High Quality web friendly icons
'Boxicons' is a carefully designed open source iconset with 400+ icons. It's crafted to look enrich your website/app experience.
Announcing Ionicons v1.0.6!
50 more icons have been added to the list, and some pre built CSS classes to perform various functions like, rotate, animate and add border to the icons.
- A few bug fixes on the existing icons has been to make it pixel perfect.
You can check out the detailed documentation here
To install via npm, simply do the following:
$ npm install boxicons --save
import the module
import 'boxicons/css/boxicons.css';
- Include the stylesheet on your document's
<link rel="stylesheet" href="boxicons.min.css">
Instead of installing you may use the remote version
<link rel="stylesheet"
<!-- or -->
<link rel="stylesheet"
- To use an icon on your page, add a class 'bx' and seperate class with the icons name with a prefix 'bx-':
<i class="bx bx-hot"></i>
Boxicons is licensed under the MIT license. (
Pull requests are the way to go here. I apologise in advance for the slow action on pull requests and issues.
Caught a mistake or want to contribute to the documentation? Edit this page on Github