Tim Allen 559a6585ef Update to v106r81 release.
byuu says:

First 32 instructions implemented in the TLCS900H disassembler. Only 992
to go!

I removed the use of anonymous namespaces in nall. It was something I
rarely used, because it rarely did what I wanted.

I updated all nested namespaces to use C++17-style namespace Foo::Bar {}
syntax instead of classic C++-style namespace Foo { namespace Bar {}}.

I updated ruby::Video::acquire() to return a struct, so we can use C++17
structured bindings. Long term, I want to get away from all functions
that take references for output only. Even though C++ botched structured
bindings by not allowing you to bind to existing variables, it's even
worse to have function calls that take arguments by reference and then
write to them. From the caller side, you can't tell the value is being
written, nor that the value passed in doesn't matter, which is terrible.
2019-01-16 13:02:24 +11:00

185 lines
5.9 KiB

#pragma once
#include <nall/decode/url.hpp>
#include <nall/encode/url.hpp>
#include <nall/http/message.hpp>
namespace nall::HTTP {
struct Request : Message {
using type = Request;
enum class RequestType : uint { None, Head, Get, Post };
explicit operator bool() const { return requestType() != RequestType::None; }
inline auto head(const function<bool (const uint8_t* data, uint size)>& callback) const -> bool override;
inline auto setHead() -> bool override;
inline auto body(const function<bool (const uint8_t* data, uint size)>& callback) const -> bool override;
inline auto setBody() -> bool override;
auto ipv4() const -> bool { return _ipv6 == false; }
auto ipv6() const -> bool { return _ipv6 == true; }
auto ip() const -> string { return _ip; }
auto requestType() const -> RequestType { return _requestType; }
auto setRequestType(RequestType value) -> void { _requestType = value; }
auto path() const -> string { return _path; }
auto setPath(const string& value) -> void { _path = value; }
Variables cookie;
Variables get;
Variables post;
bool _ipv6 = false;
string _ip;
RequestType _requestType = RequestType::None;
string _path;
auto Request::head(const function<bool (const uint8_t*, uint)>& callback) const -> bool {
if(!callback) return false;
string output;
string request = path();
if(get.size()) {
for(auto& variable : get) {
request.append(Encode::URL(, "=", Encode::URL(variable.value()), "&");
request.trimRight("&", 1L);
switch(requestType()) {
case RequestType::Head: output.append("HEAD ", request, " HTTP/1.1\r\n"); break;
case RequestType::Get : output.append("GET ", request, " HTTP/1.1\r\n"); break;
case RequestType::Post: output.append("POST ", request, " HTTP/1.1\r\n"); break;
default: return false;
for(auto& variable : header) {
output.append(, ": ", variable.value(), "\r\n");
return callback(<uint8_t>(), output.size());
auto Request::setHead() -> bool {
auto headers = _head.split("\n");
string request = headers.takeLeft().trimRight("\r", 1L);
string requestHost;
if(request.iendsWith(" HTTP/1.0")) request.itrimRight(" HTTP/1.0", 1L);
else if(request.iendsWith(" HTTP/1.1")) request.itrimRight(" HTTP/1.1", 1L);
else return false;
if(request.ibeginsWith("HEAD ")) request.itrimLeft("HEAD ", 1L), setRequestType(RequestType::Head);
else if(request.ibeginsWith("GET " )) request.itrimLeft("GET ", 1L), setRequestType(RequestType::Get );
else if(request.ibeginsWith("POST ")) request.itrimLeft("POST ", 1L), setRequestType(RequestType::Post);
else return false;
//decode absolute URIs
request.strip().itrimLeft("http://", 1L);
if(!request.beginsWith("/")) {
auto components = request.split("/", 1L);
requestHost = components(0);
request = {"/", components(1)};
auto components = request.split("?", 1L);
if(auto queryString = components(1)) {
for(auto& block : queryString.split("&")) {
auto p = block.split("=", 1L);
auto name = Decode::URL(p(0));
auto value = Decode::URL(p(1));
if(name) get.append(name, value);
for(auto& header : headers) {
if(header.beginsWith(" ") || header.beginsWith("\t")) continue;
auto part = header.split(":", 1L).strip();
if(!part[0] || part.size() != 2) continue;
this->header.append(part[0], part[1]);
if(part[0].iequals("Cookie")) {
for(auto& block : part[1].split(";")) {
auto p = block.split("=", 1L).strip();
auto name = p(0);
auto value = p(1).trim("\"", "\"", 1L);
if(name) cookie.append(name, value);
if(requestHost) header.assign("Host", requestHost); //request URI overrides host header
return true;
auto Request::body(const function<bool (const uint8_t*, uint)>& callback) const -> bool {
if(!callback) return false;
if(_body) {
return callback(<uint8_t>(), _body.size());
return true;
auto Request::setBody() -> bool {
if(requestType() == RequestType::Post) {
auto contentType = header["Content-Type"].value();
if(contentType.iequals("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) {
for(auto& block : _body.split("&")) {
auto p = block.trimRight("\r").split("=", 1L);
auto name = Decode::URL(p(0));
auto value = Decode::URL(p(1));
if(name) post.append(name, value);
} else if(contentType.imatch("multipart/form-data; boundary=?*")) {
auto boundary = contentType.itrimLeft("multipart/form-data; boundary=", 1L).trim("\"", "\"", 1L);
auto blocks = _body.split({"--", boundary}, 1024L); //limit blocks to prevent memory exhaustion
for(auto& block : blocks) block.trim("\r\n", "\r\n", 1L);
if(blocks.size() < 2 || (blocks.takeLeft(), !blocks.takeRight().beginsWith("--"))) return false;
for(auto& block : blocks) {
string name;
string filename;
string contentType;
auto segments = block.split("\r\n\r\n", 1L);
for(auto& segment : segments(0).split("\r\n")) {
auto statement = segment.split(":", 1L);
if(statement(0).ibeginsWith("Content-Disposition")) {
for(auto& component : statement(1).split(";")) {
auto part = component.split("=", 1L).strip();
if(part(0).iequals("name")) {
name = part(1).trim("\"", "\"", 1L);
} else if(part(0).iequals("filename")) {
filename = part(1).trim("\"", "\"", 1L);
} else if(statement(0).ibeginsWith("Content-Type")) {
contentType = statement(1).strip();
if(name) {
post.append(name, segments(1));
post.append({name, ".filename"}, filename);
post.append({name, ".content-type"}, contentType);
return true;