project('the-powder-toy', 'cpp', version: '', meson_version: '>=0.64.0') if get_option('prepare') # we're being run by in a ghactions workflow only to determine the values of options; exit early subdir_done() endif target_options = [ 'cpp_std=c++20', 'cpp_rtti=false', ] python = import('python') python3_prog = python.find_installation('python3') fs = import('fs') render_icons_with_inkscape = get_option('render_icons_with_inkscape') inkscape = find_program('inkscape', required: render_icons_with_inkscape) cpp_compiler = meson.get_compiler('cpp') is_x86 = host_machine.cpu_family() in [ 'x86', 'x86_64' ] is_64bit = host_machine.cpu_family() in [ 'aarch64', 'x86_64' ] host_arch = host_machine.cpu_family() host_platform = host_machine.system() # educated guesses follow, PRs welcome if cpp_compiler.get_id() in [ 'msvc', 'clang-cl' ] if host_platform != 'windows' error('this seems fishy') endif host_libc = 'msvc' elif cpp_compiler.get_id() in [ 'gcc' ] and host_platform == 'windows' host_libc = 'mingw' elif host_platform in [ 'darwin' ] host_libc = 'macos' elif host_platform in [ 'emscripten' ] host_platform = 'emscripten' host_libc = 'emscripten' elif host_platform in [ 'android' ] host_platform = 'android' host_libc = 'bionic' else if host_platform != 'linux' # TODO: maybe use 'default' in place of 'linux', or use something other than host_platform where details such as desktop integration are concerned warning('host platform is not linux but we will pretend that it is') host_platform = 'linux' endif host_libc = 'gnu' endif static_variant = get_option('static') if static_variant != 'prebuilt' and host_platform == 'android' warning('only prebuilt libs are supported for android') static_variant = 'prebuilt' endif if static_variant == 'system' and host_platform == 'windows' and host_libc == 'msvc' warning('no way to find system libs for msvc on windows') static_variant = 'prebuilt' endif is_static = static_variant != 'none' is_debug = get_option('optimization') in [ '0', 'g' ] app_exe = get_option('app_exe') tpt_libs_static = 'none' if static_variant == 'prebuilt' tpt_libs_static = 'static' endif if static_variant == 'none' and host_platform == 'windows' and host_libc == 'msvc' tpt_libs_static = 'dynamic' endif tpt_libs_debug = is_debug ? 'debug' : 'release' tpt_libs_variant = '@0@-@1@-@2@-@3@'.format(host_arch, host_platform, host_libc, tpt_libs_static) tpt_libs_vtag = get_option('tpt_libs_vtag') if tpt_libs_vtag == '' tpt_libs_vtag = 'v20250117195557' endif if tpt_libs_static != 'none' if tpt_libs_variant not in [ 'x86_64-linux-gnu-static', 'aarch64-linux-gnu-static', 'x86_64-windows-mingw-static', 'x86_64-windows-msvc-static', 'x86_64-windows-msvc-dynamic', 'x86-windows-msvc-static', 'x86-windows-msvc-dynamic', 'aarch64-windows-msvc-static', 'aarch64-windows-msvc-dynamic', 'x86_64-darwin-macos-static', 'aarch64-darwin-macos-static', 'x86-android-bionic-static', 'x86_64-android-bionic-static', 'arm-android-bionic-static', 'aarch64-android-bionic-static', 'wasm32-emscripten-emscripten-static', ] error('no prebuilt @0@ libraries are currently provided'.format(tpt_libs_variant)) endif tpt_libs = subproject('tpt-libs-prebuilt-@0@-@1@-@2@'.format(tpt_libs_variant, tpt_libs_debug, tpt_libs_vtag)) else if get_option('workaround_elusive_bzip2') bzip2_lib_name = get_option('workaround_elusive_bzip2_lib_name') bzip2_include_name = get_option('workaround_elusive_bzip2_include_name') bzip2_lib_dir = get_option('workaround_elusive_bzip2_lib_dir') bzip2_include_dir = include_directories(get_option('workaround_elusive_bzip2_include_dir')) bzip2_static = get_option('workaround_elusive_bzip2_static') meson.override_dependency('bzip2', declare_dependency( dependencies: cpp_compiler.find_library( bzip2_lib_name, has_headers: bzip2_include_name, dirs: bzip2_lib_dir, header_include_directories: bzip2_include_dir, static: bzip2_static, ), include_directories: bzip2_include_dir, )) endif endif x86_sse_level_str = get_option('x86_sse') if x86_sse_level_str == 'auto' if host_machine.cpu_family() == 'x86_64' and host_platform != 'darwin' x86_sse_level = 20 else x86_sse_level = 0 endif elif x86_sse_level_str == 'avx512' x86_sse_level = 500 elif x86_sse_level_str == 'avx2' x86_sse_level = 200 elif x86_sse_level_str == 'avx' x86_sse_level = 100 elif x86_sse_level_str == 'sse4.2' x86_sse_level = 42 elif x86_sse_level_str == 'sse4.1' x86_sse_level = 41 elif x86_sse_level_str == 'sse3' x86_sse_level = 30 elif x86_sse_level_str == 'sse2' x86_sse_level = 20 elif x86_sse_level_str == 'sse' x86_sse_level = 10 elif x86_sse_level_str == 'none' x86_sse_level = 0 endif lua_variant = get_option('lua') if lua_variant == 'auto' if host_platform == 'emscripten' lua_variant = 'lua5.2' else lua_variant = 'luajit' endif endif if lua_variant == 'luajit' and host_platform == 'emscripten' error('luajit does not work with emscripten') endif if lua_variant == 'none' lua_dep = [] elif lua_variant == 'lua5.1' or lua_variant == 'lua5.2' lua_dep = dependency(lua_variant + '-c++', static: is_static, required: false) if not lua_dep.found() if not get_option('workaround_noncpp_lua') error('your system @0@ is not compatible with C++, configure with -Dworkaround_noncpp_lua=true to disable this error'.format(lua_variant)) endif lua_dep = dependency(lua_variant, static: is_static) endif elif lua_variant == 'luajit' lua_dep = dependency('luajit', static: is_static) endif enable_http = get_option('http') if host_platform == 'android' android_ndk_toolchain_prefix = meson.get_external_property('android_ndk_toolchain_prefix') android_platform = meson.get_external_property('android_platform') tpt_libs_android_toolchain_prefix = tpt_libs.get_variable('android_toolchain_prefix') tpt_libs_android_system_version = tpt_libs.get_variable('android_system_version') tpt_libs_android_platform = tpt_libs.get_variable('android_platform') if '@0@@1@-'.format(tpt_libs_android_toolchain_prefix, tpt_libs_android_system_version) != android_ndk_toolchain_prefix error('tpt-libs android toolchain mismatch') endif if tpt_libs_android_platform != android_platform error('tpt-libs android platform mismatch') endif endif curl_dep = [] if enable_http and host_platform != 'emscripten' curl_dep = dependency('libcurl', static: is_static) endif project_link_args = [] project_cpp_args = [] fftw_dep = dependency('fftw3f', static: is_static) threads_dep = dependency('threads') if host_platform == 'emscripten' zlib_dep = [] png_dep = [] sdl2_dep = [] bzip2_dep = [] project_link_args += [ '--no-heap-copy', '-s', 'WASM=1', '-s', 'ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1', '-s', 'FORCE_FILESYSTEM=1', '-s', 'EXIT_RUNTIME=0', '-s', 'EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=ccall,cwrap', '-s', 'FS_DEBUG', '-s', 'MODULARIZE', '-s', 'EXPORT_NAME=create_' + app_exe, '-Wl,-u,_emscripten_run_callback_on_thread', '-lidbfs.js', ] emcc_args = [ '-s', 'USE_SDL=2', '-s', 'USE_BZIP2=1', '-s', 'USE_LIBPNG', '-s', 'USE_ZLIB=1', '-s', 'DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=0', ] project_link_args += [ '--source-map-base=./' ] emcc_args += [ '-gsource-map' ] project_link_args += emcc_args project_cpp_args += emcc_args else zlib_dep = dependency('zlib', static: is_static) png_dep = dependency('libpng16', static: is_static) sdl2_dep = dependency('sdl2', static: is_static) bzip2_dep = dependency('bzip2', static: is_static) endif json_dep = dependency('jsoncpp', static: is_static) if not is_debug args_ccomp_opt = [] if cpp_compiler.get_argument_syntax() == 'msvc' args_ccomp_opt += [ '/Oy-', '/fp:fast', ] project_link_args += [ '/OPT:REF', '/OPT:ICF', ] else args_ccomp_opt += [ '-ftree-vectorize', '-funsafe-math-optimizations', '-ffast-math', '-fomit-frame-pointer', ] endif project_cpp_args += args_ccomp_opt endif lto = get_option('lto') if cpp_compiler.get_argument_syntax() == 'msvc' if lto # apparently meson doesn't know how to tell msvc to use lto: b_lto doesn't even exist when using msvc # # so we do it ourselves project_cpp_args += [ '/GL' ] project_link_args += [ '/LTCG' ] endif else target_options += [ 'b_lto=@0@'.format(lto) ] if lto if cpp_compiler.get_id() in [ 'clang', 'clang-cl' ] # use ThinLTO for Clang/LLVM project_cpp_args += [ '-flto=thin' ] endif endif endif cpp_eh = 'default' if cpp_compiler.get_argument_syntax() == 'msvc' project_cpp_args += [ '/GS', '/D_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS', ] # # the default exception handling mode is 'sc', which guarantees to the compiler that functions with C linkage never throw # exceptions. C++-aware Lua throws exceptions, but its functions are designed have C++ linkage, so this is normally not an issue. # LuaJIT also throws exceptions, but its functions are designed to have C linkage, which is sad >_> not much we can do there. # further, the functions in our builds of C++-aware Lua actually have C linkage for the sake of simplicity (since the codebase works # with both kinds of Lua and LuaJIT uses C linkage). the fact that functions with C linkage may throw exceptions means that the # correct exception handling mode to use is 's' cpp_eh = 's' endif target_options += [ 'cpp_eh=@0@'.format(cpp_eh) ] # clang-cl supports both syntaxes. use the GCC one. if cpp_compiler.get_argument_syntax() == 'msvc' and cpp_compiler.get_id() not in [ 'clang-cl' ] args_ccomp_sse = [] if x86_sse_level == 30 warning('SSE3 configured to be enabled but unavailable in msvc') endif if x86_sse_level >= 500 args_ccomp_sse += [ '/arch:AVX512' ] elif x86_sse_level >= 200 args_ccomp_sse += [ '/arch:AVX2' ] elif x86_sse_level >= 100 args_ccomp_sse += [ '/arch:AVX' ] elif x86_sse_level >= 20 and host_machine.cpu_family() == 'x86' args_ccomp_sse += [ '/arch:SSE2' ] elif x86_sse_level >= 10 and host_machine.cpu_family() == 'x86' args_ccomp_sse += [ '/arch:SSE' ] endif project_cpp_args += args_ccomp_sse else args_ccomp_sse = [] if host_platform == 'darwin' and x86_sse_level > 0 message('SSE level explicitly configured but unavailable on macosx') x86_sse_level = 0 endif if x86_sse_level >= 500 args_ccomp_sse += [ '-mavx512f', '-mavx512cd', '-mavx512vl', '-mavx512dq', '-mavx512bw' ] elif x86_sse_level >= 200 args_ccomp_sse += [ '-mavx2' ] elif x86_sse_level >= 100 args_ccomp_sse += [ '-mavx' ] elif x86_sse_level >= 42 args_ccomp_sse += [ '-msse4.2' ] elif x86_sse_level >= 41 args_ccomp_sse += [ '-msse4.1' ] elif x86_sse_level >= 30 args_ccomp_sse += [ '-msse3' ] elif x86_sse_level >= 20 args_ccomp_sse += [ '-msse2' ] elif x86_sse_level >= 10 args_ccomp_sse += [ '-msse' ] endif project_cpp_args += args_ccomp_sse endif copied_dlls = [] if host_platform == 'windows' args_ccomp_win = [] defs_ccomp_win = [] defs_ccomp_win += [ '_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501', 'NOMINMAX', 'UNICODE', '_UNICODE', ] windows_mod = import('windows') if is_static defs_ccomp_win += [ 'CURL_STATICLIB' ] if host_arch == 'x86_64' defs_ccomp_win += [ 'ZLIB_WINAPI' ] endif endif if tpt_libs_static == 'dynamic' foreach input_output_condition : tpt_libs.get_variable('config_dlls') dll_input = input_output_condition[0] dll_output = input_output_condition[1] dll_condition = input_output_condition[2] do_copy = false if dll_condition == 'all' do_copy = true elif dll_condition == 'lua=' + lua_variant do_copy = true endif if do_copy copied_dlls += [ fs.copyfile(dll_input, dll_output) ] endif endforeach endif if host_libc == 'msvc' if tpt_libs_static == 'static' target_options += [ 'b_vscrt=static_from_buildtype' ] else target_options += [ 'b_vscrt=from_buildtype' ] endif endif foreach def : defs_ccomp_win if cpp_compiler.get_argument_syntax() == 'msvc' args_ccomp_win += [ '/D' + def ] else args_ccomp_win += [ '-D' + def ] endif endforeach project_cpp_args += args_ccomp_win elif host_platform == 'darwin' # work around assertion failure with LTO symbols # # otherwise we get ld: Assertion failed: (0 && "lto symbol should not be in layout"), function symbolForAtom, file Layout.cpp, line 1447. # TODO: remove when appropriate if is_static and cpp_compiler.has_link_argument('-ld_classic') warning('applying broken apple clang linker workaround with -ld_classic') project_link_args += [ '-ld_classic' ] endif elif host_platform == 'android' args_ccomp_android = [] if not is_64bit args_ccomp_android += [ '-U_FILE_OFFSET_BITS' ] endif # android doesn't ship, so we might as well link it statically; # the alternative would be to grab from the NDK and ship it with # the app alongside, and possibly add it to SDL's list of libraries to load project_link_args += [ '-static-libstdc++' ] project_cpp_args += args_ccomp_android endif if cpp_compiler.get_argument_syntax() == 'msvc' and cpp_compiler.get_id() not in [ 'clang-cl' ] project_cpp_args += [ '/wd4834', '/wd4100', ] else project_cpp_args += [ '-Wno-invalid-offsetof', '-Wno-unused-result', '-Wno-missing-field-initializers', '-Wno-unused-parameter', ] endif project_inc = include_directories([ 'src', 'resources' ]) if host_platform == 'windows' ident_platform = is_64bit ? 'WIN64' : 'WIN32' elif host_platform == 'linux' ident_platform = is_64bit ? 'LIN64' : 'LIN32' elif host_platform == 'darwin' ident_platform = host_arch == 'aarch64' ? 'MACOSARM' : 'MACOSX' else ident_platform = 'UNKNOWN' endif project_deps = [] data_files = [] powder_deps = [] project_export_dynamic = false embedded_files = [] subdir('src') subdir('resources') foreach embedded_file : embedded_files name = embedded_file[0] file = embedded_file[1] data_files += [ custom_target( 'embedded-file-@0@'.format(name), input: file, output: [ '@0@.cpp'.format(name), '@0@.h'.format(name) ], depfile: '@0@.dep'.format(name), command: [ python3_prog, files('resources/'), '@OUTPUT0@', '@OUTPUT1@', '@DEPFILE@', '@INPUT@', name ] ) ] endforeach powder_files += powder_external_files powder_files += data_files render_files += data_files font_files += data_files if host_platform == 'emscripten' project_link_args += [ '-o', app_exe + '.js', # so we get a .wasm, and a .js ] endif if get_option('export_lua_symbols') if is_static and lua_variant != 'none' and not project_export_dynamic if host_platform == 'windows' error('Lua symbols are currently impossible to export correctly on Windows') elif cpp_compiler.has_link_argument('-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol') project_link_args += [ '-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=lua_*', '-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=luaL_*', '-Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol=luaopen_*', ] else warning('your linker does not support -Wl,--export-dynamic-symbol so Meson will be instructed to export all symbols in order to enable loading Lua shared modules, which may blow up the size of the resulting binary') project_export_dynamic = true endif endif endif clang_tidy_sources = [] if get_option('build_powder') powder_deps += project_deps + [ threads_dep, zlib_dep, png_dep, sdl2_dep, lua_dep, curl_dep, fftw_dep, bzip2_dep, json_dep, ] if host_platform == 'android' powder_sha = shared_library( app_exe, sources: powder_files, include_directories: project_inc, cpp_args: project_cpp_args, link_args: project_link_args, dependencies: powder_deps, link_depends: copied_dlls, override_options: target_options, ) subdir('android') else executable( app_exe, sources: powder_files, include_directories: project_inc, cpp_args: project_cpp_args, win_subsystem: is_debug ? 'console' : 'windows', link_args: project_link_args, dependencies: powder_deps, export_dynamic: project_export_dynamic, install: true, link_depends: copied_dlls, override_options: target_options, ) endif clang_tidy_sources += powder_files endif if get_option('build_render') if host_platform == 'emscripten' error('render does not target emscripten') endif render_deps = project_deps + [ threads_dep, zlib_dep, bzip2_dep, json_dep, png_dep, ] render_link_args = project_link_args if host_platform == 'linux' and is_static render_link_args += [ '-static' ] endif executable( 'render', sources: render_files, include_directories: project_inc, cpp_args: project_cpp_args, link_args: render_link_args, dependencies: render_deps, export_dynamic: project_export_dynamic, link_depends: copied_dlls, override_options: target_options, ) clang_tidy_sources += render_files endif if get_option('build_font') if host_platform == 'emscripten' error('font does not target emscripten') endif font_deps = project_deps + [ threads_dep, zlib_dep, png_dep, sdl2_dep, bzip2_dep, json_dep, ] executable( 'font', sources: font_files, include_directories: project_inc, cpp_args: project_cpp_args, link_args: project_link_args, dependencies: font_deps, export_dynamic: project_export_dynamic, link_depends: copied_dlls, override_options: target_options, ) clang_tidy_sources += font_files endif if get_option('clang_tidy') clang_tidy = find_program('run-clang-tidy') run_target( 'clang-tidy', command: [ clang_tidy, '-p', meson.project_build_root(), '-config-file', files('.clang-tidy'), '-quiet', '-warnings-as-errors=*', clang_tidy_sources, ], ) endif