Tim Allen 84fab07756 Update to v093r10 release.
byuu says:

- Game Boy (Color): STAT OAM+HBlank IRQs only trigger during LY=0-143
  with display enabled
  - fixes backgrounds and text in Wacky Races
- Game Boy (Color): fixed underflow in window clamping
  - fixes Wacky Races, Prehistorik Man, Alleyway, etc
- Game Boy (Color): LCD OAM DMA was running too slow
  - fixes Shin Megami Tensei - Devichil - Kuro no Sho
- Game Boy Advance: removed built-in frame blending; display emulation
  shaders will handle this going forward
- Game Boy Advance: added Game Boy Player emulation
  - currently the screen is tinted red during rumble, no actual gamepad
    rumble support yet
  - this is going to be slow, as we have to hash the frame to detect the
    GBP logo, it'll be optional later on
- Emulator::Interface::Palette can now output a raw palette (for Display
  Emulation shaders only)
  - color channels are not yet split up, it's just the raw packed value
2013-12-20 22:40:39 +11:00

165 lines
4.3 KiB

#ifdef PPU_CPP
//BG attributes:
//0x80: 0 = OAM priority, 1 = BG priority
//0x40: vertical flip
//0x20: horizontal flip
//0x08: VRAM bank#
//0x07: palette#
//OB attributes:
//0x80: 0 = OBJ above BG, 1 = BG above OBJ
//0x40: vertical flip
//0x20: horizontal flip
//0x08: VRAM bank#
//0x07: palette#
void PPU::cgb_read_tile(bool select, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned& attr, unsigned& data) {
unsigned tmaddr = 0x1800 + (select << 10);
tmaddr += (((y >> 3) << 5) + (x >> 3)) & 0x03ff;
unsigned tile = vram[0x0000 + tmaddr];
attr = vram[0x2000 + tmaddr];
unsigned tdaddr = attr & 0x08 ? 0x2000 : 0x0000;
if(status.bg_tiledata_select == 0) {
tdaddr += 0x1000 + ((int8)tile << 4);
} else {
tdaddr += 0x0000 + (tile << 4);
y &= 7;
if(attr & 0x40) y ^= 7;
tdaddr += y << 1;
data = vram[tdaddr++] << 0;
data |= vram[tdaddr++] << 8;
if(attr & 0x20) data = hflip(data);
void PPU::cgb_scanline() {
px = 0;
const unsigned Height = (status.ob_size == 0 ? 8 : 16);
sprites = 0;
//find first ten sprites on this scanline
for(unsigned n = 0; n < 40 * 4; n += 4) {
Sprite& s = sprite[sprites];
s.y = oam[n + 0] - 16;
s.x = oam[n + 1] - 8;
s.tile = oam[n + 2] & ~status.ob_size;
s.attr = oam[n + 3];
s.y = - s.y;
if(s.y >= Height) continue;
if(s.attr & 0x40) s.y ^= (Height - 1);
unsigned tdaddr = (s.attr & 0x08 ? 0x2000 : 0x0000) + (s.tile << 4) + (s.y << 1); = vram[tdaddr + 0] << 0; |= vram[tdaddr + 1] << 8;
if(s.attr & 0x20) = hflip(;
if(++sprites == 10) break;
void PPU::cgb_run() {
ob.color = 0;
ob.palette = 0;
ob.priority = 0;
unsigned color = 0x7fff;
if(status.display_enable) {
if(status.window_display_enable) cgb_run_window();
if(status.ob_enable) cgb_run_ob();
if(ob.palette == 0) {
color = bg.color;
} else if(bg.palette == 0) {
color = ob.color;
} else if(status.bg_enable == 0) {
color = ob.color;
} else if(bg.priority) {
color = bg.color;
} else if(ob.priority) {
color = ob.color;
} else {
color = bg.color;
uint32* output = screen + * 160 + px++;
*output = color;
void PPU::cgb_run_bg() {
unsigned scrolly = ( + status.scy) & 255;
unsigned scrollx = (px + status.scx) & 255;
unsigned tx = scrollx & 7;
if(tx == 0 || px == 0) cgb_read_tile(status.bg_tilemap_select, scrollx, scrolly, background.attr,;
unsigned index = 0;
index |= ( & (0x0080 >> tx)) ? 1 : 0;
index |= ( & (0x8000 >> tx)) ? 2 : 0;
unsigned palette = ((background.attr & 0x07) << 2) + index;
unsigned color = 0;
color |= bgpd[(palette << 1) + 0] << 0;
color |= bgpd[(palette << 1) + 1] << 8;
color &= 0x7fff;
bg.color = color;
bg.palette = index;
bg.priority = background.attr & 0x80;
void PPU::cgb_run_window() {
unsigned scrolly = - status.wy;
unsigned scrollx = px + 7 - status.wx;
if(scrolly >= 144u) return; //also matches underflow (scrolly < 0)
if(scrollx >= 160u) return; //also matches underflow (scrollx < 0)
unsigned tx = scrollx & 7;
if(tx == 0 || px == 0) cgb_read_tile(status.window_tilemap_select, scrollx, scrolly, window.attr,;
unsigned index = 0;
index |= ( & (0x0080 >> tx)) ? 1 : 0;
index |= ( & (0x8000 >> tx)) ? 2 : 0;
unsigned palette = ((window.attr & 0x07) << 2) + index;
unsigned color = 0;
color |= bgpd[(palette << 1) + 0] << 0;
color |= bgpd[(palette << 1) + 1] << 8;
color &= 0x7fff;
bg.color = color;
bg.palette = index;
bg.priority = window.attr & 0x80;
void PPU::cgb_run_ob() {
//render backwards, so that first sprite has priority
for(signed n = sprites - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
Sprite& s = sprite[n];
signed tx = px - s.x;
if(tx < 0 || tx > 7) continue;
unsigned index = 0;
index |= ( & (0x0080 >> tx)) ? 1 : 0;
index |= ( & (0x8000 >> tx)) ? 2 : 0;
if(index == 0) continue;
unsigned palette = ((s.attr & 0x07) << 2) + index;
unsigned color = 0;
color |= obpd[(palette << 1) + 0] << 0;
color |= obpd[(palette << 1) + 1] << 8;
color &= 0x7fff;
ob.color = color;
ob.palette = index;
ob.priority = !(s.attr & 0x80);