Tim Allen 2f81b5a3e7 Update to v106r2 release.
byuu says:


  - Super Famicom: added support for loading manifests without embedded
    mapping information¹
  - genius: initial commit
  - various Makefile cleanups

¹: so the idea here is to try and aim for a stable manifest format,
and to allow direct transposition of icarus/genius database entries into
manifest files. The exact mechanics of how this is going to work is
currently in flux, but we'll get there.

For right now, `Super Famicom.sys` gains `boards.bml`, which is the raw
database from my board-editor tool, and higan itself tries to load
`boards.bml`, match an entry to game/board from the game's `manifest.bml`
file, and then transform it into the format currently used by higan. It
does this only when the game's `manifest.bml` file lacks a board node.
When such a board node exists, it works as previous versions of higan

The only incompatible change right now is information/title is now
located at game/label. I may transition window title display to just use
the filenames instead.

Longer term, some thought is going to need to go into the format of the
`boards.bml` database itself, and at which point in the process I should
be transforming things.

Give it time, we'll refine this into something nicer.
2018-02-01 19:20:37 +11:00

341 lines
12 KiB

#pragma once
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <memory>
#include <nall/platform.hpp>
#include <nall/atoi.hpp>
#include <nall/function.hpp>
#include <nall/intrinsics.hpp>
#include <nall/memory.hpp>
#include <nall/primitives.hpp>
#include <nall/shared-pointer.hpp>
#include <nall/stdint.hpp>
#include <nall/utility.hpp>
#include <nall/varint.hpp>
#include <nall/vector.hpp>
namespace nall {
struct string;
struct string_view;
struct string_vector;
struct string_format;
struct string_view {
inline string_view();
inline string_view(const string_view& source);
inline string_view(string_view&& source);
inline string_view(const char* data);
inline string_view(const char* data, uint size);
inline string_view(const string& source);
template<typename... P> inline string_view(P&&... p);
inline ~string_view();
inline auto operator=(const string_view& source) -> string_view&;
inline auto operator=(string_view&& source) -> string_view&;
inline operator const char*() const;
inline auto data() const -> const char*;
inline auto size() const -> uint;
string* _string;
const char* _data;
mutable int _size;
template<typename T> struct stringify;
template<typename... P> inline auto print(P&&...) -> void;
template<typename... P> inline auto print(FILE*, P&&...) -> void;
template<typename T> inline auto pad(const T& value, long precision = 0, char padchar = ' ') -> string;
inline auto hex(uintmax value, long precision = 0, char padchar = '0') -> string;
inline auto octal(uintmax value, long precision = 0, char padchar = '0') -> string;
inline auto binary(uintmax value, long precision = 0, char padchar = '0') -> string;
inline auto pointer(uintptr value, long precision = 0) -> string;
template<typename T> inline auto pointer(const T* value, long precision = 0) -> string;
inline auto tokenize(const char* s, const char* p) -> bool;
inline auto tokenize(string_vector& list, const char* s, const char* p) -> bool;
inline auto slice(string_view self, int offset = 0, int length = -1) -> string;
template<typename T> inline auto fromInteger(char* result, T value) -> char*;
template<typename T> inline auto fromNatural(char* result, T value) -> char*;
template<typename T> inline auto fromReal(char* str, T value) -> uint;
struct string {
using type = string;
enum : uint { SSO = 24 };
union {
struct { //copy-on-write
char* _data;
uint* _refs;
struct { //small-string-optimization
char _text[SSO];
inline auto _allocate() -> void;
inline auto _copy() -> void;
inline auto _resize() -> void;
char* _data;
mutable uint* _refs;
inline auto _allocate() -> char*;
inline auto _copy() -> char*;
enum : uint { SSO = 24 };
union {
char* _data;
char _text[SSO];
char* _data;
uint _capacity;
uint _size;
inline string();
template<typename T = char> inline auto get() -> T*;
template<typename T = char> inline auto data() const -> const T*;
inline auto reset() -> type&;
inline auto reserve(uint) -> type&;
inline auto resize(uint) -> type&;
inline auto operator=(const string&) -> type&;
inline auto operator=(string&&) -> type&;
template<typename T, typename... P> string(T&& s, P&&... p) : string() {
append(forward<T>(s), forward<P>(p)...);
~string() { reset(); }
explicit operator bool() const { return _size; }
operator const char*() const { return (const char*)data(); }
auto size() const -> uint { return _size; }
auto capacity() const -> uint { return _capacity; }
auto operator==(const string& source) const -> bool {
return size() == source.size() && memory::compare(data(),, size()) == 0;
auto operator!=(const string& source) const -> bool {
return size() != source.size() || memory::compare(data(),, size()) != 0;
auto operator==(const char* source) const -> bool { return strcmp(data(), source) == 0; }
auto operator!=(const char* source) const -> bool { return strcmp(data(), source) != 0; }
auto operator==(string_view source) const -> bool { return compare(source) == 0; }
auto operator!=(string_view source) const -> bool { return compare(source) != 0; }
auto operator< (string_view source) const -> bool { return compare(source) < 0; }
auto operator<=(string_view source) const -> bool { return compare(source) <= 0; }
auto operator> (string_view source) const -> bool { return compare(source) > 0; }
auto operator>=(string_view source) const -> bool { return compare(source) >= 0; }
string(const string& source) : string() { operator=(source); }
string(string&& source) : string() { operator=(move(source)); }
auto begin() -> char* { return &get()[0]; }
auto end() -> char* { return &get()[size()]; }
auto begin() const -> const char* { return &data()[0]; }
auto end() const -> const char* { return &data()[size()]; }
inline auto integer() const -> intmax;
inline auto natural() const -> uintmax;
inline auto hex() const -> uintmax;
inline auto real() const -> double;
inline auto operator[](uint) const -> const char&;
inline auto operator()(uint, char) const -> char;
template<typename... P> inline auto assign(P&&...) -> type&;
template<typename T, typename... P> inline auto prepend(const T&, P&&...) -> type&;
template<typename... P> inline auto prepend(const nall::string_format&, P&&...) -> type&;
inline auto prepend() -> type&;
template<typename T> inline auto _prepend(const stringify<T>&) -> string&;
template<typename T, typename... P> inline auto append(const T&, P&&...) -> type&;
template<typename... P> inline auto append(const nall::string_format&, P&&...) -> type&;
inline auto append() -> type&;
template<typename T> inline auto _append(const stringify<T>&) -> string&;
inline auto length() const -> uint;
template<bool, bool> inline auto _find(int, string_view) const -> maybe<uint>;
inline auto find(string_view source) const -> maybe<uint>;
inline auto ifind(string_view source) const -> maybe<uint>;
inline auto qfind(string_view source) const -> maybe<uint>;
inline auto iqfind(string_view source) const -> maybe<uint>;
inline auto findFrom(int offset, string_view source) const -> maybe<uint>;
inline auto ifindFrom(int offset, string_view source) const -> maybe<uint>;
inline auto format(const nall::string_format& params) -> type&;
template<bool> inline static auto _compare(const char*, uint, const char*, uint) -> int;
inline static auto compare(string_view, string_view) -> int;
inline static auto icompare(string_view, string_view) -> int;
inline auto compare(string_view source) const -> int;
inline auto icompare(string_view source) const -> int;
inline auto equals(string_view source) const -> bool;
inline auto iequals(string_view source) const -> bool;
inline auto beginsWith(string_view source) const -> bool;
inline auto ibeginsWith(string_view source) const -> bool;
inline auto endsWith(string_view source) const -> bool;
inline auto iendsWith(string_view source) const -> bool;
inline auto downcase() -> type&;
inline auto upcase() -> type&;
inline auto qdowncase() -> type&;
inline auto qupcase() -> type&;
inline auto transform(string_view from, string_view to) -> type&;
inline auto match(string_view source) const -> bool;
inline auto imatch(string_view source) const -> bool;
template<bool, bool> inline auto _replace(string_view, string_view, long) -> type&;
inline auto replace(string_view from, string_view to, long limit = LONG_MAX) -> type&;
inline auto ireplace(string_view from, string_view to, long limit = LONG_MAX) -> type&;
inline auto qreplace(string_view from, string_view to, long limit = LONG_MAX) -> type&;
inline auto iqreplace(string_view from, string_view to, long limit = LONG_MAX) -> type&;
inline auto split(string_view key, long limit = LONG_MAX) const -> string_vector;
inline auto isplit(string_view key, long limit = LONG_MAX) const -> string_vector;
inline auto qsplit(string_view key, long limit = LONG_MAX) const -> string_vector;
inline auto iqsplit(string_view key, long limit = LONG_MAX) const -> string_vector;
inline auto trim(string_view lhs, string_view rhs, long limit = LONG_MAX) -> type&;
inline auto trimLeft(string_view lhs, long limit = LONG_MAX) -> type&;
inline auto trimRight(string_view rhs, long limit = LONG_MAX) -> type&;
inline auto itrim(string_view lhs, string_view rhs, long limit = LONG_MAX) -> type&;
inline auto itrimLeft(string_view lhs, long limit = LONG_MAX) -> type&;
inline auto itrimRight(string_view rhs, long limit = LONG_MAX) -> type&;
inline auto strip() -> type&;
inline auto stripLeft() -> type&;
inline auto stripRight() -> type&;
inline static auto read(string_view filename) -> string;
inline static auto repeat(string_view pattern, uint times) -> string;
inline auto fill(char fill = ' ') -> type&;
inline auto hash() const -> uint;
inline auto remove(uint offset, uint length) -> type&;
inline auto reverse() -> type&;
inline auto size(int length, char fill = ' ') -> type&;
struct string_vector : vector<string> {
using type = string_vector;
string_vector(const string_vector& source) { vector::operator=(source); }
string_vector(string_vector& source) { vector::operator=(source); }
string_vector(string_vector&& source) { vector::operator=(move(source)); }
template<typename... P> string_vector(P&&... p) { append(forward<P>(p)...); }
inline auto operator==(const string_vector&) const -> bool;
inline auto operator!=(const string_vector&) const -> bool;
inline auto operator=(const string_vector& source) -> type& { return vector::operator=(source), *this; }
inline auto operator=(string_vector& source) -> type& { return vector::operator=(source), *this; }
inline auto operator=(string_vector&& source) -> type& { return vector::operator=(move(source)), *this; }
inline auto isort() -> type&;
template<typename... P> inline auto append(const string&, P&&...) -> type&;
inline auto append() -> type&;
inline auto find(string_view source) const -> maybe<uint>;
inline auto ifind(string_view source) const -> maybe<uint>;
inline auto match(string_view pattern) const -> string_vector;
inline auto merge(string_view separator) const -> string;
inline auto strip() -> type&;
template<bool, bool> inline auto _split(string_view, string_view, long) -> type&;
struct string_format : vector<string> {
using type = string_format;
template<typename... P> string_format(P&&... p) { reserve(sizeof...(p)); append(forward<P>(p)...); }
template<typename T, typename... P> inline auto append(const T&, P&&... p) -> type&;
inline auto append() -> type&;
#include <nall/string/view.hpp>
#include <nall/string/atoi.hpp>
#include <nall/string/cast.hpp>
#include <nall/string/compare.hpp>
#include <nall/string/convert.hpp>
#include <nall/string/core.hpp>
#include <nall/string/find.hpp>
#include <nall/string/format.hpp>
#include <nall/string/list.hpp>
#include <nall/string/match.hpp>
#include <nall/string/replace.hpp>
#include <nall/string/split.hpp>
#include <nall/string/trim.hpp>
#include <nall/string/utility.hpp>
#include <nall/string/eval/node.hpp>
#include <nall/string/eval/literal.hpp>
#include <nall/string/eval/parser.hpp>
#include <nall/string/eval/evaluator.hpp>
#include <nall/string/markup/node.hpp>
#include <nall/string/markup/find.hpp>
#include <nall/string/markup/bml.hpp>
#include <nall/string/markup/xml.hpp>
#include <nall/string/transform/cml.hpp>
#include <nall/string/transform/dml.hpp>
namespace nall {
//inline auto range(const string& value) { return range_t{0, (int)value.size(), 1}; }
//inline auto rrange(const string& value) { return range_t{(int)value.size() - 1, -1, -1}; }