option( 'static', type: 'combo', choices: [ 'none', 'system', 'prebuilt' ], value: 'none', description: 'Build statically using libraries present on the system (\'system\') or using prebuilt libraries official builds use (\'prebuilt\')' ) option( 'lto', type: 'boolean', value: false, description: 'Link-time optimization, mostly a wrapper around the b_lto built-in option' ) option( 'beta', type: 'boolean', value: false, description: 'Beta build' ) option( 'ignore_updates', type: 'boolean', value: true, description: 'Don\'t show notifications about available updates' ) option( 'can_install', type: 'combo', choices: [ 'no', 'yes', 'yes_check', 'auto' ], value: 'auto', description: 'Disable (\'no\') or enable (\'yes\') setting up file and URL associations, or even offer to do it at startup (\'yes_check\')' ) option( 'shared_data_folder', type: 'boolean', value: true, description: 'Handle the shared data folder, e.g. automatically chdir over to it and offering migration to it' ) option( 'http', type: 'boolean', value: true, description: 'Enable HTTP via libcurl' ) option( 'snapshot', type: 'boolean', value: false, description: 'Snapshot build' ) option( 'display_version_major', type: 'integer', min: 0, value: 99, description: 'Major component of the display version, should more or less map to the MINOR version in semantic versioning' ) option( 'display_version_minor', type: 'integer', min: 0, value: 1, description: 'Minor component of the display version, should more or less map to the PATCH version in semantic versioning' ) option( 'build_num', type: 'integer', min: 0, value: 380, description: 'Build number, should be strictly monotonously increasing across public releases' ) option( 'upstream_version_major', type: 'integer', min: 0, value: 99, description: 'Major component of the upstream display version, mod owners should not change this but merge upstream changes to it' ) option( 'upstream_version_minor', type: 'integer', min: 0, value: 1, description: 'Minor component of the upstream display version, mod owners should not change this but merge upstream changes to it' ) option( 'upstream_build_num', type: 'integer', min: 0, value: 380, description: 'Upstream build number, mod owners should not change this but merge upstream changes to it' ) option( 'mod_id', type: 'integer', min: 0, value: 0, description: 'Mod ID, used on the https://starcatcher.us/TPT build server, the build server will compile for all platforms for you and send updates in-game, see jacob1 to get a mod ID' ) option( 'lua', type: 'combo', choices: [ 'none', 'lua5.1', 'lua5.2', 'luajit', 'auto' ], value: 'auto', description: 'Lua library to use' ) option( 'x86_sse', type: 'combo', choices: [ 'none', 'sse', 'sse2', 'sse3', 'sse4.1', 'sse4.2', 'avx', 'avx2', 'avx512', 'auto' ], value: 'auto', description: 'Enable SSE (available only on x86)' ) option( 'build_powder', type: 'boolean', value: true, description: 'Build the game' ) option( 'build_render', type: 'boolean', value: false, description: 'Build the thumbnail renderer' ) option( 'build_font', type: 'boolean', value: false, description: 'Build the font editor' ) option( 'server', type: 'string', value: 'powdertoy.co.uk', description: 'Simulation server' ) option( 'static_server', type: 'string', value: 'static.powdertoy.co.uk', description: 'Static simulation server' ) option( 'update_server', type: 'string', value: '', description: 'Update server, only used by snapshots and mods, see \'snapshot\' and \'mod_id\'' ) option( 'workaround_noncpp_lua', type: 'boolean', value: false, description: 'Allow linking against a non-C++ system Lua' ) option( 'workaround_elusive_bzip2', type: 'boolean', value: true, description: 'acquire bzip2 dependency with find_library' ) option( 'workaround_elusive_bzip2_lib_name', type: 'string', value: 'bz2', description: 'bzip2 library name, see \'workaround_elusive_bzip2\'' ) option( 'workaround_elusive_bzip2_lib_dir', type: 'string', value: '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu', description: 'bzip2 library directory, see \'workaround_elusive_bzip2\'' ) option( 'workaround_elusive_bzip2_include_name', type: 'string', value: 'bzlib.h', description: 'bzip2 header name, see \'workaround_elusive_bzip2\'' ) option( 'workaround_elusive_bzip2_include_dir', type: 'string', value: '/usr/include', description: 'bzip2 header directory, see \'workaround_elusive_bzip2\'' ) option( 'workaround_elusive_bzip2_static', type: 'boolean', value: false, description: 'bzip2 static setting, see \'workaround_elusive_bzip2\'' ) option( 'tpt_libs_vtag', type: 'string', value: '', description: 'tpt-libs vtag override, only used for tpt-libs development' ) option( 'package_mode', type: 'string', value: 'default', description: 'Package mode override, only used by official builds, see prepare.py' ) option( 'android_keystore', type: 'string', value: '', description: 'Path to Java keystore for signing an APK, only used for Android development' ) option( 'android_keyalias', type: 'string', value: 'androidkey', description: 'Signing key alias for signing an APK, only used for Android development' ) option( 'app_name', type: 'string', value: 'The Powder Toy', description: 'App name, used for desktop integration and the window title, change if you work on a mod' ) option( 'app_comment', type: 'string', value: 'Physics sandbox game', description: 'App comment, used for desktop integration, change if you work on a mod' ) option( 'app_exe', type: 'string', value: 'powder', description: 'App executable name, used for desktop integration, change if you work on a mod' ) option( 'app_id', type: 'string', value: 'uk.co.powdertoy.tpt', description: 'App ID, a D-Bus well-known name, used for desktop integration, change if you work on a mod' ) option( 'app_data', type: 'string', value: 'The Powder Toy', description: 'App data directory name, do not change even if you work on a mod, only if you know what you are doing' ) option( 'app_vendor', type: 'string', value: 'powdertoy', description: 'App vendor prefix, used for desktop integration, do not change even if you work on a mod, only if you know what you are doing' ) option( 'enforce_https', type: 'boolean', value: true, description: 'Enforce encrypted HTTP traffic, may be disabled for debugging' ) option( 'secure_ciphers_only', type: 'boolean', value: false, description: 'Use only secure ciphers for encrypted HTTP traffic, please review cipher list before enabling' ) option( 'prepare', type: 'boolean', value: false, description: 'Used by ghactions workflows, not useful otherwise' ) option( 'render_icons_with_inkscape', type: 'feature', value: 'disabled', description: 'Render icons with Inkscape (inkscape binary needs to be in PATH)' ) option( 'resolve_vcs_tag', type: 'combo', choices: [ 'no', 'static_release_only', 'yes' ], value: 'static_release_only', description: 'Enable VCS tag resolution, introduces an always-stale custom target' ) option( 'manifest_copyright', type: 'string', value: 'Copyright © 2008-2011 Stanislaw K Skowrenek, Copyright © 2011-2023 Simon Robertshaw, Copyright © 2016-2023 jacob1', description: 'Copyright string, don\'t take too seriously, subject to change' ) option( 'manifest_macos_min_ver', type: 'string', value: '', description: 'MacOS minimum allowed platform version string, used by ghactions workflows, not useful otherwise' ) option( 'manifest_date', type: 'string', value: '', description: 'Build date string, used by ghactions workflows, not useful otherwise' ) option( 'platform_clipboard', type: 'boolean', value: true, description: 'Enable platform clipboard, allows copying simulation data between different windows' ) option( 'use_bluescreen', type: 'combo', choices: [ 'no', 'yes', 'auto' ], value: 'auto', description: 'Show blue error screen upon unhandled signals and exceptions' ) option( 'windows_icons', type: 'boolean', value: true, description: 'Add icon resources to the executable on Windows' ) option( 'windows_utf8cp', type: 'boolean', value: true, description: 'Ask Windows nicely for UTF-8 as the codepage' ) option( 'export_lua_symbols', type: 'boolean', value: false, description: 'Export Lua symbols to enable loading of Lua shared modules' ) option( 'clang_tidy', type: 'boolean', value: false, description: 'Run clang-tidy to lint programming issues' )