mirror of https://github.com/bsnes-emu/bsnes.git synced 2025-03-28 06:22:41 +01:00
Tim Allen 41e127a07c Update to v106r54 release.
byuu says:

Changes to hiro will break all but the GTK target. Not that it matters
much given that the only ruby drivers that function are all on BSD

But if you are fortunate enough to be able to run this ... you'll find
lots of polishing improvements to the bsnes GUI. I posted some
screenshots on Twitter, if anyone were interested.
2018-08-04 21:44:00 +10:00

343 lines
12 KiB

#pragma once
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <memory>
#include <nall/platform.hpp>
#include <nall/atoi.hpp>
#include <nall/function.hpp>
#include <nall/intrinsics.hpp>
#include <nall/memory.hpp>
#include <nall/primitives.hpp>
#include <nall/shared-pointer.hpp>
#include <nall/stdint.hpp>
#include <nall/utility.hpp>
#include <nall/varint.hpp>
#include <nall/vector.hpp>
#include <nall/view.hpp>
namespace nall {
struct string;
struct string_format;
template<> struct view<string> {
using type = view<string>;
inline view();
inline view(const view& source);
inline view(view&& source);
inline view(const char* data);
inline view(const char* data, uint size);
inline view(const string& source);
template<typename... P> inline view(P&&... p);
inline ~view();
inline auto operator=(const view& source) -> view&;
inline auto operator=(view&& source) -> view&;
inline operator const char*() const;
inline auto data() const -> const char*;
inline auto size() const -> uint;
inline auto begin() const { return &_data[0]; }
inline auto end() const { return &_data[size()]; }
string* _string;
const char* _data;
mutable int _size;
template<typename T> struct stringify;
template<typename... P> inline auto print(P&&...) -> void;
template<typename... P> inline auto print(FILE*, P&&...) -> void;
template<typename T> inline auto pad(const T& value, long precision = 0, char padchar = ' ') -> string;
inline auto hex(uintmax value, long precision = 0, char padchar = '0') -> string;
inline auto octal(uintmax value, long precision = 0, char padchar = '0') -> string;
inline auto binary(uintmax value, long precision = 0, char padchar = '0') -> string;
inline auto tokenize(const char* s, const char* p) -> bool;
inline auto tokenize(vector<string>& list, const char* s, const char* p) -> bool;
inline auto slice(view<string> self, int offset = 0, int length = -1) -> string;
template<typename T> inline auto fromInteger(char* result, T value) -> char*;
template<typename T> inline auto fromNatural(char* result, T value) -> char*;
template<typename T> inline auto fromReal(char* str, T value) -> uint;
struct string {
using type = string;
enum : uint { SSO = 24 };
union {
struct { //copy-on-write
char* _data;
uint* _refs;
struct { //small-string-optimization
char _text[SSO];
inline auto _allocate() -> void;
inline auto _copy() -> void;
inline auto _resize() -> void;
char* _data;
mutable uint* _refs;
inline auto _allocate() -> char*;
inline auto _copy() -> char*;
enum : uint { SSO = 24 };
union {
char* _data;
char _text[SSO];
char* _data;
uint _capacity;
uint _size;
inline string();
template<typename T = char> inline auto get() -> T*;
template<typename T = char> inline auto data() const -> const T*;
inline auto reset() -> type&;
inline auto reserve(uint) -> type&;
inline auto resize(uint) -> type&;
inline auto operator=(const string&) -> type&;
inline auto operator=(string&&) -> type&;
template<typename T, typename... P> string(T&& s, P&&... p) : string() {
append(forward<T>(s), forward<P>(p)...);
~string() { reset(); }
explicit operator bool() const { return _size; }
operator const char*() const { return (const char*)data(); }
auto size() const -> uint { return _size; }
auto capacity() const -> uint { return _capacity; }
auto operator==(const string& source) const -> bool {
return size() == source.size() && memory::compare(data(), source.data(), size()) == 0;
auto operator!=(const string& source) const -> bool {
return size() != source.size() || memory::compare(data(), source.data(), size()) != 0;
auto operator==(const char* source) const -> bool { return strcmp(data(), source) == 0; }
auto operator!=(const char* source) const -> bool { return strcmp(data(), source) != 0; }
auto operator==(view<string> source) const -> bool { return compare(source) == 0; }
auto operator!=(view<string> source) const -> bool { return compare(source) != 0; }
auto operator< (view<string> source) const -> bool { return compare(source) < 0; }
auto operator<=(view<string> source) const -> bool { return compare(source) <= 0; }
auto operator> (view<string> source) const -> bool { return compare(source) > 0; }
auto operator>=(view<string> source) const -> bool { return compare(source) >= 0; }
string(const string& source) : string() { operator=(source); }
string(string&& source) : string() { operator=(move(source)); }
auto begin() -> char* { return &get()[0]; }
auto end() -> char* { return &get()[size()]; }
auto begin() const -> const char* { return &data()[0]; }
auto end() const -> const char* { return &data()[size()]; }
inline auto integer() const -> intmax;
inline auto natural() const -> uintmax;
inline auto hex() const -> uintmax;
inline auto real() const -> double;
inline auto operator[](uint) const -> const char&;
inline auto operator()(uint, char = 0) const -> char;
template<typename... P> inline auto assign(P&&...) -> type&;
template<typename T, typename... P> inline auto prepend(const T&, P&&...) -> type&;
template<typename... P> inline auto prepend(const nall::string_format&, P&&...) -> type&;
inline auto prepend() -> type&;
template<typename T> inline auto _prepend(const stringify<T>&) -> string&;
template<typename T, typename... P> inline auto append(const T&, P&&...) -> type&;
template<typename... P> inline auto append(const nall::string_format&, P&&...) -> type&;
inline auto append() -> type&;
template<typename T> inline auto _append(const stringify<T>&) -> string&;
inline auto length() const -> uint;
inline auto contains(view<string> characters) const -> maybe<uint>;
template<bool, bool> inline auto _find(int, view<string>) const -> maybe<uint>;
inline auto find(view<string> source) const -> maybe<uint>;
inline auto ifind(view<string> source) const -> maybe<uint>;
inline auto qfind(view<string> source) const -> maybe<uint>;
inline auto iqfind(view<string> source) const -> maybe<uint>;
inline auto findFrom(int offset, view<string> source) const -> maybe<uint>;
inline auto ifindFrom(int offset, view<string> source) const -> maybe<uint>;
inline auto format(const nall::string_format& params) -> type&;
template<bool> inline static auto _compare(const char*, uint, const char*, uint) -> int;
inline static auto compare(view<string>, view<string>) -> int;
inline static auto icompare(view<string>, view<string>) -> int;
inline auto compare(view<string> source) const -> int;
inline auto icompare(view<string> source) const -> int;
inline auto equals(view<string> source) const -> bool;
inline auto iequals(view<string> source) const -> bool;
inline auto beginsWith(view<string> source) const -> bool;
inline auto ibeginsWith(view<string> source) const -> bool;
inline auto endsWith(view<string> source) const -> bool;
inline auto iendsWith(view<string> source) const -> bool;
inline auto downcase() -> type&;
inline auto upcase() -> type&;
inline auto qdowncase() -> type&;
inline auto qupcase() -> type&;
inline auto transform(view<string> from, view<string>to) -> type&;
inline auto match(view<string> source) const -> bool;
inline auto imatch(view<string> source) const -> bool;
template<bool, bool> inline auto _replace(view<string>, view<string>, long) -> type&;
inline auto replace(view<string> from, view<string> to, long limit = LONG_MAX) -> type&;
inline auto ireplace(view<string> from, view<string> to, long limit = LONG_MAX) -> type&;
inline auto qreplace(view<string> from, view<string> to, long limit = LONG_MAX) -> type&;
inline auto iqreplace(view<string> from, view<string> to, long limit = LONG_MAX) -> type&;
inline auto split(view<string> key, long limit = LONG_MAX) const -> vector<string>;
inline auto isplit(view<string> key, long limit = LONG_MAX) const -> vector<string>;
inline auto qsplit(view<string> key, long limit = LONG_MAX) const -> vector<string>;
inline auto iqsplit(view<string> key, long limit = LONG_MAX) const -> vector<string>;
inline auto trim(view<string> lhs, view<string> rhs, long limit = LONG_MAX) -> type&;
inline auto trimLeft(view<string> lhs, long limit = LONG_MAX) -> type&;
inline auto trimRight(view<string> rhs, long limit = LONG_MAX) -> type&;
inline auto itrim(view<string> lhs, view<string> rhs, long limit = LONG_MAX) -> type&;
inline auto itrimLeft(view<string> lhs, long limit = LONG_MAX) -> type&;
inline auto itrimRight(view<string> rhs, long limit = LONG_MAX) -> type&;
inline auto strip() -> type&;
inline auto stripLeft() -> type&;
inline auto stripRight() -> type&;
inline static auto read(view<string> filename) -> string;
inline static auto repeat(view<string> pattern, uint times) -> string;
inline auto fill(char fill = ' ') -> type&;
inline auto hash() const -> uint;
inline auto remove(uint offset, uint length) -> type&;
inline auto reverse() -> type&;
inline auto size(int length, char fill = ' ') -> type&;
template<> struct vector<string> : vector_base<string> {
using type = vector<string>;
using vector_base<string>::vector_base;
vector(const vector& source) { vector_base::operator=(source); }
vector(vector& source) { vector_base::operator=(source); }
vector(vector&& source) { vector_base::operator=(move(source)); }
template<typename... P> vector(P&&... p) { append(forward<P>(p)...); }
inline auto operator=(const vector& source) -> type& { return vector_base::operator=(source), *this; }
inline auto operator=(vector& source) -> type& { return vector_base::operator=(source), *this; }
inline auto operator=(vector&& source) -> type& { return vector_base::operator=(move(source)), *this; }
template<typename... P> inline auto append(const string&, P&&...) -> type&;
inline auto append() -> type&;
inline auto isort() -> type&;
inline auto find(view<string> source) const -> maybe<uint>;
inline auto ifind(view<string> source) const -> maybe<uint>;
inline auto match(view<string> pattern) const -> vector<string>;
inline auto merge(view<string> separator) const -> string;
inline auto strip() -> type&;
template<bool, bool> inline auto _split(view<string>, view<string>, long) -> type&;
struct string_format : vector<string> {
using type = string_format;
template<typename... P> string_format(P&&... p) { reserve(sizeof...(p)); append(forward<P>(p)...); }
template<typename T, typename... P> inline auto append(const T&, P&&... p) -> type&;
inline auto append() -> type&;
#include <nall/string/view.hpp>
#include <nall/string/pascal.hpp>
#include <nall/string/atoi.hpp>
#include <nall/string/cast.hpp>
#include <nall/string/compare.hpp>
#include <nall/string/convert.hpp>
#include <nall/string/core.hpp>
#include <nall/string/find.hpp>
#include <nall/string/format.hpp>
#include <nall/string/match.hpp>
#include <nall/string/replace.hpp>
#include <nall/string/split.hpp>
#include <nall/string/trim.hpp>
#include <nall/string/utility.hpp>
#include <nall/string/vector.hpp>
#include <nall/string/eval/node.hpp>
#include <nall/string/eval/literal.hpp>
#include <nall/string/eval/parser.hpp>
#include <nall/string/eval/evaluator.hpp>
#include <nall/string/markup/node.hpp>
#include <nall/string/markup/find.hpp>
#include <nall/string/markup/bml.hpp>
#include <nall/string/markup/xml.hpp>
#include <nall/string/transform/cml.hpp>
#include <nall/string/transform/dml.hpp>