mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 06:02:28 +01:00
byuu says: Updated to compile with all of the new hiro changes. My next step is to write up hiro API documentation, and move the API from alpha (constantly changing) to beta (rarely changing), in preparation for the first stable release (backward-compatible changes only.) Added "--fullscreen" command-line option. I like this over a configuration file option. Lets you use the emulator in both modes without having to modify the config file each time. Also enhanced the command-line game loading. You can now use any of these methods: higan /path/to/game-folder.sfc higan /path/to/game-folder.sfc/ higan /path/to/game-folder.sfc/program.rom The idea is to support launchers that insist on loading files only. Technically, the file can be any name (manifest.bml also works); the only criteria is that the file actually exists and is a file, and not a directory. This is a requirement to support the first version (a directory lacking the trailing / identifier), because I don't want my nall::string class to query the file system to determine if the string is an actual existing file or directory for its pathname() / dirname() functions. Anyway, every game folder I've made so far has program.rom, and that's very unlikely to change, so this should be fine. Now, of course, if you drop a regular "game.sfc" file on the emulator, it won't even try to load it, unless it's in a folder that ends in .fc, .sfc, etc. In which case, it'll bail out immediately by being unable to produce a manifest for what is obviously not really a game folder.
1923 lines
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1923 lines
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#include <nall/platform.hpp>
#include <nall/config.hpp>
#include <nall/directory.hpp>
#include <nall/function.hpp>
#include <nall/image.hpp>
#include <nall/maybe.hpp>
#include <nall/range.hpp>
#include <nall/shared-pointer.hpp>
#include <nall/stdint.hpp>
#include <nall/string.hpp>
#include <nall/traits.hpp>
#include <nall/utility.hpp>
#include <nall/vector.hpp>
using nall::function;
using nall::lstring;
using nall::maybe;
using nall::shared_pointer;
using nall::shared_pointer_weak;
using nall::string;
using nall::vector;
namespace hiro {
struct Font;
struct Keyboard;
#define Declare(Name) \
struct Name; \
struct m##Name; \
struct p##Name; \
using s##Name = shared_pointer<m##Name>; \
using w##Name = shared_pointer_weak<m##Name>; \
#undef Declare
enum class Orientation : unsigned { Horizontal, Vertical };
enum class Navigation : unsigned { Top, Bottom, Left, Right };
#if defined(Hiro_Color)
struct Color {
using type = Color;
Color(signed red, signed green, signed blue, signed alpha = 255);
explicit operator bool() const;
auto operator==(const Color& source) const -> bool;
auto operator!=(const Color& source) const -> bool;
auto alpha() const -> uint8_t;
auto blue() const -> uint8_t;
auto green() const -> uint8_t;
auto red() const -> uint8_t;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto setAlpha(signed alpha) -> type&;
auto setBlue(signed blue) -> type&;
auto setColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setColor(signed red, signed green, signed blue, signed alpha = 255) -> type&;
auto setGreen(signed green) -> type&;
auto setRed(signed red) -> type&;
auto value() const -> uint32_t;
struct State {
uint8_t red;
uint8_t green;
uint8_t blue;
uint8_t alpha;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_Gradient)
struct Gradient {
using type = Gradient;
explicit operator bool() const;
auto operator==(const Gradient& source) const -> bool;
auto operator!=(const Gradient& source) const -> bool;
auto setBilinear(Color topLeft, Color topRight, Color bottomLeft, Color bottomRight) -> type&;
auto setHorizontal(Color left, Color right) -> type&;
auto setVertical(Color top, Color bottom) -> type&;
struct State {
vector<Color> colors;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_Alignment)
struct Alignment {
using type = Alignment;
Alignment(double horizontal, double vertical = 0.5);
explicit operator bool() const;
auto operator==(const Alignment& source) const -> bool;
auto operator!=(const Alignment& source) const -> bool;
auto horizontal() const -> double;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto setAlignment(double horizontal = -1.0, double vertical = 0.5) -> type&;
auto setHorizontal(double horizontal) -> type&;
auto setVertical(double vertical) -> type&;
auto vertical() const -> double;
struct State {
float horizontal;
float vertical;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_Cursor)
struct Cursor {
using type = Cursor;
Cursor(signed offset = 0, signed length = 0);
explicit operator bool() const;
auto operator==(const Cursor& source) const -> bool;
auto operator!=(const Cursor& source) const -> bool;
auto length() const -> signed;
auto offset() const -> signed;
auto setCursor(signed offset = 0, signed length = 0) -> type&;
auto setLength(signed length = 0) -> type&;
auto setOffset(signed offset = 0) -> type&;
struct State {
signed offset;
signed length;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_Position)
struct Position {
using type = Position;
Position(signed x, signed y);
explicit operator bool() const;
auto operator==(const Position& source) const -> bool;
auto operator!=(const Position& source) const -> bool;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto setPosition(Position position = {}) -> type&;
auto setPosition(signed x, signed y) -> type&;
auto setX(signed x) -> type&;
auto setY(signed y) -> type&;
auto x() const -> signed;
auto y() const -> signed;
struct State {
signed x;
signed y;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_Size)
struct Size {
using type = Size;
Size(signed width, signed height);
explicit operator bool() const;
auto operator==(const Size& source) const -> bool;
auto operator!=(const Size& source) const -> bool;
auto height() const -> signed;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto setHeight(signed height) -> type&;
auto setSize(Size source = {}) -> type&;
auto setSize(signed width, signed height) -> type&;
auto setWidth(signed width) -> type&;
auto width() const -> signed;
static const signed Maximum = ~0; //~0 == -1
static const signed Minimum = 0;
struct State {
signed width;
signed height;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_Geometry)
struct Geometry {
using type = Geometry;
Geometry(Position position, Size size);
Geometry(signed x, signed y, signed width, signed height);
Geometry(const string& text);
explicit operator bool() const;
auto operator==(const Geometry& source) const -> bool;
auto operator!=(const Geometry& source) const -> bool;
auto height() const -> signed;
auto position() const -> Position;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto setGeometry(Geometry geometry = {}) -> type&;
auto setGeometry(Position position, Size size) -> type&;
auto setGeometry(signed x, signed y, signed width, signed height) -> type&;
auto setHeight(signed height) -> type&;
auto setPosition(Position position = {}) -> type&;
auto setPosition(signed x, signed y) -> type&;
auto setSize(Size size = {}) -> type&;
auto setSize(signed width, signed height) -> type&;
auto setWidth(signed width) -> type&;
auto setX(signed x) -> type&;
auto setY(signed y) -> type&;
auto size() const -> Size;
auto text() const -> string;
auto width() const -> signed;
auto x() const -> signed;
auto y() const -> signed;
struct State {
signed x;
signed y;
signed width;
signed height;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_Font)
struct Font {
using type = Font;
Font(const string& family = "", unsigned size = 0);
explicit operator bool() const;
auto operator==(const Font& source) const -> bool;
auto operator!=(const Font& source) const -> bool;
auto bold() const -> bool;
auto family() const -> string;
auto italic() const -> bool;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto setBold(bool bold = true) -> type&;
auto setFamily(const string& family = "") -> type&;
auto setItalic(bool italic = true) -> type&;
auto setSize(unsigned size = 0) -> type&;
auto size() const -> unsigned;
auto size(const string& text) const -> Size;
static const string Sans;
static const string Serif;
static const string Mono;
struct State {
string family;
unsigned size;
bool bold;
bool italic;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_Image)
struct Image {
using type = Image;
Image(const Image& source);
Image(const string& source);
Image(const vector<uint8_t>& source);
Image(const uint32_t* data, Size size);
explicit operator bool() const;
auto operator=(const Image& source) -> type&;
auto data() const -> uint32_t*;
auto height() const -> signed;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto setImage(const uint32_t* data, Size size) -> type&;
auto setSize(Size size = {}) -> type&;
auto size() const -> Size;
auto width() const -> signed;
struct State {
uint32_t* data = nullptr;
Size size;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_Hotkey)
struct Hotkey {
using type = Hotkey;
Hotkey(const string& sequence);
explicit operator bool() const;
auto operator==(const Hotkey& source) const -> bool;
auto operator!=(const Hotkey& source) const -> bool;
auto doPress() const -> void;
auto doRelease() const -> void;
auto onPress(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onRelease(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto sequence() const -> string;
auto setSequence(const string& sequence = "") -> type&;
struct State {
bool active = false;
vector<unsigned> keys;
function<void ()> onPress;
function<void ()> onRelease;
string sequence;
shared_pointer<State> state;
#if defined(Hiro_Application)
struct Application {
Application() = delete;
static auto doMain() -> void;
static auto font() -> Font;
static auto name() -> string;
static auto onMain(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> void;
static auto run() -> void;
static auto pendingEvents() -> bool;
static auto processEvents() -> void;
static auto quit() -> void;
static auto setFont(const Font& font = {}) -> void;
static auto setName(const string& name = "") -> void;
struct Windows {
static auto doModalChange(bool modal) -> void;
static auto onModalChange(const function<void (bool)>& callback = {}) -> void;
struct Cocoa {
static auto doAbout() -> void;
static auto doActivate() -> void;
static auto doPreferences() -> void;
static auto doQuit() -> void;
static auto onAbout(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> void;
static auto onActivate(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> void;
static auto onPreferences(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> void;
static auto onQuit(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> void;
struct State {
Font font;
string name;
function<void ()> onMain;
bool quit = false;
struct Windows {
function<void (bool)> onModalChange;
} windows;
struct Cocoa {
function<void ()> onAbout;
function<void ()> onActivate;
function<void ()> onPreferences;
function<void ()> onQuit;
} cocoa;
static State state;
static auto initialize() -> void;
#if defined(Hiro_Desktop)
struct Desktop {
Desktop() = delete;
static auto size() -> Size;
static auto workspace() -> Geometry;
#if defined(Hiro_Monitor)
struct Monitor {
Monitor() = delete;
static auto count() -> unsigned;
static auto geometry(unsigned monitor) -> Geometry;
static auto primary() -> unsigned;
#if defined(Hiro_Keyboard)
struct Keyboard {
Keyboard() = delete;
static auto append(Hotkey hotkey) -> void;
static auto hotkey(unsigned position) -> Hotkey;
static auto hotkeyCount() -> unsigned;
static auto hotkeys() -> vector<Hotkey>;
static auto poll() -> vector<bool>;
static auto pressed(const string& key) -> bool;
static auto released(const string& key) -> bool;
static auto remove(Hotkey hotkey) -> void;
static const vector<string> keys;
struct State {
vector<Hotkey> hotkeys;
static State state;
#if defined(Hiro_Mouse)
struct Mouse {
enum class Button : unsigned { Left, Middle, Right };
Mouse() = delete;
static auto position() -> Position;
static auto pressed(Button) -> bool;
static auto released(Button) -> bool;
#if defined(Hiro_BrowserWindow)
struct BrowserWindow {
using type = BrowserWindow;
auto directory() -> string;
auto open() -> string;
auto save() -> string;
auto setFilters(const lstring& filters = {"*"}) -> type&;
auto setParent(sWindow parent) -> type&;
auto setPath(const string& path = "") -> type&;
auto setTitle(const string& title = "") -> type&;
struct State {
lstring filters;
sWindow parent;
string path;
string title;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_MessageWindow)
struct MessageWindow {
enum class Buttons : unsigned { Ok, OkCancel, YesNo, YesNoCancel };
enum class Response : unsigned { Ok, Cancel, Yes, No };
using type = MessageWindow;
MessageWindow(const string& text = "");
auto error(Buttons = Buttons::Ok) -> Response;
auto information(Buttons = Buttons::Ok) -> Response;
auto question(Buttons = Buttons::YesNo) -> Response;
auto setParent(sWindow parent) -> type&;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto setTitle(const string& title = "") -> type&;
auto warning(Buttons = Buttons::Ok) -> Response;
struct State {
MessageWindow::Buttons buttons = MessageWindow::Buttons::Ok;
sWindow parent;
string text;
string title;
} state;
#define Declare(Name) \
using type = m##Name; \
operator s##Name() const { return instance; } \
auto self() -> p##Name* { return (p##Name*)delegate; } \
auto self() const -> const p##Name* { return (const p##Name*)delegate; } \
auto bind(const s##Name& instance) -> void { \
this->instance = instance; \
setGroup(); \
if(!abstract()) construct(); \
} \
auto unbind() -> void { \
reset(); \
destruct(); \
instance.reset(); \
} \
virtual auto allocate() -> pObject*; \
#if defined(Hiro_Object)
struct mObject {
virtual ~mObject();
mObject(const mObject&) = delete;
mObject& operator=(const mObject&) = delete;
explicit operator bool() const;
auto abstract() const -> bool;
auto adjustOffset(signed displacement) -> type&;
auto enabled(bool recursive = false) const -> bool;
virtual auto focused() const -> bool;
auto font(bool recursive = false) const -> Font;
virtual auto group() const -> Group;
auto offset() const -> signed;
auto parent() const -> mObject*;
auto parentComboButton(bool recursive = false) const -> mComboButton*;
auto parentFrame(bool recursive = false) const -> mFrame*;
auto parentIconView(bool recursive = false) const -> mIconView*;
auto parentLayout(bool recursive = false) const -> mLayout*;
auto parentListView(bool recursive = false) const -> mListView*;
auto parentListViewHeader(bool recursive = false) const -> mListViewHeader*;
auto parentListViewItem(bool recursive = false) const -> mListViewItem*;
auto parentMenu(bool recursive = false) const -> mMenu*;
auto parentMenuBar(bool recursive = false) const -> mMenuBar*;
auto parentPopupMenu(bool recursive = false) const -> mPopupMenu*;
auto parentSizable(bool recursive = false) const -> mSizable*;
auto parentTabFrame(bool recursive = false) const -> mTabFrame*;
auto parentTabFrameItem(bool recursive = false) const -> mTabFrameItem*;
auto parentTreeView(bool recursive = false) const -> mTreeView*;
auto parentTreeViewItem(bool recursive = false) const -> mTreeViewItem*;
auto parentWidget(bool recursive = false) const -> mWidget*;
auto parentWindow(bool recursive = false) const -> mWindow*;
virtual auto remove() -> type&;
virtual auto reset() -> type&;
virtual auto setEnabled(bool enabled = true) -> type&;
virtual auto setFocused() -> type&;
virtual auto setFont(const Font& font = {}) -> type&;
virtual auto setGroup(sGroup group = {}) -> type&;
virtual auto setParent(mObject* parent = nullptr, signed offset = -1) -> type&;
virtual auto setVisible(bool visible = true) -> type&;
auto visible(bool recursive = false) const -> bool;
struct State {
bool enabled = true;
Font font;
signed offset = -1;
mObject* parent = nullptr;
bool visible = true;
} state;
wObject instance;
pObject* delegate = nullptr;
virtual auto construct() -> void;
virtual auto destruct() -> void;
#if defined(Hiro_Group)
struct mGroup : mObject {
using mObject::remove;
auto append(sObject object) -> type&;
auto object(unsigned offset) const -> Object;
auto objectCount() const -> unsigned;
auto objects() const -> vector<Object>;
auto remove(sObject object) -> type&;
struct State {
vector<wObject> objects;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_Timer)
struct mTimer : mObject {
auto doActivate() const -> void;
auto interval() const -> unsigned;
auto onActivate(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto setInterval(unsigned interval = 0) -> type&;
struct State {
unsigned interval = 0;
function<void ()> onActivate;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_Window)
struct mWindow : mObject {
using mObject::remove;
auto append(sLayout layout) -> type&;
auto append(sMenuBar menuBar) -> type&;
auto append(sStatusBar statusBar) -> type&;
auto backgroundColor() const -> Color;
auto doClose() const -> void;
auto doDrop(lstring) const -> void;
auto doKeyPress(signed) const -> void;
auto doKeyRelease(signed) const -> void;
auto doMove() const -> void;
auto doSize() const -> void;
auto droppable() const -> bool;
auto frameGeometry() const -> Geometry;
auto fullScreen() const -> bool;
auto geometry() const -> Geometry;
auto layout() const -> Layout;
auto menuBar() const -> MenuBar;
auto modal() const -> bool;
auto onClose(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onDrop(const function<void (lstring)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onKeyPress(const function<void (signed)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onKeyRelease(const function<void (signed)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onMove(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onSize(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto remove(sLayout layout) -> type&;
auto remove(sMenuBar menuBar) -> type&;
auto remove(sStatusBar statusBar) -> type&;
auto reset() -> type& override;
auto resizable() const -> bool;
auto setAlignment(Alignment alignment) -> type&;
auto setBackgroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setCentered(sWindow parent = {}) -> type&;
auto setDroppable(bool droppable = true) -> type&;
auto setFrameGeometry(Geometry geometry) -> type&;
auto setFramePosition(Position position) -> type&;
auto setFrameSize(Size size) -> type&;
auto setFullScreen(bool fullScreen = true) -> type&;
auto setGeometry(Geometry geometry) -> type&;
auto setModal(bool modal = true) -> type&;
auto setPosition(Position position) -> type&;
auto setResizable(bool resizable = true) -> type&;
auto setSize(Size size) -> type&;
auto setTitle(const string& title = "") -> type&;
auto statusBar() const -> StatusBar;
auto title() const -> string;
struct State {
Color backgroundColor;
bool droppable = false;
bool fullScreen = false;
Geometry geometry = {128, 128, 256, 256};
sLayout layout;
sMenuBar menuBar;
bool modal = false;
function<void ()> onClose;
function<void (lstring)> onDrop;
function<void (signed)> onKeyPress;
function<void (signed)> onKeyRelease;
function<void ()> onMove;
function<void ()> onSize;
bool resizable = true;
sStatusBar statusBar;
string title;
} state;
auto destruct() -> void;
#if defined(Hiro_StatusBar)
struct mStatusBar : mObject {
auto remove() -> type& override;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
string text;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_MenuBar)
struct mMenuBar : mObject {
auto append(sMenu menu) -> type&;
auto menu(unsigned position) const -> Menu;
auto menuCount() const -> unsigned;
auto menus() const -> vector<Menu>;
auto remove() -> type& override;
auto remove(sMenu menu) -> type&;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto setParent(mObject* parent = nullptr, signed offset = -1) -> type& override;
struct State {
vector<sMenu> menus;
} state;
auto destruct() -> void override;
#if defined(Hiro_PopupMenu)
struct mPopupMenu : mObject {
using mObject::remove;
auto action(unsigned position) const -> Action;
auto actionCount() const -> unsigned;
auto actions() const -> vector<Action>;
auto append(sAction action) -> type&;
auto remove(sAction action) -> type&;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto setParent(mObject* parent = nullptr, signed offset = -1) -> type& override;
auto setVisible(bool visible = true) -> type& override;
struct State {
vector<sAction> actions;
} state;
auto destruct() -> void override;
#if defined(Hiro_Action)
struct mAction : mObject {
auto remove() -> type& override;
struct State {
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_Menu)
struct mMenu : mAction {
using mObject::remove;
auto action(unsigned position) const -> Action;
auto actionCount() const -> unsigned;
auto actions() const -> vector<Action>;
auto append(sAction action) -> type&;
auto image() const -> Image;
auto remove(sAction action) -> type&;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto setImage(const Image& image = {}) -> type&;
auto setParent(mObject* parent = nullptr, signed offset = -1) -> type& override;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
vector<sAction> actions;
Image image;
string text;
} state;
auto destruct() -> void override;
#if defined(Hiro_MenuSeparator)
struct mMenuSeparator : mAction {
struct State {
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_MenuItem)
struct mMenuItem : mAction {
auto doActivate() const -> void;
auto image() const -> Image;
auto onActivate(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto setImage(const Image& image = {}) -> type&;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
Image image;
function<void ()> onActivate;
string text;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_MenuCheckItem)
struct mMenuCheckItem : mAction {
auto checked() const -> bool;
auto doToggle() const -> void;
auto onToggle(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto setChecked(bool checked = true) -> type&;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
bool checked = false;
function<void ()> onToggle;
string text;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_MenuRadioItem)
struct mMenuRadioItem : mAction {
auto checked() const -> bool;
auto doActivate() const -> void;
auto group() const -> Group override;
auto onActivate(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto setChecked() -> type&;
auto setGroup(sGroup group = {}) -> type& override;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
bool checked = false;
sGroup group;
function<void ()> onActivate;
string text;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_Sizable)
struct mSizable : mObject {
auto geometry() const -> Geometry;
virtual auto minimumSize() const -> Size;
virtual auto setGeometry(Geometry geometry) -> type&;
struct State {
Geometry geometry;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_Layout)
struct mLayout : mSizable {
virtual auto append(sSizable sizable) -> type&;
virtual auto remove() -> type& override;
virtual auto remove(sSizable sizable) -> type&;
virtual auto reset() -> type&;
auto setParent(mObject* parent = nullptr, signed offset = -1) -> type& override;
auto sizable(unsigned position) const -> Sizable;
auto sizableCount() const -> unsigned;
auto sizables() const -> vector<Sizable>;
struct State {
vector<sSizable> sizables;
} state;
auto destruct() -> void override;
#if defined(Hiro_Widget)
struct mWidget : mSizable {
auto doSize() const -> void;
auto onSize(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto remove() -> type& override;
struct State {
function<void ()> onSize;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_Button)
struct mButton : mWidget {
auto bordered() const -> bool;
auto doActivate() const -> void;
auto image() const -> Image;
auto onActivate(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto orientation() const -> Orientation;
auto setBordered(bool bordered = true) -> type&;
auto setImage(const Image& image = {}) -> type&;
auto setOrientation(Orientation orientation = Orientation::Horizontal) -> type&;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
bool bordered = true;
Image image;
function<void ()> onActivate;
Orientation orientation = Orientation::Horizontal;
string text;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_Canvas)
struct mCanvas : mWidget {
auto color() const -> Color;
auto data() -> uint32_t*;
auto droppable() const -> bool;
auto doDrop(lstring names) const -> void;
auto doMouseLeave() const -> void;
auto doMouseMove(Position position) const -> void;
auto doMousePress(Mouse::Button button) const -> void;
auto doMouseRelease(Mouse::Button button) const -> void;
auto gradient() const -> Gradient;
auto image() const -> Image;
auto onDrop(const function<void (lstring)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onMouseLeave(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onMouseMove(const function<void (Position)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onMousePress(const function<void (Mouse::Button)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onMouseRelease(const function<void (Mouse::Button)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto setColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setDroppable(bool droppable = true) -> type&;
auto setGradient(Gradient gradient = {}) -> type&;
auto setImage(const Image& image = {}) -> type&;
auto setSize(Size size = {}) -> type&;
auto size() const -> Size;
auto update() -> type&;
struct State {
Color color;
bool droppable = false;
Gradient gradient;
Image image;
function<void (lstring)> onDrop;
function<void ()> onMouseLeave;
function<void (Position)> onMouseMove;
function<void (Mouse::Button)> onMousePress;
function<void (Mouse::Button)> onMouseRelease;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_CheckButton)
struct mCheckButton : mWidget {
auto bordered() const -> bool;
auto checked() const -> bool;
auto doToggle() const -> void;
auto image() const -> Image;
auto onToggle(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto orientation() const -> Orientation;
auto setBordered(bool bordered = true) -> type&;
auto setChecked(bool checked = true) -> type&;
auto setImage(const Image& image = {}) -> type&;
auto setOrientation(Orientation orientation = Orientation::Horizontal) -> type&;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
bool bordered = true;
bool checked = false;
Image image;
function<void ()> onToggle;
Orientation orientation = Orientation::Horizontal;
string text;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_CheckLabel)
struct mCheckLabel : mWidget {
auto checked() const -> bool;
auto doToggle() const -> void;
auto onToggle(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto setChecked(bool checked = true) -> type&;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
bool checked = false;
function<void ()> onToggle;
string text;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_ComboButton)
struct mComboButton : mWidget {
using mObject::remove;
auto append(sComboButtonItem item) -> type&;
auto doChange() const -> void;
auto item(unsigned position) const -> ComboButtonItem;
auto itemCount() const -> unsigned;
auto items() const -> vector<ComboButtonItem>;
auto onChange(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto remove(sComboButtonItem item) -> type&;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto selected() const -> ComboButtonItem;
auto setParent(mObject* parent = nullptr, signed offset = -1) -> type& override;
struct State {
vector<sComboButtonItem> items;
function<void ()> onChange;
} state;
auto destruct() -> void override;
#if defined(Hiro_ComboButton)
struct mComboButtonItem : mObject {
auto image() const -> Image;
auto remove() -> type& override;
auto selected() const -> bool;
auto setImage(const Image& image = {}) -> type&;
auto setSelected() -> type&;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
Image image;
bool selected = false;
string text;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_Console)
struct mConsole : mWidget {
auto backgroundColor() const -> Color;
auto doActivate(string) const -> void;
auto foregroundColor() const -> Color;
auto onActivate(const function<void (string)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto print(const string& text) -> type&;
auto prompt() const -> string;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto setBackgroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setForegroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setPrompt(const string& prompt = "") -> type&;
struct State {
Color backgroundColor;
Color foregroundColor;
function<void (string)> onActivate;
string prompt;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_Frame)
struct mFrame : mWidget {
using mObject::remove;
auto append(sLayout layout) -> type&;
auto layout() const -> Layout;
auto remove(sLayout layout) -> type&;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto setParent(mObject* parent = nullptr, signed offset = -1) -> type& override;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
sLayout layout;
string text;
} state;
auto destruct() -> void override;
#if defined(Hiro_HexEdit)
struct mHexEdit : mWidget {
auto address() const -> unsigned;
auto backgroundColor() const -> Color;
auto columns() const -> unsigned;
auto doRead(unsigned offset) const -> uint8_t;
auto doWrite(unsigned offset, uint8_t data) const -> void;
auto foregroundColor() const -> Color;
auto length() const -> unsigned;
auto onRead(const function<uint8_t (unsigned)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onWrite(const function<void (unsigned, uint8_t)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto rows() const -> unsigned;
auto setAddress(unsigned address = 0) -> type&;
auto setBackgroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setColumns(unsigned columns = 16) -> type&;
auto setForegroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setLength(unsigned length) -> type&;
auto setRows(unsigned rows = 16) -> type&;
auto update() -> type&;
struct State {
unsigned address = 0;
Color backgroundColor;
unsigned columns = 16;
Color foregroundColor;
unsigned length = 0;
function<uint8_t (unsigned)> onRead;
function<void (unsigned, uint8_t)> onWrite;
unsigned rows = 16;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_HorizontalScrollBar)
struct mHorizontalScrollBar : mWidget {
auto doChange() const -> void;
auto length() const -> unsigned;
auto onChange(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto position() const -> unsigned;
auto setLength(unsigned length = 101) -> type&;
auto setPosition(unsigned position = 0) -> type&;
struct State {
unsigned length = 101;
function<void ()> onChange;
unsigned position = 0;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_HorizontalSlider)
struct mHorizontalSlider : mWidget {
auto doChange() const -> void;
auto length() const -> unsigned;
auto onChange(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto position() const -> unsigned;
auto setLength(unsigned length = 101) -> type&;
auto setPosition(unsigned position = 0) -> type&;
struct State {
unsigned length = 101;
function<void ()> onChange;
unsigned position = 0;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_IconView)
struct mIconView : mWidget {
using mObject::remove;
auto append(sIconViewItem item) -> type&;
auto backgroundColor() const -> Color;
auto batchable() const -> bool;
auto batched() const -> vector<IconViewItem>;
auto doActivate() const -> void;
auto doChange() const -> void;
auto doContext() const -> void;
auto flow() const -> Orientation;
auto foregroundColor() const -> Color;
auto item(unsigned position) const -> IconViewItem;
auto itemCount() const -> unsigned;
auto items() const -> vector<IconViewItem>;
auto onActivate(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onChange(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onContext(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto orientation() const -> Orientation;
auto remove(sIconViewItem item) -> type&;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto selected() const -> IconViewItem;
auto setBackgroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setBatchable(bool batchable = true) -> type&;
auto setFlow(Orientation flow = Orientation::Vertical) -> type&;
auto setForegroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setOrientation(Orientation orientation = Orientation::Horizontal) -> type&;
auto setParent(mObject* object = nullptr, signed offset = -1) -> type& override;
auto setSelected(const vector<signed>& selections) -> type&;
struct State {
Color backgroundColor;
bool batchable = false;
Color foregroundColor;
Orientation flow = Orientation::Vertical;
vector<sIconViewItem> items;
function<void ()> onActivate;
function<void ()> onChange;
function<void ()> onContext;
Orientation orientation = Orientation::Horizontal;
} state;
auto destruct() -> void override;
#if defined(Hiro_IconView)
struct mIconViewItem : mObject {
auto image() const -> Image;
auto remove() -> type& override;
auto selected() const -> bool;
auto setImage(const Image& image = {}) -> type&;
auto setSelected(bool selected = true) -> type&;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
Image image;
bool selected = false;
string text;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_Label)
struct mLabel : mWidget {
auto alignment() const -> Alignment;
auto setAlignment(Alignment alignment = {}) -> type&;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
Alignment alignment;
string text;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_LineEdit)
struct mLineEdit : mWidget {
auto backgroundColor() const -> Color;
auto doActivate() const -> void;
auto doChange() const -> void;
auto editable() const -> bool;
auto foregroundColor() const -> Color;
auto onActivate(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onChange(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto setBackgroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setEditable(bool editable = true) -> type&;
auto setForegroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
Color backgroundColor;
bool editable = true;
Color foregroundColor;
function<void ()> onActivate;
function<void ()> onChange;
string text;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_ListView)
struct mListView : mWidget {
using mObject::remove;
auto alignment() const -> Alignment;
auto append(sListViewHeader column) -> type&;
auto append(sListViewItem item) -> type&;
auto backgroundColor() const -> Color;
auto batchable() const -> bool;
auto batched() const -> vector<ListViewItem>;
auto bordered() const -> bool;
auto doActivate() const -> void;
auto doChange() const -> void;
auto doContext() const -> void;
auto doEdit(sListViewCell cell) const -> void;
auto doSort(sListViewColumn column) const -> void;
auto doToggle(sListViewCell cell) const -> void;
auto foregroundColor() const -> Color;
auto header() const -> ListViewHeader;
auto item(unsigned position) const -> ListViewItem;
auto itemCount() const -> unsigned;
auto items() const -> vector<ListViewItem>;
auto onActivate(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onChange(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onContext(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onEdit(const function<void (ListViewCell)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onSort(const function<void (ListViewColumn)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onToggle(const function<void (ListViewCell)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto remove(sListViewHeader column) -> type&;
auto remove(sListViewItem item) -> type&;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto resizeColumns() -> type&;
auto selected() const -> ListViewItem;
auto setAlignment(Alignment alignment = {}) -> type&;
auto setBackgroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setBatchable(bool batchable = true) -> type&;
auto setBordered(bool bordered = true) -> type&;
auto setForegroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setParent(mObject* parent = nullptr, signed offset = -1) -> type& override;
struct State {
unsigned activeColumn = 0;
Alignment alignment;
Color backgroundColor;
bool batchable = false;
bool bordered = false;
Color foregroundColor;
sListViewHeader header;
vector<sListViewItem> items;
function<void ()> onActivate;
function<void ()> onChange;
function<void ()> onContext;
function<void (ListViewCell)> onEdit;
function<void (ListViewColumn)> onSort;
function<void (ListViewCell)> onToggle;
} state;
auto destruct() -> void override;
#if defined(Hiro_ListView)
struct mListViewHeader : mObject {
auto append(sListViewColumn column) -> type&;
auto column(unsigned position) const -> ListViewColumn;
auto columnCount() const -> unsigned;
auto columns() const -> vector<ListViewColumn>;
auto remove() -> type& override;
auto remove(sListViewColumn column) -> type&;
auto setParent(mObject* parent = nullptr, signed offset = -1) -> type& override;
struct State {
vector<sListViewColumn> columns;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_ListView)
struct mListViewColumn : mObject {
auto active() const -> bool;
auto alignment() const -> Alignment;
auto backgroundColor() const -> Color;
auto editable() const -> bool;
auto expandable() const -> bool;
auto foregroundColor() const -> Color;
auto horizontalAlignment() const -> double;
auto image() const -> Image;
auto remove() -> type& override;
auto resizable() const -> bool;
auto setActive() -> type&;
auto setAlignment(Alignment alignment = {}) -> type&;
auto setBackgroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setEditable(bool editable = true) -> type&;
auto setExpandable(bool expandable = true) -> type&;
auto setForegroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setHorizontalAlignment(double alignment = 0.0) -> type&;
auto setImage(const Image& image = {}) -> type&;
auto setResizable(bool resizable = true) -> type&;
auto setSortable(bool sortable = true) -> type&;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto setVerticalAlignment(double alignment = 0.5) -> type&;
auto setVisible(bool visible = true) -> type&;
auto setWidth(signed width = 0) -> type&;
auto sortable() const -> bool;
auto text() const -> string;
auto verticalAlignment() const -> double;
auto width() const -> signed;
struct State {
Alignment alignment;
Color backgroundColor;
bool editable = false;
bool expandable = false;
Color foregroundColor;
double horizontalAlignment = 0.0;
Image image;
bool resizable = true;
bool sortable = false;
string text;
double verticalAlignment = 0.5;
bool visible = true;
signed width = 0;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_ListView)
struct mListViewItem : mObject {
auto alignment() const -> Alignment;
auto append(sListViewCell cell) -> type&;
auto backgroundColor() const -> Color;
auto cell(unsigned position) const -> ListViewCell;
auto cellCount() const -> unsigned;
auto cells() const -> vector<ListViewCell>;
auto foregroundColor() const -> Color;
auto remove() -> type& override;
auto remove(sListViewCell cell) -> type&;
auto selected() const -> bool;
auto setAlignment(Alignment alignment = {}) -> type&;
auto setBackgroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setFocused() -> type& override;
auto setForegroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setParent(mObject* parent = nullptr, signed offset = -1) -> type& override;
auto setSelected(bool selected = true) -> type&;
struct State {
Alignment alignment;
Color backgroundColor;
vector<sListViewCell> cells;
Color foregroundColor;
bool selected = false;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_ListView)
struct mListViewCell : mObject {
auto alignment(bool recursive = false) const -> Alignment;
auto backgroundColor(bool recursive = false) const -> Color;
auto checkable() const -> bool;
auto checked() const -> bool;
auto font(bool recursive = false) const -> Font;
auto foregroundColor(bool recursive = false) const -> Color;
auto image() const -> Image;
auto setAlignment(Alignment alignment = {}) -> type&;
auto setBackgroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setCheckable(bool checkable = true) -> type&;
auto setChecked(bool checked = true) -> type&;
auto setForegroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setImage(const Image& image = {}) -> type&;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
Alignment alignment;
Color backgroundColor;
bool checkable = false;
bool checked = false;
Color foregroundColor;
Image image;
string text;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_ProgressBar)
struct mProgressBar : mWidget {
auto position() const -> unsigned;
auto setPosition(unsigned position) -> type&;
struct State {
unsigned position = 0;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_RadioButton)
struct mRadioButton : mWidget {
auto bordered() const -> bool;
auto checked() const -> bool;
auto doActivate() const -> void;
auto group() const -> Group override;
auto image() const -> Image;
auto onActivate(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto orientation() const -> Orientation;
auto setBordered(bool bordered = true) -> type&;
auto setChecked() -> type&;
auto setGroup(sGroup group = {}) -> type& override;
auto setImage(const Image& image = {}) -> type&;
auto setOrientation(Orientation orientation = Orientation::Horizontal) -> type&;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
bool bordered = true;
bool checked = false;
sGroup group;
Image image;
function<void ()> onActivate;
Orientation orientation = Orientation::Horizontal;
string text;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_RadioLabel)
struct mRadioLabel : mWidget {
auto checked() const -> bool;
auto doActivate() const -> void;
auto group() const -> Group override;
auto onActivate(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto setChecked() -> type&;
auto setGroup(sGroup group = {}) -> type& override;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
bool checked = false;
sGroup group;
function<void ()> onActivate;
string text;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_SourceEdit)
struct mSourceEdit : mWidget {
auto cursor() const -> Cursor;
auto doChange() const -> void;
auto doMove() const -> void;
auto onChange(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onMove(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto setCursor(Cursor cursor = {}) -> type&;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
Cursor cursor;
function<void ()> onChange;
function<void ()> onMove;
string text;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_TabFrame)
struct mTabFrame : mWidget {
using mObject::remove;
friend class mTabFrameItem;
auto append(sTabFrameItem item) -> type&;
auto doChange() const -> void;
auto doClose(sTabFrameItem item) const -> void;
auto doMove(sTabFrameItem from, sTabFrameItem to) const -> void;
auto item(unsigned position) const -> TabFrameItem;
auto itemCount() const -> unsigned;
auto items() const -> vector<TabFrameItem>;
auto navigation() const -> Navigation;
auto onChange(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onClose(const function<void (TabFrameItem)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onMove(const function<void (TabFrameItem, TabFrameItem)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto remove(sTabFrameItem item) -> type&;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto selected() const -> TabFrameItem;
auto setNavigation(Navigation navigation = Navigation::Top) -> type&;
auto setParent(mObject* object = nullptr, signed offset = -1) -> type& override;
struct State {
vector<sTabFrameItem> items;
Navigation navigation = Navigation::Top;
function<void ()> onChange;
function<void (TabFrameItem)> onClose;
function<void (TabFrameItem, TabFrameItem)> onMove;
} state;
auto destruct() -> void override;
#if defined(Hiro_TabFrame)
struct mTabFrameItem : mObject {
auto append(sLayout layout) -> type&;
auto closable() const -> bool;
auto image() const -> Image;
auto layout() const -> Layout;
auto movable() const -> bool;
auto remove() -> type& override;
auto remove(sLayout layout) -> type&;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto selected() const -> bool;
auto setClosable(bool closable = true) -> type&;
auto setImage(const Image& image = {}) -> type&;
auto setMovable(bool movable = true) -> type&;
auto setParent(mObject* object = nullptr, signed offset = -1) -> type& override;
auto setSelected() -> type&;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
bool closable = false;
Image image;
sLayout layout;
bool movable = false;
bool selected = false;
string text;
} state;
auto destruct() -> void override;
#if defined(Hiro_TextEdit)
struct mTextEdit : mWidget {
auto backgroundColor() const -> Color;
auto cursor() const -> Cursor;
auto doChange() const -> void;
auto doMove() const -> void;
auto editable() const -> bool;
auto foregroundColor() const -> Color;
auto onChange(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onMove(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto setBackgroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setCursor(Cursor cursor = {}) -> type&;
auto setEditable(bool editable = true) -> type&;
auto setForegroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto setWordWrap(bool wordWrap = true) -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
auto wordWrap() const -> bool;
struct State {
Color backgroundColor;
Cursor cursor;
bool editable = true;
Color foregroundColor;
function<void ()> onChange;
function<void ()> onMove;
string text;
bool wordWrap = true;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_TreeView)
struct mTreeView : mWidget {
using mObject::remove;
auto append(sTreeViewItem item) -> type&;
auto backgroundColor() const -> Color;
auto doActivate() const -> void;
auto doChange() const -> void;
auto doContext() const -> void;
auto doToggle(sTreeViewItem item) const -> void;
auto foregroundColor() const -> Color;
auto item(const string& path) const -> TreeViewItem;
auto itemCount() const -> unsigned;
auto items() const -> vector<TreeViewItem>;
auto onActivate(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onChange(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onContext(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onToggle(const function<void (sTreeViewItem)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto remove(sTreeViewItem item) -> type&;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto selected() const -> TreeViewItem;
auto setBackgroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setForegroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setParent(mObject* parent = nullptr, signed offset = -1) -> type&;
struct State {
Color backgroundColor;
Color foregroundColor;
vector<sTreeViewItem> items;
function<void ()> onActivate;
function<void ()> onChange;
function<void ()> onContext;
function<void (sTreeViewItem)> onToggle;
string selectedPath;
} state;
auto destruct() -> void override;
#if defined(Hiro_TreeView)
struct mTreeViewItem : mObject {
auto append(sTreeViewItem item) -> type&;
auto backgroundColor(bool recursive = false) const -> Color;
auto checkable() const -> bool;
auto checked() const -> bool;
auto foregroundColor(bool recursive = false) const -> Color;
auto image() const -> Image;
auto item(const string& path) const -> TreeViewItem;
auto itemCount() const -> unsigned;
auto items() const -> vector<TreeViewItem>;
auto path() const -> string;
auto remove() -> type& override;
auto remove(sTreeViewItem item) -> type&;
auto selected() const -> bool;
auto setBackgroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setCheckable(bool checkable = true) -> type&;
auto setChecked(bool checked = true) -> type&;
auto setExpanded(bool expanded = true) -> type&;
auto setFocused() -> type& override;
auto setForegroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setImage(const Image& image = {}) -> type&;
auto setParent(mObject* parent = nullptr, signed offset = -1) -> type&;
auto setSelected() -> type&;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
Color backgroundColor;
bool checkable = false;
bool checked = false;
Color foregroundColor;
Image image;
vector<sTreeViewItem> items;
string text;
} state;
auto destruct() -> void override;
#if defined(Hiro_VerticalScrollBar)
struct mVerticalScrollBar : mWidget {
auto doChange() const -> void;
auto length() const -> unsigned;
auto onChange(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto position() const -> unsigned;
auto setLength(unsigned length = 101) -> type&;
auto setPosition(unsigned position = 0) -> type&;
struct State {
unsigned length = 101;
function<void ()> onChange;
unsigned position = 0;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_VerticalSlider)
struct mVerticalSlider : mWidget {
auto doChange() const -> void;
auto length() const -> unsigned;
auto onChange(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto position() const -> unsigned;
auto setLength(unsigned length = 101) -> type&;
auto setPosition(unsigned position = 0) -> type&;
struct State {
unsigned length = 101;
function<void ()> onChange;
unsigned position = 0;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_Viewport)
struct mViewport : mWidget {
auto doDrop(lstring names) const -> void;
auto doMouseLeave() const -> void;
auto doMouseMove(Position position) const -> void;
auto doMousePress(Mouse::Button button) const -> void;
auto doMouseRelease(Mouse::Button button) const -> void;
auto droppable() const -> bool;
auto handle() const -> uintptr_t;
auto onDrop(const function<void (lstring)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onMouseLeave(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onMouseMove(const function<void (Position position)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onMousePress(const function<void (Mouse::Button)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onMouseRelease(const function<void (Mouse::Button)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto setDroppable(bool droppable = true) -> type&;
struct State {
bool droppable = false;
function<void (lstring)> onDrop;
function<void ()> onMouseLeave;
function<void (Position)> onMouseMove;
function<void (Mouse::Button)> onMousePress;
function<void (Mouse::Button)> onMouseRelease;
} state;
#undef Declare
#include "shared.hpp"