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synced 2025-02-23 22:52:34 +01:00
byuu says: Changelog: - ruby/audio/xaudio2: ported to new ruby API - ruby/video/cgl: ported to new ruby API (untested, won't compile) - ruby/video/directdraw: ported to new ruby API - ruby/video/gdi: ported to new ruby API - ruby/video/glx: ported to new ruby API - ruby/video/wgl: ported to new ruby API - ruby/video/opengl: code cleanups The macOS CGL driver is sure to have compilation errors. If someone will post the compilation error log, I can hopefully fix it in one or two iterations of WIPs. I am unable to test the Xorg GLX driver, because my FreeBSD desktop video card drivers do not support OpenGL 3.2. If the driver doesn't work, I'm going to need help tracking down what broke from the older releases. The real fun is still yet to come ... all the Linux-only drivers, where I don't have a single Linux machine to test with. Todo: - libco/fiber - libco/ucontext (I should really just delete this) - tomoko: hide main UI window when in exclusive fullscreen mode
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//XShm driver for Xorg
//Note that on composited displays, the alpha bits will allow translucency underneath the active window
//As this is not a feature of ruby, this driver must always set the alpha bits on clear() and refresh()
//Linear interpolation is only applied horizontally for performance reasons, although Nearest is still much faster
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <X11/extensions/XShm.h>
struct VideoXShm : Video {
VideoXShm() { initialize(); }
~VideoXShm() { terminate(); }
auto ready() -> bool { return _ready; }
auto context() -> uintptr { return _context; }
auto smooth() -> bool { return _smooth; }
auto setContext(uintptr context) -> bool {
if(_context == context) return true;
_context = context;
return initialize();
auto setSmooth(bool smooth) -> bool {
_smooth = smooth;
return true;
auto clear() -> void {
if(!ready()) return;
auto dp = _inputBuffer;
uint length = _inputWidth * _inputHeight;
while(length--) *dp++ = 255u << 24;
auto lock(uint32_t*& data, uint& pitch, uint width, uint height) -> bool {
if(!ready()) return false;
if(!_inputBuffer || _inputWidth != width || _inputHeight != height) {
if(_inputBuffer) delete[] _inputBuffer;
_inputWidth = width;
_inputHeight = height;
_inputBuffer = new uint32_t[width * height + 16]; //+16 is padding for linear interpolation
data = _inputBuffer;
pitch = _inputWidth * sizeof(uint32_t);
return true;
auto unlock() -> void {
if(!ready()) return;
auto output() -> void {
if(!ready()) return;
float xratio = (float)_inputWidth / (float)_outputWidth;
float yratio = (float)_inputHeight / (float)_outputHeight;
#pragma omp parallel for
for(uint y = 0; y < _outputHeight; y++) {
float ystep = y * yratio;
float xstep = 0;
uint32_t* sp = _inputBuffer + (uint)ystep * _inputWidth;
uint32_t* dp = _outputBuffer + y * _outputWidth;
if(!_smooth) {
for(uint x = 0; x < _outputWidth; x++) {
*dp++ = 255u << 24 | sp[(uint)xstep];
xstep += xratio;
} else {
for(uint x = 0; x < _outputWidth; x++) {
*dp++ = 255u << 24 | interpolate(xstep - (uint)xstep, sp[(uint)xstep], sp[(uint)xstep + 1]);
xstep += xratio;
GC gc = XCreateGC(_display, _window, 0, 0);
XShmPutImage(_display, _window, gc, _image, 0, 0, 0, 0, _outputWidth, _outputHeight, False);
XFreeGC(_display, gc);
auto initialize() -> bool {
if(!_context) return false;
_display = XOpenDisplay(0);
_screen = DefaultScreen(_display);
XWindowAttributes getAttributes;
XGetWindowAttributes(_display, (Window)_context, &getAttributes);
_depth = getAttributes.depth;
_visual = getAttributes.visual;
//driver only supports 32-bit pixels
//note that even on 15-bit and 16-bit displays, the window visual's depth should be 32
if(_depth < 24 || _depth > 32) {
return false;
XSetWindowAttributes setAttributes = {0};
setAttributes.border_pixel = 0;
_window = XCreateWindow(_display, (Window)_context,
0, 0, 256, 256, 0,
getAttributes.depth, InputOutput, getAttributes.visual,
CWBorderPixel, &setAttributes
XSetWindowBackground(_display, _window, 0);
XMapWindow(_display, _window);
while(XPending(_display)) {
XEvent event;
XNextEvent(_display, &event);
if(!size()) return false;
return _ready = true;
auto terminate() -> void {
if(_display) {
_display = nullptr;
auto size() -> bool {
XWindowAttributes windowAttributes;
XGetWindowAttributes(_display, (Window)_context, &windowAttributes);
if(_outputBuffer && _outputWidth == windowAttributes.width && _outputHeight == windowAttributes.height) return true;
_outputWidth = windowAttributes.width;
_outputHeight = windowAttributes.height;
XResizeWindow(_display, _window, _outputWidth, _outputHeight);
_shmInfo.shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, _outputWidth * _outputHeight * sizeof(uint32_t), IPC_CREAT | 0777);
if(_shmInfo.shmid < 0) return false;
_shmInfo.shmaddr = (char*)shmat(_shmInfo.shmid, 0, 0);
_shmInfo.readOnly = False;
XShmAttach(_display, &_shmInfo);
_outputBuffer = (uint32_t*)_shmInfo.shmaddr;
_image = XShmCreateImage(_display, _visual, _depth, ZPixmap, _shmInfo.shmaddr, &_shmInfo, _outputWidth, _outputHeight);
return true;
auto free() -> void {
if(_outputBuffer) {
_outputBuffer = nullptr;
XShmDetach(_display, &_shmInfo);
shmctl(_shmInfo.shmid, IPC_RMID, 0);
alwaysinline auto interpolate(float mu, uint32_t a, uint32_t b) -> uint32_t {
uint8_t ar = a >> 16, ag = a >> 8, ab = a >> 0;
uint8_t br = b >> 16, bg = b >> 8, bb = b >> 0;
uint8_t cr = ar * (1.0 - mu) + br * mu;
uint8_t cg = ag * (1.0 - mu) + bg * mu;
uint8_t cb = ab * (1.0 - mu) + bb * mu;
return cr << 16 | cg << 8 | cb << 0;
bool _ready = false;
uintptr _context = 0;
bool _smooth = true;
uint32_t* _inputBuffer = nullptr;
uint _inputWidth = 0;
uint _inputHeight = 0;
Display* _display = nullptr;
int _screen = 0;
int _depth = 0;
Visual* _visual = nullptr;
Window _window = 0;
XShmSegmentInfo _shmInfo;
XImage* _image = nullptr;
uint32_t* _outputBuffer = nullptr;
uint _outputWidth = 0;
uint _outputHeight = 0;