mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 07:02:27 +01:00
byuu says: Changelog: - ruby/audio/xaudio2: ported to new ruby API - ruby/video/cgl: ported to new ruby API (untested, won't compile) - ruby/video/directdraw: ported to new ruby API - ruby/video/gdi: ported to new ruby API - ruby/video/glx: ported to new ruby API - ruby/video/wgl: ported to new ruby API - ruby/video/opengl: code cleanups The macOS CGL driver is sure to have compilation errors. If someone will post the compilation error log, I can hopefully fix it in one or two iterations of WIPs. I am unable to test the Xorg GLX driver, because my FreeBSD desktop video card drivers do not support OpenGL 3.2. If the driver doesn't work, I'm going to need help tracking down what broke from the older releases. The real fun is still yet to come ... all the Linux-only drivers, where I don't have a single Linux machine to test with. Todo: - libco/fiber - libco/ucontext (I should really just delete this) - tomoko: hide main UI window when in exclusive fullscreen mode
556 lines
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556 lines
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#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <X11/extensions/XShm.h>
#include <X11/extensions/Xv.h>
#include <X11/extensions/Xvlib.h>
extern "C" auto XvShmCreateImage(Display*, XvPortID, int, char*, int, int, XShmSegmentInfo*) -> XvImage*;
struct VideoXVideo : Video {
VideoXVideo() { initialize(); }
~VideoXVideo() { terminate(); }
auto ready() -> bool { return _ready; }
auto context() -> uintptr { return _context; }
auto blocking() -> bool { return _blocking; }
auto setContext(uintptr context) -> bool {
if(_context == context) return true;
_context = context;
return initialize();
auto setBlocking(bool blocking) -> bool {
if(_blocking == blocking) return true;
_blocking = blocking;
bool result = false;
Display* display = XOpenDisplay(nullptr);
Atom atom = XInternAtom(display, "XV_SYNC_TO_VBLANK", true);
if(atom != None && _port >= 0) {
XvSetPortAttribute(display, _port, atom, _blocking);
result = true;
return result;
auto clear() -> void {
if(!ready()) return;
memory::fill(_buffer, _bufferWidth * _bufferHeight * sizeof(uint32_t));
//clear twice in case video is double buffered ...
auto lock(uint32_t*& data, uint& pitch, uint width, uint height) -> bool {
if(!ready()) return false;
if(width != _width || height != _height) resize(_width = width, _height = height);
pitch = _bufferWidth * 4;
return data = _buffer;
auto unlock() -> void {
if(!ready()) return;
auto output() -> void {
if(!ready()) return;
XWindowAttributes target;
XGetWindowAttributes(_display, _window, &target);
//we must ensure that the child window is the same size as the parent window.
//unfortunately, we cannot hook the parent window resize event notification,
//as we did not create the parent window, nor have any knowledge of the toolkit used.
//therefore, query each window size and resize as needed.
XWindowAttributes parent;
XGetWindowAttributes(_display, (Window)_context, &parent);
if(target.width != parent.width || target.height != parent.height) {
XResizeWindow(_display, _window, parent.width, parent.height);
//update target width and height attributes
XGetWindowAttributes(_display, _window, &target);
switch(_format) {
case XvFormatRGB32: renderRGB32(_width, _height); break;
case XvFormatRGB24: renderRGB24(_width, _height); break;
case XvFormatRGB16: renderRGB16(_width, _height); break;
case XvFormatRGB15: renderRGB15(_width, _height); break;
case XvFormatUYVY: renderUYVY (_width, _height); break;
case XvFormatYUY2: renderYUY2 (_width, _height); break;
case XvFormatYV12: renderYV12 (_width, _height); break;
case XvFormatI420: renderI420 (_width, _height); break;
XvShmPutImage(_display, _port, _window, _gc, _image,
0, 0, _width, _height,
0, 0, target.width, target.height,
auto initialize() -> bool {
if(!_context) return false;
_display = XOpenDisplay(nullptr);
if(!XShmQueryExtension(_display)) {
print("VideoXv: XShm extension not found.\n");
return false;
//find an appropriate Xv port
_port = -1;
XvAdaptorInfo* adaptorInfo = nullptr;
uint adaptorCount = 0;
XvQueryAdaptors(_display, DefaultRootWindow(_display), &adaptorCount, &adaptorInfo);
for(uint n : range(adaptorCount)) {
//find adaptor that supports both input (memory->drawable) and image (drawable->screen) masks
if(adaptorInfo[n].num_formats < 1) continue;
if(!(adaptorInfo[n].type & XvInputMask)) continue;
if(!(adaptorInfo[n].type & XvImageMask)) continue;
_port = adaptorInfo[n].base_id;
_depth = adaptorInfo[n].formats->depth;
_visualID = adaptorInfo[n].formats->visual_id;
if(_port < 0) {
print("VideoXv: failed to find valid XvPort.\n");
return false;
//create child window to attach to parent window.
//this is so that even if parent window visual depth doesn't match Xv visual
//(common with composited windows), Xv can still render to child window.
XWindowAttributes window_attributes;
XGetWindowAttributes(_display, (Window)_context, &window_attributes);
XVisualInfo visualTemplate;
visualTemplate.visualid = _visualID;
visualTemplate.screen = DefaultScreen(_display);
visualTemplate.depth = _depth;
visualTemplate.visual = 0;
int visualMatches = 0;
XVisualInfo* visualInfo = XGetVisualInfo(_display, VisualIDMask | VisualScreenMask | VisualDepthMask, &visualTemplate, &visualMatches);
if(visualMatches < 1 || !visualInfo->visual) {
if(visualInfo) XFree(visualInfo);
print("VideoXv: unable to find Xv-compatible visual.\n");
return false;
_colormap = XCreateColormap(_display, (Window)_context, visualInfo->visual, AllocNone);
XSetWindowAttributes attributes;
attributes.colormap = _colormap;
attributes.border_pixel = 0;
attributes.event_mask = StructureNotifyMask;
_window = XCreateWindow(_display, /* parent = */ (Window)_context,
/* x = */ 0, /* y = */ 0, window_attributes.width, window_attributes.height,
/* border_width = */ 0, _depth, InputOutput, visualInfo->visual,
CWColormap | CWBorderPixel | CWEventMask, &attributes);
XSetWindowBackground(_display, _window, /* color = */ 0);
XMapWindow(_display, _window);
_gc = XCreateGC(_display, _window, 0, 0);
int attributeCount = 0;
XvAttribute* attributeList = XvQueryPortAttributes(_display, _port, &attributeCount);
for(auto n : range(attributeCount)) {
if(string{attributeList[n].name} == "XV_AUTOPAINT_COLORKEY") {
//set colorkey to auto paint, so that Xv video output is always visible
Atom atom = XInternAtom(_display, "XV_AUTOPAINT_COLORKEY", true);
if(atom != None) XvSetPortAttribute(_display, _port, atom, 1);
//find optimal rendering format
_format = XvFormatUnknown;
int formatCount = 0;
XvImageFormatValues* format = XvListImageFormats(_display, _port, &formatCount);
if(_format == XvFormatUnknown) for(auto n : range(formatCount)) {
if(format[n].type == XvRGB && format[n].bits_per_pixel == 32) {
_format = XvFormatRGB32;
_fourCC = format[n].id;
if(_format == XvFormatUnknown) for(auto n : range(formatCount)) {
if(format[n].type == XvRGB && format[n].bits_per_pixel == 24) {
_format = XvFormatRGB24;
_fourCC = format[n].id;
if(_format == XvFormatUnknown) for(auto n : range(formatCount)) {
if(format[n].type == XvRGB && format[n].bits_per_pixel <= 16 && format[n].red_mask == 0xf800) {
_format = XvFormatRGB16;
_fourCC = format[n].id;
if(_format == XvFormatUnknown) for(auto n : range(formatCount)) {
if(format[n].type == XvRGB && format[n].bits_per_pixel <= 16 && format[n].red_mask == 0x7c00) {
_format = XvFormatRGB15;
_fourCC = format[n].id;
if(_format == XvFormatUnknown) for(auto n : range(formatCount)) {
if(format[n].type == XvYUV && format[n].bits_per_pixel == 16 && format[n].format == XvPacked) {
if(format[n].component_order[0] == 'U' && format[n].component_order[1] == 'Y'
&& format[n].component_order[2] == 'V' && format[n].component_order[3] == 'Y'
) {
_format = XvFormatUYVY;
_fourCC = format[n].id;
if(_format == XvFormatUnknown) for(auto n : range(formatCount)) {
if(format[n].type == XvYUV && format[n].bits_per_pixel == 16 && format[n].format == XvPacked) {
if(format[n].component_order[0] == 'Y' && format[n].component_order[1] == 'U'
&& format[n].component_order[2] == 'Y' && format[n].component_order[3] == 'V'
) {
_format = XvFormatYUY2;
_fourCC = format[n].id;
if(_format == XvFormatUnknown) for(auto n : range(formatCount)) {
if(format[n].type == XvYUV && format[n].bits_per_pixel == 12 && format[n].format == XvPlanar) {
if(format[n].component_order[0] == 'Y' && format[n].component_order[1] == 'V'
&& format[n].component_order[2] == 'U' && format[n].component_order[3] == '\x00'
) {
_format = XvFormatYV12;
_fourCC = format[n].id;
if(_format == XvFormatUnknown) for(auto n : range(formatCount)) {
if(format[n].type == XvYUV && format[n].bits_per_pixel == 12 && format[n].format == XvPlanar) {
if(format[n].component_order[0] == 'Y' && format[n].component_order[1] == 'U'
&& format[n].component_order[2] == 'V' && format[n].component_order[3] == '\x00'
) {
_format = XvFormatI420;
_fourCC = format[n].id;
if(_format == XvFormatUnknown) {
print("VideoXv: unable to find a supported image format.\n");
return false;
_ready = true;
resize(_width = 256, _height = 256);
return true;
auto terminate() -> void {
_ready = false;
if(_image) {
XShmDetach(_display, &_shmInfo);
shmctl(_shmInfo.shmid, IPC_RMID, nullptr);
_image = nullptr;
if(_window) {
XUnmapWindow(_display, _window);
_window = 0;
if(_colormap) {
XFreeColormap(_display, _colormap);
_colormap = 0;
if(_display) {
_display = nullptr;
delete[] _buffer, _buffer = nullptr, _bufferWidth = 0, _bufferHeight = 0;
delete[] _ytable, _ytable = nullptr;
delete[] _utable, _utable = nullptr;
delete[] _vtable, _vtable = nullptr;
auto resize(uint width, uint height) -> void {
if(_bufferWidth >= width && _bufferHeight >= height) return;
_bufferWidth = max(width, _bufferWidth);
_bufferHeight = max(height, _bufferHeight);
//must round to be evenly divisible by 4
if(uint round = _bufferWidth & 3) _bufferWidth += 4 - round;
if(uint round = _bufferHeight & 3) _bufferHeight += 4 - round;
_bufferWidth = bit::round(_bufferWidth);
_bufferHeight = bit::round(_bufferHeight);
if(_image) {
XShmDetach(_display, &_shmInfo);
shmctl(_shmInfo.shmid, IPC_RMID, nullptr);
_image = XvShmCreateImage(_display, _port, _fourCC, 0, _bufferWidth, _bufferHeight, &_shmInfo);
_shmInfo.shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, _image->data_size, IPC_CREAT | 0777);
_shmInfo.shmaddr = _image->data = (char*)shmat(_shmInfo.shmid, 0, 0);
_shmInfo.readOnly = false;
XShmAttach(_display, &_shmInfo);
delete[] _buffer;
_buffer = new uint32_t[_bufferWidth * _bufferHeight];
auto renderRGB32(uint width, uint height) -> void {
uint32_t* input = (uint32_t*)_buffer;
uint32_t* output = (uint32_t*)_image->data;
for(uint y : range(height)) {
memory::copy(output, input, width * 4);
input += _bufferWidth;
output += _bufferWidth;
auto renderRGB24(uint width, uint height) -> void {
uint32_t* input = (uint32_t*)_buffer;
uint8_t* output = (uint8_t*)_image->data;
for(uint y : range(height)) {
for(uint x : range(width)) {
uint32_t p = *input++;
*output++ = p >> 0;
*output++ = p >> 8;
*output++ = p >> 16;
input += (_bufferWidth - width);
output += (_bufferWidth - width) * 3;
auto renderRGB16(uint width, uint height) -> void {
uint32_t* input = (uint32_t*)_buffer;
uint16_t* output = (uint16_t*)_image->data;
for(uint y : range(height)) {
for(uint x : range(width)) {
uint32_t p = toRGB16(*input++);
*output++ = p;
input += _bufferWidth - width;
output += _bufferWidth - width;
auto renderRGB15(uint width, uint height) -> void {
uint32_t* input = (uint32_t*)_buffer;
uint16_t* output = (uint16_t*)_image->data;
for(uint y : range(height)) {
for(uint x : range(width)) {
uint32_t p = toRGB15(*input++);
*output++ = p;
input += _bufferWidth - width;
output += _bufferWidth - width;
auto renderUYVY(uint width, uint height) -> void {
const uint32_t* input = (const uint32_t*)_buffer;
uint16_t* output = (uint16_t*)_image->data;
for(uint y : range(height)) {
for(uint x : range(width >> 1)) {
uint32_t p0 = toRGB16(*input++);
uint32_t p1 = toRGB16(*input++);
*output++ = _ytable[p0] << 8 | ((_utable[p0] + _utable[p1]) >> 1) << 0;
*output++ = _ytable[p1] << 8 | ((_vtable[p0] + _vtable[p1]) >> 1) << 0;
input += _bufferWidth - width;
output += _bufferWidth - width;
auto renderYUY2(uint width, uint height) -> void {
const uint32_t* input = (const uint32_t*)_buffer;
uint16_t* output = (uint16_t*)_image->data;
for(uint y : range(height)) {
for(uint x : range(width >> 1)) {
uint32_t p0 = toRGB16(*input++);
uint32_t p1 = toRGB16(*input++);
*output++ = ((_utable[p0] + _utable[p1]) >> 1) << 8 | _ytable[p0] << 0;
*output++ = ((_vtable[p0] + _vtable[p1]) >> 1) << 8 | _ytable[p1] << 0;
input += _bufferWidth - width;
output += _bufferWidth - width;
auto renderYV12(uint width, uint height) -> void {
const uint w = _bufferWidth, h = _bufferHeight;
for(uint y : range(height >> 1)) {
const uint32_t* input0 = (const uint32_t*)_buffer + (2 * y * w);
const uint32_t* input1 = input0 + w;
uint16_t* youtput0 = (uint16_t*)_image->data + ((2 * y * w) >> 1);
uint16_t* youtput1 = youtput0 + (w >> 1);
uint8_t* voutput = (uint8_t*)_image->data + (w * h) + ((2 * y * w) >> 2);
uint8_t* uoutput = (uint8_t*)_image->data + (w * h) + ((w * h) >> 2) + ((2 * y * w) >> 2);
for(uint x : range(width >> 1)) {
uint16_t p0 = toRGB16(*input0++);
uint16_t p1 = toRGB16(*input0++);
uint16_t p2 = toRGB16(*input1++);
uint16_t p3 = toRGB16(*input1++);
*youtput0++ = _ytable[p0] << 0 | _ytable[p1] << 8;
*youtput1++ = _ytable[p2] << 0 | _ytable[p3] << 8;
*voutput++ = (_vtable[p0] + _vtable[p1] + _vtable[p2] + _vtable[p3]) >> 2;
*uoutput++ = (_utable[p0] + _utable[p1] + _utable[p2] + _utable[p3]) >> 2;
auto renderI420(uint width, uint height) -> void {
const uint w = _bufferWidth, h = _bufferHeight;
for(uint y : range(height >> 1)) {
const uint32_t* input0 = (const uint32_t*)_buffer + (2 * y * w);
const uint32_t* input1 = input0 + w;
uint16_t* youtput0 = (uint16_t*)_image->data + ((2 * y * w) >> 1);
uint16_t* youtput1 = youtput0 + (w >> 1);
uint8_t* uoutput = (uint8_t*)_image->data + (w * h) + ((2 * y * w) >> 2);
uint8_t* voutput = (uint8_t*)_image->data + (w * h) + ((w * h) >> 2) + ((2 * y * w) >> 2);
for(uint x : range(width >> 1)) {
uint16_t p0 = toRGB16(*input0++);
uint16_t p1 = toRGB16(*input0++);
uint16_t p2 = toRGB16(*input1++);
uint16_t p3 = toRGB16(*input1++);
*youtput0++ = _ytable[p0] << 0 | _ytable[p1] << 8;
*youtput1++ = _ytable[p2] << 0 | _ytable[p3] << 8;
*uoutput++ = (_utable[p0] + _utable[p1] + _utable[p2] + _utable[p3]) >> 2;
*voutput++ = (_vtable[p0] + _vtable[p1] + _vtable[p2] + _vtable[p3]) >> 2;
inline auto toRGB15(uint32_t rgb32) const -> uint16_t {
return ((rgb32 >> 9) & 0x7c00) + ((rgb32 >> 6) & 0x03e0) + ((rgb32 >> 3) & 0x001f);
inline auto toRGB16(uint32_t rgb32) const -> uint16_t {
return ((rgb32 >> 8) & 0xf800) + ((rgb32 >> 5) & 0x07e0) + ((rgb32 >> 3) & 0x001f);
auto initializeTables() -> void {
_ytable = new uint8_t[65536];
_utable = new uint8_t[65536];
_vtable = new uint8_t[65536];
for(uint n : range(65536)) {
//extract RGB565 color data from i
uint8_t r = (n >> 11) & 31, g = (n >> 5) & 63, b = (n) & 31;
r = (r << 3) | (r >> 2); //R5->R8
g = (g << 2) | (g >> 4); //G6->G8
b = (b << 3) | (b >> 2); //B5->B8
//ITU-R Recommendation BT.601
//double lr = 0.299, lg = 0.587, lb = 0.114;
int y = int( +(double(r) * 0.257) + (double(g) * 0.504) + (double(b) * 0.098) + 16.0 );
int u = int( -(double(r) * 0.148) - (double(g) * 0.291) + (double(b) * 0.439) + 128.0 );
int v = int( +(double(r) * 0.439) - (double(g) * 0.368) - (double(b) * 0.071) + 128.0 );
//ITU-R Recommendation BT.709
//double lr = 0.2126, lg = 0.7152, lb = 0.0722;
//int y = int( double(r) * lr + double(g) * lg + double(b) * lb );
//int u = int( (double(b) - y) / (2.0 - 2.0 * lb) + 128.0 );
//int v = int( (double(r) - y) / (2.0 - 2.0 * lr) + 128.0 );
_ytable[n] = y < 0 ? 0 : y > 255 ? 255 : y;
_utable[n] = u < 0 ? 0 : u > 255 ? 255 : u;
_vtable[n] = v < 0 ? 0 : v > 255 ? 255 : v;
bool _ready = false;
uintptr _context = 0;
bool _blocking = false;
uint _width = 0;
uint _height = 0;
uint32_t* _buffer = nullptr;
uint _bufferWidth = 0;
uint _bufferHeight = 0;
uint8_t* _ytable = nullptr;
uint8_t* _utable = nullptr;
uint8_t* _vtable = nullptr;
enum XvFormat : uint {
Display* _display = nullptr;
GC _gc = 0;
Window _window = 0;
Colormap _colormap = 0;
XShmSegmentInfo _shmInfo;
int _port = -1;
int _depth = 0;
int _visualID = 0;
XvImage* _image = nullptr;
XvFormat _format = XvFormatUnknown;
uint32_t _fourCC = 0;