Tim Allen 716c95f279 Update to 20180728 release.
byuu says:

Sigh, I seem to be spiraling a bit here ... but the work is very
important. Hopefully I can get a solid WIP together soon. But for now...

I've integrated dynamic rate control into ruby::Audio via
setDynamic(bool) for now. It's very demanding, as you would expect. When
it's not in use, I realized the OSS driver's performance was pretty bad
due to calling write() for every sample for every channel. I implemented
a tiny 256-sample buffer and bsnes went from 290fps to 330fps on my
FreeBSD desktop. It may be possible to do the same buffering with DRC,
but for now, I'm not doing so, and adjusting the audio input frequency
on every sample.

I also added ruby::Video::setFlush(bool), which is available only in the
OpenGL drivers, and this causes glFinish() to be called after swapping
display buffers. I really couldn't think of a good name for this, "hard
GPU sync" sounds kind of silly. In my view, flush is what commits queued
events. Eg fflush(). OpenGL of course treats glFlush differently (I
really don't even know what the point of it is even after reading the
manual ...), and then has glFinish ... meh, whatever. It's
setFlush(bool) until I come up with something better. Also as expected,
this one's a big hit to performance.

To implement the DRC, I started putting helper functions into the ruby
video/audio/input core classes. And then the XVideo driver started
crashing. It took hours and hours and hours to track down the problem:
you have to clear XSetWindowAttributes to zero before calling
XCreateWindow. No amount of `--sync`, `gdb break gdk_x_error`, `-Og`,
etc will make Xlib be even remotely helpful in debugging errors like

The GLX, GLX2, and XVideo drivers basically worked by chance before. If
the stack frame had the right memory cleared, it worked. Otherwise it'd
crash with BadValue, and my changing things broke that condition on the
XVideo driver. So this has been fixed in all three now.

Once XVideo was running again, I realized that non-power of two video
sizes were completely broken for the YUV formats. It took a while, but I
managed to fix all of that as well.

At this point, most of ruby is going to be broken outside of FreeBSD, as
I still need to finish updating all the drivers.
2018-07-28 21:25:42 +10:00

122 lines
3.9 KiB

#pragma once
#include <nall/maybe.hpp>
#include <nall/range.hpp>
#include <nall/string.hpp>
#include <nall/vector.hpp>
namespace nall { namespace HID {
struct Input {
Input(const string& name) : _name(name) {}
auto name() const -> string { return _name; }
auto value() const -> int16_t { return _value; }
auto setValue(int16_t value) -> void { _value = value; }
string _name;
int16_t _value = 0;
friend class Group;
struct Group : vector<Input> {
Group(const string& name) : _name(name) {}
auto name() const -> string { return _name; }
auto input(uint id) -> Input& { return operator[](id); }
auto append(const string& name) -> void { vector::append(Input{name}); }
auto find(const string& name) const -> maybe<uint> {
for(auto id : range(size())) {
if(operator[](id)._name == name) return id;
return nothing;
string _name;
friend class Device;
struct Device : vector<Group> {
Device(const string& name) : _name(name) {}
//id => {pathID}-{vendorID}-{productID}
auto pathID() const -> uint32_t { return (uint32_t)(_id >> 32); } //32-63
auto vendorID() const -> uint16_t { return (uint16_t)(_id >> 16); } //16-31
auto productID() const -> uint16_t { return (uint16_t)(_id >> 0); } // 0-15
auto setPathID (uint32_t pathID ) -> void { _id = (uint64_t)pathID << 32 | vendorID() << 16 | productID() << 0; }
auto setVendorID (uint16_t vendorID ) -> void { _id = (uint64_t)pathID() << 32 | vendorID << 16 | productID() << 0; }
auto setProductID(uint16_t productID) -> void { _id = (uint64_t)pathID() << 32 | vendorID() << 16 | productID << 0; }
virtual auto isNull() const -> bool { return false; }
virtual auto isKeyboard() const -> bool { return false; }
virtual auto isMouse() const -> bool { return false; }
virtual auto isJoypad() const -> bool { return false; }
auto name() const -> string { return _name; }
auto id() const -> uint64_t { return _id; }
auto setID(uint64_t id) -> void { _id = id; }
auto group(uint id) -> Group& { return operator[](id); }
auto append(const string& name) -> void { vector::append(Group{name}); }
auto find(const string& name) const -> maybe<uint> {
for(auto id : range(size())) {
if(operator[](id)._name == name) return id;
return nothing;
string _name;
uint64_t _id = 0;
struct Null : Device {
enum : uint16_t { GenericVendorID = 0x0000, GenericProductID = 0x0000 };
Null() : Device("Null") {}
auto isNull() const -> bool { return true; }
struct Keyboard : Device {
enum : uint16_t { GenericVendorID = 0x0000, GenericProductID = 0x0001 };
enum GroupID : uint { Button };
Keyboard() : Device("Keyboard") { append("Button"); }
auto isKeyboard() const -> bool { return true; }
auto buttons() -> Group& { return group(GroupID::Button); }
struct Mouse : Device {
enum : uint16_t { GenericVendorID = 0x0000, GenericProductID = 0x0002 };
enum GroupID : uint { Axis, Button };
Mouse() : Device("Mouse") { append("Axis"), append("Button"); }
auto isMouse() const -> bool { return true; }
auto axes() -> Group& { return group(GroupID::Axis); }
auto buttons() -> Group& { return group(GroupID::Button); }
struct Joypad : Device {
enum : uint16_t { GenericVendorID = 0x0000, GenericProductID = 0x0003 };
enum GroupID : uint { Axis, Hat, Trigger, Button };
Joypad() : Device("Joypad") { append("Axis"), append("Hat"), append("Trigger"), append("Button"); }
auto isJoypad() const -> bool { return true; }
auto axes() -> Group& { return group(GroupID::Axis); }
auto hats() -> Group& { return group(GroupID::Hat); }
auto triggers() -> Group& { return group(GroupID::Trigger); }
auto buttons() -> Group& { return group(GroupID::Button); }
auto rumble() const -> bool { return _rumble; }
auto setRumble(bool rumble) -> void { _rumble = rumble; }
bool _rumble = false;