titiger b4e9f787bd several changes for loading saved games
allow to load older compatible save game
introduced a "last backward compatible version" for loading games
fixed a bug allowing to load older games
2014-11-18 18:59:45 +01:00

81 lines
2.0 KiB

// ==============================================================
// This file is part of Glest (
// Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Martiño Figueroa
// You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version
// ==============================================================
#include "main_menu.h"
#include "leak_dumper.h"
namespace Glest{ namespace Game{
// ===============================
// class MenuStateLoadGame
// ===============================
//typedef vector<GraphicButton*> SaveSlotButtons;
class MenuStateLoadGame: public MenuState{
GraphicButton loadButton;
GraphicButton deleteButton;
GraphicButton abortButton;
vector<GraphicButton*> slots;
vector<GraphicComponent*> slotsGB;
vector<string> filenames;
GraphicScrollBar slotsScrollBar;
GraphicButton* selectedButton;
GraphicButton* buttonToDelete;
Texture2D *previewTexture;
GraphicLabel headerLabel;
GraphicLabel noSavedGamesLabel;
GraphicLabel savedGamesLabel;
GraphicLabel infoHeaderLabel;
GraphicLabel infoTextLabel;
GraphicLabel versionWarningLabel;
GraphicLine lines[2];
GraphicMessageBox mainMessageBox;
string saveGameDir;
int slotLinesYBase;
int slotsLineHeight;
MenuStateLoadGame(Program *program, MainMenu *mainMenu);
void mouseClick(int x, int y, MouseButton mouseButton);
void mouseUp(int x, int y, const MouseButton mouseButton);
void mouseMove(int x, int y, const MouseState *mouseState);
void update();
void render();
virtual void keyDown(SDL_KeyboardEvent key);
void reloadUI();
void clearSlots();
void listFiles();
void showMessageBox(const string &text, const string &header, bool toggle);
void cleanupTexture(Texture2D **texture);
}}//end namespace