mirror of
synced 2025-01-16 13:58:43 +01:00
Fix compilation on gcc 5 and below
This is only necessary for compiling and running the save renderer on a server with a very old glibc 2.17 version.
This commit is contained in:
@ -358,86 +358,86 @@ namespace http
switch (ret)
case 0: return "Status code 0 (bug?)";
case 100: return "Continue";
case 101: return "Switching Protocols";
case 102: return "Processing";
case 200: return "OK";
case 201: return "Created";
case 202: return "Accepted";
case 203: return "Non-Authoritative Information";
case 204: return "No Content";
case 205: return "Reset Content";
case 206: return "Partial Content";
case 207: return "Multi-Status";
case 300: return "Multiple Choices";
case 301: return "Moved Permanently";
case 302: return "Found";
case 303: return "See Other";
case 304: return "Not Modified";
case 305: return "Use Proxy";
case 306: return "Switch Proxy";
case 307: return "Temporary Redirect";
case 400: return "Bad Request";
case 401: return "Unauthorized";
case 402: return "Payment Required";
case 403: return "Forbidden";
case 404: return "Not Found";
case 405: return "Method Not Allowed";
case 406: return "Not Acceptable";
case 407: return "Proxy Authentication Required";
case 408: return "Request Timeout";
case 409: return "Conflict";
case 410: return "Gone";
case 411: return "Length Required";
case 412: return "Precondition Failed";
case 413: return "Request Entity Too Large";
case 414: return "Request URI Too Long";
case 415: return "Unsupported Media Type";
case 416: return "Requested Range Not Satisfiable";
case 417: return "Expectation Failed";
case 418: return "I'm a teapot";
case 422: return "Unprocessable Entity";
case 423: return "Locked";
case 424: return "Failed Dependency";
case 425: return "Unordered Collection";
case 426: return "Upgrade Required";
case 444: return "No Response";
case 450: return "Blocked by Windows Parental Controls";
case 499: return "Client Closed Request";
case 500: return "Internal Server Error";
case 501: return "Not Implemented";
case 502: return "Bad Gateway";
case 503: return "Service Unavailable";
case 504: return "Gateway Timeout";
case 505: return "HTTP Version Not Supported";
case 506: return "Variant Also Negotiates";
case 507: return "Insufficient Storage";
case 509: return "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded";
case 510: return "Not Extended";
case 600: return "Internal Client Error";
case 601: return "Unsupported Protocol";
case 602: return "Server Not Found";
case 603: return "Malformed Response";
case 604: return "Network Not Available";
case 605: return "Request Timed Out";
case 606: return "Malformed URL";
case 607: return "Connection Refused";
case 608: return "Proxy Server Not Found";
case 609: return "SSL: Invalid Certificate Status";
case 610: return "Cancelled by Shutdown";
case 611: return "Too Many Redirects";
case 612: return "SSL: Connect Error";
case 613: return "SSL: Crypto Engine Not Found";
case 614: return "SSL: Failed to Set Default Crypto Engine";
case 615: return "SSL: Local Certificate Issue";
case 616: return "SSL: Unable to Use Specified Cipher";
case 617: return "SSL: Failed to Initialise Crypto Engine";
case 618: return "SSL: Failed to Load CACERT File";
case 619: return "SSL: Failed to Load CRL File";
case 620: return "SSL: Issuer Check Failed";
case 621: return "SSL: Pinned Public Key Mismatch";
default: return "Unknown Status Code";
case 0: return String("Status code 0 (bug?)");
case 100: return String("Continue");
case 101: return String("Switching Protocols");
case 102: return String("Processing");
case 200: return String("OK");
case 201: return String("Created");
case 202: return String("Accepted");
case 203: return String("Non-Authoritative Information");
case 204: return String("No Content");
case 205: return String("Reset Content");
case 206: return String("Partial Content");
case 207: return String("Multi-Status");
case 300: return String("Multiple Choices");
case 301: return String("Moved Permanently");
case 302: return String("Found");
case 303: return String("See Other");
case 304: return String("Not Modified");
case 305: return String("Use Proxy");
case 306: return String("Switch Proxy");
case 307: return String("Temporary Redirect");
case 400: return String("Bad Request");
case 401: return String("Unauthorized");
case 402: return String("Payment Required");
case 403: return String("Forbidden");
case 404: return String("Not Found");
case 405: return String("Method Not Allowed");
case 406: return String("Not Acceptable");
case 407: return String("Proxy Authentication Required");
case 408: return String("Request Timeout");
case 409: return String("Conflict");
case 410: return String("Gone");
case 411: return String("Length Required");
case 412: return String("Precondition Failed");
case 413: return String("Request Entity Too Large");
case 414: return String("Request URI Too Long");
case 415: return String("Unsupported Media Type");
case 416: return String("Requested Range Not Satisfiable");
case 417: return String("Expectation Failed");
case 418: return String("I'm a teapot");
case 422: return String("Unprocessable Entity");
case 423: return String("Locked");
case 424: return String("Failed Dependency");
case 425: return String("Unordered Collection");
case 426: return String("Upgrade Required");
case 444: return String("No Response");
case 450: return String("Blocked by Windows Parental Controls");
case 499: return String("Client Closed Request");
case 500: return String("Internal Server Error");
case 501: return String("Not Implemented");
case 502: return String("Bad Gateway");
case 503: return String("Service Unavailable");
case 504: return String("Gateway Timeout");
case 505: return String("HTTP Version Not Supported");
case 506: return String("Variant Also Negotiates");
case 507: return String("Insufficient Storage");
case 509: return String("Bandwidth Limit Exceeded");
case 510: return String("Not Extended");
case 600: return String("Internal Client Error");
case 601: return String("Unsupported Protocol");
case 602: return String("Server Not Found");
case 603: return String("Malformed Response");
case 604: return String("Network Not Available");
case 605: return String("Request Timed Out");
case 606: return String("Malformed URL");
case 607: return String("Connection Refused");
case 608: return String("Proxy Server Not Found");
case 609: return String("SSL: Invalid Certificate Status");
case 610: return String("Cancelled by Shutdown");
case 611: return String("Too Many Redirects");
case 612: return String("SSL: Connect Error");
case 613: return String("SSL: Crypto Engine Not Found");
case 614: return String("SSL: Failed to Set Default Crypto Engine");
case 615: return String("SSL: Local Certificate Issue");
case 616: return String("SSL: Unable to Use Specified Cipher");
case 617: return String("SSL: Failed to Initialise Crypto Engine");
case 618: return String("SSL: Failed to Load CACERT File");
case 619: return String("SSL: Failed to Load CRL File");
case 620: return String("SSL: Issuer Check Failed");
case 621: return String("SSL: Pinned Public Key Mismatch");
default: return String("Unknown Status Code");
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ namespace http
R *request;
RequestMonitor() :
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ String DoMigration(ByteString fromDir, ByteString toDir)
if (stamps.empty() && saves.empty() && scripts.empty() && downloadedScripts.empty() && screenshots.empty() && !hasAutorun && !hasPref)
logFile << "Nothing to migrate.";
return "Nothing to migrate. This button is used to migrate data from pre-96.0 TPT installations to the shared directory";
return String("Nothing to migrate. This button is used to migrate data from pre-96.0 TPT installations to the shared directory");
StringBuilder result;
@ -1531,7 +1531,7 @@ String GameController::ElementResolve(int type, int ctype)
return gameModel->GetSimulation()->ElementResolve(type, ctype);
return "";
return String("");
String GameController::BasicParticleInfo(Particle const &sample_part)
@ -1540,7 +1540,7 @@ String GameController::BasicParticleInfo(Particle const &sample_part)
return gameModel->GetSimulation()->BasicParticleInfo(sample_part);
return "";
return String("");
void GameController::ReloadSim()
@ -175,12 +175,12 @@ void PreviewModel::OnSaveReady()
GameSave *gameSave = new GameSave(*saveData);
if (gameSave->fromNewerVersion)
new ErrorMessage("This save is from a newer version", "Please update TPT in game or at https://powdertoy.co.uk");
new ErrorMessage("This save is from a newer version", "Please update TPT in game or at https://powdertoy.co.uk", {});
catch(ParseException &e)
new ErrorMessage("Error", ByteString(e.what()).FromUtf8());
new ErrorMessage("Error", ByteString(e.what()).FromUtf8(), {});
canOpen = false;
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include "client/SaveFile.h"
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
namespace ui
@ -5367,7 +5367,7 @@ String Simulation::ElementResolve(int type, int ctype)
else if (type >= 0 && type < PT_NUM)
return elements[type].Name;
return "Empty";
return String("Empty");
String Simulation::BasicParticleInfo(Particle const &sample_part)
@ -21,30 +21,30 @@ const BuiltinGOL builtinGol[NGOL] = {
// * the ruleset constants below look 20-bit, but rulesets actually consist of 21
// bits of data; bit 20 just happens to not be set for any of the built-in types,
// as none of them have 10 or more states
{ "GOL", GT_GOL , 0x0080C, PIXPACK(0x0CAC00), PIXPACK(0x0CAC00), NGT_GOL, String("Game Of Life: Begin 3/Stay 23") },
{ "HLIF", GT_HLIF, 0x0480C, PIXPACK(0xFF0000), PIXPACK(0xFF0000), NGT_HLIF, String("High Life: B36/S23") },
{ "ASIM", GT_ASIM, 0x038F0, PIXPACK(0x0000FF), PIXPACK(0x0000FF), NGT_ASIM, String("Assimilation: B345/S4567") },
{ "2X2", GT_2x2 , 0x04826, PIXPACK(0xFFFF00), PIXPACK(0xFFFF00), NGT_2x2, String("2X2: B36/S125") },
{ "DANI", GT_DANI, 0x1C9D8, PIXPACK(0x00FFFF), PIXPACK(0x00FFFF), NGT_DANI, String("Day and Night: B3678/S34678") },
{ "AMOE", GT_AMOE, 0x0A92A, PIXPACK(0xFF00FF), PIXPACK(0xFF00FF), NGT_AMOE, String("Amoeba: B357/S1358") },
{ "MOVE", GT_MOVE, 0x14834, PIXPACK(0xFFFFFF), PIXPACK(0xFFFFFF), NGT_MOVE, String("'Move' particles. Does not move things.. it is a life type: B368/S245") },
{ "PGOL", GT_PGOL, 0x0A90C, PIXPACK(0xE05010), PIXPACK(0xE05010), NGT_PGOL, String("Pseudo Life: B357/S238") },
{ "DMOE", GT_DMOE, 0x1E9E0, PIXPACK(0x500000), PIXPACK(0x500000), NGT_DMOE, String("Diamoeba: B35678/S5678") },
{ "3-4", GT_34 , 0x01818, PIXPACK(0x500050), PIXPACK(0x500050), NGT_34, String("3-4: B34/S34") },
{ "LLIF", GT_LLIF, 0x03820, PIXPACK(0x505050), PIXPACK(0x505050), NGT_LLIF, String("Long Life: B345/S5") },
{ "STAN", GT_STAN, 0x1C9EC, PIXPACK(0x5000FF), PIXPACK(0x5000FF), NGT_STAN, String("Stains: B3678/S235678") },
{ "SEED", GT_SEED, 0x00400, PIXPACK(0xFBEC7D), PIXPACK(0xFBEC7D), NGT_SEED, String("Seeds: B2/S") },
{ "MAZE", GT_MAZE, 0x0083E, PIXPACK(0xA8E4A0), PIXPACK(0xA8E4A0), NGT_MAZE, String("Maze: B3/S12345") },
{ "COAG", GT_COAG, 0x189EC, PIXPACK(0x9ACD32), PIXPACK(0x9ACD32), NGT_COAG, String("Coagulations: B378/S235678") },
{ "WALL", GT_WALL, 0x1F03C, PIXPACK(0x0047AB), PIXPACK(0x0047AB), NGT_WALL, String("Walled cities: B45678/S2345") },
{ "GNAR", GT_GNAR, 0x00202, PIXPACK(0xE5B73B), PIXPACK(0xE5B73B), NGT_GNAR, String("Gnarl: B1/S1") },
{ "REPL", GT_REPL, 0x0AAAA, PIXPACK(0x259588), PIXPACK(0x259588), NGT_REPL, String("Replicator: B1357/S1357") },
{ "MYST", GT_MYST, 0x139E1, PIXPACK(0x0C3C00), PIXPACK(0x0C3C00), NGT_MYST, String("Mystery: B3458/S05678") },
{ "LOTE", GT_LOTE, 0x48938, PIXPACK(0xFF0000), PIXPACK(0xFFFF00), NGT_LOTE, String("Living on the Edge: B37/S3458/4") },
{ "FRG2", GT_FRG2, 0x20816, PIXPACK(0x006432), PIXPACK(0x00FF5A), NGT_FRG2, String("Like Frogs rule: B3/S124/3") },
{ "STAR", GT_STAR, 0x98478, PIXPACK(0x000040), PIXPACK(0x0000E6), NGT_STAR, String("Like Star Wars rule: B278/S3456/6") },
{ "FROG", GT_FROG, 0x21806, PIXPACK(0x006400), PIXPACK(0x00FF00), NGT_FROG, String("Frogs: B34/S12/3") },
{ "BRAN", GT_BRAN, 0x25440, PIXPACK(0xFFFF00), PIXPACK(0x969600), NGT_BRAN, String("Brian 6: B246/S6/3" )}
{ String("GOL"), GT_GOL , 0x0080C, PIXPACK(0x0CAC00), PIXPACK(0x0CAC00), NGT_GOL, String("Game Of Life: Begin 3/Stay 23") },
{ String("HLIF"), GT_HLIF, 0x0480C, PIXPACK(0xFF0000), PIXPACK(0xFF0000), NGT_HLIF, String("High Life: B36/S23") },
{ String("ASIM"), GT_ASIM, 0x038F0, PIXPACK(0x0000FF), PIXPACK(0x0000FF), NGT_ASIM, String("Assimilation: B345/S4567") },
{ String("2X2"), GT_2x2 , 0x04826, PIXPACK(0xFFFF00), PIXPACK(0xFFFF00), NGT_2x2, String("2X2: B36/S125") },
{ String("DANI"), GT_DANI, 0x1C9D8, PIXPACK(0x00FFFF), PIXPACK(0x00FFFF), NGT_DANI, String("Day and Night: B3678/S34678") },
{ String("AMOE"), GT_AMOE, 0x0A92A, PIXPACK(0xFF00FF), PIXPACK(0xFF00FF), NGT_AMOE, String("Amoeba: B357/S1358") },
{ String("MOVE"), GT_MOVE, 0x14834, PIXPACK(0xFFFFFF), PIXPACK(0xFFFFFF), NGT_MOVE, String("'Move' particles. Does not move things.. it is a life type: B368/S245") },
{ String("PGOL"), GT_PGOL, 0x0A90C, PIXPACK(0xE05010), PIXPACK(0xE05010), NGT_PGOL, String("Pseudo Life: B357/S238") },
{ String("DMOE"), GT_DMOE, 0x1E9E0, PIXPACK(0x500000), PIXPACK(0x500000), NGT_DMOE, String("Diamoeba: B35678/S5678") },
{ String("3-4"), GT_34 , 0x01818, PIXPACK(0x500050), PIXPACK(0x500050), NGT_34, String("3-4: B34/S34") },
{ String("LLIF"), GT_LLIF, 0x03820, PIXPACK(0x505050), PIXPACK(0x505050), NGT_LLIF, String("Long Life: B345/S5") },
{ String("STAN"), GT_STAN, 0x1C9EC, PIXPACK(0x5000FF), PIXPACK(0x5000FF), NGT_STAN, String("Stains: B3678/S235678") },
{ String("SEED"), GT_SEED, 0x00400, PIXPACK(0xFBEC7D), PIXPACK(0xFBEC7D), NGT_SEED, String("Seeds: B2/S") },
{ String("MAZE"), GT_MAZE, 0x0083E, PIXPACK(0xA8E4A0), PIXPACK(0xA8E4A0), NGT_MAZE, String("Maze: B3/S12345") },
{ String("COAG"), GT_COAG, 0x189EC, PIXPACK(0x9ACD32), PIXPACK(0x9ACD32), NGT_COAG, String("Coagulations: B378/S235678") },
{ String("WALL"), GT_WALL, 0x1F03C, PIXPACK(0x0047AB), PIXPACK(0x0047AB), NGT_WALL, String("Walled cities: B45678/S2345") },
{ String("GNAR"), GT_GNAR, 0x00202, PIXPACK(0xE5B73B), PIXPACK(0xE5B73B), NGT_GNAR, String("Gnarl: B1/S1") },
{ String("REPL"), GT_REPL, 0x0AAAA, PIXPACK(0x259588), PIXPACK(0x259588), NGT_REPL, String("Replicator: B1357/S1357") },
{ String("MYST"), GT_MYST, 0x139E1, PIXPACK(0x0C3C00), PIXPACK(0x0C3C00), NGT_MYST, String("Mystery: B3458/S05678") },
{ String("LOTE"), GT_LOTE, 0x48938, PIXPACK(0xFF0000), PIXPACK(0xFFFF00), NGT_LOTE, String("Living on the Edge: B37/S3458/4") },
{ String("FRG2"), GT_FRG2, 0x20816, PIXPACK(0x006432), PIXPACK(0x00FF5A), NGT_FRG2, String("Like Frogs rule: B3/S124/3") },
{ String("STAR"), GT_STAR, 0x98478, PIXPACK(0x000040), PIXPACK(0x0000E6), NGT_STAR, String("Like Star Wars rule: B278/S3456/6") },
{ String("FROG"), GT_FROG, 0x21806, PIXPACK(0x006400), PIXPACK(0x00FF00), NGT_FROG, String("Frogs: B34/S12/3") },
{ String("BRAN"), GT_BRAN, 0x25440, PIXPACK(0xFFFF00), PIXPACK(0x969600), NGT_BRAN, String("Brian 6: B246/S6/3" )}
std::vector<wall_type> LoadWalls()
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ void TaskWindow::NotifyStatus(Task * task)
void TaskWindow::NotifyError(Task * task)
new ErrorMessage("Error", task->GetError());
new ErrorMessage("Error", task->GetError(), {});
done = true;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user