound::StaticSound *> staticSoundList;
std::map<string,::Shared::Sound::StrSound *> streamSoundList;
uint32 nextCommandGroupId;
string queuedScenarioName;
bool queuedScenarioKeepFactions;
bool disableAttackEffects;
const XmlNode *loadWorldNode;
MasterSlaveThreadController masterController;
bool originalGameFogOfWar;
std::map<int,std::pair<const Unit *,const FogOfWarSkillType *> > mapFogOfWarUnitList;
bool animatedTilesetObjectPosListLoaded;
std::vector<Vec2i> animatedTilesetObjectPosList;
bool cacheFowAlphaTexture;
bool cacheFowAlphaTextureFogOfWarValue;
std::map<int, std::map<std::string, Resource > > TeamResources;
// World & World(World &obj) {
// throw runtime_error("class World is NOT safe to assign!");
// }
void cleanup();
void end(); //to die before selection does
void endScenario(); //to die before selection does
void addFogOfWarSkillType(const Unit *unit,const FogOfWarSkillType *fowst);
void removeFogOfWarSkillType(const Unit *unit);
bool removeFogOfWarSkillTypeFromList(const Unit *unit);
inline int getMaxPlayers() const {return map.getMaxPlayers();}
inline int getThisFactionIndex() const {return thisFactionIndex;}
inline int getThisTeamIndex() const {return thisTeamIndex;}
inline void setThisTeamIndex(int team) { thisTeamIndex=team;}
inline const Faction *getThisFaction() const {return (thisFactionIndex >= 0 ? factions[thisFactionIndex] : NULL);}
inline Faction *getThisFactionPtr() {return (thisFactionIndex >= 0 ? factions[thisFactionIndex] : NULL);}
inline int getFactionCount() const {return (int)factions.size();}
inline const Map *getMap() const {return &map;}
inline Map *getMapPtr() {return &map;}
inline const Tileset *getTileset() const {return &tileset;}
inline const TechTree *getTechTree() const {return techTree;}
inline const Scenario *getScenario() const {return &scenario;}
inline const TimeFlow *getTimeFlow() const {return &timeFlow;}
inline Tileset *getTileset() {return &tileset;}
inline Map *getMap() {return &map;}
inline const Faction *getFaction(int i) const {return factions[i];}
inline Faction *getFaction(int i) {return factions[i];}
inline const Minimap *getMinimap() const {return &minimap;}
inline Minimap *getMiniMapObject() {return &minimap;}
inline const Stats *getStats() const {return &stats;};
inline Stats *getStats() {return &stats;};
inline const WaterEffects *getWaterEffects() const {return &waterEffects;}
inline const WaterEffects *getAttackEffects() const {return &attackEffects;}
int getNextUnitId(Faction *faction);
int getNextCommandGroupId();
inline int getFrameCount() const {return frameCount;}
//init & load
void init(Game *game, bool createUnits, bool initFactions=true);
Checksum loadTileset(const vector<string> pathList, const string &tilesetName,
Checksum* checksum, std::map<string,vector<pair<string, string> > > &loadedFileList);
Checksum loadTileset(const string &dir, Checksum* checksum,
std::map<string,vector<pair<string, string> > > &loadedFileList);
void clearTileset();
Checksum loadTech(const vector<string> pathList, const string &techName,
set<string> &factions, Checksum* checksum,
std::map<string,vector<pair<string, string> > > &loadedFileList,
bool validationMode=false);
Checksum loadMap(const string &path, Checksum* checksum);
Checksum loadScenario(const string &path, Checksum* checksum,bool resetCurrentScenario=false,const XmlNode *rootNode=NULL);
void setQueuedScenario(string scenarioName,bool keepFactions);
inline string getQueuedScenario() const { return queuedScenarioName; }
inline bool getQueuedScenarioKeepFactions() const { return queuedScenarioKeepFactions; }
void initUnitsForScenario();
void update();
Unit* findUnitById(int id) const;
const UnitType* findUnitTypeById(const FactionType* factionType, int id);
const UnitType *findUnitTypeByName(const string factionName, const string unitTypeName);
bool placeUnit(const Vec2i &startLoc, int radius, Unit *unit, bool spaciated= false, bool threaded=false);
void moveUnitCells(Unit *unit, bool threaded);
bool toRenderUnit(const Unit *unit, const Quad2i &visibleQuad) const;
bool toRenderUnit(const Unit *unit) const;
bool toRenderUnit(const UnitBuildInfo &pendingUnit) const;
Unit *nearestStore(const Vec2i &pos, int factionIndex, const ResourceType *rt);
void addAttackEffects(const Unit *unit);
//scripting interface
void morphToUnit(int unitId,const string &morphName,bool ignoreRequirements);
void createUnit(const string &unitName, int factionIndex, const Vec2i &pos,bool spaciated = true);
void givePositionCommand(int unitId, const string &commandName, const Vec2i &pos);
vector<int> getUnitsForFaction(int factionIndex,const string& commandTypeName,int field);
int getUnitCurrentField(int unitId);
bool getIsUnitAlive(int unitId);
void giveAttackCommand(int unitId, int unitToAttackId);
void giveProductionCommand(int unitId, const string &producedName);
void giveUpgradeCommand(int unitId, const string &upgradeName);
void giveAttackStoppedCommand(int unitId, const string &itemName,bool ignoreRequirements);
void playStaticSound(const string &playSound);
void playStreamingSound(const string &playSound);
void stopStreamingSound(const string &playSound);
void stopAllSound();
void moveToUnit(int unitId, int destUnitId);
void togglePauseGame(bool pauseStatus, bool forceAllowPauseStateChange);
void addConsoleText(const string &text);
void addConsoleTextWoLang(const string &text);
void giveResource(const string &resourceName, int factionIndex, int amount);
int getResourceAmount(const string &resourceName, int factionIndex);
Vec2i getStartLocation(int factionIndex);
Vec2i getUnitPosition(int unitId);
void setUnitPosition(int unitId, Vec2i pos);
void addCellMarker(Vec2i pos, int factionIndex, const string &note, const string textureFile);
void removeCellMarker(Vec2i pos, int factionIndex);
void showMarker(Vec2i pos, int factionIndex, const string &note, const string textureFile,int flashCount);
int getUnitFactionIndex(int unitId);
const string getUnitName(int unitId);
int getUnitCount(int factionIndex);
int getUnitCountOfType(int factionIndex, const string &typeName);
const string getSystemMacroValue(const string key);
const string getPlayerName(int factionIndex);
void highlightUnit(int unitId,float radius, float thickness, Vec4f color);
void unhighlightUnit(int unitId);
void giveStopCommand(int unitId);
bool selectUnit(int unitId);
void unselectUnit(int unitId);
void addUnitToGroupSelection(int unitId,int groupIndex);
void removeUnitFromGroupSelection(int unitId,int groupIndex);
void recallGroupSelection(int groupIndex);
void setAttackWarningsEnabled(bool enabled);
bool getAttackWarningsEnabled();
inline Game * getGame() { return game; }
const GameSettings * getGameSettings() const;
GameSettings * getGameSettingsPtr();
std::vector<std::string> validateFactionTypes();
std::vector<std::string> validateResourceTypes();
void setFogOfWar(bool value);
bool getFogOfWar() const { return fogOfWar; }
std::string DumpWorldToLog(bool consoleBasicInfoOnly = false) const;
inline int getUpdateFps(int factionIndex) const {
int result = GameConstants::updateFps;
return result;
bool canTickWorld() const;
ExploredCellsLookupItem exploreCells(const Vec2i &newPos, int sightRange, int teamIndex, Unit *unit);
void exploreCells(int teamIndex,ExploredCellsLookupItem &exploredCellsCache);
bool showWorldForPlayer(int factionIndex, bool excludeFogOfWarCheck=false) const;
inline UnitUpdater * getUnitUpdater() { return &unitUpdater; }
void playStaticVideo(const string &playVideo);
void playStreamingVideo(const string &playVideo);
void stopStreamingVideo(const string &playVideo);
void stopAllVideo();
void removeResourceTargetFromCache(const Vec2i &pos);
string getExploredCellsLookupItemCacheStats();
string getFowAlphaCellsLookupItemCacheStats();
string getAllFactionsCacheStats();
void placeUnitAtLocation(const Vec2i &location, int radius, Unit *unit, bool spaciated);
void saveGame(XmlNode *rootNode);
void loadGame(const XmlNode *rootNode);
void clearCaches();
void refreshAllUnitExplorations();
bool factionLostGame(int factionIndex);
void initTeamResource(const ResourceType *rt,int teamIndex, int value);
const Resource * getResourceForTeam(const ResourceType *rt, int teamIndex);
int getStoreAmountForTeam(const ResourceType *rt, int teamIndex) const;
bool showResourceTypeForFaction(const ResourceType *rt, const Faction *faction) const;
bool showResourceTypeForTeam(const ResourceType *rt, int teamIndex) const;
void initCells(bool fogOfWar);
void initSplattedTextures();
void initFactionTypes(GameSettings *gs);
void initMinimap();
void initUnits();
void initMap();
void tick();
void computeFow();
void updateAllTilesetObjects();
void updateAllFactionUnits();
void underTakeDeadFactionUnits();
void updateAllFactionConsumableCosts();
void restoreExploredFogOfWarCells();
}}//end namespace