James McCulloch bdd4f306f4 * added GAE path finder (SearchEngine and friends)
* some small changes to Unit, UnitType, Vec2<> & Map needed for the new path finder
 * compiles, but not hooked up yet, old PathFinder still in use
2010-07-11 18:31:02 +00:00

320 lines
8.8 KiB

// ==============================================================
// This file is part of Glest (www.glest.org)
// Copyright (C) 2009 James McCulloch <silnarm at gmail>
// You can redistribute this code and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version
// ==============================================================
#include "util.h"
#include "game_constants.h"
#include "skill_type.h"
#include "math_util.h"
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <list>
namespace Glest { namespace Game {
using std::set;
using std::map;
using std::list;
using Shared::Util::deleteValues;
class AnnotatedMap;
class Cartographer;
struct Transition;
/** uni-directional edge, is owned by the source transition, contains pointer to dest */
struct Edge {
static int numEdges[fieldCount];
const Transition *dest;
vector<float> weights;
Field f; // for diagnostics... remove this one day
Edge(const Transition *t, Field f) : f(f) {
dest = t;
~Edge() {
void addWeight(const float w) { weights.push_back(w); }
const Transition* transition() const { return dest; }
float cost(int size) const { return weights[size-1]; }
int maxClear() { return weights.size(); }
static int NumEdges(Field f) { return numEdges[f]; }
static void zeroCounters();
typedef list<Edge*> Edges;
/** */
struct Transition {
static int numTransitions[fieldCount];
Field f;
int clearance;
Vec2i nwPos;
bool vertical;
Edges edges;
Transition(Vec2i pos, int clear, bool vert, Field f)
: f(f), clearance(clear), nwPos(pos), vertical(vert) {
~Transition() {
deleteValues(edges.begin(), edges.end());
static int NumTransitions(Field f) { return numTransitions[f]; }
static void zeroCounters();
typedef vector<const Transition*> Transitions;
struct TransitionCollection {
Transition *transitions[GameConstants::clusterSize / 2];
unsigned n;
TransitionCollection() {
n = 0;
memset(transitions, 0, sizeof(Transition*) * GameConstants::clusterSize / 2);
void add(Transition *t) {
assert(n < GameConstants::clusterSize / 2);
transitions[n++] = t;
void clear() {
for (int i=0; i < n; ++i) {
delete transitions[i];
n = 0;
struct ClusterBorder {
TransitionCollection transitions[fieldCount];
~ClusterBorder() {
for (int f = 0; f < fieldCount; ++f) {
/** NeighbourFunc, describes abstract search space */
class TransitionNeighbours {
void operator()(const Transition* pos, vector<const Transition*> &neighbours) const {
for (Edges::const_iterator it = pos->edges.begin(); it != pos->edges.end(); ++it) {
/** cost function for searching cluster map */
class TransitionCost {
Field field;
int size;
TransitionCost(Field f, int s) : field(f), size(s) {}
float operator()(const Transition *t, const Transition *t2) const {
Edges::const_iterator it = t->edges.begin();
for ( ; it != t->edges.end(); ++it) {
if ((*it)->transition() == t2) {
if (it == t->edges.end()) {
throw runtime_error("bad connection in ClusterMap.");
if ((*it)->maxClear() >= size) {
return (*it)->cost(size);
return -1.f;
/** goal function for search on cluster map */
class TransitionGoal {
set<const Transition*> goals;
TransitionGoal() {}
set<const Transition*>& goalTransitions() {return goals;}
bool operator()(const Transition *t, const float d) const {
return goals.find(t) != goals.end();
#define POS_X ((cluster.x + 1) * GameConstants::clusterSize - i - 1)
#define POS_Y ((cluster.y + 1) * GameConstants::clusterSize - i - 1)
class ClusterMap {
friend class DebugRenderer;
int w, h;
ClusterBorder *vertBorders, *horizBorders, sentinel;
Cartographer *carto;
AnnotatedMap *aMap;
set<Vec2i> dirtyClusters;
set<Vec2i> dirtyNorthBorders;
set<Vec2i> dirtyWestBorders;
bool dirty;
int eClear[GameConstants::clusterSize];
ClusterMap(AnnotatedMap *aMap, Cartographer *carto);
int getWidth() const { return w; }
int getHeight() const { return h; }
static Vec2i cellToCluster (const Vec2i &cellPos) {
return Vec2i(cellPos.x / GameConstants::clusterSize, cellPos.y / GameConstants::clusterSize);
// ClusterBorder getters
ClusterBorder* getNorthBorder(Vec2i cluster) {
return ( cluster.y == 0 ) ? &sentinel : &horizBorders[(cluster.y - 1) * w + cluster.x ];
ClusterBorder* getEastBorder(Vec2i cluster) {
return ( cluster.x == w - 1 ) ? &sentinel : &vertBorders[cluster.y * (w - 1) + cluster.x ];
ClusterBorder* getSouthBorder(Vec2i cluster) {
return ( cluster.y == h - 1 ) ? &sentinel : &horizBorders[cluster.y * w + cluster.x];
ClusterBorder* getWestBorder(Vec2i cluster) {
return ( cluster.x == 0 ) ? &sentinel : &vertBorders[cluster.y * (w - 1) + cluster.x - 1];
ClusterBorder* getBorder(Vec2i cluster, CardinalDir dir) {
switch (dir) {
case CardinalDir::NORTH:
return getNorthBorder(cluster);
case CardinalDir::EAST:
return getEastBorder(cluster);
case CardinalDir::SOUTH:
return getSouthBorder(cluster);
case CardinalDir::WEST:
return getWestBorder(cluster);
throw runtime_error("ClusterMap::getBorder() passed dodgey direction");
return 0; // keep compiler quiet
void getTransitions(const Vec2i &cluster, Field f, Transitions &t);
bool isDirty() { return dirty; }
void update();
void setClusterDirty(const Vec2i &cluster) { dirty = true; dirtyClusters.insert(cluster); }
void setNorthBorderDirty(const Vec2i &cluster) { dirty = true; dirtyNorthBorders.insert(cluster); }
void setWestBorderDirty(const Vec2i &cluster) { dirty = true; dirtyWestBorders.insert(cluster); }
void assertValid();
struct EntranceInfo {
ClusterBorder *cb;
Field f;
bool vert;
int pos, max_clear, startPos, endPos, run;
void addBorderTransition(EntranceInfo &info);
void initClusterBorder(const Vec2i &cluster, bool north);
/** initialise/re-initialise cluster (evaluates north and west borders) */
void initCluster(const Vec2i &cluster) {
initClusterBorder(cluster, true);
initClusterBorder(cluster, false);
void evalCluster(const Vec2i &cluster);
float linePathLength(Field f, int size, const Vec2i &start, const Vec2i &dest);
float aStarPathLength(Field f, int size, const Vec2i &start, const Vec2i &dest);
void disconnectCluster(const Vec2i &cluster);
struct TransitionAStarNode {
const Transition *pos, *prev;
float heuristic; /**< estimate of distance to goal */
float distToHere; /**< cost from origin to this node */
float est() const { /**< estimate, costToHere + heuristic */
return distToHere + heuristic;
// ========================================================
// class TransitionNodeStorage
// ========================================================
// NodeStorage template interface
class TransitionNodeStore {
list<TransitionAStarNode*> openList;
set<const Transition*> open;
set<const Transition*> closed;
map<const Transition*, TransitionAStarNode*> listed;
int size, nodeCount;
TransitionAStarNode *stock;
TransitionAStarNode* getNode();
void insertIntoOpen(TransitionAStarNode *node);
bool assertOpen();
TransitionNodeStore(int size) : size(size), stock(NULL) {
stock = new TransitionAStarNode[size];
~TransitionNodeStore() {
delete [] stock;
void reset() { nodeCount = 0; open.clear(); closed.clear(); openList.clear(); listed.clear(); }
void setMaxNodes(int limit) { }
bool isOpen(const Transition* pos) { return open.find(pos) != open.end(); }
bool isClosed(const Transition* pos) { return closed.find(pos) != closed.end(); }
bool setOpen(const Transition* pos, const Transition* prev, float h, float d);
void updateOpen(const Transition* pos, const Transition* &prev, const float cost);
const Transition* getBestCandidate();
Transition* getBestSeen();
float getHeuristicAt(const Transition* &pos) { return listed[pos]->heuristic; }
float getCostTo(const Transition* pos) { return listed[pos]->distToHere; }
float getEstimateFor(const Transition* pos) { return listed[pos]->est(); }
const Transition* getBestTo(const Transition* pos) { return listed[pos]->prev; }