mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 15:12:23 +01:00
byuu says: Basically just a project rename, with s/bsnes/higan and the new icon from lowkee added in. It won't compile on Windows because I forgot to update the resource.rc file, and a path transform command isn't working on Windows. It was really just meant as a starting point, so that v091 WIPs can flow starting from .00 with the new name (it overshadows bsnes v091, so publicly speaking this "shouldn't exist" and will probably be deleted from Google Code when v092 is ready.)
338 lines
9.0 KiB
Executable File
338 lines
9.0 KiB
Executable File
#ifndef NALL_PNG_HPP
#define NALL_PNG_HPP
//PNG image decoder
//author: byuu
#include <nall/inflate.hpp>
#include <nall/string.hpp>
namespace nall {
struct png {
//0 = L
//2 = R,G,B
//3 = P
//4 = L,A
//6 = R,G,B,A
struct Info {
unsigned width;
unsigned height;
unsigned bitDepth;
unsigned colorType;
unsigned compressionMethod;
unsigned filterType;
unsigned interlaceMethod;
unsigned bytesPerPixel;
unsigned pitch;
uint8_t palette[256][3];
} info;
uint8_t *data;
unsigned size;
inline bool decode(const string &filename);
inline bool decode(const uint8_t *sourceData, unsigned sourceSize);
inline unsigned readbits(const uint8_t *&data);
unsigned bitpos;
inline png();
inline ~png();
enum class FourCC : unsigned {
IHDR = 0x49484452,
PLTE = 0x504c5445,
IDAT = 0x49444154,
IEND = 0x49454e44,
inline unsigned interlace(unsigned pass, unsigned index);
inline unsigned inflateSize();
inline bool deinterlace(const uint8_t *&inputData, unsigned pass);
inline bool filter(uint8_t *outputData, const uint8_t *inputData, unsigned width, unsigned height);
inline unsigned read(const uint8_t *data, unsigned length);
bool png::decode(const string &filename) {
if(auto memory = file::read(filename)) {
return decode(memory.data(), memory.size());
return false;
bool png::decode(const uint8_t *sourceData, unsigned sourceSize) {
if(sourceSize < 8) return false;
if(read(sourceData + 0, 4) != 0x89504e47) return false;
if(read(sourceData + 4, 4) != 0x0d0a1a0a) return false;
uint8_t *compressedData = 0;
unsigned compressedSize = 0;
unsigned offset = 8;
while(offset < sourceSize) {
unsigned length = read(sourceData + offset + 0, 4);
unsigned fourCC = read(sourceData + offset + 4, 4);
unsigned checksum = read(sourceData + offset + 8 + length, 4);
if(fourCC == (unsigned)FourCC::IHDR) {
info.width = read(sourceData + offset + 8, 4);
info.height = read(sourceData + offset + 12, 4);
info.bitDepth = read(sourceData + offset + 16, 1);
info.colorType = read(sourceData + offset + 17, 1);
info.compressionMethod = read(sourceData + offset + 18, 1);
info.filterType = read(sourceData + offset + 19, 1);
info.interlaceMethod = read(sourceData + offset + 20, 1);
if(info.bitDepth == 0 || info.bitDepth > 16) return false;
if(info.bitDepth & (info.bitDepth - 1)) return false; //not a power of two
if(info.compressionMethod != 0) return false;
if(info.filterType != 0) return false;
if(info.interlaceMethod != 0 && info.interlaceMethod != 1) return false;
switch(info.colorType) {
case 0: info.bytesPerPixel = info.bitDepth * 1; break; //L
case 2: info.bytesPerPixel = info.bitDepth * 3; break; //R,G,B
case 3: info.bytesPerPixel = info.bitDepth * 1; break; //P
case 4: info.bytesPerPixel = info.bitDepth * 2; break; //L,A
case 6: info.bytesPerPixel = info.bitDepth * 4; break; //R,G,B,A
default: return false;
if(info.colorType == 2 || info.colorType == 4 || info.colorType == 6)
if(info.bitDepth != 8 && info.bitDepth != 16) return false;
if(info.colorType == 3 && info.bitDepth == 16) return false;
info.bytesPerPixel = (info.bytesPerPixel + 7) / 8;
info.pitch = (int)info.width * info.bytesPerPixel;
if(fourCC == (unsigned)FourCC::PLTE) {
if(length % 3) return false;
for(unsigned n = 0, p = offset + 8; n < length / 3; n++) {
info.palette[n][0] = sourceData[p++];
info.palette[n][1] = sourceData[p++];
info.palette[n][2] = sourceData[p++];
if(fourCC == (unsigned)FourCC::IDAT) {
compressedData = (uint8_t*)realloc(compressedData, compressedSize + length);
memcpy(compressedData + compressedSize, sourceData + offset + 8, length);
compressedSize += length;
if(fourCC == (unsigned)FourCC::IEND) {
offset += 4 + 4 + length + 4;
unsigned interlacedSize = inflateSize();
uint8_t *interlacedData = new uint8_t[interlacedSize];
bool result = inflate(interlacedData, interlacedSize, compressedData + 2, compressedSize - 6);
delete[] compressedData;
if(result == false) {
delete[] interlacedData;
return false;
size = info.width * info.height * info.bytesPerPixel;
data = new uint8_t[size];
if(info.interlaceMethod == 0) {
if(filter(data, interlacedData, info.width, info.height) == false) {
delete[] interlacedData;
delete[] data;
data = 0;
return false;
} else {
const uint8_t *passData = interlacedData;
for(unsigned pass = 0; pass < 7; pass++) {
if(deinterlace(passData, pass) == false) {
delete[] interlacedData;
delete[] data;
data = 0;
return false;
delete[] interlacedData;
return true;
unsigned png::interlace(unsigned pass, unsigned index) {
static const unsigned data[7][4] = {
//x-distance, y-distance, x-origin, y-origin
{ 8, 8, 0, 0 },
{ 8, 8, 4, 0 },
{ 4, 8, 0, 4 },
{ 4, 4, 2, 0 },
{ 2, 4, 0, 2 },
{ 2, 2, 1, 0 },
{ 1, 2, 0, 1 },
return data[pass][index];
unsigned png::inflateSize() {
if(info.interlaceMethod == 0) {
return info.width * info.height * info.bytesPerPixel + info.height;
unsigned size = 0;
for(unsigned pass = 0; pass < 7; pass++) {
unsigned xd = interlace(pass, 0), yd = interlace(pass, 1);
unsigned xo = interlace(pass, 2), yo = interlace(pass, 3);
unsigned width = (info.width + (xd - xo - 1)) / xd;
unsigned height = (info.height + (yd - yo - 1)) / yd;
if(width == 0 || height == 0) continue;
size += width * height * info.bytesPerPixel + height;
return size;
bool png::deinterlace(const uint8_t *&inputData, unsigned pass) {
unsigned xd = interlace(pass, 0), yd = interlace(pass, 1);
unsigned xo = interlace(pass, 2), yo = interlace(pass, 3);
unsigned width = (info.width + (xd - xo - 1)) / xd;
unsigned height = (info.height + (yd - yo - 1)) / yd;
if(width == 0 || height == 0) return true;
unsigned outputSize = width * height * info.bytesPerPixel;
uint8_t *outputData = new uint8_t[outputSize];
bool result = filter(outputData, inputData, width, height);
const uint8_t *rd = outputData;
for(unsigned y = yo; y < info.height; y += yd) {
uint8_t *wr = data + y * info.pitch;
for(unsigned x = xo; x < info.width; x += xd) {
for(unsigned b = 0; b < info.bytesPerPixel; b++) {
wr[x * info.bytesPerPixel + b] = *rd++;
inputData += outputSize + height;
delete[] outputData;
return result;
bool png::filter(uint8_t *outputData, const uint8_t *inputData, unsigned width, unsigned height) {
uint8_t *wr = outputData;
const uint8_t *rd = inputData;
int bpp = info.bytesPerPixel, pitch = width * bpp;
for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
uint8_t filter = *rd++;
switch(filter) {
case 0x00: //None
for(int x = 0; x < pitch; x++) {
wr[x] = rd[x];
case 0x01: //Subtract
for(int x = 0; x < pitch; x++) {
wr[x] = rd[x] + (x - bpp < 0 ? 0 : wr[x - bpp]);
case 0x02: //Above
for(int x = 0; x < pitch; x++) {
wr[x] = rd[x] + (y - 1 < 0 ? 0 : wr[x - pitch]);
case 0x03: //Average
for(int x = 0; x < pitch; x++) {
short a = x - bpp < 0 ? 0 : wr[x - bpp];
short b = y - 1 < 0 ? 0 : wr[x - pitch];
wr[x] = rd[x] + (uint8_t)((a + b) / 2);
case 0x04: //Paeth
for(int x = 0; x < pitch; x++) {
short a = x - bpp < 0 ? 0 : wr[x - bpp];
short b = y - 1 < 0 ? 0 : wr[x - pitch];
short c = x - bpp < 0 || y - 1 < 0 ? 0 : wr[x - pitch - bpp];
short p = a + b - c;
short pa = p > a ? p - a : a - p;
short pb = p > b ? p - b : b - p;
short pc = p > c ? p - c : c - p;
uint8_t paeth = (uint8_t)((pa <= pb && pa <= pc) ? a : (pb <= pc) ? b : c);
wr[x] = rd[x] + paeth;
default: //Invalid
return false;
rd += pitch;
wr += pitch;
return true;
unsigned png::read(const uint8_t *data, unsigned length) {
unsigned result = 0;
while(length--) result = (result << 8) | (*data++);
return result;
unsigned png::readbits(const uint8_t *&data) {
unsigned result = 0;
switch(info.bitDepth) {
case 1:
result = (*data >> bitpos) & 1;
if(bitpos == 8) { data++; bitpos = 0; }
case 2:
result = (*data >> bitpos) & 3;
bitpos += 2;
if(bitpos == 8) { data++; bitpos = 0; }
case 4:
result = (*data >> bitpos) & 15;
bitpos += 4;
if(bitpos == 8) { data++; bitpos = 0; }
case 8:
result = *data++;
case 16:
result = (data[0] << 8) | (data[1] << 0);
data += 2;
return result;
png::png() : data(nullptr) {
bitpos = 0;
png::~png() {
if(data) delete[] data;