Tim Allen aaf094e7c4 Update to v106r69 release.
byuu says:

The biggest change was improving WonderSwan emulation. With help from
trap15, I tracked down a bug where I was checking the wrong bit for
reverse DMA transfers. Then I also emulated VTOTAL to support variable
refresh rate. Then I improved HyperVoice emulation which should be
unsigned samples in three of four modes. That got Fire Lancer running
great. I also rewrote the disassembler. The old one disassembled many
instructions completely wrong, and deviated too much from any known x86
syntax. I also emulated some of the quirks of the V30 (two-byte POP into
registers fails, SALC is just XLAT mirrored, etc) which probably don't
matter unless someone tries to run code to verify it's a NEC CPU and not
an Intel CPU, but hey, why not?

I also put more work into the MSX skeleton, but it's still just a
skeleton with no real emulation yet.
2019-01-02 10:52:08 +11:00

1267 lines
32 KiB

#include <nall/platform.hpp>
#include <nall/chrono.hpp>
#include <nall/directory.hpp>
#include <nall/function.hpp>
#include <nall/image.hpp>
#include <nall/locale.hpp>
#include <nall/maybe.hpp>
#include <nall/path.hpp>
#include <nall/range.hpp>
#include <nall/run.hpp>
#include <nall/set.hpp>
#include <nall/shared-pointer.hpp>
#include <nall/stdint.hpp>
#include <nall/string.hpp>
#include <nall/traits.hpp>
#include <nall/unique-pointer.hpp>
#include <nall/utility.hpp>
#include <nall/vector.hpp>
using nall::function;
using nall::image;
using nall::Locale;
using nall::maybe;
using nall::nothing;
using nall::set;
using nall::shared_pointer;
using nall::shared_pointer_weak;
using nall::string;
using nall::unique_pointer;
using nall::vector;
namespace hiro {
auto initialize() -> void;
struct Font;
struct Keyboard;
#define Declare(Name) \
struct Name; \
struct m##Name; \
struct p##Name; \
using s##Name = shared_pointer<m##Name>; \
using w##Name = shared_pointer_weak<m##Name>; \
#undef Declare
enum class Orientation : uint { Horizontal, Vertical };
enum class Navigation : uint { Top, Bottom, Left, Right };
enum class Sort : uint { None, Ascending, Descending };
#if defined(Hiro_Color)
struct Color {
using type = Color;
Color(int red, int green, int blue, int alpha = 255);
explicit operator bool() const;
auto operator==(const Color& source) const -> bool;
auto operator!=(const Color& source) const -> bool;
auto alpha() const -> uint8_t;
auto blue() const -> uint8_t;
auto green() const -> uint8_t;
auto red() const -> uint8_t;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto setAlpha(int alpha) -> type&;
auto setBlue(int blue) -> type&;
auto setColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setColor(int red, int green, int blue, int alpha = 255) -> type&;
auto setGreen(int green) -> type&;
auto setRed(int red) -> type&;
auto setValue(uint32_t value) -> type&;
auto value() const -> uint32_t;
struct State {
uint8_t red;
uint8_t green;
uint8_t blue;
uint8_t alpha;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_Gradient)
struct Gradient {
using type = Gradient;
explicit operator bool() const;
auto operator==(const Gradient& source) const -> bool;
auto operator!=(const Gradient& source) const -> bool;
auto setBilinear(Color topLeft, Color topRight, Color bottomLeft, Color bottomRight) -> type&;
auto setHorizontal(Color left, Color right) -> type&;
auto setVertical(Color top, Color bottom) -> type&;
struct State {
vector<Color> colors;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_Alignment)
struct Alignment {
using type = Alignment;
Alignment(float horizontal, float vertical = 0.5);
explicit operator bool() const;
auto operator==(const Alignment& source) const -> bool;
auto operator!=(const Alignment& source) const -> bool;
auto horizontal() const -> float;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto setAlignment(float horizontal = -1.0, float vertical = 0.5) -> type&;
auto setHorizontal(float horizontal) -> type&;
auto setVertical(float vertical) -> type&;
auto vertical() const -> float;
struct State {
float horizontal;
float vertical;
} state;
#include "cursor.hpp"
#if defined(Hiro_Position)
struct Position {
using type = Position;
Position(float x, float y);
template<typename X, typename Y>
Position(X x, Y y) : Position((float)x, (float)y) {}
explicit operator bool() const;
auto operator==(const Position& source) const -> bool;
auto operator!=(const Position& source) const -> bool;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto setPosition(Position position = {}) -> type&;
auto setPosition(float x, float y) -> type&;
auto setX(float x) -> type&;
auto setY(float y) -> type&;
auto x() const -> float;
auto y() const -> float;
struct State {
float x;
float y;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_Size)
struct Size {
using type = Size;
Size(float width, float height);
template<typename W, typename H>
Size(W width, H height) : Size((float)width, (float)height) {}
explicit operator bool() const;
auto operator==(const Size& source) const -> bool;
auto operator!=(const Size& source) const -> bool;
auto height() const -> float;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto setHeight(float height) -> type&;
auto setSize(Size source = {}) -> type&;
auto setSize(float width, float height) -> type&;
auto setWidth(float width) -> type&;
auto width() const -> float;
static constexpr float Maximum = -1.0;
static constexpr float Minimum = +0.0;
struct State {
float width;
float height;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_Geometry)
struct Geometry {
using type = Geometry;
Geometry(Position position, Size size);
Geometry(float x, float y, float width, float height);
template<typename X, typename Y, typename W, typename H>
Geometry(X x, Y y, W width, H height) : Geometry((float)x, (float)y, (float)width, (float)height) {}
explicit operator bool() const;
auto operator==(const Geometry& source) const -> bool;
auto operator!=(const Geometry& source) const -> bool;
auto height() const -> float;
auto position() const -> Position;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto setGeometry(Geometry geometry = {}) -> type&;
auto setGeometry(Position position, Size size) -> type&;
auto setGeometry(float x, float y, float width, float height) -> type&;
auto setHeight(float height) -> type&;
auto setPosition(Position position = {}) -> type&;
auto setPosition(float x, float y) -> type&;
auto setSize(Size size = {}) -> type&;
auto setSize(float width, float height) -> type&;
auto setWidth(float width) -> type&;
auto setX(float x) -> type&;
auto setY(float y) -> type&;
auto size() const -> Size;
auto width() const -> float;
auto x() const -> float;
auto y() const -> float;
struct State {
float x;
float y;
float width;
float height;
} state;
#include "font.hpp"
#if defined(Hiro_Hotkey)
struct Hotkey {
using type = Hotkey;
Hotkey(const string& sequence);
explicit operator bool() const;
auto operator==(const Hotkey& source) const -> bool;
auto operator!=(const Hotkey& source) const -> bool;
auto doPress() const -> void;
auto doRelease() const -> void;
auto onPress(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onRelease(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto sequence() const -> string;
auto setSequence(const string& sequence = "") -> type&;
struct State {
bool active = false;
vector<uint> keys;
function<void ()> onPress;
function<void ()> onRelease;
string sequence;
shared_pointer<State> state;
#include "application.hpp"
#include "desktop.hpp"
#include "monitor.hpp"
#if defined(Hiro_Keyboard)
struct Keyboard {
Keyboard() = delete;
static auto append(Hotkey hotkey) -> void;
static auto hotkey(uint position) -> Hotkey;
static auto hotkeyCount() -> uint;
static auto hotkeys() -> vector<Hotkey>;
static auto poll() -> vector<bool>;
static auto pressed(const string& key) -> bool;
static auto released(const string& key) -> bool;
static auto remove(Hotkey hotkey) -> void;
static const vector<string> keys;
struct State {
vector<Hotkey> hotkeys;
static State state;
#if defined(Hiro_Mouse)
struct Mouse {
enum class Button : uint { Left, Middle, Right };
Mouse() = delete;
static auto position() -> Position;
static auto pressed(Button) -> bool;
static auto released(Button) -> bool;
#if defined(Hiro_BrowserWindow)
struct BrowserWindow {
using type = BrowserWindow;
auto directory() -> string;
auto open() -> string;
auto save() -> string;
auto setFilters(const vector<string>& filters = {"*"}) -> type&;
auto setParent(sWindow parent) -> type&;
auto setPath(const string& path = "") -> type&;
auto setTitle(const string& title = "") -> type&;
struct State {
vector<string> filters;
sWindow parent;
string path;
string title;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_MessageWindow)
struct MessageWindow {
enum class Buttons : uint { Ok, OkCancel, YesNo, YesNoCancel };
enum class Response : uint { Ok, Cancel, Yes, No };
using type = MessageWindow;
MessageWindow(const string& text = "");
auto error(Buttons = Buttons::Ok) -> Response;
auto information(Buttons = Buttons::Ok) -> Response;
auto question(Buttons = Buttons::YesNo) -> Response;
auto setParent(sWindow parent) -> type&;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto setTitle(const string& title = "") -> type&;
auto warning(Buttons = Buttons::Ok) -> Response;
struct State {
MessageWindow::Buttons buttons = MessageWindow::Buttons::Ok;
sWindow parent;
string text;
string title;
} state;
struct Property {
using type = Property;
Property(const string& name, const string& value = "");
auto operator==(const Property& source) const -> bool;
auto operator< (const Property& source) const -> bool;
auto name() const -> string;
auto setValue(const string& value = "") -> type&;
auto value() const -> string;
struct State {
string name;
string value;
} state;
#define Declare(Name) \
using type = m##Name; \
operator s##Name() const { return instance; } \
auto self() -> p##Name* { return (p##Name*)delegate; } \
auto self() const -> const p##Name* { return (const p##Name*)delegate; } \
auto bind(const s##Name& instance) -> void { \
this->instance = instance; \
setGroup(); \
if(!abstract()) construct(); \
} \
auto unbind() -> void { \
reset(); \
destruct(); \
instance.reset(); \
} \
virtual auto allocate() -> pObject*; \
#include "object.hpp"
#include "group.hpp"
#include "timer.hpp"
#include "window.hpp"
#if defined(Hiro_StatusBar)
struct mStatusBar : mObject {
auto remove() -> type& override;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
string text;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_MenuBar)
struct mMenuBar : mObject {
auto append(sMenu menu) -> type&;
auto menu(uint position) const -> Menu;
auto menuCount() const -> uint;
auto menus() const -> vector<Menu>;
auto remove() -> type& override;
auto remove(sMenu menu) -> type&;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto setParent(mObject* parent = nullptr, int offset = -1) -> type& override;
struct State {
vector<sMenu> menus;
} state;
auto destruct() -> void override;
#if defined(Hiro_PopupMenu)
struct mPopupMenu : mObject {
using mObject::remove;
auto action(uint position) const -> Action;
auto actionCount() const -> uint;
auto actions() const -> vector<Action>;
auto append(sAction action) -> type&;
auto remove(sAction action) -> type&;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto setParent(mObject* parent = nullptr, int offset = -1) -> type& override;
auto setVisible(bool visible = true) -> type& override;
struct State {
vector<sAction> actions;
} state;
auto destruct() -> void override;
#if defined(Hiro_Action)
struct mAction : mObject {
auto remove() -> type& override;
struct State {
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_Menu)
struct mMenu : mAction {
using mObject::remove;
auto action(uint position) const -> Action;
auto actionCount() const -> uint;
auto actions() const -> vector<Action>;
auto append(sAction action) -> type&;
auto icon() const -> image;
auto remove(sAction action) -> type&;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto setIcon(const image& icon = {}) -> type&;
auto setParent(mObject* parent = nullptr, int offset = -1) -> type& override;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
vector<sAction> actions;
image icon;
string text;
} state;
auto destruct() -> void override;
#if defined(Hiro_MenuSeparator)
struct mMenuSeparator : mAction {
struct State {
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_MenuItem)
struct mMenuItem : mAction {
auto doActivate() const -> void;
auto icon() const -> image;
auto onActivate(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto setIcon(const image& icon = {}) -> type&;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
image icon;
function<void ()> onActivate;
string text;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_MenuCheckItem)
struct mMenuCheckItem : mAction {
auto checked() const -> bool;
auto doToggle() const -> void;
auto onToggle(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto setChecked(bool checked = true) -> type&;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
bool checked = false;
function<void ()> onToggle;
string text;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_MenuRadioItem)
struct mMenuRadioItem : mAction {
auto checked() const -> bool;
auto doActivate() const -> void;
auto group() const -> Group override;
auto onActivate(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto setChecked() -> type&;
auto setGroup(sGroup group = {}) -> type& override;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
bool checked = false;
sGroup group;
function<void ()> onActivate;
string text;
} state;
#include "sizable.hpp"
#include "widget/widget.hpp"
#if defined(Hiro_Button)
struct mButton : mWidget {
auto bordered() const -> bool;
auto doActivate() const -> void;
auto icon() const -> image;
auto onActivate(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto orientation() const -> Orientation;
auto setBordered(bool bordered = true) -> type&;
auto setIcon(const image& icon = {}) -> type&;
auto setOrientation(Orientation orientation = Orientation::Horizontal) -> type&;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
bool bordered = true;
image icon;
function<void ()> onActivate;
Orientation orientation = Orientation::Horizontal;
string text;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_Canvas)
struct mCanvas : mWidget {
auto color() const -> Color;
auto data() -> uint32_t*;
auto droppable() const -> bool;
auto doDrop(vector<string> names) const -> void;
auto doMouseLeave() const -> void;
auto doMouseMove(Position position) const -> void;
auto doMousePress(Mouse::Button button) const -> void;
auto doMouseRelease(Mouse::Button button) const -> void;
auto gradient() const -> Gradient;
auto icon() const -> image;
auto onDrop(const function<void (vector<string>)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onMouseLeave(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onMouseMove(const function<void (Position)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onMousePress(const function<void (Mouse::Button)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onMouseRelease(const function<void (Mouse::Button)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto setColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setDroppable(bool droppable = true) -> type&;
auto setGradient(Gradient gradient = {}) -> type&;
auto setIcon(const image& icon = {}) -> type&;
auto setSize(Size size = {}) -> type&;
auto size() const -> Size;
auto update() -> type&;
struct State {
Color color;
bool droppable = false;
Gradient gradient;
image icon;
function<void (vector<string>)> onDrop;
function<void ()> onMouseLeave;
function<void (Position)> onMouseMove;
function<void (Mouse::Button)> onMousePress;
function<void (Mouse::Button)> onMouseRelease;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_CheckButton)
struct mCheckButton : mWidget {
auto bordered() const -> bool;
auto checked() const -> bool;
auto doToggle() const -> void;
auto icon() const -> image;
auto onToggle(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto orientation() const -> Orientation;
auto setBordered(bool bordered = true) -> type&;
auto setChecked(bool checked = true) -> type&;
auto setIcon(const image& icon = {}) -> type&;
auto setOrientation(Orientation orientation = Orientation::Horizontal) -> type&;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
bool bordered = true;
bool checked = false;
image icon;
function<void ()> onToggle;
Orientation orientation = Orientation::Horizontal;
string text;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_CheckLabel)
struct mCheckLabel : mWidget {
auto checked() const -> bool;
auto doToggle() const -> void;
auto onToggle(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto setChecked(bool checked = true) -> type&;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
bool checked = false;
function<void ()> onToggle;
string text;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_ComboButton)
struct mComboButton : mWidget {
using mObject::remove;
auto append(sComboButtonItem item) -> type&;
auto doChange() const -> void;
auto item(uint position) const -> ComboButtonItem;
auto itemCount() const -> uint;
auto items() const -> vector<ComboButtonItem>;
auto onChange(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto remove(sComboButtonItem item) -> type&;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto selected() const -> ComboButtonItem;
auto setParent(mObject* parent = nullptr, int offset = -1) -> type& override;
struct State {
vector<sComboButtonItem> items;
function<void ()> onChange;
} state;
auto destruct() -> void override;
#if defined(Hiro_ComboButton)
struct mComboButtonItem : mObject {
auto icon() const -> image;
auto remove() -> type& override;
auto selected() const -> bool;
auto setIcon(const image& icon = {}) -> type&;
auto setSelected() -> type&;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
image icon;
bool selected = false;
string text;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_ComboEdit)
struct mComboEdit : mWidget {
using mObject::remove;
auto append(sComboEditItem item) -> type&;
auto backgroundColor() const -> Color;
auto doActivate() const -> void;
auto doChange() const -> void;
auto editable() const -> bool;
auto foregroundColor() const -> Color;
auto item(uint position) const -> ComboEditItem;
auto itemCount() const -> uint;
auto items() const -> vector<ComboEditItem>;
auto onActivate(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onChange(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto remove(sComboEditItem item) -> type&;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto setBackgroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setEditable(bool editable = true) -> type&;
auto setForegroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setParent(mObject* parent = nullptr, int offset = -1) -> type& override;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
Color backgroundColor;
bool editable = true;
Color foregroundColor;
vector<sComboEditItem> items;
function<void ()> onActivate;
function<void ()> onChange;
string text;
} state;
auto destruct() -> void override;
#if defined(Hiro_ComboEdit)
struct mComboEditItem : mObject {
auto icon() const -> image;
auto remove() -> type& override;
auto setIcon(const image& icon = {}) -> type&;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
image icon;
string text;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_Console)
struct mConsole : mWidget {
auto backgroundColor() const -> Color;
auto doActivate(string) const -> void;
auto foregroundColor() const -> Color;
auto onActivate(const function<void (string)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto print(const string& text) -> type&;
auto prompt() const -> string;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto setBackgroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setForegroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setPrompt(const string& prompt = "") -> type&;
struct State {
Color backgroundColor;
Color foregroundColor;
function<void (string)> onActivate;
string prompt;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_Frame)
struct mFrame : mWidget {
using mObject::remove;
auto append(sSizable sizable) -> type&;
auto remove(sSizable sizable) -> type&;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto setParent(mObject* parent = nullptr, int offset = -1) -> type& override;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto sizable() const -> Sizable;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
sSizable sizable;
string text;
} state;
auto destruct() -> void override;
#if defined(Hiro_HexEdit)
struct mHexEdit : mWidget {
auto address() const -> uint;
auto backgroundColor() const -> Color;
auto columns() const -> uint;
auto doRead(uint offset) const -> uint8_t;
auto doWrite(uint offset, uint8_t data) const -> void;
auto foregroundColor() const -> Color;
auto length() const -> uint;
auto onRead(const function<uint8_t (uint)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onWrite(const function<void (uint, uint8_t)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto rows() const -> uint;
auto setAddress(uint address = 0) -> type&;
auto setBackgroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setColumns(uint columns = 16) -> type&;
auto setForegroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setLength(uint length) -> type&;
auto setRows(uint rows = 16) -> type&;
auto update() -> type&;
struct State {
uint address = 0;
Color backgroundColor;
uint columns = 16;
Color foregroundColor;
uint length = 0;
function<uint8_t (uint)> onRead;
function<void (uint, uint8_t)> onWrite;
uint rows = 16;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_HorizontalScrollBar)
struct mHorizontalScrollBar : mWidget {
auto doChange() const -> void;
auto length() const -> uint;
auto onChange(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto position() const -> uint;
auto setLength(uint length = 101) -> type&;
auto setPosition(uint position = 0) -> type&;
struct State {
uint length = 101;
function<void ()> onChange;
uint position = 0;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_HorizontalSlider)
struct mHorizontalSlider : mWidget {
auto doChange() const -> void;
auto length() const -> uint;
auto onChange(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto position() const -> uint;
auto setLength(uint length = 101) -> type&;
auto setPosition(uint position = 0) -> type&;
struct State {
uint length = 101;
function<void ()> onChange;
uint position = 0;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_IconView)
struct mIconView : mWidget {
using mObject::remove;
auto append(sIconViewItem item) -> type&;
auto backgroundColor() const -> Color;
auto batchable() const -> bool;
auto batched() const -> vector<IconViewItem>;
auto doActivate() const -> void;
auto doChange() const -> void;
auto doContext() const -> void;
auto flow() const -> Orientation;
auto foregroundColor() const -> Color;
auto item(uint position) const -> IconViewItem;
auto itemCount() const -> uint;
auto items() const -> vector<IconViewItem>;
auto onActivate(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onChange(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onContext(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto orientation() const -> Orientation;
auto remove(sIconViewItem item) -> type&;
auto reset() -> type&;
auto selected() const -> IconViewItem;
auto setBackgroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setBatchable(bool batchable = true) -> type&;
auto setFlow(Orientation flow = Orientation::Vertical) -> type&;
auto setForegroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setOrientation(Orientation orientation = Orientation::Horizontal) -> type&;
auto setParent(mObject* object = nullptr, int offset = -1) -> type& override;
auto setSelected(const vector<int>& selections) -> type&;
struct State {
Color backgroundColor;
bool batchable = false;
Color foregroundColor;
Orientation flow = Orientation::Vertical;
vector<sIconViewItem> items;
function<void ()> onActivate;
function<void ()> onChange;
function<void ()> onContext;
Orientation orientation = Orientation::Horizontal;
} state;
auto destruct() -> void override;
#if defined(Hiro_IconView)
struct mIconViewItem : mObject {
auto icon() const -> image;
auto remove() -> type& override;
auto selected() const -> bool;
auto setIcon(const image& icon = {}) -> type&;
auto setSelected(bool selected = true) -> type&;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
image icon;
bool selected = false;
string text;
} state;
#include "widget/label.hpp"
#if defined(Hiro_LineEdit)
struct mLineEdit : mWidget {
auto backgroundColor() const -> Color;
auto doActivate() const -> void;
auto doChange() const -> void;
auto editable() const -> bool;
auto foregroundColor() const -> Color;
auto onActivate(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onChange(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto setBackgroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setEditable(bool editable = true) -> type&;
auto setForegroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
Color backgroundColor;
bool editable = true;
Color foregroundColor;
function<void ()> onActivate;
function<void ()> onChange;
string text;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_ProgressBar)
struct mProgressBar : mWidget {
auto position() const -> uint;
auto setPosition(uint position) -> type&;
struct State {
uint position = 0;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_RadioButton)
struct mRadioButton : mWidget {
auto bordered() const -> bool;
auto checked() const -> bool;
auto doActivate() const -> void;
auto group() const -> Group override;
auto icon() const -> image;
auto onActivate(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto orientation() const -> Orientation;
auto setBordered(bool bordered = true) -> type&;
auto setChecked() -> type&;
auto setGroup(sGroup group = {}) -> type& override;
auto setIcon(const image& icon = {}) -> type&;
auto setOrientation(Orientation orientation = Orientation::Horizontal) -> type&;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
bool bordered = true;
bool checked = false;
sGroup group;
image icon;
function<void ()> onActivate;
Orientation orientation = Orientation::Horizontal;
string text;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_RadioLabel)
struct mRadioLabel : mWidget {
auto checked() const -> bool;
auto doActivate() const -> void;
auto group() const -> Group override;
auto onActivate(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto setChecked() -> type&;
auto setGroup(sGroup group = {}) -> type& override;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
struct State {
bool checked = false;
sGroup group;
function<void ()> onActivate;
string text;
} state;
#include "widget/source-edit.hpp"
#include "widget/tab-frame.hpp"
#include "widget/tab-frame-item.hpp"
#include "widget/table-view.hpp"
#include "widget/table-view-column.hpp"
#include "widget/table-view-item.hpp"
#include "widget/table-view-cell.hpp"
#if defined(Hiro_TextEdit)
struct mTextEdit : mWidget {
auto backgroundColor() const -> Color;
auto cursor() const -> Cursor;
auto doChange() const -> void;
auto doMove() const -> void;
auto editable() const -> bool;
auto foregroundColor() const -> Color;
auto onChange(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onMove(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto setBackgroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setCursor(Cursor cursor = {}) -> type&;
auto setEditable(bool editable = true) -> type&;
auto setForegroundColor(Color color = {}) -> type&;
auto setText(const string& text = "") -> type&;
auto setWordWrap(bool wordWrap = true) -> type&;
auto text() const -> string;
auto wordWrap() const -> bool;
struct State {
Color backgroundColor;
Cursor cursor;
bool editable = true;
Color foregroundColor;
function<void ()> onChange;
function<void ()> onMove;
string text;
bool wordWrap = true;
} state;
#include "widget/tree-view.hpp"
#include "widget/tree-view-item.hpp"
#if defined(Hiro_VerticalScrollBar)
struct mVerticalScrollBar : mWidget {
auto doChange() const -> void;
auto length() const -> uint;
auto onChange(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto position() const -> uint;
auto setLength(uint length = 101) -> type&;
auto setPosition(uint position = 0) -> type&;
struct State {
uint length = 101;
function<void ()> onChange;
uint position = 0;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_VerticalSlider)
struct mVerticalSlider : mWidget {
auto doChange() const -> void;
auto length() const -> uint;
auto onChange(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto position() const -> uint;
auto setLength(uint length = 101) -> type&;
auto setPosition(uint position = 0) -> type&;
struct State {
uint length = 101;
function<void ()> onChange;
uint position = 0;
} state;
#if defined(Hiro_Viewport)
struct mViewport : mWidget {
auto doDrop(vector<string> names) const -> void;
auto doMouseLeave() const -> void;
auto doMouseMove(Position position) const -> void;
auto doMousePress(Mouse::Button button) const -> void;
auto doMouseRelease(Mouse::Button button) const -> void;
auto droppable() const -> bool;
auto handle() const -> uintptr_t;
auto onDrop(const function<void (vector<string>)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onMouseLeave(const function<void ()>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onMouseMove(const function<void (Position position)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onMousePress(const function<void (Mouse::Button)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto onMouseRelease(const function<void (Mouse::Button)>& callback = {}) -> type&;
auto setDroppable(bool droppable = true) -> type&;
struct State {
bool droppable = false;
function<void (vector<string>)> onDrop;
function<void ()> onMouseLeave;
function<void (Position)> onMouseMove;
function<void (Mouse::Button)> onMousePress;
function<void (Mouse::Button)> onMouseRelease;
} state;
#undef Declare
#include "lock.hpp"
#include "shared.hpp"