2020-05-02 23:04:12 +03:00

134 lines
3.9 KiB

#import "JOYElement.h"
#include <IOKit/hid/IOHIDLib.h>
#include <objc/runtime.h>
@implementation JOYElement
id _element;
IOHIDDeviceRef _device;
int32_t _min, _max;
- (int32_t)min
return MIN(_min, _max);
- (int32_t)max
return MAX(_max, _min);
_min = min;
- (void)setMax:(int32_t)max
_max = max;
/* Ugly hack because IOHIDDeviceCopyMatchingElements is slow */
+ (NSArray *) cookiesToSkipForDevice:(IOHIDDeviceRef)device
id _device = (__bridge id)device;
NSMutableArray *ret = objc_getAssociatedObject(_device, _cmd);
if (ret) return ret;
ret = [NSMutableArray array];
NSArray *nones = CFBridgingRelease(IOHIDDeviceCopyMatchingElements(device,
(__bridge CFDictionaryRef)@{@(kIOHIDElementTypeKey): @(kIOHIDElementTypeInput_NULL)},
for (id none in nones) {
[ret addObject:@(IOHIDElementGetCookie((__bridge IOHIDElementRef)none))];
objc_setAssociatedObject(_device, _cmd, ret, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);
return ret;
- (instancetype)initWithElement:(IOHIDElementRef)element
if ((self = [super init])) {
_element = (__bridge id)element;
_usage = IOHIDElementGetUsage(element);
_usagePage = IOHIDElementGetUsagePage(element);
_uniqueID = (uint32_t)IOHIDElementGetCookie(element);
_min = (int32_t) IOHIDElementGetLogicalMin(element);
_max = (int32_t) IOHIDElementGetLogicalMax(element);
_reportID = IOHIDElementGetReportID(element);
IOHIDElementRef parent = IOHIDElementGetParent(element);
_parentID = parent? (uint32_t)IOHIDElementGetCookie(parent) : -1;
_device = IOHIDElementGetDevice(element);
/* Catalina added a new input type in a way that breaks cookie consistency across macOS versions,
we shall adjust our cookies to to compensate */
unsigned cookieShift = 0, parentCookieShift = 0;
for (NSNumber *none in [JOYElement cookiesToSkipForDevice:_device]) {
if (none.unsignedIntValue < _uniqueID) {
if (none.unsignedIntValue < (int32_t)_parentID) {
_uniqueID -= cookieShift;
_parentID -= parentCookieShift;
return self;
- (int32_t)value
IOHIDValueRef value = NULL;
IOHIDDeviceGetValue(_device, (__bridge IOHIDElementRef)_element, &value);
if (!value) return 0;
CFRelease(CFRetain(value)); // For some reason, this is required to prevent leaks.
return (int32_t)IOHIDValueGetIntegerValue(value);
- (NSData *)dataValue
IOHIDValueRef value = NULL;
IOHIDDeviceGetValue(_device, (__bridge IOHIDElementRef)_element, &value);
if (!value) return 0;
CFRelease(CFRetain(value)); // For some reason, this is required to prevent leaks.
return [NSData dataWithBytes:IOHIDValueGetBytePtr(value) length:IOHIDValueGetLength(value)];
- (IOReturn)setValue:(uint32_t)value
IOHIDValueRef ivalue = IOHIDValueCreateWithIntegerValue(NULL, (__bridge IOHIDElementRef)_element, 0, value);
IOReturn ret = IOHIDDeviceSetValue(_device, (__bridge IOHIDElementRef)_element, ivalue);
return ret;
- (IOReturn)setDataValue:(NSData *)value
IOHIDValueRef ivalue = IOHIDValueCreateWithBytes(NULL, (__bridge IOHIDElementRef)_element, 0, value.bytes, value.length);
IOReturn ret = IOHIDDeviceSetValue(_device, (__bridge IOHIDElementRef)_element, ivalue);
return ret;
/* For use as a dictionary key */
- (NSUInteger)hash
return self.uniqueID;
- (BOOL)isEqual:(id)object
return self->_element == object;
- (id)copyWithZone:(nullable NSZone *)zone;
return self;