mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 22:52:34 +01:00
byuu says: Changelog: - SFC: "uint8 read(uint addr)" -> "uint8 read(uint addr, uint8 data)" - hiro: mHorizontalLayout::setGeometry() return value - hiro/GTK: ListView,TreeView::setFocused() does not grab focus of first item Notes: - nall/windows/utf8.hpp needs using uint = unsigned; at the top to compile - sfc/balanced, sfc/performance won't compile yet Seems Cx4 games broke a while back. Not from this WIP, either. I'll go back and find out what's wrong now.
262 lines
8.0 KiB
262 lines
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#if defined(Hiro_BrowserDialog)
struct BrowserDialogWindow {
BrowserDialogWindow(BrowserDialog::State& state) : state(state) {}
auto accept() -> void;
auto activate() -> void;
auto change() -> void;
auto isFolder(const string& name) -> bool;
auto isMatch(const string& name) -> bool;
auto run() -> lstring;
auto setPath(string path) -> void;
Window window;
VerticalLayout layout{&window};
HorizontalLayout pathLayout{&layout, Size{~0, 0}, 5};
LineEdit pathName{&pathLayout, Size{~0, 0}, 0};
Button pathRefresh{&pathLayout, Size{0, 0}, 0};
Button pathHome{&pathLayout, Size{0, 0}, 0};
Button pathUp{&pathLayout, Size{0, 0}, 0};
ListView view{&layout, Size{~0, ~0}, 5};
HorizontalLayout controlLayout{&layout, Size{~0, 0}};
ComboButton filterList{&controlLayout, Size{120, 0}, 5};
LineEdit fileName{&controlLayout, Size{~0, 0}, 5};
Button acceptButton{&controlLayout, Size{80, 0}, 5};
Button cancelButton{&controlLayout, Size{80, 0}, 5};
BrowserDialog::State& state;
vector<lstring> filters;
//accept button clicked, or enter pressed on file name line edit
//also called by list view activate after special case handling
auto BrowserDialogWindow::accept() -> void {
auto batched = view.batched();
if(state.action == "openFile" && batched) {
string name = batched.first()->cell(0)->text();
if(isFolder(name)) return setPath({state.path, name});
state.response.append(string{state.path, name});
if(state.action == "openFiles") {
for(auto item : batched) {
string name = item->cell(0)->text();
state.response.append(string{state.path, name, isFolder(name) ? "/" : ""});
if(state.action == "openFolder" && batched) {
string name = batched.first()->cell(0)->text();
if(!isMatch(name)) return setPath({state.path, name});
state.response.append(string{state.path, name, "/"});
if(state.action == "saveFile") {
string name = fileName.text();
if(!name && batched) name = batched.first()->cell(0)->text();
if(!name || isFolder(name)) return;
if(file::exists({state.path, name})) {
if(MessageDialog("File already exists; overwrite it?").question() != "Yes") return;
state.response.append(string{state.path, name});
if(state.action == "selectFolder" && batched) {
string name = batched.first()->cell(0)->text();
if(isFolder(name)) state.response.append(string{state.path, name, "/"});
if(state.response) window.setModal(false);
//list view item double-clicked, or enter pressed on selected list view item
auto BrowserDialogWindow::activate() -> void {
auto selectedItem = view.selected();
if(state.action == "saveFile" && selectedItem) {
string name = selectedItem->cell(0)->text();
if(isFolder(name)) return setPath({state.path, name});
if(state.action == "selectFolder" && selectedItem) {
string name = selectedItem->cell(0)->text();
if(isFolder(name)) return setPath({state.path, name});
//list view item changed
auto BrowserDialogWindow::change() -> void {
if(state.action == "saveFile") {
if(auto selectedItem = view.selected()) {
string name = selectedItem->cell(0)->text();
if(!isFolder(name)) fileName.setText(name);
auto BrowserDialogWindow::isFolder(const string& name) -> bool {
return directory::exists({state.path, name});
auto BrowserDialogWindow::isMatch(const string& name) -> bool {
if(auto selectedItem = filterList.selected()) {
for(auto& filter : filters[selectedItem->offset()]) {
if(name.match(filter)) return true;
return false;
auto BrowserDialogWindow::run() -> lstring {
pathName.onActivate([&] { setPath(pathName.text()); });
pathRefresh.setBordered(false).setImage(Icon::Action::Refresh).onActivate([&] { setPath(state.path); });
pathHome.setBordered(false).setImage(Icon::Go::Home).onActivate([&] { setPath(userpath()); });
pathUp.setBordered(false).setImage(Icon::Go::Up).onActivate([&] { setPath(dirname(state.path)); });
view.setBatchable(state.action == "openFiles").onActivate([&] { activate(); }).onChange([&] { change(); });
filterList.setVisible(state.action != "selectFolder").onChange([&] { setPath(state.path); });
for(auto& filter : state.filters) {
auto part = filter.split("|", 1L);
fileName.setVisible(state.action == "saveFile").onActivate([&] { accept(); });
acceptButton.onActivate([&] { accept(); });
if(state.action == "openFile" || state.action == "openFiles" || state.action == "openFolder") acceptButton.setText("Open");
if(state.action == "saveFile") acceptButton.setText("Save");
if(state.action == "selectFolder") acceptButton.setText("Select");
cancelButton.setText("Cancel").onActivate([&] { window.setModal(false); });
if(!state.filters) state.filters.append("All|*");
for(auto& filter : state.filters) {
auto part = filter.split("|", 1L);
window.onClose([&] { window.setModal(false); });
window.onSize([&] { view.resizeColumns(); });
window.setSize({640, 480});
return state.response;
auto BrowserDialogWindow::setPath(string path) -> void {
path.transform("\\", "/");
if(!path.endsWith("/")) path.append("/");
pathName.setText(state.path = path);
auto contents = directory::icontents(path);
bool folderMode = state.action == "openFolder";
for(auto content : contents) {
if(!content.endsWith("/")) continue;
if(folderMode && isMatch(content)) continue;
for(auto content : contents) {
if(content.endsWith("/") != folderMode) continue; //file mode shows files; folder mode shows folders
if(!isMatch(content)) continue;
.append(ListViewCell().setText(content).setImage(folderMode ? Icon::Action::Open : Icon::Emblem::File))
BrowserDialog::BrowserDialog() {
auto BrowserDialog::openFile() -> string {
state.action = "openFile";
if(!state.title) state.title = "Open File";
if(auto result = _run()) return result.first();
return {};
auto BrowserDialog::openFiles() -> lstring {
state.action = "openFiles";
if(!state.title) state.title = "Open Files";
if(auto result = _run()) return result;
return {};
auto BrowserDialog::openFolder() -> string {
state.action = "openFolder";
if(!state.title) state.title = "Open Folder";
if(auto result = _run()) return result.first();
return {};
auto BrowserDialog::saveFile() -> string {
state.action = "saveFile";
if(!state.title) state.title = "Save File";
if(auto result = _run()) return result.first();
return {};
auto BrowserDialog::selectFolder() -> string {
state.action = "selectFolder";
if(!state.title) state.title = "Select Folder";
if(auto result = _run()) return result.first();
return {};
auto BrowserDialog::setFilters(const lstring& filters) -> type& {
state.filters = filters;
return *this;
auto BrowserDialog::setParent(const sWindow& parent) -> type& {
state.parent = parent;
return *this;
auto BrowserDialog::setPath(const string& path) -> type& {
state.path = path;
return *this;
auto BrowserDialog::setTitle(const string& title) -> type& {
state.title = title;
return *this;
auto BrowserDialog::_run() -> lstring {
if(!state.path) state.path = userpath();
return BrowserDialogWindow(state).run();