mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 11:40:09 +01:00
byuu says: Changelog: - processor/huc6280,mos6502,wdc65816: replaced abbreviated opcode names with descriptive names - nall: replaced `PLATFORM_MACOSX` define with `PLATFORM_MACOS` - icarus: added `Icarus::missing() -> string_vector` to list missing appended firmware files by name - ruby, hiro: fix macosx→macos references The processor instruction renaming was really about consistency with the other processor cores. I may still need to do this for one or two more processors. The icarus change should allow a future release of the icarus application to import games with external SNES coprocessor firmware once again. It will also allow this to be possible when used in library mode.
211 lines
6.1 KiB
211 lines
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#pragma once
//auto execute(const string& name, const string& args...) -> string;
//executes program, waits for completion, and returns data written to stdout
//auto invoke(const string& name, const string& args...) -> void;
//if a program is specified, it is executed with the arguments provided
//if a file is specified, the file is opened using the program associated with said file type
//if a folder is specified, the folder is opened using the associated file explorer
//if a URL is specified, the default web browser is opened and pointed at the URL requested
#include <nall/intrinsics.hpp>
#include <nall/string.hpp>
namespace nall {
struct execute_result_t {
explicit operator bool() const { return code == EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int code = EXIT_FAILURE;
string output;
string error;
#if defined(PLATFORM_MACOS) || defined(PLATFORM_LINUX) || defined(PLATFORM_BSD)
template<typename... P> inline auto execute(const string& name, P&&... p) -> execute_result_t {
int fdout[2];
int fderr[2];
if(pipe(fdout) == -1) return {};
if(pipe(fderr) == -1) return {};
pid_t pid = fork();
if(pid == 0) {
const char* argv[1 + sizeof...(p) + 1];
const char** argp = argv;
string_vector argl(forward<P>(p)...);
*argp++ = (const char*)name;
for(auto& arg : argl) *argp++ = (const char*)arg;
*argp++ = nullptr;
dup2(fdout[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
dup2(fderr[1], STDERR_FILENO);
execvp(name, (char* const*)argv);
//this is called only if execvp fails:
//use _exit instead of exit, to avoid destroying key shared file descriptors
} else {
char buffer[256];
execute_result_t result;
while(true) {
auto size = read(fdout[0], buffer, sizeof(buffer));
if(size <= 0) break;
auto offset = result.output.size();
result.output.resize(offset + size);
memory::copy(result.output.get() + offset, buffer, size);
while(true) {
auto size = read(fderr[0], buffer, sizeof(buffer));
if(size <= 0) break;
auto offset = result.error.size();
result.error.resize(offset + size);
memory::copy(result.error.get() + offset, buffer, size);
int status = 0;
waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
if(!WIFEXITED(status)) return {};
result.code = WEXITSTATUS(status);
return result;
template<typename... P> inline auto invoke(const string& name, P&&... p) -> void {
pid_t pid = fork();
if(pid == 0) {
const char* argv[1 + sizeof...(p) + 1];
const char** argp = argv;
string_vector argl(forward<P>(p)...);
*argp++ = (const char*)name;
for(auto& arg : argl) *argp++ = (const char*)arg;
*argp++ = nullptr;
if(execvp(name, (char* const*)argv) < 0) {
execlp("xdg-open", "xdg-open", (const char*)name, nullptr);
#elif defined(PLATFORM_WINDOWS)
template<typename... P> inline auto execute(const string& name, P&&... p) -> execute_result_t {
string_vector argl(name, forward<P>(p)...);
for(auto& arg : argl) if(arg.find(" ")) arg = {"\"", arg, "\""};
string arguments = argl.merge(" ");
ZeroMemory(&sa, sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES));
sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
sa.bInheritHandle = true;
sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = nullptr;
HANDLE stdoutRead;
HANDLE stdoutWrite;
if(!CreatePipe(&stdoutRead, &stdoutWrite, &sa, 0)) return {};
if(!SetHandleInformation(stdoutRead, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)) return {};
HANDLE stderrRead;
HANDLE stderrWrite;
if(!CreatePipe(&stderrRead, &stderrWrite, &sa, 0)) return {};
if(!SetHandleInformation(stderrRead, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)) return {};
HANDLE stdinRead;
HANDLE stdinWrite;
if(!CreatePipe(&stdinRead, &stdinWrite, &sa, 0)) return {};
if(!SetHandleInformation(stdinWrite, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)) return {};
ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(STARTUPINFO));
si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
si.hStdOutput = stdoutWrite;
si.hStdError = stderrWrite;
si.hStdInput = stdinRead;
ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION));
nullptr, utf16_t(arguments),
nullptr, nullptr, true, CREATE_NO_WINDOW,
nullptr, nullptr, &si, &pi
)) return {};
if(WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE)) return {};
if(!GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &exitCode)) return {};
char buffer[256];
execute_result_t result;
result.code = exitCode;
while(true) {
DWORD read, available, remaining;
if(!PeekNamedPipe(stdoutRead, nullptr, sizeof(buffer), &read, &available, &remaining)) break;
if(read == 0) break;
if(!ReadFile(stdoutRead, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &read, nullptr)) break;
if(read == 0) break;
auto offset = result.output.size();
result.output.resize(offset + read);
memory::copy(result.output.get() + offset, buffer, read);
while(true) {
DWORD read, available, remaining;
if(!PeekNamedPipe(stderrRead, nullptr, sizeof(buffer), &read, &available, &remaining)) break;
if(read == 0) break;
if(!ReadFile(stderrRead, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &read, nullptr)) break;
if(read == 0) break;
auto offset = result.error.size();
result.error.resize(offset + read);
memory::copy(result.error.get() + offset, buffer, read);
return result;
template<typename... P> inline auto invoke(const string& name, P&&... p) -> void {
string_vector argl(forward<P>(p)...);
for(auto& arg : argl) if(arg.find(" ")) arg = {"\"", arg, "\""};
string arguments = argl.merge(" ");
string directory = Path::program().replace("/", "\\");
ShellExecute(nullptr, nullptr, utf16_t(name), utf16_t(arguments), utf16_t(directory), SW_SHOWNORMAL);
template<typename... P> inline auto execute(const string& name, P&&... p) -> string {
return "";
template<typename... P> inline auto invoke(const string& name, P&&... p) -> void {