import os import subprocess import sys import platform import atexit import time import SCons.Util # because of an implementation detail commandlines are limited to 10000 characters on windows using mingw. the following fix was copied from # and circumvents this issue. class ourSpawn: def ourspawn(self, sh, escape, cmd, args, env): newargs = ' '.join(args[1:]) cmdline = cmd + " " + newargs startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW proc = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, startupinfo=startupinfo, shell=False, env=env) data, err = proc.communicate() rv = proc.wait() if rv: print "=====" print err print "=====" return rv def SetupSpawn(env): buf = ourSpawn() buf.ourenv = env env['SPAWN'] = buf.ourspawn def FatalError(message): print(message) raise SystemExit(1) #wrapper around SCons' AddOption def AddSconsOption(name, default, hasArgs, help): AddOption("--{0}".format(name), dest=name, action=("store" if hasArgs else "store_true"), default=default, help=help) AddSconsOption('win', False, False, "Target Windows.") AddSconsOption('lin', False, False, "Target Linux.") AddSconsOption('mac', False, False, "Target Mac OS X.") AddSconsOption('msvc', False, False, "Use the Microsoft Visual Studio compiler.") AddSconsOption("tool", False, True, "Tool prefix appended before gcc/g++.") AddSconsOption('beta', False, False, "Beta build.") AddSconsOption('save-version', False, True, "Save version.") AddSconsOption('minor-version', False, True, "Minor version.") AddSconsOption('build-number', False, True, "Build number.") AddSconsOption('snapshot', False, False, "Snapshot build.") AddSconsOption('snapshot-id', False, True, "Snapshot build ID.") AddSconsOption('64bit', False, False, "Compile a 64 bit binary.") AddSconsOption('32bit', False, False, "Compile a 32 bit binary.") AddSconsOption("universal", False, False, "compile universal binaries on Mac OS X.") AddSconsOption('no-sse', False, False, "Disable SSE optimizations.") AddSconsOption('sse', True, False, "Enable SSE optimizations (default).") AddSconsOption('sse2', True, False, "Enable SSE2 optimizations (default).") AddSconsOption('sse3', False, False, "Enable SSE3 optimizations.") AddSconsOption('native', False, False, "Enable optimizations specific to your cpu.") AddSconsOption('release', True, False, "Enable loop / compiling optimizations (default).") AddSconsOption('debugging', False, False, "Compile with debug symbols.") AddSconsOption('symbols', False, False, "Preserve (don't strip) symbols") AddSconsOption('static', False, False, "Compile statically.") AddSconsOption('opengl', False, False, "Build with OpenGL interface support.") AddSconsOption('opengl-renderer', False, False, "Build with OpenGL renderer support (turns on --opengl).") #Note: this has nothing to do with --renderer, only tells the game to render particles with opengl AddSconsOption('renderer', False, False, "Build the save renderer.") AddSconsOption('wall', False, False, "Error on all warnings.") AddSconsOption('no-warnings', False, False, "Disable all compiler warnings.") AddSconsOption('nolua', False, False, "Disable Lua.") AddSconsOption('luajit', False, False, "Enable LuaJIT") AddSconsOption('lua52', False, False, "Compile using lua 5.2") AddSconsOption('nofft', False, False, "Disable FFT.") AddSconsOption("output", False, True, "Executable output name.") #detect platform automatically, but it can be overrided tool = GetOption('tool') isX86 = platform.machine() in ["AMD64", "i386", "i686", "x86", "x86_64"] platform = compilePlatform = platform.system() if GetOption('win'): platform = "Windows" elif GetOption('lin'): platform = "Linux" elif GetOption('mac'): platform = "Darwin" elif compilePlatform not in ["Linux", "Windows", "Darwin"]: FatalError("Unknown platform: {0}".format(platform)) msvc = GetOption('msvc') if msvc and platform != "Windows": FatalError("Error: --msvc only works on windows") #Create SCons Environment if GetOption('msvc'): env = Environment(tools=['default'], ENV={'PATH' : os.environ['PATH'], 'TMP' : os.environ['TMP']}, TARGET_ARCH='x86') elif platform == "Windows" and not GetOption('msvc'): env = Environment(tools=['mingw'], ENV={'PATH' : os.environ['PATH']}) else: env = Environment(tools=['default'], ENV={'PATH' : os.environ['PATH']}) #attempt to automatically find cross compiler if not tool and compilePlatform == "Linux" and compilePlatform != platform: if platform == "Darwin": crossList = ["i686-apple-darwin9", "i686-apple-darwin10"] elif not GetOption('64bit'): crossList = ["mingw32", "i686-w64-mingw32", "i386-mingw32msvc", "i486-mingw32msvc", "i586-mingw32msvc", "i686-mingw32msvc"] else: crossList = ["x86_64-w64-mingw32", "amd64-mingw32msvc"] for i in crossList: #found a cross compiler, set tool here, which will update everything in env later if WhereIs("{0}-g++".format(i)): tool = i+"-" break if not tool: print("Could not automatically find cross compiler, use --tool to specify manually") #set tool prefix #more things may need to be set (, but this works for us if tool: env['CC'] = tool+env['CC'] env['CXX'] = tool+env['CXX'] if platform == "Windows": env['RC'] = tool+env['RC'] env['STRIP'] = tool+'strip' if os.path.isdir("/usr/{0}/bin".format(tool[:-1])): env['ENV']['PATH'] = "/usr/{0}/bin:{1}".format(tool[:-1], os.environ['PATH']) if platform == "Darwin": sdlconfigpath = "/usr/lib/apple/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/usr/bin" if os.path.isdir(sdlconfigpath): env['ENV']['PATH'] = "{0}:{1}".format(sdlconfigpath, env['ENV']['PATH']) #copy environment variables because scons doesn't do this by default for var in ["CC","CXX","LD","LIBPATH","STRIP"]: if var in os.environ: env[var] = os.environ[var] print "copying environment variable {0}={1!r}".format(var,os.environ[var]) # variables containing several space separated things for var in ["CFLAGS","CCFLAGS","CXXFLAGS","LINKFLAGS","CPPDEFINES","CPPPATH"]: if var in os.environ: if var in env: env[var] += SCons.Util.CLVar(os.environ[var]) else: env[var] = SCons.Util.CLVar(os.environ[var]) print "copying environment variable {0}={1!r}".format(var,os.environ[var]) #Used for intro text / executable name, actual bit flags are only set if the --64bit/--32bit command line args are given def add32bitflags(env): env["BIT"] = 32 def add64bitflags(env): if platform == "Windows": env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['__CRT__NO_INLINE']) env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-Wl,--stack=16777216']) env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['_64BIT']) env["BIT"] = 64 #add 32/64 bit defines before configuration if GetOption('64bit'): env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-m64']) env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-m64']) add64bitflags(env) elif GetOption('32bit'): env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-m32']) env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-m32']) add32bitflags(env) if GetOption('universal'): if platform != "Darwin": FatalError("Error: --universal only works on Mac OS X") else: env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-arch', 'i386', '-arch', 'x86_64']) env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-arch', 'i386', '-arch', 'x86_64']) env.Append(CPPPATH=['src/', 'data/', 'generated/']) if GetOption("msvc"): if GetOption("static"): env.Append(LIBPATH=['StaticLibs/']) else: env.Append(LIBPATH=['Libraries/']) env.Append(CPPPATH=['includes/']) #Check 32/64 bit def CheckBit(context): context.Message('Checking if 64 bit... ') program = """#include #include int main() { printf("%d", (int)sizeof(size_t)); return 0; } """ ret = context.TryCompile(program, '.c') if ret == 0: return False ret = context.TryRun(program, '.c') if ret[1] == '': return False context.Result(int(ret[1]) == 8) if int(ret[1]) == 8: print("Adding 64 bit compile flags") add64bitflags(context.env) elif int(ret[1]) == 4: print("Adding 32 bit compile flags") add32bitflags(context.env) return ret[1] #Custom function to check for Mac OS X frameworks def CheckFramework(context, framework): import SCons.Conftest #Extreme hack, TODO: maybe think of a better one (like replicating CheckLib here) or at least just fix the message oldLinkFlags = env["LINKFLAGS"] context.env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-framework", framework]) context.Display("Checking for Darwin Framework {0}...".format(framework)) ret = SCons.Conftest.CheckLib(context, ["m"], autoadd = 0) context.did_show_result = 1 if not ret: context.env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-framework", framework]) if framework != "Cocoa": env.Append(CPPPATH=['/Library/Frameworks/{0}.framework/Headers/'.format(framework)]) else: context.env.Replace(LINKFLAGS=oldLinkFlags) return not ret #function that finds libraries and appends them to LIBS def findLibs(env, conf): #Windows specific libs if platform == "Windows": if msvc: libChecks = ['shell32', 'wsock32', 'user32', 'Advapi32', 'ws2_32'] if GetOption('static'): libChecks += ['libcmt', 'dxguid'] for i in libChecks: if not conf.CheckLib(i): FatalError("Error: some windows libraries not found or not installed, make sure your compiler is set up correctly") else: if not conf.CheckLib('mingw32') or not conf.CheckLib('ws2_32'): FatalError("Error: some windows libraries not found or not installed, make sure your compiler is set up correctly") if not conf.CheckLib('SDLmain'): FatalError("libSDLmain not found or not installed") if not GetOption('renderer'): #Look for SDL runSdlConfig = platform == "Linux" or compilePlatform == "Linux" if platform == "Darwin" and conf.CheckFramework("SDL"): runSdlConfig = False elif not conf.CheckLib("SDL"): FatalError("SDL development library not found or not installed") if runSdlConfig: try: env.ParseConfig('sdl-config --cflags') if GetOption('static'): env.ParseConfig('sdl-config --static-libs') else: env.ParseConfig('sdl-config --libs') except: pass #look for SDL.h if not GetOption('renderer') and not conf.CheckCHeader('SDL.h'): if conf.CheckCHeader('SDL/SDL.h'): env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["SDL_INC"]) else: FatalError("SDL.h not found") if not GetOption('nolua') and not GetOption('renderer'): #Look for Lua luaver = "lua5.1" if GetOption('luajit'): if not conf.CheckLib(['luajit-5.1', 'luajit5.1', 'luajit2.0', 'luajit', 'libluajit']): FatalError("luajit development library not found or not installed") env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["LUAJIT"]) luaver = "luajit" elif GetOption('lua52'): if not conf.CheckLib(['lua5.2', 'lua-5.2', 'lua52', 'lua']): FatalError("lua5.2 development library not found or not installed") env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["LUA_COMPAT_ALL"]) luaver = "lua5.2" else: if not conf.CheckLib(['lua5.1', 'lua-5.1', 'lua51', 'lua']): if platform != "Darwin" or not conf.CheckFramework("Lua"): FatalError("lua5.1 development library not found or not installed") foundpkg = False if platform == "Linux": try: env.ParseConfig("pkg-config --cflags {0}".format(luaver)) env.ParseConfig("pkg-config --libs {0}".format(luaver)) env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["LUA_R_INCL"]) foundpkg = True except: pass if not foundpkg: #Look for lua.h foundheader = False if GetOption('luajit'): foundheader = conf.CheckCHeader('luajit-2.0/lua.h') elif GetOption('lua52'): foundheader = conf.CheckCHeader('lua5.2/lua.h') else: foundheader = conf.CheckCHeader('lua5.1/lua.h') if not foundheader: if conf.CheckCHeader('lua.h'): env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["LUA_R_INCL"]) else: FatalError("lua.h not found") #needed for static lua compiles (in some cases) if platform == "Linux": conf.CheckLib('dl') #Look for fftw if not GetOption('nofft') and not conf.CheckLib(['fftw3f', 'fftw3f-3', 'libfftw3f-3', 'libfftw3f']): FatalError("fftw3f development library not found or not installed") #Look for bz2 if not conf.CheckLib(['bz2', 'libbz2']): FatalError("bz2 development library not found or not installed") #Check bz2 header too for some reason if not conf.CheckCHeader('bzlib.h'): FatalError("bzip2 headers not found") #Look for libz if not conf.CheckLib(['z', 'zlib']): FatalError("libz not found or not installed") #Look for pthreads if not conf.CheckLib(['pthread', 'pthreadVC2']): FatalError("pthreads development library not found or not installed") if msvc: if not conf.CheckHeader('dirent.h') or not conf.CheckHeader('fftw3.h') or not conf.CheckHeader('pthread.h') or not conf.CheckHeader('zlib.h'): FatalError("Required headers not found") else: #Look for libm if not conf.CheckLib('m'): FatalError("libm not found or not installed") #Look for OpenGL libraries if GetOption('opengl'): if platform == "Linux": if not conf.CheckLib('GL'): FatalError("libGL not found or not installed") try: env.ParseConfig('pkg-config --libs glew gl glu') except: FatalError(sys.exc_info()[0]) elif platform == "Windows": if not conf.CheckLib('opengl32'): FatalError("opengl32 not found or not installed") if not conf.CheckLib('glew32'): FatalError("glew32 not found or not installed") elif platform == "Darwin": if not conf.CheckFramework("OpenGL"): FatalError("OpenGL framework not found or not installed") if platform == "Linux": if not conf.CheckLib('X11'): FatalError("X11 development library not found or not installed") if not conf.CheckLib('rt'): FatalError("librt not found or not installed") elif platform == "Windows": #These need to go last if not conf.CheckLib('gdi32') or not conf.CheckLib('winmm') or (not msvc and not conf.CheckLib('dxguid')): FatalError("Error: some windows libraries not found or not installed, make sure your compiler is set up correctly") elif platform == "Darwin": if not conf.CheckFramework("Cocoa"): FatalError("Cocoa framework not found or not installed") if GetOption('clean'): import shutil try: shutil.rmtree("generated/") except: print "couldn't remove build/generated/" elif not GetOption('help'): conf = Configure(env) conf.AddTest('CheckFramework', CheckFramework) conf.AddTest('CheckBit', CheckBit) if not conf.CheckCC() or not conf.CheckCXX(): FatalError("compiler not correctly configured") if platform == compilePlatform and isX86 and not GetOption('32bit') and not GetOption('64bit') and not GetOption('msvc'): conf.CheckBit() findLibs(env, conf) env = conf.Finish() if not msvc: if platform == "Windows": env.Append(CXXFLAGS=['-std=gnu++98']) else: env.Append(CXXFLAGS=['-std=c++98']) env.Append(CXXFLAGS=['-Wno-invalid-offsetof']) if platform == "Linux": env.Append(CXXFLAGS=['-Wno-unused-result']) #Add platform specific flags and defines if platform == "Windows": env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["WIN", "_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501", "_USING_V110_SDK71_"]) if msvc: env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/Gm', '/Zi', '/EHsc', '/FS', '/GS']) #enable minimal rebuild, ?, enable exceptions, allow -j to work in debug builds, enable security check env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS,"5.01"', '/OPT:REF', '/OPT:ICF']) if GetOption('static'): env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['/NODEFAULTLIB:msvcrt.lib', '/LTCG']) elif not GetOption('debugging'): env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['/NODEFAULTLIB:msvcrtd.lib']) else: env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-mwindows']) elif platform == "Linux": env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['LIN']) elif platform == "Darwin": env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['MACOSX']) #env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-headerpad_max_install_names']) #needed in some cross compiles if GetOption('luajit'): env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-pagezero_size=10000, '-image_base=100000000'] #Add architecture flags and defines if isX86: env.Append(CPPDEFINES='X86') if not GetOption('no-sse'): if GetOption('sse'): if msvc: if not GetOption('sse2'): env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/arch:SSE']) else: env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-msse']) env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['X86_SSE']) if GetOption('sse2'): if msvc: env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/arch:SSE2']) else: env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-msse2']) env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['X86_SSE2']) if GetOption('sse3'): if msvc: env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/arch:SSE3']) else: env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-msse3']) env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['X86_SSE3']) if GetOption('native') and not msvc: env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-march=native']) #Add optimization flags and defines if GetOption('debugging'): if msvc: env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/Od']) if GetOption('static'): env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/MTd']) else: env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/MDd']) else: env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-Wall', '-g']) env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['DEBUG']) elif GetOption('release'): if msvc: env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/O2', '/Oy-', '/fp:fast']) if GetOption('static'): env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/MT']) else: env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/MD']) else: env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-O3', '-ftree-vectorize', '-funsafe-math-optimizations', '-ffast-math', '-fomit-frame-pointer']) if platform != "Darwin": env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-funsafe-loop-optimizations']) if GetOption('static'): if platform == "Windows": env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['PTW32_STATIC_LIB']) if msvc: env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['ZLIB_WINAPI']) else: env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-Wl,-Bstatic']) #Add other flags and defines if not GetOption('nofft'): env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['GRAVFFT']) if not GetOption('nolua') and not GetOption('renderer'): env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['LUACONSOLE']) if GetOption('opengl') or GetOption('opengl-renderer'): env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['OGLI', 'PIX32OGL']) if GetOption('opengl-renderer'): env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['OGLR']) if GetOption('renderer'): env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['RENDERER']) else: env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['USE_SDL']) if GetOption("wall"): if msvc: env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/WX']) else: env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-Werror']) elif GetOption("no-warnings"): if msvc: env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/W0']) else: env.Append(CCFLAGS=['-w']) #Add version defines if GetOption('save-version'): env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["SAVE_VERSION={0}".format(GetOption('save-version'))]) if GetOption('minor-version'): env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["MINOR_VERSION={0}".format(GetOption('minor-version'))]) if GetOption('build-number'): env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["BUILD_NUM={0}".format(GetOption('build-number'))]) if GetOption('snapshot-id'): env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["SNAPSHOT", "SNAPSHOT_ID={0}".format(GetOption('snapshot-id'))]) elif GetOption('snapshot'): env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["SNAPSHOT", "SNAPSHOT_ID={0}".format(str(int(time.time())))]) if GetOption('beta'): env.Append(CPPDEFINES=['BETA']) #Generate list of sources to compile sources = Glob("src/*.cpp") + Glob("src/*/*.cpp") + Glob("src/*/*/*.cpp") + Glob("generated/*.cpp") if not GetOption('nolua') and not GetOption('renderer'): sources += Glob("src/lua/socket/*.c") + Glob("src/lua/LuaCompat.c") if platform == "Windows": sources += env.RES('resources/powder-res.rc') if not msvc: sources = filter(lambda source: not 'src\\simulation\\Gravity.cpp' in str(source), sources) sources = filter(lambda source: not 'src/simulation/Gravity.cpp' in str(source), sources) envCopy = env.Clone() envCopy.Append(CCFLAGS='-mstackrealign') sources += envCopy.Object('src/simulation/Gravity.cpp') elif platform == "Darwin": sources += ["src/SDLMain.m"] #Program output name if GetOption('output'): programName = GetOption('output') else: programName = GetOption('renderer') and "render" or "powder" if "BIT" in env and env["BIT"] == 64: programName += "64" if isX86 and GetOption('no-sse'): programName += "-legacy" if platform == "Windows": programName = programName.capitalize() programName += ".exe" elif platform == "Darwin": programName += "-x" #strip binary after compilation def strip(): global programName global env try: os.system("{0} {1}/{2}".format(env['STRIP'] if 'STRIP' in env else "strip", GetOption('builddir'), programName)) except: print("Couldn't strip binary") if not GetOption('debugging') and not GetOption('symbols') and not GetOption('clean') and not GetOption('help') and not msvc: atexit.register(strip) #Long command line fix for mingw on windows if compilePlatform == "Windows" and not msvc: SetupSpawn(env) #Once we get here, finally compile env.Decider('MD5-timestamp') SetOption('implicit_cache', 1) t = env.Program(target=programName, source=sources) Default(t)